features 42 CALIFORNIA GOLD Even a short hop on the Pacific Coast Highway--barely 20 miles from Half Moon Bay to Pescadero--yields multitude of spectacular scenery, charming towns, and coastal delights. 47 A QUIET TOUR OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Traveling through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand in off-season--the warm wet summer months--rewards you with an unrushed unencumbered view this beautiful part world. 52 CHOPS CITY GRILL SOUTHWEST FLORIDA STAPLE Its two area locations Naples Bonita Springs each put twist classic American steakhouse. Beyond traditional dcor dark wood deep colors is restaurant willing take chances. SPECIAL SECTION Sip Shop 56 DIY Wine Beer 59 Add Cellar 62 Floridas Wineries Wow 2 TOTI.COM NOVEMBERDECEMBER 2023 16 departments 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 ZEITGEIST Word Wise for Happy New Year ON THE RADAR 12 Learning Speak Truth 14 Tools Aid Palliative Care MAKING WAVES Incredible Edible Gardening Supplementing Seniors IN COMMUNITY 22 Start Planning Get Packing 26 Neighbors Helping 30 BEAUTY Protect Yourself TO YOUR HEALTH 32 Sizzling Good EXPLORER 35 Below Sparkling Turquoise Waters OUT ABOUT 38 HavAnnA Day Dreamin NATURE NOTEBOOK 40 Southern Black Racer Florida 65 WHATS STORE Whats Hot Southwest 68 CHEERS Secrets Sonoma 72 RECIPES WE LOVE Cooking SW BETWEEN LINES 74 Adventure Alphabet Tree 78 Listening Tom Lake 79 SERVICES AND PROFESSIONALS CROSSWORD 80 PARTING SHOT Coming up JanuaryFebruary 4 The JanFeb issue all about positive things can do stay active indoors outdoors. Well help find new sports equipment along look at natural wonders which famous. rs me er. o t l off cus ue pecia B s et or j ift f e g pag See GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Jones CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Heather Strudgeon PROOFREADER Dan Whicker SENIOR CONSULTING EDITOR Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Gina Birch Beth Luberecki OUTREACH MANAGER Brian Hatley DIGITAL CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR Stephanie ONLINE Francesca Block WRITERS Jeffrey Alexander, Klaudia Balogh, Birch, Colleen Castellani, Karen Conley, William R. Cox, Dave Drotleff, Maggie Goldsmith, Holaway, Luberecki, Myles Mellor, Dr. Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Andrea Stetson, Diane York PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Shane Antalick, Rachel Balunsat, Samantha Bloom, Jaeger, Emily Kovacs, Jack Louden, Sydney Manning, Michael Owen, Wiley, 239-472-0205 adsalestoti.com OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS totimedia.comcontactus WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network ADVERTISING SALES toti.com totimedia.com timesoftheislands.com rswliving.com gulfmainmagazine.com bonitaesteromagazine.com capecorallivingmagazine.com CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T 239-472-0205, F 239-395-2125 Founder Friedrich N. Chairman Guy Tober President C.O.O. Times Islands, RSW LIVING, GULF MAIN, Estero Cape Coral Living ISSN 1521-1207 are published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., Sanibel, 33957. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright Inc. All rights reserved. No publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those Support Supporters Make investment heart 2024 Group Publisher, Media PHOTO COURTESY MEDIA, INC. he last few months seem fly by, dont they Already holidays upon us we counting down days 2023. Meanwhile, have already been plunging ahead full speed our production schedule 2024. In publishing, always working ahead, but like pause appreciate another productive year. This past has incredible time change, streamlining, progress. I am truly blessed great team work TOTI, quality teamwork shows wonderful products give you, dear readers. especially support other--not just among staff contributors, also between us. Supporting other, during rough times, brings everyone closer together creates special vibe. Being needed fills feeling energy. And goes beyond workplace. If your community found right organization where volunteer donate time, feel that same appreciation giving receiving support... it does great, doesnt How within families, though Are enough closest us-- loved ones say as criticism encouragement, because caregivers workplace must overlook need invest levels circle family friends. That becomes more difficult when children grow move away, jobs retirement create Sometimes, wonder if should go back three generations lived under one roof. would keep families intact, learn get better, provide opportunities another. When did spend members My husband, Friedrich, year, was amazing. We decided prioritizing togetherness backseat busyness even distance. Sure, had drive several thousand Europe see everyone, worth Any inconveniences were overshadowed hugging, kissing, talking, laughing, eating, drinking, going walks, taking excursions together. Those memories warmed hearts returned U.S. gave renewed energy focus supporting others call heart, what keeps going. Will challenge It make Years resolution. happen soon can. encourage couch office chair, lay out calendar 2024, block able travel then contact person arrange visit happen. my hope better supporters, offer ourselves others, live life filled service sanctity, dedicated advancement real human spirit. want thank every loyal reader advertising partner Also, local businesses, leaders, organizations, making best place work. Here wishing holiday season healthy successful start Year. One day time... difference. BY DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF Resilience requires wisdom reasoning skill learned improved, benefit oneself others. Practical leads flourishing. --Howard C. Nusbaum, professor psychology director University Chicago Center Wisdom H uman precious fragile Gulf Coast, hurricanes dramatic dangerous. Dwelling water isnt fainthearted dull-witted who resist learning order plan future. Around here current watchword facing future resilience jump back, rebound, recoil accomplish such happy goal wisdom. word derived Old English terms wis--of certainty dom--judgment, jurisdiction, statute. Scholars field observed basic ideas wisdom--as ancient spiritual texts schools philosophy--have remained stable over millennia some colorful cultural differences. For example, Biblical tradition underlying Judaism, Christianity, Islam, opposite faith disbelief foolishness lack handling life. religious movements East Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, lessons artful ways dealing personal suffering social chaos. Western civilization came into being worlds first scientific revolution Hellenic Greece, thinkers exercised reason understand rational cosmos, while cataloging behavior led happiness virtues vs. conducive unhappiness vices. They called their philosophy philia--love plus sophia--wisdom. his book, Wiser Scientific Roots Wisdom, Compassion, What Makes Us Good, Dilip Jeste, neuropsychiatrist