features 50 ART IN A GLASS The complex story of Champagne through the ages 56 SUPER SUPPLEMENTS Eat them, wear inject them SPECIAL SECTION SWFL on Wheels 60 Bejeweled Road Warriors 63 Safe Travels 66 Banking 2 TOTI.COM SEPTEMBEROCTOBER 2022 14 departments 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 COASTAL COMMERCE Helping Entrepreneurs Reach Their Dreams ARTS Hub Culture at Shell Point 18 Fall into Art MAKING WAVES 22 Aging in Place 24 Step Out a Tour 26 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST Tweet Others as You Would Like to be Tweeted 28 THE COMMUNITY Going Green 32 GARDEN Return Amaryllis 33 STAY TUNED Staying Tethered Music 36 38 40 WHATS STORE Retail Empowerment On Mission Inspire Whats Hot Southwest Florida 42 BEAUTY Beauty Trends 44 EXPLORER Feel Free Dance 70 NATURES NOTEBOOK Dragonflies 72 BETWEEN LINES Adventure Alphabet Tree FOR KIDS 78 Creative Child 82 CHEERS Battle over Pisco 84 EPICURIOUS Dining Guide 100 RECIPES WE LOVE Cooking 102 CROSSWORD 103 SERVICES AND PROFESSIONALS 104 JOURNAL Coming up NovemberDecember 4 With NovDec issue, well give you lowdown some most interesting food and travel trends. So, get dressed, eat well, safely. Plus, if youre planning your next vacation, youll find inspiring ideas about where go. ers . tom l offer s u c eci lue etB r sp j o fo ift f 03 g age 1 p See GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Jones CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Heather Strudgeon PROOFREADER Dan Whicker SENIOR CONSULTING EDITOR Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Gina Birch Beth Luberecki OUTREACH MANAGER Brian Hatley DIGITAL CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR Stephanie SOCIAL MEDIA Francesca Block WRITERS Birch, Steve Corbin, William R. Cox, Dave Drotleff, Erik Entwistle, Tanya Hochschild, Luberecki, Myles Mellor, Kathy Montgomery, Dr. Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Tanis Rhines, Lynn Schneider, Diane York PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Jim Heckler, Jaeger, Jojo, Marc Neeley, Tietz ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205 ext. 1002 1000 Michael Rawers 1007 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS totimedia.comcontactus Dial WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network toti.com totimedia.com timesoftheislands.com rswliving.com gulfmainmagazine.com bonitaesteromagazine.com capecorallivingmagazine.com CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T 239-472-0205, F 239-395-2125 Founder Chairman Guy Tober President C.O.O. Times Islands, RSW LIVING, MAIN, Bonita Estero Cape Coral Living ISSN 1521-1207 are published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., Sanibel, 33957. Subscription price 24.00 for one-year domestic subscription. Copyright Inc. All rights reserved. No part this publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those Publishers letter Merry-go-round Thinking Its time off ride he merry-go-round, or carousel, has always been one my favorite rides fair. I love feeling happiness boundless freedom platform, with all its ornate horses benches, turns around around. Some go fast, others move more relaxing pace. Always, merry-go-round same direction, world passes carefree blur. Spinning blissfully carnival can pleasantly distracting. lose track when going circles. Soon, trip ends, have step rejoin throngs, reabsorbed background that only moments ago was just streak motion. This is kind merry-goround would like stay little longer. There another kind, though, quite different. term also used describe state commotion--a whirl activity. Often, our thinking resemble merry-go-round. Our thoughts but never seem take us anywhere. Recent events caused many stuck ride. We caught bad news cant change direction. Everyday life carousel. When underwent surgery left shoulder few months ago, had learn avoid wondering how team Media handle extra workload. If trusting gone worry. Likewise, they trust prepared organized work absence. Together, we avoided negative thinking, did best. wonderful sit carousel people who sharing fun. Togetherness makes even enjoyable. In way, getting tough together rough bearable. edition magazine an art design theme. Weve added special section titled Wheels, beginning page 60. Though wheels described different reminded giant spinning wheel. Maybe things too slow pace leisurely drive sights Florida. As art, am potters working clay, throwing it, might spend piece finally shape. It forever before turning done looking beautiful art. But pottery wheel will eventually stop. What look come end Im hoping once stopped, better than were before. Lets stop thinking. For inspiration, enjoy articles issue. Find appreciate 18, historical tour 24, let loose dance 44. Remember, whenever feel circles, power mentally return forward progress. Happy reading PHOTO COURTESY OF MEDIA, INC. Group Publisher, BY TANYA HOCHSCHILD Local SCORE mentors channel expertise aid new businesses S CORE inspiration motivation, 1964 group retired executives wishing volunteer their help small ground. Today nonprofit organization 10,000 business experts 300 chapters nationwide. They provide mentoring sessions hundreds thousands businesses. 2021 Floridas local chapter numbered volunteers delivered 1,687 services community, 443 clients. partners Lee County Economic Development Office other sponsors effort assist disproportionately affected communities, providing Covid-19 relief improving resiliency. annual awards luncheon Club Gateway May 3, first in-person ceremony two years, recognized three area achieved strong successes after closely My Dental Tek, Elderberry Elixir, TenderCare Dog Grooming. Award recipients from 2020 acknowledged since Covid prevented being honored person. several Corinne Wyard, mentor year, coached clients stages startup growth. Paul Nichols, number becoming certified mentors, across country currently FGCU connection School Entrepreneurship. award administrative excellence given Jojo. Platinum Leadership went Eileen Buchanan, 16 serving mentor, chair, district director, member National Advisory Council. entrepreneurial spirit room palpable, receiving awards, attendees filling tables, each every valued member. Evident, too, warm Mentor Buchanan client Scarlett Britton Exceptional Aluminum Sales Service, recipient PHOTOS ON ALL PAGES SUSAN JOJO Mentors advise owners aspiring entrepreneurs along stage journey assisting plan development guiding grow. friendship engendered volunteers, whom friends years. Keynoting event OHara, chairman New World Angels investment group. Althea Harris, deputy director South Small Business Administration gave update specialties include planning, strategic management, digital traditional marketing. Startups often share key challenges such accounting cash flow, financingcapital, strategy women entrepreneurs, retail wholesale trade etrade, product manufacturing, more. offers free. Inspiration start differs individual. owner successful pet grooming salon wanted rescue dogs needs salons turned away. young son respiratory problems prompted his mother develop fresher, no-preservatives elderberry elixir. From these initial ideas, generated. helped create 45 past Ben Simmons Maria Conneway Tender Care Grooming, High-Growth Year 11 Although answers circumstances differ, answer voice asked, advice someone starting diverse backgrounds experiences serve knowledgeable Volunteer use skills knowledge fields reach dream ownership. To more, visit southwestflorida. score.org. Hochschild freelance writer Africa, she grew up, U.S., her home 1981. She author novel, memoir, anthology poetry, biographies nonagenarian residents Fort Myersbased Retirement Community. SCORING comments received last month Bill very subjects came during conversation. He really good talking him me refocus. Chris great coach. fit. listened session. service remarkable already told services. Nancy amazing loved listened, approachable, advice, homework, scheduled