38 features A MOMENT IN TIME Lots of kids grow up playing with Matchbox cars or G.I. Joe figures. Roman Kingsley wasnt like that. Inspired by World War II-era aircraft parts and other vintage materials, he made his own toys. Now creates sought-after watches that have a unique military look. 44 LIVING SUSTAINABLY IS NOW SO EASY, YOU CAN DO IT YOUR SLEEP Elle Liu, founder CEO Eucalypso, is proud her sustainable bedding companys product good for you, better the planet. The sheets, out 100-percent-natural eucalyptus fibers, are moisture-wicking, breathable, hypoallergenic anti-bacterial. WEDDING VENUES 50 51 52 56 Inns Sanibel Casa Ybel Resort Tween Waters Island Spa West Wind Inn South Seas 2 TOTI.COM SEPTEMBEROCTOBER 2020 departments 26 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST Science Art Design 12 13 14 16 MAKING WAVES Right Thing at Price Nearby Therapy Hope Chest What Wear 18 BEAUTY Beauty Trends 34 20 STAY TUNED Discovering Late Paul Badura-Skoda ARTS 22 More Than Gallery Worlds From Within 28 Out-of-the-Box Materials 30 32 WHATS STORE Whats Hot in Southwest Florida Home Furnishings Gold Parrot 36 STAYCATION Gulfport 48 TO HEALTH Make to De-Stress Your Mind 58 PETS Pets Often Included Big Day 60 CHEERS Designing Drinks 64 RECIPES WE LOVE Cooking 82 OUT ABOUT Ancient 84 NATURES NOTEBOOK Ecological Importance Tree Cavities 86 BETWEEN THE LINES Hurricane Romance 88 CROSSWORD 90 92 94 COMMUNITY Music ABBA Finding Strength Arts Sundays Made Brighter Discover Sanctuary Coming NovDec 95 SERVICES AND PROFESSIONALS 96 SWFL JOURNAL ers . tom offer s u c cial ue tBl spe e j 6f ift f g age p See Eat well travel safely. If you think this idea, then issue definitely you. Well give lowdown on some most interesting local restaurants food trends. Plus, if youre planning next getaway, youll find great ideas about where go beyond. GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Jones PROOFREADER Dan Whicker CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Elizabeth Grimm SENIOR CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Gina Birch Beth Luberecki VIDEO JOURNALIST, FITNESS WRITER Klaudia Balogh DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT MANAGER Camilo Vera WRITERS David Acevedo, Balogh, Birch, Bridges, Francesca Block, William R. Cox, Erik Entwistle, Libby McMillan Henson, Brian Holaway, Patricia Letakis, Luberecki, Myles Mellor, Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Bill Waites PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS JoAnne Bedient, Chanel Cleeton, Christine Dekkers, Dave Drotleff, Charles Fernandez, Freda, James Futral, Maria Glassford, Shah Hadjebi, Jaeger, Kingsley, Krista Kowalczyk, Alex Lago, Mary Liscio, Reina Lombardi, Sadler, Gilberto M. Sanchez ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205 ext. 1002 1000 Veruska Koerner 1003 Michael Rawers 1007 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS totimedia.comcontactus Dial 1 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network toti.com totimedia.com timesoftheislands.com rswliving.com gulfmainmagazine.com bonitaesteromagazine.com capecorallivingmagazine.com CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T 239-472-0205, F 239-395-2125 Founder Chairman Guy Tober President C.O.O. Times Islands, RSW LIVING, MAIN, Bonita Estero Cape Coral Living ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., Sanibel, 33957. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those publishers letter MISE EN PLACE Reset-Reconnect-Focus success I look back reflect each month going March year, can say it has been far removed from any normal experience--as so many people businesses our area. We all, as business community, impacted facing financial uncertainties. Everyone wonders how make through rough time. Things easily accomplished before now reach become very difficult. able dine restaurant regular basis, friends family, because we all protect other. question methods thus problematic almost impossible visit family members. When watching news, see only devastating destructive stories, begin wonder Where love, compassion civil behavior should show These trying which everyone best it. am happy was an excellent exhibit Munich-based artist Heidi Schmitz Sidney Berne Davis Center early March. Unfortunately, had return Germany soon after opening imminent restrictions. few months later, July 3, returned SBDAC another outstanding thoughtfully planned show, time well-known Acevedo. know social distancing day-to-day vocabulary now. team commended Aceved o Schm Group Publisher, Media z PHOTOS BY DANIELA JAEGER organized--to ensure safety every visitor. It experience And thank one leaders who follow safe precautionary measures. While being quarantined following distancing, also practicing my cooking skills. Ive creating authentic new dishes using recipes around world. tasted creations knows theme Love goes stomach. Each dish prepared scratch. My aim do