president World Federation Psychotherapy, suggests action displays following personality traits prosocial empathy, compassion, altruism emotional stability self-reflection balancing decisiveness acceptance uncertainty pragmatic knowledge spirituality belief something larger than oneself. These thinking chosen will behave either wisely foolishly nothing inherited IQ. intelligence. were, quip often heard skeptics suspicious high tech true Before artificial intelligence, why stupidity. Canadian psychiatrist Harvey Max Chochinov reminds Smart talks. listens. answers. tries hard questions. Whether young old, agree gain open experiences. researcher Monika Ardelt, sociology Florida, urges avoidance rigid know everything mindset. mark end old many consider characterized turbulence--the wise troubling events teaching moments--occasions pregnant creating resilient plans secure living years come. strategic planning phases, 1. Sage individuals begin heeding Aristotles Greek advice coupled Rumis medieval Islamic Knowing yourself beginning Yesterday To clever, so wanted change Today wise, changing myself. 2. Chaos created losses turn toward recovery encouraging words Turn wounds -- Oprah Winfrey theory democratic government people right, rather normal beings average intelligence will, given chance, course bitter experience. --W.E.B. Dubois Ran Niehoff trying since 1991. 11 On radar KAREN CONLEY Honesty vital childs development W BOTTOM CHARITY CHANGE hear honesty virtue. huge moral character development, exactly honesty, crucial well-being lying. Intricately linked integrity trust, means Conley truthful do. Furthermore, building relationships yourself. forms foundation practicing early age. Lying stage cognitive odd, lying sophistication, imagination, comprehension. Some common reasons lie include Avoiding consequences Entertaining Impressing Making someone good child lies, signals how think, insights actions affect difference wrong. skills critical parents, caregivers, teachers, mentors important. small lies easily lead compulsive habitual Much musical instrument, valuable needs practiced. difficult, sometimes painful inconvenient. Dishonesty, however, increased anxiety depression, ostracization, academic cheating, career setbacks, substance abuse, more. So, practice only helping them skills, cultivate strengthen self-worth. tips Recognize From age teenage years, having discussions wrong helps behaviors, impact themselves, deci- sions. reading books watching videos, conversing characters behaviors. Model truthfulness. Telling truth hard, modeling letting mistakes illustrates value truthfulness authenticity. Encourage speak honestly peers listen respectfully. Demonstrate receptive body language, comfortable. facilitate honest communication. Be patient. lie, ask questions lie. Talk Calmly explain examples could handled situation. Praise honesty. Let proud honest, broken rules. praise elaborate simple acknowledging thanking telling truth, addressing repercussions rulebreaking. comfortable care thoughts, feelings, actions, themselves. ability now meet challenges fulfilling lives president, CEO, founder Charity Change, nonprofit social-emotional educational funded philanthropy. information, charityforchange.org. 13 JEFFREY ALEXANDER Avow patients remote monitoring J anice Feenstra knows important four-time survivor HER2-positive breast cancer, she spent almost decade focusing fighting her former nurse Avow, hospice palliative provider based Naples, works Avows nonhospice address physical symptoms provides oversight, guidance, Feenstra, serious illness Ive strong person, wonderfully supportive side throughout illness, says. Over disease, setbacks periods difficulty pain nausea treatments. side, resolving effects sick fatigued. taken strength worker team, uplifts ready throw towel after makes enjoy life, still quite ill. recently implemented patient monitoring, medical technology tools chronic illnesses. devices capture health indicators blood pressure, sugar, temperature, oxygen concentration, weight, transmit results requested, primary specialist follow-up. Patients shown reduce doctor visits hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs, improve Advanced registered Eileen Fagan Crowley values benefits patients, team. regularly measure vitals home, quickly identify warning signs changes conditions, Sometimes arent aware changed. respond requiring leave home digital patients. mailed directly pressure monitors, glucose meters, fingertip pulse oximeters, heart-rate weight scales. follows personalized training. very easy use no training experience self-monitoring, stressed overwhelming any way. clinicians immediately outside expected norms. emerging needs. recalls pressure. device detected elevated reading, both physician checked results. determined spike due medication worry about, wonderful, cared watched over, weekend offices usually closed. says these confident provide. Spouses other stable, reacts status. Family comfort knowing Alexander keeping watchful eye Avow. measurements. extension control until next visit. sees its clinic campus central Collier County house calls wherever live. 239-280-2288 avowcares.org. business development. AVOW 15 ANN MARIE OPHELAN Incr edi b le Edi Dig Cauliflower vegetables planted winter Florida. hile growing own edible garden sounds trendy farm-to-table fad, theres it. old-school way eating nutritious foods enjoying variety freshpicked produce. After all, gardens grown survive there corner stores nearby markets. As went on, changed, became less reliant gardens. changed again War IIs victory gardens, boosted popularity backyard food shortages brought interest gardening. war, waned again. saving money, reducing stress, getting fresh air exercise leaving traveling far. Recent studies gardening booming. National Association NGA reported Horticultural Maxwell teaches classes Edison Ford Winter Estates. TOP UFIFAS EXTENSION SARASOTA COUNTY EDISON FORD WINTER ESTATES percent United States vegetables, fruits, herbs. Where There online resources, in-person workshops, demonstration learn, observe, polish planting skills. this, plot land novice gardener manage. cultivating potted tomato plants patio dig in. Concentrate well climate hardiness zone, areas lowest temperature. Institute Food Agricultural Sciences map zones, lists nuts, citrus website information plants. Another resource Extension county. Locally, Lee Sarasota various workshops. DEMONSTRATION GARDENS UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE SERVICE Visit sustainable techniques. Source sfyl.ifas.ufl.edulawn-and-garden demonstration-gardens wide foods, whether container balcony, garden, backyard, lot options, avenues, Mindy Hanak, school coordinator Extension. Hands-on instruction Estates offers self-paced series. 