follow-up meeting, suggestions. SCORES website informative. paired quickly mentor. Len Hendrickson Ed Brakus Burma Spice, 12 LYNN SCHNEIDER Tribby Arts Center worth outside entrance Grand Atrium Connie Brown Hall SHELL POINT RETIREMENT Laurie Harkey Reel Corker, dress created wine bottle corks designed Barb Rogers recent Castoffs Couture exhibition Center. fter day sun, sea, sand, visitors interested exploring cultural offerings available nearby. hub creative activity Point--just minutes Causeway--and welcomes experience offer. Located Coastal Links neighborhood retirement two-level, 44,000-square-foot greets guests grand atrium. Inside variety musical, theatrical, educational programs. includes trio galleries showcasing residents, regional national artists. focal point Hall, 400-seat theater state-of-the-art acoustics offering concerts live performances year-round. Before concert lecture, conversation coffee Caf browse Serendipity, gift shop. Residents access studios painting, pottery, quilting, textiles, glassmaking, crafting, photography. multiple practice rooms music, dance, performing arts, literary lounge extensive arts library. Bag, fashion Constance Walker Target shopping bags, exhibit spring, presented partnership J.N. Ding Wildlife Society. Serendipity Gift Shop Tribbys goal nurture creativity engage mind programs visual, literary, says president Martin Schappell. AROUND GALLERIES distinct host exhibitions curated entertain educate. pair open October Unconfined Creativity Works Prison Project Imagine That, dazzling resident artworks glass studios. Flora Fauna, Expressions Nature opens November, featuring guest artist potter Martha Grattan Carolina, joins artists magical animals, insects, flowers, foliage. Upcoming Fanciful Makes Smile creations Katie Gardenia Color Air artwork Sanibel-Captiva League. coming season see artful holiday bazaar November Februarys 2D show sale. Centers permanent sculpture collection bronze metal works outdoor Schlackman Sculpture Garden, while colorful kinetic sculptures atrium evoke landscape. displayed second level represent talent Points Duo, Symphony String Quartet, Rosenblum Trio. Season heats Herb Bruce Herbicide Jazz Band Georgia Players Guilds homage Creedence Clearwater Revival. brings Eagles tribute band Hotel California, sounds Simon Garfunkel Live Central Park Revisited, mix upcoming productions Driving Miss Daisy, Botanic Love Letters, tender unforgettable Repertory Theatre artistic Greg Longenhagen wife, professional Liz Abbott. Academy Lifelong Learning presents informative programming history, wellness, travel, technology professors, expert presenters, speakers. Schneider marketing Myers-based STAGE music lovers, array including big band, swing, jazz, pop, classical, bluegrass, folk, country. Early fall IF YOU GO 17281 Par Blvd., Myers 239-415-5667 TribbyArtsCenter.com fabulous. At Tower Gallery 23 display various mediums--from watercolor ceramic wood metal--all set inside old cottage gallery located 1994. 21-23, pm, hosts biggest popular year. Attic Sale, explains clay board JoAnne Bedient. sale ever have. own mark down unbelievable prices make season. 16th sale, customers trips Artis--Naples, Baker Museum, thought-provoking planned fall. Envisioning Evil Nazi Drawings Mauricio Lasansky runs September 17 February 19. Jewish immigrants Argentina, explored themes war violence. exhibits immerse senses dmire study sculptures, senses, attend event-- all, lineup Synchronized Shenanigans Marti Koehler Artist featured Museum. ANN MARIE OPHELAN COLLECTION HELEN FRANKENTHALER FOUNDATION, NEW YORK. ARTISTS TOP IMAGE MARTI KOEHLER, TOWER GALLERY SANIBEL LEVITT FOUNDATION LASANSKY CORPORATION Stella Polaris 1990, Helen Frankenthaler, Museum RIGHTS SOCIETY ARS, YORK RIGHT BOTTOM RAN HWANG Frankenthaler Late Works, 1990-2003, appears 6 27. Her innovative experimental soak-stain paintings established 20th century. Korean-born, York- Seoul-based Ran Hwang creates visually stunning installations using buttons, beads, pins, video projections. demonstrates cyclical nature fleeting beauty. Becoming Again January 8. Rest II 2009, Hwang, consists metal, pins Plexiglas. fallwinter top photo above right works, Egret Foliage III Shah Hadjebi. realm public city jazzed landscaping husband wife Gus Lina Ocamposilva. Other shows Acquisitions 2019-Present, which highlights significant additions Museums collection. These American, Latin European 1880s present day. 6, Contemporary 2022-23 select visual slated July 16. 19 Secret Window Julio Beltran Septembers Sydney Berne Davis Aldo Castillo eponymous 20 JULIO BELTRAN ISRAEL ALPIZAR ALDO CASTILLO downtown Myers, weve got couple relations Melissa Tschari DeHaven. Beyond Subconscious Beltrans imaginative inspired surrealism. September. Israel Alpizars Fractasia--Sacred Space Sacred Age, multisensory painting techniques, contemporary projection mapping, lighting effects, interactive installations, Capital Castillo, Galleries Naples Estero, leading international curator advisor 35 years museum curator, artist, dealer, fairs. One worldrenowned pieces conceptual photographer Lluis Barba, merges social criticism realm, Elizabeth Lynch, manager. Another Hugo Diaz, expresses himself His encompasses geometric abstraction, color, lines, light, elements virtual movement. aluminum sculpture, entitled Sailing, abstract boat sails gives Age Alpizar, Artists install Sailing Coral. CITY CAPE CORAL viewer sense movement airy playful appeal. site-specific commissioned captures color contrasting tones sunrise, sunset, reflection sun water, Kaitlyn Pearson, Corals information specialist. Community Redevelopment Agency CRA chose talented field 80 applicants unique community. purpose add beauty celebrating adds Pearson. installed earlier roundabout SE 47th Terrace Vincennes Blvd. OPhelan regular contributor Media. 634 5th Avenue S, Miromar Design 10800 Corkscrew Road, 312-375-8887 aldocastillogallery.com 5833 Pelican Bay 239-597-1900 artisnaples.orgbaker-museum City capecoral.gov 2301 First Street, 239-333-1933 sbdac.com 751 Tarpon 239-472-4557 towergallery.net Sanibels Island Seniors plans activities members, kayak Lovers Key Naples. Older population stays put ging place common phrase seniors realize living home, rather facility, option. best choice emotional, physical, financial place. Many familiar settings simple modifications cleaning help, personal aides, grocery meal delivery services, house-call medical participation events, workshops, classes geared membership senior groups centers connect others. Home wonders, dont costly additions. adding lights, arranging furniture easier accessibility, removing rugs, incorporating railings grab bars bathroom, keeping flashlights case outage, attaching phone finders cell phones misplacement. AARP HomeFit Webinar wealth room-byroom modification tips youtube.comwatchvkML27_uZsP4. example, Janine Smith, night lights visibility, much light disrupt sleep. Employing staying doable both caregiver aging cleaning, lawn garden, laundry, aides--all should checked out beforehand. Better Bureau excellent bbb.org, online reviews sites Yelp. stores Publix Whole Foods delivery, restaurants DoorDash Grubhub. Meals helps ensure nutritious meals daily need mealsonwheelsamerica.org. Area AAASWFL focused helping older adults disabilities independently Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee, Sarasota counties. Resources topics health wellness elder abuse, home-aide programs, nonmedical transportation, pantries found aaaswfl.org. Health place, House Calls, delivers care patients home. TeleHealth provides 247 on-demand urgent remotely, accessible mobile app website. DispatchHealth new, convenient way receive high-quality, having leave homes. Patients now treated injuries illnesses flu, cuts lacerations require stitches, more-- thanks brought door. Those want participate workshops luck. yoga, meditation, chronic disease management prevention. Healths Healthy Life