prepare serve outcome piece art plate. Actually, approach use skills similar what applied when managing business. reset day dishes. This requires reconnection starting focus preparation ingredients--which mise en place. Only everything place start creative process structure. hoped, completed, masterpiece That everyday tactic reset, getting act together, reconnect focus. Along way, fine-tune adjust, same way might add pinch more salt serving it, achieve desired result. now, over world, daily routine turmoil. feel there no ordinary method since things changed significantly. believe plan, will ultimately guide us toward New Normal. gulf coast zeitgeist DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF To seeing S Talent hits target else hit. Genius see. --Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher ence mysterious. source true science. wise beloved naturalist taught among than four decades, Kristie Anders would often lead brief exercise awareness immersion into nature Close eye take whole picture put your opposite index finger nose-- 3 remove finger--NOW nose. practice allows perceive observed mark genius. As computer scientist Alan Kay change perspective worth 80 IQ points. Scanning beautiful poem, Invitation, Oriah Mountain Dreamer wrote doesnt interest me living. want ache for, dare dream meeting hearts longing.... even its pretty day, life presence. Ran Niehoff keep eyes open 1991. chopenhauers definition came mind reading scientific article transportation. author stated person mounted correctly sized bicycle exemplifies efficient energy per weight movement, expending less salmon, seagull, horse, car jet plane. Such calculation represents engineering talent. But then, consider musing aviation pioneer Igor Sikorsky According recognized aero technical tests, bumblebee cannot fly shape body relation total wing Of course, this, ahead flies anyway. Looking carefully hidden genius natures artistic designs sanctuary islands Gulf Coast. pay attention scientists help environment works, consult conservationists fit big picture. In truth these driven progress both science throughout civilization surprise world looking unexpected point view. catching sight envisioned, Albert Einstein reminded thing experi- ANN MARIE OPHELAN nearby Are collectible An antique designer bag Or oriental rug May suggest places score deal, snag something still break bank. Fort Myers Springs in-between, here selection shops--resale, consignment, wearable art, antiques collectibles--that leave wanting shop more. COLLECTORS CONSORTIUM, BONITA SPRINGS COURTESY OF CONSORTIUM Collectors Consortium offers wares 15 different vendors--from jewelry furniture--under roof. ART PHOTOGRAPHED REINA LOMBARDI Antiques Collectibles boutique spot just right hard-to-replace object long ago thought never again. Fifteen vendors sell their here, under rugs bric-a-brac, pirate-themed artwork artists, says Marilyn Anderson, store manager. collectible, youve come place, they cant refuse. old 41, south Coconut Point Mall. Mandala Madness created response COVID-19 self-quarantine. THERAPY THROUGH CREATIVITY therapy individuals view differently, gain insights discover solutions. aids developing insight individual experiences, helps solve problems, therapist owner Services Myers. creating, rather ability, key. For information, www.florida arttherapyservices.com call 239-297-7099. painting during intuitive workshop HOPE CHEST, NORTH FORT MYERS, SPRINGS, SOUTH MYERS Designer Resale Goods resale stores three locations deal--all cause. inventory wide ranging-- clothing, second-hand clothes, high-quality furniture, home goods, appliances, treasures, craft supplies, antiques, accessories, used books lot more, including childrens clothes. always head Chest, go-to thrift deals, items, shopper Louise Oakes Coral. Volunteers staff store, proceeds Healthcare provide compassionate care serious illness loved ones. Floridians welcome shop, donate items volunteer North Myers, CHEST Three Lee County high-end WHAT WEAR, International Local Designers Kors, Coach, Prada favorites White House Black Market names merchandise Wear, Floridas destination luxe consignment shopping womens shoes, handbags, accessories--all guaranteed authenticity. Established years ago, drive anywhere. feature authentic-only labels Chicos Louis Vuitton Chanel. arrivals daily, owner, Jenkins. consign, thats option website details. located McGregor Boulevard between College Parkway Cypress Lake Drive. OPhelan resident contributor Media. merchandise. IF GO 25091 Bernwood Drive, Unit 7, 239-265-5328 collectorsconsortium.godaddysites.com Store 13821 Cleveland Avenue, 239-652-1114 28520 Crossings Blvd, Suite B, 239-444-1100 14540 S. Tamiami Trail, 239-322-5350 www.hopehospice.orghopechest 13251 Blvd., 239-540-0291 shopwhat2wear.com WEAR BETH LUBERECKI Every issue, fabulous fragrances luxurious lotions, beauty must-haves lipstick lover face-cream fanatic Then fragrances, must-have