25 episodes cover topics mulching, pest control, fertilizing, lanai. Each episode links blogs. Hanak started check Episode 01 Growing Seasons blog post it, Getting Started. Watch video series ABCs YouTube videos apartment condominium yard, appropriate space option. example Lakes Park Fort Myers, gardeners observe methods styles Rotary Park, individual beds available annual rental. Environmental presents two-part participants basics takes humidity, heat, year-round sunshine, sandy soil. class taught horticulture Maxwell. Coral-Lee Public Library 921 39th Terrace, Demonstration Landscape Historical Museum 544 Cultural Blvd., 239-461-7526 capecoralmuseum.org Rutenberg Parks Recreation Eco-Center 6490 South Pointe Myers 239- 432-2163 on-site tour Fragrance Garden Regional 7330 Gladiolus Drive, 239-432-2002 Gardens 3406 Palm Beach 941-461-7500 sfyl.ifas.ufl.edulee Manatee 10901 State Road 80, Also Teaching Wellway Hospital 609 Southeast 13th Court, PHOTOS 17 zone. MORE INFO ECHO 17391 Durrance Road, North 239-543-3246 echonet.org 2350 McGregor 239-334-7419 edisonfordwinterestates.org Community 239-533-7575 lakespark.orginterestedcommunity-garden-read-this 5505 Rose 239-549-4606 capecoral.gov departmentparks_and_recreationhome rotary_park_environmental_centerrotary_ community_garden.php Edibles - Solutions gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.eduplants edibles Fresh Home Info floridafresh.ifas.ufl.eduHomePlantList Plant Hardiness Zone Map ffl.ifas.ufl.edu resourcesusda-hardiness-zones 3410 239-533-4327 6700 Clark 941-861-9900 sfyl.ifas.ufl.edusarasota Series sfyl.ifas.ufl.edusarasotagardening-andlandscapinggardensedible-gardening webinars youtube.complaylist listPLkaYUPVpk0P6vv4l Ezl27z5PS9vRmLKN3 successfully Classes workshops thrive climate. OPhelan resident regular contributor Media. 18 l, discover work, nomenclature classification, weather patterns unusual soils covers identification native non-native plants, palms, recognize invasive species. Handouts recommended provided. 2, Florida-friendly concepts using fertilizers properly soil amendments. Common weed identification, plant diseases, select covered. Introduction Part 1 offered January 23 30, scheduled 27 February 3, Registration prepayment required website. sell edibles, including fruit trees, herbs Shoppe, adds Lisa Wilson, marketing public relations director. Fall Festival November 18-19, Spring 10-11, Attendees purchase festivals. broader horizons, ECHOs Global Farm Tour farming developing countries around completing research, grab rake, shears, shovel, seeds, digging. Soon savor bounty efforts. WHEN PLANT Beans Bell Peppers Cucumbers Eggplants Mushrooms Okra Radish Squash Strawberries Tomatoes December Arugula Beets Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Celery Chinese cabbage Collards Eggplant Endive Kale Kohlrabi Lettuce Onions Peas Irish potatoes Sweet Potatoes Spinach Turnips Watermelon Plants transplants seeds complete list when, floridafresh.ifas.ufl.edu. 19 Providing Although demographics changing, according Census Bureau, 21.6 states population older. help. E ach 400 homebound north residents receive meal, pleasant conversation, quick wellness check-- thanks efforts Cooperatives volunteers organizations Meals Wheels routes. strive seniors nourished independence dignity, Janelle Olson, engagement manager. group range incomes residences--from gated communities suburban homes, manufactured Having delivered friend much break isolation occur. Plus, tasks opening tight jar, explains Olson. significant lonely seniors. Find communitycooperative.com. At Kennedy Harry Chapin Share Senior Program held fourth Monday month. program supplements diets 2,300 low-income eligible 60 older Lee, Collier, Charlotte counties providing easy-to-prepare distribution sites. monthly Cooperative routes, daily volunteers. HARRY CHAPIN FOOD BANK Betty, Chapins Feeding recipient, receives kits Adventist Coral. hot conversation check. Bank Golden Gate contain canned fruit, protein, grains, cereal, food. produce, frozen meats, dairy, bread, deli items included possible. sign up, 239-574-0575, harrychapinfoodbank.org. nationally recognized SNAP Eat Smart, Live Strong. designed Department Agricultures Nutrition Service FNS locally Bank. settings ages 60-74. snaped.fns.usda.gov nutrition-educationfns-curriculaeat-smart-live-strong harrychapinfoodbank.orgeventslist. Commodity Supplemental CSFP. federal shelf-stable low incomes. distributed once month designated sites Glades Hendry counties, Uhler, communications Friendship Centers meals support. friendshipcenters.orglocation lee-county. Research conducted AARP Foundation discovered one-third adults cut portion sizes skipped altogether money food, Uhler. fixed struggle pay bills, too, experiencing job loss emergencies. Agriculture 34 million people, 9 children, insecure. America, nationwide network banks, pantries, community-based States, defines insecurity consistent access household active, feedingamerica.org. Groups face hunger. addition program, hosts market MLK campus, mobile markets, month, in-school pantry programs, emergency childcare education centers, programs. assist finding need, Way supports 211 free 24-hour non-emergency helpline helpful referrals agencies Hendry, counties. Volunteers engine groups run. routes County. hours, most commit weekly shift, volunteering Cooperative, communitycooperative. comgive-helpvolunteer. Our sort pack donations centers. distribute pantries collect drives, harrychapinfoodbank.orgtake-action give-timevolunteer. help, charitable need. 21 Travel aplenty ven seasoned wanderlusts, road trippers, excursionists generally before hit road, book cruise, buy plane ticket. While itineraries, trusted source AAA. AAA advisors met online, phone brainstorm representative Mark Jenkins. Travelers Trip Canvas, AAAs tool search spot. destination, curated trips agents, vacations tours, cruises, trips, do, long trip details guided overseas States. tours Best Italy, overview, itinerary, dates, pricing. Booking agents contacted additional perks benefits, upgrades, opportunity expedite passport, booking travel, Something consider, overseas, purchasing insurance. Protecting highly rec- alone group, resources trip. cruises club engage different backgrounds, develop understanding world them. clubs Force International engaging little diplomacy. chapter traveled Ontario, visited there. ommended case delay, expenses incurred missed flights, lost luggage, injury, pointing customers coverage. Other insurance options IMG imglobal.com Trips worldtrips.com. passport opt sooner later, time. one, sure expire. Information passports travel.state.govcontenttravelen passports.html. solo, looking companions. Meetup.com option women only. site informational chats traveling. airlines, hotels. Airlines pricing assists airport priority check-ins guaranteed fares. associated join, earn points MileagePlus AAdvantage. FRIENDSHIP FORCE Club spell tell Canadians facts state farewell party St. Marys, Ontario. solo connect beforehand places Solo Traveler solotravelerworld.com. travelers company trip, Costco costcotravel.com, planned organized transportation, arranged hotels package. Costa Rica