Myers. teaching kitchen cooking demos, so healthy comfort Carrie Bloemers, Coconut Point. Coral, Babcock Ranch fitness workshops. inspire theyre version themselves. doesnt big, slowly moving needle Bloemers. seen success it launched podcast called Life. spotlights, stories began pandemic. much, kept notes Each month, eight 10. do small, groups, gotten feedback attendees. listen to, read transcripts, leehealth.orghealth-and-wellnesslee-health-podcasts. blogs nutrition, exercise overall accessed leehealth.orghealthand-wellnesshealthy-news-blogexercise-and-nutrition. because homes still connected people, interaction, making engaged connected. CENTERS Lake Kennedy 400 Santa Barbara 239-574-0575 Tony Rotino 5817 Driftwood Pkwy., 239-574-0807 FORT MYERS Senior Friendship 12734 Kenwood Lane, 239-275-1881 friendshipcenters.org BEACH Oaks Social BOSS Recreation Campus 2731 Oak Beach 239-765-4222 fortmyersbeachfl.gov999 Bay-Oaks-Social-Seniors-BOSS LEHIGH ACRES Lehigh 219 Plaza Drive, Acres 239-369-5355 leegov.comparkscenterslehighsenior NAPLES 5025 Castello 239-325-4444 naplesseniorcenter.org 3880 Captiva 239-472-0345, ask Jessica center4life.org north resources. informational series winter. Topics range healthactivities FISH assists citizens families regularly center weekly excursions, overnight charter bus destinations, shows, tours, attractions, lunch gatherings, potlucks, classes, Shirley Schulz. resources residents. Citizen Center, Beach, LEE HEALTH Classes Events leehealth.orghealth-and-wellnesswellness-eventsand-classes leehealth.orgour-servicesurgent-caremobile-urgentcare-dispatch-health Calls 239-343-8250 leehealth.orgour-servicesgeriatricmedicinehomebound-senior-care-house-calls Telehealth leetelehealth.org 42880 Crescent Loop, 239-343-3540 609 13th Court, 239-424-3220 23450 Via Point, 239-468-0050 leehealth.orghealth-and-wellnesshealthy-life-centers Walking scenes Left, tours Edison Ford Winter Estates peek research laboratory. John Telischak, education manager Historical Society, leads walking Historic District. back via Estates. Guests stroll winter botanical gardens, historic laboratory glimpse Thomas Henry Fords lives Florida, Lisa Wilson, director. up-close original artifacts plants mens projects. self-guided led historians, available. Tours Village tell Calusa Spanish eras early pioneer settled island 1800s. Both guided Participants warriors, adventurers, fishermen, farmers, proprietors. islands re-created village nine structures relocated sites, restored, preserved, executive Emilie Alfino. Visitors trace BONITA SPRING HISTORICAL EDISON FORD WINTER ESTATES aking gathered slip shoes join history Springs Society entertaining downtown. walk itineraries, focusing particular stories, Charlie Strader, society. Walking-tour How Got Name Shangri-La Springs, Places Wonderment Everglades Wonder Gardens tourist Downtown Landmarks landmarks development, Cruising Down River Imperial waters, Land archaeology. Saturdays season, customized walks perspective Naples, district. central exceptional, begin Palm Cottage, portal history. oldest house pioneers built town. Or mile-long District, theyll alleys Reservations recommended. Above, segments areas past. footsteps meander handicapped-accessible path lined buildings. grounds fishing cottage, post office, schoolhouse, tea room, general store, closes summer August reopens Tuesdays pm. History aside, spirits made Wicked Dolphin chance distillery products handcrafted bottled. Barrel Room, 160 once-used American white oak bourbon barrels filled rum, aged perfection. And sample product. free cocktail distillers explaining what equipment does rum made. then full circle tasting Venegas, graphic designer media coordinator distillery. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. An aerial view buildings distillery, aging. MUSEUM VILLAGE WICKED DOLPHIN 27451 Old 41 239-992-6997 bonitaspringshistoricalsociety.org 2350 McGregor 239-334-7419 edisonfordwinterestates.org 137 12th 239-261-8164 napleshistoricalsociety.org 950 Dunlop 239-472-4648 sanibelmuseum.org 131 SW Third Place, 239-242-5244 wickeddolphin.com 25 Gulfcoast Zeitgeist DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF Be dangers inherent revolution shattered mirror, inhabits broken glass. So highly fragmented, basically mutually hostile. mostly yelling bubbles sort another. --Martin Gurri former CIA analyst, Revolt Public 2014 begins again precious duty casting careful vote maintain guide constitutional republic. midterm elections mirror decide face future. Here leaders run political partisans, contentious issues handled civility--and success. Such citizenship hope nations founders, growing threat days. historians recognize major forces bind democracies networks interaction based mutual institutions shared stories. Over decade weakened forces. 2009 platforms Facebook Myspace provided harmless ways users connect. Gradually, however, became comfortable intimate details posing stage, performance impress deepened friendships. Then witnessed intensification viral dynamics introduced button, Twitter Retweet button allowed endorse followers, response Share button. result user days Internet fame among like-minded derision dissenters. clicking stirs dishonesty mob dynamics. engineers watched mobs forming thought himself, handed 4-year-old loaded weapon. drafting U.S. Constitution, James Madison tried protect knee-jerk angry outbursts, bumper-sticker crusades, resistance calm debate, reluctance converse face. Federalist No.10 noted prone factionalism no substantial occasion itself, frivolous fanciful distinctions sufficient kindle unfriendly passions excite violent conflicts. worried peoples natural tendency divide themselves parties worked animosity become disposed vex oppress cooperate good. means stable, just, society deliver Declarations envisioned life, liberty, pursuit mechanisms allow cooler, wiser heads prevail, compromise, encourage citizenry hold accountable periodic fair elections. Hence, promises values. Coincidentally, recently enjoyed bag DOVE dark chocolate candy Promises. foil wrapper printed messages something off-line. Leave behind. Ignore hashtags. Revive Sweet Niehoff lucky face-to-face interactions here Gulf Coast 1991. 27 gifts gear gadgets, eco-friendly choices G Coral-based WooBamboo oral products. Conservancy shop reflect organizations mission. WOOBANMBOO CONSERVANCY SOUTHWEST FLORIDA reen less impact environment created, consumed, discarded. Waste reduced packaging goods Greenhouse gas emissions manufacture usually fewer toxic ingredients, health, reusable recyclable. days, consumers choosing green Consumer Sustainability Survey CGS Computer Generated Solutions 2019 percent buying environmentally friendly five earlier. Throughout kinds goods. explore few. wouldnt think toothbrush could green, is. Were proud alternatives typical landfill-cluttering chemical-filled market, Mandy Carter. WooBamboo, refers itself company, Earth Day 2013. line products--from bamboo toothbrushes biodegradable silk floss--can throughout countries, woobamboo.com. mission dental planet too. natural, sustainable, positive, worlds plastic-negative brand rePurpose Global, coalition reducing plastic waste. WooBamboos Global purchased fund removal waste polluted environments globe. far, replaced million options, Scout Curated Wears jewelry, stack bracelets, stone wraps, dreamcatchers, specializes multiuse uses recyclable packaging. company woman-owned, proceeds donated causes support women. example items carried Market fair-trade merchandise, recycled upcycled, merchandise offered companies back, Karen Allegretti. Indeed, everything dcor clothing kitchenware. Allegretti opened store Man First. selection protecting land, wildlife, carries books guides area, conservancy fiction childrens preservation environment. stocks jewelry Scout, showcases artisans whose reflective wildlife impacts makes. shop, selective memory visits conservancy, Rose Readigos, Pursuit brands PrAna, tasc