makeup between. Because whether laid-back surfer babe junkie, feel. HELP HAIR Cannabidiol, known CBD, showing kinds products. Emeras haircare line--the first salon professional brand contain CBD--incorporates popular ingredient soothe dry, irritated scalps, reduce hair breakage loss promote healthy growth. CBD contains vitamins essential fatty acids form collagen, improves hairs elasticity strength. So, end result thicker, fullerlooking hair. Find Emera shampoo, conditioner, scalp treatment detangler 27 locally 239-395-2220, sanibeldayspa.com. PROTECT SOOTHE sun shining parts, means sunscreen must round. Eczema Honeys Gentle Hydrating Sunscreen 14.99 broad-spectrum SPF protection mineral-based formula mild skin. Zinc oxide key comes blocking suns rays, while ingredients coconut alkanes, glycerin, aloe vera juice shea butter hydrate soften Honey products CVS stores. VACATION VIBES Escaping deserted island sounds cards, turn mini-getaway Basics line Tommy Bahama. With fragrance blends Cuban vanilla agave water, citron peel wild geranium, includes wash 26.50, soap 19.50, hydrating lotion 26.50 lip balm 12.50 need reality. Pick Bahama 239-947-2203, tommybahama.com several Naples locations. SMOOTH THINGS Frequent hand washing, lots cleaning home--your hands point. Gloves Bottle 12.95 shielding bonds dead skin cells protective layer hold onto natural oils moisture. Even washing sanitizing, working healing within. You vegan, feet rest spots TLC. Bottle, SPF, Vision Ace Hardware 239-561-3560, visionacehardware.com. FAST FABULOUS were hurrying off anywhere days, waiting nail polish dry fun. So at-home mani pedi, Nails Inc.s 45 Second Speedy Gloss 8.99. Dubbed worlds fastest-drying polish, vegan formulation calcium magnesium strengthen nails, plus twofold resin complex polyester acrylic adherence glossy finish. brands wide-hugging brush makes DIY application easy, especially middle Netflix marathon. Grab shades Sally 19 ERIK ENTWISTLE late Extraordinary artist--on modern period instruments reflection life. There discover. much too short wonderful, poetic works --Paul 1927-2019 W hen studying piano performance graduate school, fortune work wonderful pianist teacher named Seth Carlin. Next obligatory Steinway behemoth studio, kept special, diminutive delicatesounding beautifully replica 1820s Graf fortepiano. original Vienna Beethovens death. Thanks replica, perform half final recital instrument, musical modes thinking resonate today. learned Viennese Badura-Skoda, enhanced already stellar reputation performing instruments. collected restored featured them recordings Mozart, Schubert Beethoven. He was, fact, record composers complete sonatas advantages pianos love play them, noted. liked recount instances demonstrate passages side side. Then, surprise, audience inevitably prefer modern. 1950s, wife, Eva, noted musicologist, became immersed research. results informed pianists performances, but led interpretation Bach scholarly editions works. contributions, Badura-Skodas helped displace faulty print correct widespread errors wrongly representing intentions. text established, logically pointed out. About becoming acknowledged expert Mozart interpretation, sense humor, specialization happened. naturally young happened enjoyed problem. On subject Beethoven, adopted tone, describing maturation. didnt last sonata public until 35 old, me. Our needs time, internal maturity, gained course us. blind admiration, learn, unlearn, detach ourselves little weve received, order ourselves. passed away September 2019 91, giving inspiration desiring wellrounded musician scholar, mastery skill him virtually follow. 200 recordings, numerous recitals globe span shelves books, articles credit, somehow found METROPOLITAN MUSEUM conduct compose, writing cadenzas Mozarts concerti completing unfinished Schubert, mention own, modern-styled compositions. concerts temporarily hold, perhaps ideal explore benchmark recordings. familiar these, extraordinary accomplishment integrity immerse yourself distinct sonic palettes Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle received undergraduate degree music Dartmouth College. earned post-graduate Washington University St. doctorate musicology California, Santa Barbara. teaches Island. JULYAUGUST 21 FRANCESCA BLOCK Its artists Charlie Brown Reichow Buck Ward Carole Nastars McCullough Christina P. Wyatt Ruhe Ikki Matsumoto Joan Roberts Bedient Kathleen Dennison Kathy Seguin Katie Gardenia Kelly Morrison Lalita Cofer Ludmila Evans Marianne Ravenna Megan Kissinger Mike Danley Ron Sebring Dutko Sarah Kiser Hadjebi Sheila Hoen Steve Bufter WATERCOLOR PAINTING SHAH HADJEBI alking Tower smile. building itself brightly painted turquoise wood panels, indigo blue spring green railings adorned cutouts tropical fish. smile widens walk inside, strong passionate community revealed. did shine bright turquoise, nor gallery all. bungalow moved beach current location Tarpon Bay Road 1986, chalky white, faded sitting along Sanibels sun-drenched shore. Setting house wheels moving inland, Polly, turned personal studio brightened up. Since houses radiant color synonymous whimsical colorful art. At textile artist, enthusiastically cooperative gallery--which establish 1982--at Bell Shopping name Tower. Still infancy, attracted range craftsmen, painters ceramicists photographers multimedia artists. After rent increases June Bloom Sunshine, paintings Sadler Inside ARTWORK PROVIDED SUSAN SADLER JOANNE BEDIENT 751 Road, 239-472-4557 towergallery.net Follow Instagram tower_gallery_sanibel updates hours sale. president longtime member Dressed Tee, Bedient. 