demonstrate regional dance Turrialba. get-acquainted meals, participate agenda activities, join welcome parties. emailed newsletters containing meetings, foreign opportunities. general meetings occur Punta Gorda. interested attend meeting Newsletters posted friendshipforceswfl.org. Brown, produces Browns Places Love PBS. samantha-brown.com, tips. hosting entertaining area. began 1989, organizes destinations and, turn, homes andor tours. member become unique friends, membership Joanne Collins. You worldwide 360 46 promoted peace Collins journey dozen parts ambassadors representing ideals values. Once host show offers--from beaches boat rides sunsets. friendships cultures traditions humanity. Friendships catalysts beyond, international Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, French-speaking country, Twin Cities, Minnesota, northern Colorado. locations, members, alone, prefer share journeys. travel.aaa.com 2516 Colonial 239-939-6500 autoclubsouth.aaa.com friendshipforceswfl.org 24 MAGGIE GOLDSMITH FISH islands services Manuela Martinez, disaster administrative SHANE ANTALICK ISH SANCAP, wraparound agency Captiva islands, workers services, education, assistance. vision island thrive. 1982, housebound seniors, provided transportation loaned equipment, made neighbors, Library. continued neighborly programs forming hurricane committee, helped evacuate vulnerable residents, Friendly Faces luncheons bring added walk-in center 2007 accessible seeking assistance, established 2008. relies nearly 200 professional 5,000 neighbors unmet expansive network, possible House designation. views client individually, situation unique. Often symptom problem, tailoring assessments, feet quickly. ground zero environmental crises, impacts Covid, aftermath Hurricane Ian. Through unprecedented crisis, left Erika Broyles, senior Emery Lowden, media manager Maria Espinoza, executive Merari Salinas, outreach Nitza Lopez, Rubio, Tony Rinaldi shops pantry. SANCAP Broyles Martinez prepare boxes delivery. furniture distribution. continuously deliver financial, emotional, types assistance workforce, whom struggling four major pillars island-based Hands financial program. full-service pantry, five week, qualify. Included paper hygiene items, covered stamp allow, stocks specific Depends Ensure Boost, child-friendly snacks, juices. meals-by-FISH consisting seven youth food-backpack food-box individuals. initiative includes seminars referrals, socialization opportunities, checks visitation calls, across primarily rent, utilities, expenses, scholarships adult education. certain criteria. long-term offering Ian, relief, repair, rebuilding supplies. determine obstacles solve collaboration requested FISHs scope resources. partnered providers mental therapy hurricane-related trauma loss. hosted trauma, includ- event accompanied Lopez right. 28 Left unnamed selects ing exhaustion, decision-making, fears. grassroots as, remains committed betterment assisting neighbor 93 dollar donated services. grants, years. Walk-in 2340-B Periwinkle Way, 239-472-4775 fishofsancap.org Facebook, Instagram, X formerly Twitter director, 239-472-4775. 29 BETH LUBERECKI Sunscreen Florida--make youre y point, pretty familiar sunscreen necessary But reminder serve nudge evaluate habits. More diagnosed skin cancer cancers combined, think realize, Steppie, dermatologist Orlando Iahn Gonsenhauser, Health spokesperson Skin Cancer Foundation. Americans 70... reduces risk squamous cell carcinoma melanoma 50 percent. Too sun causes premature aging wrinkles spots. Despite have, underestimate actual risk, frankly lazy application. white cream lotion Im beach either, chief officer Health. spending outdoors, sun, youve got reach enough. Gonsenhauser recommends teaspoon shotglass rule Use neck shot glass body, equates ounce. Choose broad-spectrum protects UVA UVB rays. everyday use, SPF fine. outdoor activities playing tennis swimming, least protection. significantly protection above blocks vast majority 97 UV light, Gonsenhauser. protect hard-to-reach tops ears, knees, scalp feet. Mohs surgeon, actually treat tends protected, Steppie. Apply minutes heading outdoors bind skin. matter bottle might claim, wateror sweat-proof. So reapply swimming sweating heavily hours not. Many kinds available, lotions sprays sticks powders. chemical sunscreens absorb rays mineral sit top reflect kind youll Try skin, cause breakouts, apply pointers choosing product. cautious spray-on sunscreen, convenient, oftentimes miss unapplied. rubbing covering marine lives, reef-friendly sunscreen. official regulations term, oxybenzone octinoxate. Instead, choose non-nano formulations ingredients zinc oxide titanium dioxide safer vacation, equator, intense light is, People come probably realize is. theyre index 11, burn minutes. harmful exposure. idea combine broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses, long-sleeved swim shirt. hook cloudy out. days, suns radiation reaches earth, that. Nokomis, Floridabased freelance writer whos frequent Learn bethluberecki.com. SIX SUNSCREENS TRY Tired same-old additions bag, at-home pool routine. EltaMDs AOX Mist, sheer-finish, 100 spray, antioxidants prevent air-powered spray application angle cinch. 45, eltamd.com Coolas best-selling organic Classic Face Lotion Free combines broadspectrum moisturizer lightweight, antioxidant-rich product worn makeup. 32, coola.com invisible, nongreasy Naked Sundays Hydrating Glow Mist Top Up ruining makeup, moisturizing boost hyaluronic acid watermelon extract. us.nakedsundays.com Vacations Baby Oil reinvents retro fave protection, naturally oils shine update iconic baby oil scent past. 22, vacation.inc Suitable types, Naturiums lightweight Reflect Antioxidant photo-aging free-radical damage caused infrared pollution sheer, soft, matte finish 26, naturium.com oil-free All-Physical Ultimate Defense PA Dennis Gross oxide, tranexamic acid, hydrate protecting 42, sephora.com 31 KLAUDIA BALOGH Mastering art cooking flavorful feasting S tepping meal preparations instantly hungry. infused enticing blend spices, warmth oven, promise culinary laughter fill air, unsung hero quietly magic background oil. Amid flurry recipe cards festive ingredients, type dish seat. Yet, seemingly decision wields power far-reaching healthrelated impact. Choosing preference key player pursuit healthier season. Picture savory roast sizzling gently pan, crispy latkes browning perfection. endeavors nutritional profile dishes. Opting inflammatory properties guests indulge guilt, bite step away digestive discomfort. Different smoke points--the temperature release potentially compounds. Selecting ensures flavors remain intact preventing unwanted acrid aroma gathering sour. Cardiovascular research scientist pharmacy James DiNicolantonio main avoid, opinion, refined seed corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, soybean, etc.. He cold-pressed cooked, omega-6 content oxidizes easily. Oxidation concern--its shouldnt ignored. oxidize, produce radicals cells contribute inflammation. Board-certified naturopath Stephen Cabral harsh pro- cess extracted, molecular status unstable cooked heat. oxidized consumed, inflammation emerge, energy, mood, rashes, joint pain, Taking further, lingering oxidative stress issues, disease diabetes neurodegenerative disorders. fat linoleic metabolites, explains, noting saturates so-called bad cholesterol LDL VLDL, susceptible oxidation. 