Performance, Southern Tide, Bermies racks. PrAna carry winter, committed sustainable BOTH MARKET EARTH 29 lines cater environment, swim trunks, bottles clothing. organic cotton, wool, poly, Gomes Valentino. PrAnas headquarters energy-efficient heating. plenty recycling bins staff decreasing carbon footprint. Organic cotton eliminates chemicals reduces water fabric. bottles. Eco-friendly paint home-improvement GreenSheen comes pre-tinted colors eggshell finish. premium, recycled-content latex paint--plus sells lower cost gallon gallons 90. sold nearly 200 Habitat Humanity ReStores U.S, locally North locations. location paint. heard large ReStore collaborative talked happy customers, Davis, procurement Hendry complemented reuse, resell, reduce amount MORE INFO 1495 Smith Preserve Way, 239-262-0304 conservancy.org 15271 239-202-8486 16133 S. Tamiami Trail, 239-652-1660 31 Willis 239-652-1699 9080 239-949-4409 habitat4humanity.orgrestore 2075 Periwinkle 42, 239-472-4600 islandpursuit.com 2224 239-226-0006 marketearthstore.com 3106 Del Prado S., Unit 308, 239-217-3500 woobamboo.com 30 ISLAND PURSUIT Assistant Nick Salameh, ReStore, displays gently furnishings, landfills. HABITAT RESTORE Eco-friendly, filtered tested quality, repackaged donate items, much-needed inventory clients, profits sales Habitats affordable program, builds need, Tammy Moran, VP Last 19,858 ReStores. deal quality footprint stores, furniture, goods, appliances, building supplies--including sinks Moran. Profits funded partnered Habitat. ERIK ENTWISTLE bloom proper maryllis Hippeastrum largest spectacular flowers grow easily yourself. popular, oversized bulbs force indoors, either planted pot. much-appreciated dreary, colder regions amaryllis hardy, gardeners try keep alive sunny window blooming, plant temporarily warmer until growth cycle. family lived England individual pots porch, sometimes bringing outdoors, rebloom. situation favorable, finished blooming indoors. Choosing suitable site planting, basic care, increase odds flowering subsequent tend March April. partial shade bulb yield tuck randomly front borders whatever like, current order Scheepers, limited varieties box pale comparison. While potential cause failure landscape, problems. remain wet, soil must well-draining subject flooding standing rot. dormant dry time. learned lesson overwater- ing planting raised garden bed irrigation round. healthy-looking foliage flowers. After ground better-drained soil, resumed following spring. Fertilization involves simply granular enough energy reserves far pests go, watch lubbers grasshoppers, decimate foliage, removed plants. important bear grown outdoors fairly short weeks, heat curtails cut flower stalks theyve started opening vases house, close cooler temperature preserves longer lasted attached plant. enjoying throw away garden. satisfying naturalized thrive spring substitute tulips daffodils north. Pianist, instructor, musicologist Entwistle teaches Sanibel. writes Stay Tuned column hobby vegetables fruit gardening methods. tuned deep dive cultivate musical connections hink moment role plays life. about, relationship proved enriching Assuming strengthen greater appreciation, studying theory, composition, primarily listening. since, else, form human communication. there quantity, style consider. Not commands attention equally, span innumerable lifetimes recordings available, released radical shift streaming Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music. readily easy sample, listening wisely balance between breadth depth, depth. profound level. song honest myself actually know lets ubiquitous Fifth Beethoven. anyone somehow managed encounter piece, remains unknown waiting discovered. others, familiar, famous short-short-short-long opening. included, inclined claim necessity asking questions Do composer Personally yes, hurt refresh it. Have andor Yes, aficionado vari- 34 ous interpretations. four movements symphony equally No, Ive taught frequently classes. Finally introspectively, response, beyond Beethovens Fifth, curious listener composers symphonies any rest catalogue works. Next consider era, composers. Suggestions apps artificial intelligence you, lead discoveries otherwise. Just suggested violinist Roman Kim arrangement entire violin solo. probably known suggestion feed. arrangement, virtuoso feat challenged conception sound. happens, intelligence. continue journey, latest technological advances largely curated, allowing unexpected. worthwhile there, day, overwhelming start. door another, excitement lies promise discovery ability deeply speak personally mode communication call music. STEVE CORBIN Owner Maari Simcox Priscillas uplifting ituated Shops, unique, handmade women, infants adults. Featuring cool novel pieces, decor, greeting cards boxed ready anything, journals, stationery, aids self-care products, ages, gift-giving desire. charities nonprofits, portions toward marginalized voices advocacy groups. named Priscilla Murphy, traveled Michigan 1940s real estate office 1950s. muse, Simcox. trailblazing present. PRISCILLAS husband, Chas, children, dogs, Minnesota visiting whole decided leap faith adventure says. advertisingmarketing, journalism, interior design, charity feels calling soul, us, hard earth. humbled community meeting soon hearing story. Corbin longtime loves uncover hidden gems. 2340 F1, 239-558-4441 priscillasofsanibel.com Monday Saturday, am-5 Closed Sundays. 37 Paola Noguera C Coco y Cabana apparel aims spread joy COCO Y CABANA oco intention grace woman store. Noguera, innovator, garment believes giving abundant hopes enter alluring boutique. Nogueras belief value substance, cohesively reflected selects. strives culture behavior. designers chosen philosophy. Using wants everyone enters doors Cabana. chic casual perfectly lifestyle, desires creating designs capture individuality wearer. customer able suits personality. embrace vision tropical luxury feel. 2023, launching exclusive La Casa de Coco, prints linen, silk. platforms. G2, 239-312-8467 cocoycabana.com Sunday. 39 GINA BIRCH EASY VEGAN wanting dip toe plant-based dining pool, essential delicious recipes. Easy Vegan PBS celebrity chef Laura Theodores recipes, family. wherever TIDBITS MERINGUE melt-in-your-mouth meringue cookies satisfy sweet tooth calories bay--only per cookie. cholesterol free, diabetic keto versions taste tantalizing. 5 tidbits.fun FRINGE BAGS one-of-a-kind merino wool handbags mill Portugal tradition Reguengos rugs blankets practiced. sassy side fringe soft leather handle. 140 myportuguesemarket.com GIVE HOPE NECKLACE 14k gold-plated mother-of-pearl necklace Starfish looks escaping trafficking exploitation. Starting 49.99 starfishproject.com WHISKY Blending whisky Cuvee Waterford Whisky component whiskies, distilled matured single barley harvest Irish farm. Theyre blended seamlessly. stand shelf. 95 PEPPER CANNON sprinkling pepper wont do, Pepper Cannon Mnnkitchen. peppermill boasts output top-rated mills, holds half-cup peppercorns grinding ease hands. 199.99 mannkitchen.com BETH LUBERECKI Are lipstick lover face-cream fanatic Every fabulous fragrances, luxurious lotions, must-have makeup, between. FINISHING TOUCH Give at-home manicure matte finish Essies Gel Matte Top Coat 11.50. nails Essie coat lock off. salon-quality, chip- andfade-resistant polishes gel UV lamp nail polish. top-coat option alternative glossy drug, food, mass-market retailers. LATHER UP handwashing gets enjoyable Arm Hammers Essentials Hand Soap Collection 1-4.99. Available liquid foaming formulations, hand soaps incorporate trusty odorneutralizing baking soda ingredients aloe soothe soften pleasing scent options--Orange Citrus, Lavender Vanilla, Pomegranate, Peppermint, Crisp Cucumber--leave hands smelling FRESH SCENT say goodbye yet Check fragrance coastal Tide. Inspired sunsets, tea, lemon, grapefruit middle cyclamen, waterlily, rose petals base musk amber. 