33 51 maximum. disparity omega-3 further underscores conscious choices selecting oils. By incorporating rich omega-3s--such extra virgin olive EVOO, flaxseeds, walnuts, fatty fish--into repertoire, restore balance, mitigate inflammation, healthful alternatives comes Both oil, grass-fed ghee, butter, tallow, avocado coconut preferable choices, resistant oxidation cooked. consuming EVOO salad best, polyphenol oxidation, notes. highest fairly high, heat minutes, used longer frying, consumed compared oils, explains. emphasizes indeed cook with. oleic oxidizing embark extravaganza, drop carefully note symphony flavors. delicate drizzle enhances salads vibrancy robust infusion elevates marinades, weave tale taste linger celebrations over. Balogh longevity context gains significance. consume acids, referred fats balance exposure omega-6s. notes wildly acids. ratio 181, Keys Marine Sanctuary eco-system likes say, waters Keys, sanctuary. big place--3,800 square miles, continues Scott Atwell, Indeed, anyone via 110-mile Overseas Highway, bridges ocean views, place. Nor forgets. Out turquoise waters, sanctuary boundaries, spectacular, unique, Americas coral barrier reef, extensive seagrass beds, mangrove-fringed 6,000 species sea turtles, jellyfish, West Indian manatees, Atwell. Yellowstone ecosystem. Irreplaceable. linchpin economics, culture, structure, sanctuarys role preserving generations, adds. Sanctuary, protected System, national gem. remarkably connected ecosystem, protections, mangrove forests, meadows, reefs, cycle. nesting birds 16, 1990, George Bush signed law bill With designation, measures against exploration, mining, alter floor. restricts large shipping traffic, anchoring touching, collecting waters. pieces nations history, ELKHORN CORAL ANDREW IBARRA SPOONBILL JACK LOUDEN Along reefs habitats bird spotted ray glides elkhorn coral, sights Keys. nine historic shipwrecks Shipwreck Trail oldest ship trail, San Pedro, 1733 Spanish treasure fleet caught Straits. mile south Key. told, 1,000 recent. Visitors recreational scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing. Diving, fishing, snorkeling booked Blue Star charter boats, officially habitat conservation. sanctuaries.noaa.govbluestaroperators.html. run app track. Explorer Apple Google. visitors charter. recommend Star, stresses Key West, admission 6,000-squarefoot Eco-Discovery Center, interactive exhibits showcasing Sanctuary. Aquarius, underwater laboratory. 2,500-gallon reef tank corals tropical fish. highlight ecosystems, animals, push buttons animals mangroves spin giant ships wheel rest below surface. biology microscopes strives everyone. overstimulated, non-English speakers translated exhibit text, audio 150-year-old Alligator Reef Lighthouse relit extinguished ago, nature 6,000-square-foot 36 FISHMAN EMILY KOVACS --Scott attractions West. languages Kovacs. centers availability, hours. Now perfect Cooler temperatures foster clearest visibility north, cooler loosely. KEYS NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY IF YOU GO floridakeys.noaa.gov Quay floridakeys.noaa.goveco_discovery.html 37 CAPT. BRIAN HOLAWAY Caf Parkway Motel Marina owned operated Chokoloskee Island native, Aaron Tabor, David Ardelean. bit Cuba menu line Highway far west coast arrive edge Ten Thousand Islands. roll town, follow nose intentionally spelled nontraditionally n honor owners mother, Anna, frequently tend property. 2005 Carlos Dolce Valdes opened traditionally Havana Caf. May 2022 passed torch Ardelean entrepreneurs island. Tabor grew 5, Ardeleans roots stem Romania, although Chicago. operate Guests staying discount caf, rooms, awaiting return world-renowned Everglades emanates feel. history focal point years--serving laundromat, bait tackle store, office. structure chickee roof partially shading seating, leading bar foliage, sense wrapped cocoon greenery. staghorn ferns hang above, magenta flowers bougainvillea add color, palms shade. scents coming kitchen mixed humid outskirts Havana. Cuban-cracker dishes breakfast, lunch, dinner. pride themselves serving fresh, Cuban espresso sweet, pastries coconut, guava, cheese. Chicken beef empanadas eat daily. simmered mojo pork bursts flavor. Not sourced, plump gulf shrimp, deveined served peel-n-eat grits. sandwich homemade potato chips Dont forget drinks licuado smoothie colada. took sucking watermelon-flavored Jolly Rancher childhood. BOTH PAGES specialties. Just Immokalee gets day, chilled sweet refreshing. Daytripping HavAnna getaway. Capt. Holaway Master Naturalist shelling ecotour guide 1995. His charters Pine Sound, Cayo Key, Captiva. 191 Smallwood 239-695-2214 havannacafe.com 1180 drive, 239-695-3261 parkwaymotelmarina.com 39 WILLIAM COX beneficial snake neighborhood southern black racer Coluber constrictor priapus 86 subspecies snakes legless lizards Sunshine State. diversity result ecologically Unfortunately, reptiles threatened endangered habitat, persecution, kills, predators e.g., raptors, carnivores, reptiles. Only venomous, venomous reside eastern snake, cottonmouth, diamondback rattlesnake, dusky pygmy rattlesnake. timber rattlesnake copperhead extreme racer, hand, greatly residential neighborhoods populations mice, rats, treefrogs, insects. Adults feed mostly amphibians, birds, lizards, rodents, snakes, dominant prey urban brown anole treefrog. Juveniles terrestrial sight predator diurnal hunter. hunting swiftly raises head vegetation, periscoping, locate prey. climbs shrubs, hedges, trees inches long, record length inches. dorsally satiny black, gray, blue. Their eyes reddish-brown iris. pupil round. chin throat white, underside blue-gray slate gray. Neonates hatchlings completely adults. periscopes indigo similar appearance identified red-orange chin, snout, cheek. gray color reddish-tan spots sides back. Upon hatching length. indigo, larger, broader, mellow disposition. 66 103.5 shiny opposed lustrous racer. orangered cheek, chin. subspecies--the brown-chinned c. helvigularis panhandle paludicola Florida--range southeastern generalist, occupying well-drained sandhills, woodland clearings, pine-palmetto scrublands, pineoak woodlands, prairies, shrubby fields, wetland edges, human-generated junk piles, disturbed habitats, neighborhoods. egg-laying oviparous species, live-bearing ovoviviparous phenomena breeding stimulation resulting photoperiod weather, sperm retention documented snakes. controlled internal external phenomena. External stimuli sustained low-pressure systems rapidly dropping barometric spring summer, fall. Courtship minimal Breeding triggered reproductively female pheromes excite male, trail potential mate. flicking forked tongue picks particles air. flips pulls mouth surface rubs sensory tissue Jacobsons organ located palate. selective egg-deposition maintain 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Seven eggs deposited sawdust rotting stumps, logs. 0.7 1.75 size. hatch approximately days. neonates clutch. Cox photographer ecologist him williamrcoxphotography.com. 41 Driving DIANE YORK wild Atlantic, calm pink gold skies, refer Gold Coast. churning constantly carving fantastic cliffs backed rolling, lush green fields profusion bathed golden sunlight. spectacular. blue California Route One, farms, ranches explorers. one-of-a-kind restaurants, shops, galleries. night bungalow, bed classy hotel ocean. son, Pescadero--barely amazing stops. section PCH, runs roughly Orange Mendocino state. fuel journey. never tiny Pilot Light equally Airport, Michelin-starred couple Mateo restaurant, Spice. breakfast lunch fare top-notch. son mouthwatering specialty Dutch pancake, fluffy, buttery baked pancake compote, whipped cream, maple syrup. huevos rancheros, concoction over-easy beans avocado, salsa, cheddar cheese, sour shredded lettuce, corn tortilla crisps. Down crescent-shaped bay aptly named town Bay. Originally mission, frame buildings 1800s century village multiple greenhouses, collection lavender greenhouse, carnivorous orchids, roses, etc. Inn Ocean Bay, Pigeon Point Station, Pescadero Sights clockwise greenhouse mural wall Cunhas Country Store Main Street bridge. surrounded pastures farmland sheep goats. seems grows crazy here. atmosphere gentle, stepped easier. Portuguese fishermen shape towns character. grocery mercantile 1930, trove breads, bakery items. stop Feed Fuel. sells name implies. eclectic fascinating warehouse horse saddles, bridles, western wear, yard dcor, supplies, birdhouses, gor- 44 geous leatherwork bags belts. spring, chicks, turkeys, gamebirds famous pumpkin festival. pumpkins sunflowers orange hiking, Coastal 7.5 round begins heads coast, connects CCT, Oregon Mexican border--about 1,200 Continuing south, pull accesses walk sand, wade ice-cold water, Pause Gregorio piles twisted driftwood. Near Organic Farm, 70 acres flowers. season, pick varieties berries, olallieberries for. olallieberry blackberry tart, Farther PCH SpanishPortuguese Pescadero. attractions. IT SEEMS THAT EVERYTHING GROWS LIKE CRAZY HERE. Pescaderos Duartes, tavern 1894, earned Beard Award Classics 2003. rustic hearty attract cowboys farmers, tourists celebrities. tried delicious artichoke soup, enjoyed lamb stew. pie. Stop Arcangeli store yummies renowned garlic bread. Luna Sea gallery gifts Outside Harley Farms Goat Dairy newborn goats stopped Shop, 1910, construction oak plank floors beams indication size chock-full farmprocessed jams, herbed goat cheese milk products. Bean Hollow Station. interior lighthouse closed repairs, exterior. Locals spot watch whales study stars clear night. overnight hostel grounds. forests. forest fire 2020, Big Basin Redwoods diameter 300 tall. old. reached limit. home. Retracing MIDDLE GOAT GARRICK RAMIREZ OTHER Clockwise Goats Harleys near number nurseries Fuel goat. 45 Barbaras Fishtrap. favorite wood-frame shakes trembles wind threatens sweep ocean, views. Throwing nutrition window, savored flaky fried fish fries chocolate. Then paused scan wildlife. Northern seals, lions, whales, largest sharks hanging coast. thrilled whale, visible spout. Binoculars handy strip whole offers. Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel Sea. Cant wait avid splits Richmond, Virginia, Her articles health, lifestyle, appear numerous periodicals Virginia. She author Aint Babe Womans Guide Surviving Infidelity Divorce. graband-go Restaurants Provisions Grocery Co. 287 Stage 650-879-0147 normsmarket.com Fishtrap 281 Capistrano 650-728-7049 barbarasfishtrap.com 950 La Honda bluehousefarm.com 448 Street, 650-726-4071 cunhacountrystore.com Duartes Tavern 202 650-879-0464 duartestavern.com 331 650-726-4814 hmbfeedandfuel.com Dairy, 205 harleyfarms.com Art Gallery 250 650-879-1207 lunaseagallery.net 9850 Cabrillo North, 650-402-0575 pilotlightcafe.com Greenhouses Nursery 11691 650-726-5392 thesanfranciscopeninsula.comlistinghalfmoon-bay-nursery5030 Yerba Buena Native Plants, 12511 650-851-1668 yerbabuenanursery.com Natural Attractions 20580 Boulder Creek 831-338-8860 parks.ca.govpage_id540 scc.ca.govprojectscalifornia-coastal-trail alltrails.comtrailuscaliforniahalf-moon-bay-coastaltrail--2 Station 650-879-2120 coastsidestateparks.orgpigeon_point 726-8819 parks.ca.govpage_id529 highlights mud bath elephants. private photos Elephant EcoValley Quiet Asia An off-season yields unexpected delights ANDREA STETSON walked greenery elephants side. fed bananas. Four-year-old Jai spit ones, Jindela, 20, ate banana placed trunk. trunks cheeks loud kisses. arrived pond scooped handfuls rub onto sides, backs, bellies. Jindela swished ears sending globs faces. moved waterfall clean flowing below. bark sponges baskets rinse off. herb vitamin balls hand-fed eight EcoValley. hugs hugged enormous trunks. ALL PROVIDED Tourist boats amble rivers Vietnam packed, board. Very this. told typically ecotours, daughter ourselves, elephant trainer. Thats chose away. headed June. hot, hotter crowds Because tour, impromptu stops itinerary. adventure Ho Chi Minh City typical racing palace temples cathedral market. C tunnels descended holes crawled dirt passageways. rush Ben Thanh Market, locals bargain off-season. meandered Mekong River seats passengers. morning floating market, tourist boat. noodle factory rice noodles. wandering markets locals. 48 uncrowded Cambodia seemed visiting countrys stark concentration camp. talk survivors. explored Royal Palace captured scenery pictures. climbed steps Wat Phnom, Buddhist temple Phnom Penh. evening dusk sat sipping bats emerge cave nightly ritual bugs. Bamboo Train extra-long ride men plowing equipment. Siem Reap, second-largest city elaborate, empty temples. roadside sample delicacy grilled rat. pointed hourlong third level Angkor 10-minute limit level, wanted. Thom, roamed ruins troop monkeys. Ta Prohm. Though turned places. untouched, structures, distinctive features. itinerary Prohm, adventures exploring embedded jungle. usual crowds. Bottom barely Wat, numberone Cambodia. rarely saw site. 49 site, popular seated Buddha hailand. Thailand. stand hour jade Bangkok, wait. Chao Phraya River, houses hung driver bread man handed requirements, rushing Hellfire Pass, Burma Railway built prisoners war II, park deviate waterfall. amazed prices Next Bridge Kwai, plates pad thai 3.50 per person. temples, Buddhas. Early bag presenting monks, blessing. rented bicycles rode Sukhothai capital. Most visitors. hill tribes known Akha people. villagers performed dances demonstrated wares. woman tribe, silversmithing let try extremely heavy, traditional, tall necklace. welcoming glad tourists. showed babies, school. Chiang Mai walled