239-472-4600, fresh floral standard-size spray travel-size 20. SMOOTH THINGS OVER Is skin bit patch Bliss Texture Takedown Skin Smoothing Body Butter 13-15 relief. vegan, fragrance-free lotion glycolic, lactic, mandelic acids plus squalene full-body exfoliation harsh scrubbing smooth rough, bumpy skin. Ulta ulta.com Bell 239-334-0659, Cypress Woods Shopping 239-766-4107, Town 239-766-4283 Coralwood 239458-3522 239-992-0361, Walmart stores. 43 Explorer DIANE shortage places kick heels District Walk third Friday month. RIVER DISTRICT DOWNTOWN hottest restored transformed shops, restaurants, venues. Saturday nights clubs Space39, Patio De Leon, Indigo Celsius. dancing streets bands venue venue. performers musicians representing multi- ALLIANCE BRIAN TIETZ N eed endorphins fastest hopping. allows express emotions inspires. Where almost endless opportunities MyersSanibelCaptiva area. rooftop Sidney backdrop dancing. ple genres rock, reggae. Wednesday sunset Caloosahatchee River. JIM HECKLER Buddha nightspot long rock miss yard icon statue painted red. consistent schedule reggae, occasionally styles. Rusty Roepke, co-owner Concert Saloon, bar floor. hall happens bar. 25,000-squarefoot immense 4,500-square-foot floor, feet long. touring nationally Tucker Josh Turner. radically, dates begun again. clearly showcase perhaps Saloon expanding genres. Country LIne Dancing held rockheavy festivals Mexican Norteo gigs. lessons boot scootin. jazz so, Roadhouse gem spot evening fine dining, wine, jazz. Dont name, charming cozy Thursday mixed pure 46 MARC NEELEY inspires Woody Brubaker piano saxophone Traditions Doc Captiva, rockin entertainment week space. wooden wharf rustic, waterfront diners shrimp boats arrive dock eat. floor dancing, atmosphere encourages spontaneous outbursts moves you. appeal broad audiences. WOODY BRUBAKER CAPTIVA classy 1890sera directly Mexico idea about. Inn West romantic setting restaurant island. 47 plush Seas Resort, dine there. beach stars moon rising ocean. danceable, ballads, laid-back porch. Also Crows Nest, Tween Waters resort complex, catch ancient fireplace. closed reopen sophisticated, multilevel hopefully match. Famous views Mexico, Mucky Duck weekends week. sand under stars, performers. said barefoot sets twilight descends. on, dance. avid gardener splits Richmond, Virginia, appear numerous periodicals Virginia. 12701 239-246-1246 thebuddhalive.com Celsius Night 2213 Main 239-980-7630 facebook.comcelsius239 Nest Resort Spa 15951 800-223-5865 crowsnest-captiva.com 708 Fishermans Wharf, 239-765-9660 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275 docfords.com Room 2219 239-332-0014 facebook.comindigoroom 11546 Andy Rosse 239-472-3434 muckyduck.com downtownfortmyers.commusic_walk Leon 2215 239-349-2240 facebook.comThePatioFortMyers 2158 Colonial 239-985-9839 theranchfortmyers.com 15660 San Carlos Suite 280, 239-415-4375 roadhousecafefl.com Space39 Bar Martini Lounge 239-204-9949 facebook.comSpace39ArtBarLounge 3111 W. 239-472-4559 traditionsonthebeach.com 48 BILLECART-SALMON Glass 51 Come quickly, stars. --Benedictine monk Dom Perignon describing poetic indeed, magic caresses mouth tiny bubbles. world-class beverage quintessential celebrations luxury. glass, masterpiece senses. refer Champagne, generic term. anything generic. gold standard sparkling produced world. region France, grapes chardonnay, pinot noir, meunier. purposes, classified wine. fizzy fermented beverages appeared cultures centuries, wasnt 17th century today, being. winding tunnels caves Billecart-Salmon date Limoux, southern lays appellation birthed. 1531 monks Abbaye Saint Hilaire discovered wines laid lightly drink Approximately 150 later, Benedictine name Mathieu Roland-Billecart, seventhDom Prignon generation head spent heading Champagne. credited refining fermentation process, blending grapes. components flavors complexity. Defining blend combination overall, harmonious enjoyment, pleasure person similar, CEO Billecart-Salmon, 200-year-old, family-owned house. Billecart Pissarro nuances, parcels type use, vinification tanks, dosage, aging, etc., Roland-Billecart explains. known, things, elegant, idyllic ros Champagnes 52 BILLECART-SALMON. vintage treasures. make. crafting measure speculation evolve course yeast sugar added, igniting bottle, tank. process over. victory deserves defeat -Napolon Bonaparte Even complete, cells flavor sits--three longer--the gets, famed characteristics brioche nose palate. point, sediment removed, problem makers Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin picture, Veuve Clicquot, iconic orange label. entrepreneurship chutzpah legendary. Tilar Mazzeo chronicles icons fascinating book, Widow Clicquot. 1800s, lost husband. widow French. Looking faster, efficient remove table holes rotate tilt fell neck trademark motto priority strive excellence. 53 Chanel No. behind ears, wake morning Piper-Heidsieck warms body. -Marilyn Monroe Nonvintage brut consumers, according United States Bureau, association Comit Interprofessionnel du Vin association. More exported annually. Thats Add prosecco Italy, cava Spain, consumed jumps significantly. 1852 Charles Heidsieck, affectionately Charlie. sail America introduce delightful Yanks. continues decorated houses Holy Grail, countries world, effort, thought, exquisite wines. majority secondary techniques producers denoting label mthode champenoise. Zealand traditionnelle. African labels, cap classique, fastest-growing category industry. Sparkling Italy. Prosecco, animal. Charmat method, occurs pressurized tanks instead bottle. quicker turnaround Graham Beck bestknown Africa. disgorge wasting losing strength riddling, today. Later bought chateau happened train ended. People disembarking meet widow, tourism born. folk hero Mazzeo. legends region. Louise Pommery, kudos establishing tourism. importantly, changing profile tended side. drier mid-1800s. Besides Pommerys blue label, California finesse. bottled modern-looking France 85,000 acres vineyards. 54 GRAHAM BECK Pommery Champage impressive cellars. appreciated food. relegated aperitivo dessert. structure enables main course. takes occasion. reason why generally bubbly beverage. Italian producer Mionetto crown caps approachable. enjoyment sometimes-elusive statement glassware served in. shape difference connoisseurs fashionistas, reasons. Riedel 265-year-old specializing glasses scientific precision crafted specific hit tongue optimal enjoyment. Maximilian Riedel, 11th-generation flutes iconic, narrow certainly mesmerizing, sexy, says, nothing smell yeast. bigger big. coupe, width explode, foam, acidic part. connects perfect hitting taste. handy, suggests drinking meant sauvignon blanc noir subtleties. own. method styles vary greatly porch pounders levels complexity contributor, drinks, cold regardless well-known radio personality English eye-catching DECIPHERING CHAMPAGNE STYLES Brut driest 3 grams liter. Extra dry, contrary, 12-17 sugar. Sec 17-32 Demi-sec 32-50 grams. grams, meaning POMMERY 55 Sup pe nts W HYALURONIC ACID TANIS RHINES hether pill powder, lotion, supplements lifestyle out. Whether taken orally, applied topically, injected, intended enhance nutrient density diet accelerate positive outcomes appearance Read super youthfulness health. water. statement, upon antiaging philosophy Howard Murad, founder Murad Skincare, based, remedy parched predicament Unfortunately, body reached saturation bathroom supple quick determine hydration urine clearer is, higher hydration. determined trick positively plump possible, acquainted miracle molecule, hyaluronic acid. 57 referred filler Since exists naturally tissue, acid safe fill creases laugh nasolabial folds inflate hollowness cheeks puff pout. According Patrick Flaharty Azul Cosmetic Surgery Medical Spas Hyaluronic revolutionized aesthetic medicine. reshape rejuvenate in-office injections downtime. ASTAXANTHIN 58 NOW eye lubricant, so-called goo molecule--a polymer disaccharides sugars glucuronic glucosamine. latter supplement joint lubrication. Together silicon, ultimate hydrating particle, 1,000 weight youthful. highest concentration skin, joints, sockets, tissues retain collagen, elasticity flexibility. It. that, useful maintaining elasticity, sharp vision, support. Heres ramps bodys production protective polymer, presenting noninvasive therapy alleviating symptoms osteoarthritis. stimulates collagen production, firm Try berry-flavored smoothie hydrate tissues, minimum, lubricate digestive tube. Wear Quench lotions serums rich molecule pulls moisture air onto surface dryness flakiness. Look labels sodium hyaluronate. Inject injected dermis wrinkles thus, Ever wonder flamingos pink shrimp, crabs, lobsters, salmon eating Haematococcus pluvialis, freshwater algae produces carotenoid astaxanthin blood red radiation. aforementioned animals algae, turn pinkish gastronomical strongest antioxidants planet. protection fights radicals effectively vitamins E beta-carotene, carrots bell peppers. Various benefits date, boosts brain, heart, eyes, kidneys. antistress, anti-inflammation, enhanced source foods wild-caught sockeye salmon, krill, crawfish, roe, trout, sea-bream, crab, lobster. purchase supplements. sure synthetic. oil fat soluble mixes fat, increasing absorption times. Mercola Astaxanthin, extracted pluvialis olive oil. Buy Market, showed improvement topically ingested, mg layers improvement, ranging wrinkling, texture, spots, content, increased elasticity. pigment radiation chances sunburned. PYCNOGENOL DERMA Pycnogenol registered phytonutrient bark French maritime pine, Pinus pinaster. contains compounds circulation, stimulate immune system, DNA degradation. antioxidant anti-inflammatory ailments asthma varicose veins, ADHD menstrual disorders, erectile dysfunction male infertility athletic endurance hemorrhoids. ranks vitamin jack-of-all-trades conducted duration severity cold, zinc, length effects. postmenopausal participants firmer hydrated tone hyperpigmentation. radiation, warding photo-aging. simultaneously apply Derma-E Anti-Aging Regenerative Cream. doctor routine vibrant Rhines cellular molecular scientist esthetician. irreverent esthetic expos, Face Harsh Skincare Truths Esthetician Should Know... You. jack-of-alltrades Liquid Acid nowfoods.comproductssupplements hyaluronic-acid-100-mg-liquid Cream dermae.comcollectionspycnogenol productsanti-aging-regenerative-daycream azulbeauty.com Astaxanthin mercolamarket.comproduct29221 organic-astaxanthin-4-mg-30-per-bottle30-day mercolamarket.com 59 KATHY MONTGOMERY Mark Loren Designs artistry road custom vehicles armored truck MARK LOREN DESIGNS ince singular facet Lorens surprise brand. One, 1986 Chevy C70 renovated 2005, parked business. billboard, charities. other, 1962 Econoline van, fleet repair road. sparkle logos black. Loren, fascinated kid, sought golden opportunity. Acquiring heavy, specialized trucks easy, however. Brinks, scrap use. addition, regulations buying, licensing, driving difficult. Authorities thrilled letting vehicle, one, liked vehicle cargo. Eventually, diamond Los Angeles. hardened steel tires weighs tons, rated ballistic III, impervious .44 magnum bullet. van stylish, manual steering brakes, challenge drive. Below, pickups purchased. believe independent car. now. --Mark movies, notably seconds Men Black. Once authorities figured register it--as school size--and renovations deliveries. delivering engagement ring car Mothers promotion 2015 necklaces Norman chocolates contest winners. diamond-shaped hood ornament mobile. car, tarp warehouse, repurposed traveling jewelers gated communities watch-battery replacement inspections. touches, era-appropriate foot-shaped pedals shag carpeting. 61 renovation, Jewelry Trauma roll outreach pandemic brakes communities. driver. manual, brakes. workout straight road, admits. complete Perhaps, 1966 pickup rusted-out companion parts Beadles Marina Why charm. bench ramp Montgomery writing 62 Kid-friendly transportation Golisano Childrens Hospital THIS PAGE GOLISANO CHILDRENS HOSPITAL oing hospital stressful especially frightening children. fear, invested transport children ease. Thanks generosity donors, ambulances, Act fleet. law professionals emergency mental considered risk past, handcuffed transported sheriffs squad safe, Mental concerned stress, stigma, anxiety crisis. result, younger patients. Golisanos SUV safety taking April 2019, 2021, brightly painted, kid-friendly donations Kids Minds Matter, initiative funding advance pediatric behavioral specially rear windows barrier seat seat, minimize perception crisis trouble law. respect privacy deserve difficult situation, Simoneau, chief marketing, communications officer Health. child-friendly ambulances expectant mothers high deliv- Passengers welcomed whimsical interior, sky overhead, childsized equipment. ering prematurely complications. possible donations. child-sized Distractions onboard iPads, DVD player, coloring books, toys, rattles babies. 65 Left right, Adam Lysiak Comerica, Rev. Lefkow Vince Modarelli Humanity, prepare gomerica Mobile Bank. Gomerica Bank celebrates nonprofits COMERICA BANK P ublishers Clearing Houses Prize Patrol gained notoriety surprising checks, cameras, fanfare. similar phenomenon debuted summer. Instead minivan, Comerica shine light--and checks--to raising expectations custom-built, class motorhome banking air-conditioned conference refreshment bank representatives privately customers. Outside, Banker Connect teller machine banker Grace Children Families Golden Gate Gratitude program. Sabrina Silva, future homeowner Lefkow, Modarelli, gomericas donation Collier Whitaker Woods, County. 67 Through align companys priorities. Comericas right. chat, withdraw cash, deposits. banking, Lysiak, brick-andmortar truly full-service wheels. launch concept nationally. seminars, roundtables. summer, rolling honor celebrate priorities education, economic 68 County, leader close-up Bank, stepping discuss Lysiak. opportunity lifetime invest futures, homeownership. toured 125home search nonprofit. housing, hunger, employment, counseling, charitable cause, racking miles Youll follow 69 NATURE WILLIAM COX Among primitive, beneficial, insects O bservers dragonfly cannot beauty, phenomenal agility, displays, speed flight. beneficial feeds mosquitoes, gnats, nuisance insects. Often mosquito hawk, voracious predator aquatic nymph adult. dragonflys encased exoskeleton. sections eyes antennae thorax wings jointed legs abdomen terminal appendages. belongs insect Odonata. Within taxonomic suborders Anisoptera dragonflies Zygoptera damselflies. Damselflies differ robust folded backs dragonflies. Odonates primitive orders. earliest fossils 250 probable ancestors Odonata, Protonata, ago. wingspans feet. 19th centuries naturalists enthusiasts Odonates. 