moat, wandered dozens game volleyball basketball ball. lively game, thanked explained rules game. Temple explore TIPS Bathing Chang ourselves. Mai. Spending definitely highlight, ever Yes, June Summer rainy world, perhaps July August, rain afternoon outweigh Going crowds, things, bombarded fully countries. Stetson writing magazines newspapers Naples. Head offseason. hotter, heavy rains yet started. Bring cooling towel, flap rechargeable fan neck. dollars baht. Schwab account fees ATM Bargain item half original asking price. avoid underground Motorbikes everywhere signs, crosswalks, red lights mean cross street front inexperienced waited followed Download Grab Uber, River. cant electronic visa e-visa entering country boat, cash photo entry. Thom itineraries. hidden flight day-and-a-half stopover Dubai. flights country. Two steakhouse COLLEEN CASTELLANI inside Chops Grill SAMANTHA BLOOM MICHAEL OWEN PHELAN FAMILY BRANDS rom cocktails cuisine, expertise, quintessential fine dining Specializing Wagyu, Prime, in-house dry-aged steaks, puts tradition. locations--Naples Springs--this impress reservation. Stepping high-class revisit. palette complemented ornate chandeliers, large-scale floral bouquets, leather seating screams luxury. nod elegant steakhouse, thats thing Grill, division Jon Roberson. shrimp cocktail oysters, king crab, Maine lobster luxurious decor location 53 showcases selection satisfy preferences. Specialty seafood, desserts die encapsulate surpass expectations. three-course Short Stack, appetizer featuring combination lobster, jumbo, king, stone-crab cakes. delectable cakes sauce roasted sundried tomatoes, garlic, Champagne. steak topped Oscar Twist, accompaniment jumbo lump crab cake, truffle barnaise, top-shelf au poivre. Complete house-made desserts, hand-cut apples freshly pie, bourbon-walnut caramel sauce, paired vanilla gelato. libations. 350-bottle wine list, whiskey selections, craft cocktails, unmatched go-to drinks. Stack Steak Twist Organic, pie Bartender Kendra Rizzi creations. Gone Girl Fonseca Bin port, triple sec, lime, cranberry 54 OWENS TWO threecourse Above Right Opening 1997, stands midst shopping nightlife beach. music, sunset boutiques, downtown. brands success second Springs. Maintaining ambience counterpart, locale 2001. underwent million-dollar renovation 2021. Elevate ventures timeless classics elegantly bold twist. Castellani strategist writer. pursuing masters degree strategy. resides Tallahassee, FL, passion learning. Pianists Josh Isenberg, Addie Allan, Jerry Stawski 8200 239 992-4677 chopsbonita.com 837 Fifth Avenue South, 262-4677 chopscitygrill.com 55 Hangar 41s tasting room bottles 60-plus in-house. wines, student vintners varieties. HANGAR WINERY BREW SHOP heres cabernet dinner amber ale lunch. drink satisfying. Winery Brew achieve both. on-premises winemaking beer-brewing classes. process easier Moya-Mendez, managerfermentation 41. small-batch winemaking, tricks cultivated experience, students, aka vintners, fun enjoyable individual, wine, Moya-Mendez. Winemaking creative process, encourages wines cater buds-- fruited dry making. aspect, buds too eager created, remember anywhere peak. ports, more--all in-house, homebrewing beer lovers. 101 class, strategies Student brewers extract kit, brew batch beer, required. hour, Supplies homebrewers, hops, yeast, available. club, 2008 brewers, levels, award winners. vice Tyler Peeling purpose Members novice, apprentice, expert brewing craft, outings breweries Interested parties talking Moya-Mendez owner, Sandy Zahorchak. set Facebook page information. Wednesday week. Call details. 1996 Grape Escape. Cleveland Avenue, Boy Scout Drive. fermenting bottling produced During initial 90-minute course, instructor asks students dry, red, white. customized taste. decide six-gallon make. bottles. chosen, mixing fermentation begins. juices grape skins, convert follow-up appointment weeks later. wish, process. custom labels foil capsules finishing touch. meantime, wines. Come buying bottle. honey merlot carmnre. 10970 S. 239-542-WINE 9463 hangar41brewshop.com 58 improvement increase renovations underway, opted amenities space. staycations often. Overall, improvements steady rise. adding vegetable porches, decks, fences, pools, chefs kitchens, theaters--and cellars, which, 2019 report estate Zillow, rank 3 cellars percent, Zillow. compares steam oven appliance pot-filler faucet shedgarage studio heated countertop prep sink 24.1 cellar proper aging, ideal storage conditions limited lighting sensitive compounds uncompromised, humidity corks, modern design backdrop cabinets, walls, rooms. slowly aromas, taste, quality, uncompromised. lovers know, gone sharp, flavor, vinegar off, lose desired aroma, color. costly compromised, wasted. consult specialist. Joseph Curtis Custom Cellars caters commercial spaces, specializes display, collections clean, designs steel, one-of-a-kind, design, build, install dreams, Kline, owns Jersey-based Dahl. northeast, beyond. Curtiss consultants clients determining capacity deciding JOSEPH CURTIS CUSTOM WINE CELLARS chevron pattern statement efficient solution. style. spacious amounts tastings dinner, transform fit needs, Kline. cellar. Customers opting grow. Access consideration, stored wooden cases requirements storage. fridge space--perhaps cellar--farther Kline presses regulating storing Fahrenheit says, kept stable. sparkly, maximize 888-681-5888 josephandcurtis.com STORAGE Always cool, dark, horizontally cork moist. dried-out seepage aging. horizontal efficiency access. Vibrations, stereos, washers dryers, sediments poorly. Opt quiet correct moisture, darkness sampling N apa Valley stunning world-class weather. gaining notice wineries muscadine grapes, handle grapes. Muscadine super grapes antioxidants. fruits scattered peninsula, tastings, events. tourism marketer, pushes love affair, ago. Augustine, northeast heralded birthplace producing 1565... Since then, relationship aged, matured, gotten better. Schnebly Redlands exotic tasted setting koi ponds, waterfalls, tiki huts Homestead location. music fun. Fiorelli 10-acre vineyard inland winery Bradenton. walk-through witness Bradenton Vineyard hour. choice sorbets, upgrade sorbets. encouraged Grove Company blends, 100-percent signature blueberry BACKGROUND FIORELLI VISIT Miami property leisure stroll Kristin Hokanson, John. Hokansons varieties, winery, Kristin. sweet. blueberry, strawberry, peach. pet friendly. family-owned -operated family, picturesque weddings Formosa wine. blueberries Grove, Ocala Gainesville. winerys Kissimmee themed events, classes, brunches, tastings. Central Lakeridge Vineyards rests 127 Clermont, 75 vineyards planted. Sebastian Augustine. presentation, vineyards. Afterwards, sparkling. Weekends entertainment, Harvest Stomp. Henry Flaglers close downtown self-guided bottling. except holidays. Upstairs Bar Restaurant, atop roof, weekends. 