21st tremendous interest mainly Dunkles 2000 Binoculars Field America. scientists, enthusiasts, photographers, dragonfly-watching four-spotted pennant below, mature Halloween dragonfly, orange-colored followed L. Lasswell Forrest Mitchell. waterproof pamphlet illustrates 120 species Worldwide 5,500 species, approximately 433 reside peninsula. restricted depending habitat. habitat northern one-sixth 15 farther south Gainesville. half peninsula Gainesville Okeechobee, extent sandy ridge. infertile, clear-water, sand-bottomed lakes found, streams flow. nuisances. inhabit state. subtropical one-third below Okeechobee tip species. Dry Tortugas Keys harbor lack wetlands islands. Water fundamental mating, eggs near streams, lakes, ponds, canals, ditches, marshes, wetlands. Eggs killed mold eaten mites. survive hatch nymphs though varies Nymphs invertebrates fish. turn, fish, frogs, turtles, birds. sheds exoskeleton, period crawls emergent vegetation, internal metamorphosis transforming winged adult emerges transformation hours, vulnerable preying ants blackbirds, wind waves. harmed Dragonfly pesticides, wastes, sewage, fertilizer, silt. Fertilizer grass-clipping runoff yards blooms bacterial depletes oxygen. Soil erosion deforestation types land clearing blocks vegetation destroying bottom critical habitats meters forest buffer zones poor excessive hydrological impacts. Dragonfly-watching appreciation insect. pursue Cox ecologist Visit williamrcoxphotography.com. Male scarlet skimmer, native Southeast Asia 71 pretty picture outhwest outlets exposing arts. kids linked academic achievement, emotional civic engagement, equitable students outlet troubles, stress feelings, Frank Verpoorten, Art, drawing, media, paper printmaking, assembling 3D 5. Furthermore, Verpoorten explains, Students test scores later observe closely--skills bedrock expression conjure attributes compassion tolerance. classrooms instruction gathering, principal focus. year-round crafts teens SPRINGS 17. acrylic watercolor, clayraku, silversmithing, beadmaking, fusing, wire wrapping, stained copper enameling, understand Julie Gerhard, recreation program supervisor Parks Department. patterns, colors, effect, act improve fine-motor skills, build self-confidence. Bridges, youth mosaics. performing-arts auditions, costume THREE CRAFTY LADIES, LLC, sound acting fully staged productions. ballet, tap, connect, grow, supportive dedicated professionals, experts, Bridges. affordable--thanks discounts scholarships. Three Crafty Ladies instructor-led old. Sanibel-inspired crafts, souvenirs, double ornaments, Tracie Lantz, managing partner. tropical-themed, lots bright sea-life shells, starfish--all love. Creations plaster holders, seashells, seashell suncatchers, souvenir cards, balls, bead bracelets ankle welcome participate, accomplish projects assistance supplies adjusted 7. appealing ages. Make-it-andTake-it appointment am-3 Craft-friendly attire recommended attendees--big small. Adults alike memorable vacation comprehensive inquire Alliance 10091 239-939-2787 artinlee.org myriverdistrict.com 4533 Coronado 239-574-0802 departmentparks_and_recreationhomearts_studioindex.php Performing 10150 Visual 26100 239-495-8989 artcenterbonita.org 585 239-262-6517 naplesart.org Ladies, LLC 1628 239-472-2893 threecraftyladies.com appointment. abilities, pastels, ones enjoy, markets, fairs, exhibitions. listed Alliances check Walk, 6-10 galleries, exhibitions, performances. monthly public. CAN DEVELOP SKILLS Finesse skills. Because tools pencils, crayons, paintbrushes, fingers developing muscles. Improve cognitive function. through, effect relationships techniques. Increase math concepts size, shape, comparisons, counting, spatial reasoning, Further language artwork, Reduce stress. 81 wars treat Pisco, introduction. youve met Chilean Peruvian spirit, buckle fruit--grapes specifically--which classifies brandy, brandy likely tried. child vodka tequila interchanged cocktails. worthy stand-alone tequila, Catalina Gaete-Bentz, Catan Pisco. Piscos reminiscent tequila. palate rustic pepper, spice, hint sweetness. distillation pisco whether Peru Chile. Pedro Ximenez, grape typically produce sweeter Something else apart, distinction industry woman-owned Gaete-Bentz establish combined roots up. seemed vehicle. celebrated occasion, sour gather us. Ximenez foothills Andes Mountains. Chile exclusivity. battle Wars. classic uncomplicated ounce lime juice syrup ounces pisco. apart egg shaken ice frothy texture. drops Angostura bitters famously artfully floated froth, spicy dimension. tall, frosted clean lettering, Catans intentionally resembles vodka. GaeteBentz approachable experiment ultimately pisco, packages ships cock- Vineyards CATAN PISCO best-known worldwide. kits unfamiliar paloma. gin negroni. tail kits. instructions needed designated drink. punch offerings. Created Francisco citys recipe simplified bars. calls juice, company. syrup, pineapple ice, strained ice. Warning one. geographical indication legally team, GaeteBentz, kit unless complicated suffice bone contention decades. bans Talk war. male-dominated Chilean, discrimination Gaete-Bentz. owners, female refuse Undeterred, forges onward, preserve promote legacy embattled uniting contributor. fun time, 83 KEY B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Wine Vegetarian Food Beverage BLUE GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. browsing yourself delicious, island-inspired Sit hand-painted tables Cuban Sandwich lunch--its Theres dinner menu, signature Giraffe Cake dinner, pan-seared crab cakes topped mango salsa, chipotle cream, chili glaze. breakfast menu tempting omelets pancakes, Benedict muffins poached eggs, spinach, grilled tomatoes hollandaise sauce. locals R 239-472-2525 1100 View Dr., 239-558-5634, bluegirafferestaurant.com. CIELO Cuisine. sophistication evident tasteful decor menus. Start Blue Cielo-tini, curacao cocktail. appetizers PEI mussels, calamari charcuterie. Entres osso buco, Dungeness ravioli jumbo lump topping list. Wrap after-dinner scotches, cognacs ports. Scott McDonald p.m. 1244 239-472-5555, cielo-sanibel.com epicurious nice creamy cake lot me. --Audrey Hepburn Jerrys DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel joined novelist Randy Wayne White fictional character, bestseller sandwiches, salads entres. skip mojito. 2500 239-472-8311, docfordssanibel.com GROG SHOP Cigars, Spirits More. liquor, liqueurs, beer, cigars, Bailey walk-in cigar humidor stocked Arturo Fuente, Macanudo, Cohiba premium brands. Grog party-planning assistance, specials delivery. 2485 239-472-1682, grogshopsanibel.com COW Bovine Bounty. massive fish pasta, beef joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, breakfast, Loaded Seafood 86 uncertain. dessert first. --Ernestine Ulmer Omelet. bar, cocktails homemade Mango Sangria 2163 239-472-0606, sanibelislandcow.com JERRYS FOODS Serving Captiva. fullservice incredible meat seafood department 7am9pm. lunch, 7am8pm. items. Gluten-free bread buns request. hour beers Coquina Coffee 7am4pm. commitment Customers priority, exceptional. market perishables, convenience, competitive pricing, authentic experience. local, healthy, organic, in, sanibelgood2go. com 1700 239-472-9300, jerrysofsanibel.com LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Best Breakfast. decades, why. Ocean Frittata seasoned scallops crabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms artichoke heart Alfredo Lighthouse Grouper Platter pictures lighthouse walls. Call-ahead seating 362 239-472-0303, lighthousecafe.com 88 symbolic words inadequate. Alan D. Wolfelt Normandie Seaside NORMANDIE SEASIDE Indulge Yourself. Wind dinner. Bananaberry Toast Omelet favorites Colombian artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax cafes old-world Curry Chicken Salad Pressed lunch. Enjoy flair, B, L, D, SB, BW, C, 3345 33957, 239472-1541 310, normandierestaurant.com. GRILL Color. Grill serves pub fare--juicy burgers, baskets Buffalo wings--and bartenders oftensought-but-never-found feel, popularity spot. 703 239-472-4453, thesanibelgrill.com THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. cuisine black grouper, oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack blackened yellowtail snapper mojo 89 Ceilo allure trappings, glorious table. Ybel 2255 239-472-9200, thistlelodge.com TIMBERS RESTAURANT Dine Favorites fried calamari, platters lump. Fresh menu. adjacent market. 239-472-2722, timbersofsanibel.com TRADERS Experience. Traders emporium restaurant, Tuesday evenings singer guitarist Danny Morgan, icon. gumbo, macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, traderssanibel.com T2 BISTRO WINE Favorite. Opened dishes, trendy tacos savory flatbreads, addition coastalinspired classics. rotating craft draft beer selection, list envy lively Floridian dcor. Outdoor seating, 90 soul. You, cook, bring soul recipe. --Thomas Keller anytime 239-558-8919, T2traders.com CANTINA Nacho Madres Mexican. inside, serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest border. 14970 239-472-0248, captivaislandinn.com Story Continues. Building continued success, chain Whites character Resort. Docs Bread entres panko-fried dry-rubbed ribeye. 239-312-4275, docfordscaptiva.com KEYLIME Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. eclectic walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers, escargots baked cheese tomato. 11509 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE ICE CREAM Upon Time ... wide coffees, extra-strong Red Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes indulge scoops Queenies milkshakes sundaes. 92 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint brewed pond. grub. beachside patio gazing. 239-472-3434, OLD HOUSE FloridaNew American. Chef Nelsons bounty breakfasts choices, flair. Wines complement presentations, Sunset breath BF 239-472-5161 421, OldCaptivaHouse.com. RC OTTERS Otterly American.The multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf cravings. Diners seven BLD 239-395-1142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD Bistro. charming, caf touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted goat salad. 239-472-6200, BIMINI BAIT SHACK Giant Tiki Hut. thatched roof upper deck, ideal vibe, 93 entertainment. Daiquiris cocktails, lovers plates grouper freshly shucked oysters, juicy burgers ribs smoker. party started. 17501 Harbour Pointe 239-360-2248, biminibaitshack.com BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted tower sauce, modeled game choose entre robata grill, Lamb Lollipops roasted garlic rosemary reduction, Octopus SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entres, clean, ambience savor Jean Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, blancentertainment.com BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. sushi outrageous highlight tasty prefer steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 St., 239-362-2843, blusushi.com BROADWAY PALM DINNER THEATRE Than Show. out, show, facility 450-seat theater, 100-seat Off Broadway Theatre, 120-seat Royal 30-seat Sabal lobby. Shows Broadway-inspired musicals edgy theater. Evening matinee buffet plated Tickets online. 1380 239-278-4422, broadwaypalm.com 94 LYNQ Linking dimly lit cavernous vibe. Clusters sofas mingling. goes poke bowls all-American burgers. Handcrafted Lynq Mules, breweries adventure. nights. 16230 Summerlin 239-204-9345, lynq.life TWISTED VINE Dining. freshest seafood, Angus entrees. Extensive boutique Courtyard private events. 2214 239-226-1687, twistedvinebistro.com Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas Pass banana leaf Texas baby ribs. 239-765-9660, docfordsfortmyersbeach.com Especially Philly. corned-beef hash, pancakes sliced bananas strawberries Carbons malted Belgian waffles accompanied fresh-ground reasons breakfast. Pop Philly cheesesteak, down. 25091 Bernwood 239-948-4123, old41rest.com 96 effective --Joel Fuhrman RODIZIO Brazilian Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, dozen rotisserie-grilled meats, carved tableside Rodizio gauchos feijoada, black-bean stew, abacaxi, glazed-and-grilled pineapple. forget save decadent Friday-Sunday. LD 8017 del Lago 101, 239-498-0018, rodiziogrill.com RUTHS CHRIS STEAK Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted tray ceilings meticulously whitelinen-covered mood. petite filets cowboy-sized rib steaks juicy. Choose sides creamed spinach sweet-potato casserole. Shops 23151 239-948-8888, ruthschris.com date. However, readers ahead detailed reservations establishments. 98 Pollo la Brasa Restaurant El Nido Serves chicken thighs, breasts, Marinade cup lemon cloves minced teaspoon ginger tablespoon aji amarillo paste tablespoons huacatay smoked paprika cumin teaspoons kosher salt Combine rub generously possible. Marinate minimum hours. Roast 425 degrees minutes, brown, 350 cooked. slaw yucca fries. 23161 113, 239-319-1900, elnidoeats.com Berkshire Bone-in Pork Chop Pazzo Cucina Italiana 14-ounce pork chops heritage Idaho potato, chopped 1-inch red, yellow peppers garlic, leaves cherry sprigs garnish Salt Preheat oven degrees. chop grill marks desired optional. Bring boil medium pot potatoes. Boil 5-7 minutes. potatoes boiling, aside foil-lined sheet. chunks saut mixture. Drain boiled toss sheet, roast 15-20 crispy. Pumpkin Iced Perfect Cup gourmet vanilla pumpkin milk 16-ounce combine syrups thoroughly blended. mixture chilled brew. stir whipped cream cinnamon. Pro creamier iced coffee, full-fat shaker. 4548 Pine NW, Matlacha 239283-4447, facebooktheperfectcuproastery mix. Strain pilsner poured spoon layered Garnish wedge. Orgeat Syrup cups almonds blossom Spread rimmed sheet toast golden, Let cool. Crush processor pin. Transfer bowl. sieve cheesecloth bowl, squeezing extract liquid. saucepan, almond liquid, sugar, Cook heat, stirring completely dissolved. Remove heat. Store, covered, refrigerator 1220 3rd Street 239-643-6889, tommybahama.comrestaurants-andmarlin-barslocationsnaples Pasta Fresca Shrimp Put chops, grilling medium, thickness. vegetable roasting, pan medium-high remaining seconds. tender. spinach. Saut wilted. Take 8-12 store-bought brown rosemary. 853 239-434-8494, pazzoitaliancafe.com LaMottas Pizzeria 4-5 linguini virgin onion, diced clove tomato, Handful 9 raw deveined preference butter Parmesan Reggiano, shaved finishing cook pasta. Heat onions garlic. softened. tomatoes, Mix overcook shrimp. incorporated, flare low. butter, spoonful pasta cover simmer. half. plate. tongs edge dish, reserving slotted spoon, tomato center. Spoon Reggiano cheese. 303 NE 1, 239-540-8555, lamottapizzeria.com Zero-Proof Tea Tommy Bahama mint orgeat cooled wedge, shaker, press muddler. Shake 101 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE SUBSCRIBE Online rates internet orders only. Across Rollers Riding waves sea meets Marshy Mediterranean salad 13 Born, columns Persian rug patterns Merchandise ID Camp Popular Relating Relay race item 26Meadow sib equal Elevation valleys Hoses quartet string uncomfortably hot Glow Way abbr. Poets metrical 7Gizmos word America, Beautiful bluepoints, Wanted-poster letters Exercise Made Diving apparatuses 19Joins 21 Celebrated surrealist Max Rocky Mountains, PUZZLE Hidden Word 239.472.6188 2330 Ridge PHARMACY Locally Owned Friendly Faces Can Count Your Needs Order LOCKSMITH 239.472.2394 J-3 sanibellocksmith.com CUBE SMART SELF STORAGE 239.437.6063 11200 Gladiolus Drive cubesmart.com ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Kelly Rd, 122 Quality Years Call Appointment Mon-Fri 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel claudiospestmanagement.com CLAUDIOS PEST MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Know Trust Termite Treatment Pest Control RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Parkway ronandsons.com Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Vac Much 239.939.0077 Of accentbp.com ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS CopierPrinterScanners Printer Service Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management swfl Still havent seeing buses seems reality hurricane heating approaching peak storm wave mid-September. Adding go-bag. necessity. Artfully arranged pumpkins gourds picked farm Carolina. here, way--at least causeway packed Labor Day. saying good-bye lazy, crazy last-minute Pierce nasty love-bug splatter. Mating force. excited anoles deck. natives competing aggressive invasive cousins. hope. Geographic moment. desk tree teeming wildlife. iguana crawled branches looked eye. fierce thunderstorm afternoon slowed progress packing wilds western Georgia. mountain air. leash took steps walk. mangroves coyote, pacing forth. steps. Feeling refreshed mountains. Couldnt wait soak hiking-sore toes gulf wiggle sand. Everyone complains slow-moving golf carts San-Cap disturbed egrets crossing smile harried drivers. Most costumes bother swarms sweaty ghosts witches running tonight. must-see 18. Cover courtesy Hwang. VOL. NO. 4.95 SEASON Must-see Exhibits TIMES ISLANDS Masterpiece TRIBBY CENTER TOAST TO Choices GOING GREEN Display Published