4250 675 E, 941-322-0976 fiorelliwinery.com 3011 407-507-9888 formosawinery.com 19239 Clermont 1-800-768-WINE lakeridgewinery.com SAN SEBASTIAN 157 King Augustine 904-826-1594 sansebastianwinery 30205 217th 305-242-1224 schneblywinery.com 64 GINA BIRCH BRIGHT BENTO BOX foodies go, bento box OmieLife gift. cold box. Colorful stylish, designs, durable, functional, versatile. 44.95 omielife.comproductsomiebox PLAYING CARDS deck limited-edition, wine-themed stocking stuffer. Beringer Vineyards, fashion designer Cynthia Rowley, theme Beringers Rowleys designs. deck, queens hold clusters kings bear beringer.comenberinger-x-cynthia-rowley-wild-andrefined-playing-cards8101653.html LEARNING TOWER parents inquisitive kids kitchen, foldable, adjustable Tower Little Partners safely boosts counter-height prep. free, compact, folds 199.99 littlepartners.com HANDS-FREE JUICER juicer, messy tiring. Vinci Hands-free Citrus Juicer answer. pressure-sensitive rind, fits lime grapefruit. easyto-clean, removable dishwasher safe. 99.99 vincihousewares.com productsvinci-hands-free-citrus-juicer COUNTRY GUIDE Exploring Regions ultimate Californias enthusiasts. Peppered Higgins, wealth fuels wanderlust, whets appetite. bookseller FENCING Want safe play fencing Frame Alls system eco fences modular everything. entertainment-ready ease frameitall.com NEW FROM ARVINO fallwinter Arvino gemstones vintage flare. stones assembled mix geometric patterns, asymmetrical bracelet. 22k multicolor gemstone vermeil livens outfit. 140 arvino.co PET SUPERFOOD menus humans affairs pets award-winning Rockster Superfood. high-end bio-organic contains health. 96 us.therockster.com INDOOR PIZZA OVEN Pizza ovens rage cooks. Cuisinart latest artisanal uses radiant 700 crust. must-have appliance. 399.95 cuisinart.com shoppingappliancesspecialty_ appliancescpz-120 VIRTUAL TASTING Experience Napa private, virtual Far Niente. Great associates, loves 255 farnientefamily.farniente.comvisit 67 Bibiana Jeff Pisoni checking veraison, ripen. Theres vibrant scene NovemberDecember favorites. focuses passionate about--food, travel-- radar. laid somewhat approachable Napa. addition, spirits makers doing things. vineyards, few. transitioning veraison strikingly beautiful. RACHEL BALUNSAT Take, project Gonzlez Rave husband Pisoni. charismatic winemaker business, coffee Colombia. valley roastery winery. fascinated age, but, remembers, devasted ripen France sauvignon blanc harvest. SYDNEY MANNING BOTTLEGLASS SHARED NOTES California, Cattleya, Alma de Shared Notes Sauvignon Blanc. latter Jeff. Besides college coffee, laugh. Now, cuppings, cupping table expand. Rohnert Rosa. producers Colombia grow, harvest Hanson Distillery vodka infusions Beacon speakeasy rotating tastes prior Wit Wisdoms caviar vodka. 69 imports fair trade single origin. farm women. gift sets, corporate packaging Healdsburg underway. pristine Bubble Room wine-pairing dinners feature Js sparkling newest series, teams cuisines underrepresented scene. Together experiences, breaking stereotypes. reservation Distillery, Sonoma, stop. hand peels Hansons spirits. released boysenberry sushi pairing distillery. Take distilling operation WHILE YOURE THERE ACCOMMODATIONS Flamingo Hotel, Rosa midcentury mecca middle flamingos alive well. lounge, pool, 707-545-8530 flamingoresort.com AC Railroad Square Historic District, walkable antique stores, Luther Burbank Gardens. Quick convenient 101. 707-527-1075 marriott.comen-ushotelsstsaw-achotel-santa-rosa-sonoma-wine-countryoverview El Dorado Plaza, boutique contemporary cozy bar, courtyard, restaurant. Convenient shopping, dining. 707-996-3030 eldoradosonoma.com DINING Jacksons Oven, Modern Chef Silvers. done wood-fired grill. district cocktails. 707-545-6900, jacksonsbarandoven.com Fig, Barbie dolls bathroom door pulls, French fare, Rhone-centric delicious. 707-938-3634, thegirlandthefig.com chef Mina, upscale casual dine. outstanding. splurge-worthy level. 707-931- 3405, witandwisdomsonoma.com Hotel bright colors, art, cities square, accommodations. Rosa, featured here, overlooked. slower securing reservation, rates, winemakers Cheers. contributor. lover drinks, well-known package Catteleya 607 Martin CA 888-597-2297 almadecattleya.com cattleyawines.com sharednoteswine.com COFFEE ROASTERS 22985 Burndale 707-343-1805 hansonofsonoma.com 11447 Redwood Healdsburg, 888-594-6326 jwine.com 71 SWFL Reduce mixer pour sugar syrup bowl eggs. Pour beware splatters. Return continue foamy, pale yellow--about bowl, egg mixture melted Fold rubber spatula homogenous, streaky. stabilized incorporated. mousse airy, streak-free, strongly Chocolate Cherry Crunch Restaurant Harolds Serves grams cups chocolate 454 feuilletine dried crepes, Rice Krispies Line half-sheet pan piece parchment. Place microwave-safe microwave minute high. Stir seconds. melted, 10-second intervals stirred. combine. crunch parchment-lined sheet spread evenly cake spatula. Chill preparing components. CHOCOLATE MOUSSE yolks cup 750 946 milliliters quart 7 packet powdered gelatin tablespoons Kirschwasser cherry brandy Bloom sprinkling liquid absorbed. seconds dissolved. cream. Using mixer, whisk soft peaks. Reserve. Melt microwavesafe stir. Heat stir heating stirring 15-second melted. base. sugar. small, heavy-bottomed saucepan candy thermometer securely attached lip pan. Cook medium-high 245F softball stage. CHERRY COMPOTE pound pitted cherries, tablespoon starch boil. slurry thickens resembles jam--roughly minute. Cool. ASSEMBLY assemble dessert, thin layer cooled compote crunch. Cover layer. feels bouncy, set, Carefully remove cutting board edges sharp knife-- cleaning knife cut-- pulling parchment carefully. Slice shapes garnish sweetened remaining compote. ADVENTURE ALPHABET TREE DAVID DROTLEFF 76 BE CONTINUED 77 audiobook nn Patchett rock star booksellers. writes bestseller lists, herself. respected Parnassus Books Nashville, Tennessee, 2011, proclaiming bookstores dead. not, shining proof bookselling responsibilities, thankfully, books. pedigree attracts big-name talent. version novel, House, read Hanks. latest, Lake, Meryl Streep narrator. Oscar-winning actors ear, sitting transports narrators tone, page, readers tone. asset detraction, depending preference. reads Lara, daughters acting theater Michigan, Lake. story involves affair actor eventually mega movie star, Lara budding quieter raising tending orchard simple, moves present farm, actress intertwines present, marry with--the twentysomething pandemic, listening intently mothers now. gentle homespun Town values, Thornton Wilder outsized vastly one. Streeps voice allows listeners believe speaking them, relating story. printed immersive way, sound loud. 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Today, peace, forgotten belong other--that man, woman, brother sister. MOTHER TERESA bald cypress Corkscrew Swamp estimated 535 Photo Wiley. COVER lends 1985. Neighbors, 26. Antalick. VOL. NO. 6 4.95 WORD WISE PROTECTING VULNERABLE ECOSYSTEM HAVE RESILIENT YEAR TIMES ISLANDS Published Display

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