23 pushed out, Matsumotos opened doors welcomed members move now-iconic home. Today, longest-running specializing media sharing creativity landscape. Unique commercial galleries, fills important role running ensuring continued success--from cash register funds hosting events. gallerys longest-serving member, joined believes treat interact directly customers talented ceramicist specializes Japanese firing technique raku, Bedients aspiration bring someones face, fans flourish. collective fosters community. Cofer, paints paper, 1995. provides artists--from unparalleled opportunities showcase lifelong friendships--Cofer notices responsibility favor. symbiotic relationship why describes connection marriage camaraderie palpable beginning. watercolor painter nearly reflects feels finally master do. 24 talent within enthusiasm successful, join leave. incredible history years, characterizes indescribable energy--one speak common language perspectives gather together family. landmark formed inside built dedication diverse group compares greenhouse, growing potential masters craft, friendships connections. of, she says. change, ones stick around, Block student Princeton journalism, affairs, international relations Chinese. 25 DAVID ACEVEDO Leccion de nado, Alexis Lago pictorial visions fine-looking gentleman stands looks infinite vast space resembling stratosphere endless. mans beard familiar, birds flying him. branches leafs protrude body, naked exposed multicolor. His clouds, seem move. strange formations fox, rabbit character is. Has Did notice This, friends, Lago. Born near bay Havana, Cuba, Florida-based surrealist visionary. grew magical. samples Surrounded folklore culture, witnessed differently embraced diversity humanism surrounding him, child. graduated biochemist Havana 1985. sense, worked researcher. During before, sketched regularly. Not after, took over, taking leap faith, enrolled prestigious San Alejandro School Visual 1993. medium, although oil prolifically. me, watercolors clean immediate, considers himself bit nomad, portability medium ON BOTH SIDES ALEXIS LAGO suits well. established alternate two, equally development. foundation studies historical such ancient cultures Greece, China Japan. earlier usually pottery, frescos, capture Lagos imagination. representations universes simplified, elegant tactile admires visual carvings icons Egypt Rome, Persian miniatures. Many literature, mythology philosophy, loved, compiled certain point, reconciling traditional contemporary, concludes. poetry mesmerizing. Words present, anyone read embedded messages metaphors. extremely strict process. faults native Cuba country extreme ideologies. Very expressions allowed diversion official speech. lesson circumstances discovering vision, needed foster, cherish share, comments developed teaching Mexico, years. Multiple Mexico realize oversaturated country, says, decided United States. Like finds career backbreaking, exposing vulnerabilities responsibly turmoil, path Sublimation Walk, leaving collaborated multiple personalities synthesis fine, subtle critic curator Andres Isaac Santana, closely maintains close artist. Debtor neither centrist peripheral, reconciliation opposites. shown various centers, galleries museums U.S. Europe, pieces exhibition 2021. represented Madrid, Spain, recent endeavors independent. present times, claims optimism embracing past, behind catalysts Now, live forest, trees witnesses journey, learn alexislago.net. Acevedo award-winning arts writer living Florida. DAAS CO-OP Gifts Union Artist Studios. bachelors Puerto Rico, Mayagez campus. Overnighter, Pieces Artists palm sheaths, wire, metal, recycled Futral uses metal discarded create outdoor sculptures. Artwork etting aside paintbrushes, charcoals pastels, fewer out-of-the-ordinary materials. Some larger life, others shelf--but amazing artworks. Futral--Recycled Metal Discarded Items Alliance Arts, Recycled useless fashioned animals elephants, pandas polar bears. materials new, explains. dings, scratches rust tell story gone through. added ding, instance, piece. choose wanted closer work, adds raised mother college grandfather Sanchez--Mixed-Material Sculptures Springs, Self-taught sculptor Sanchez, born El Salvador, life-sized variety sculptures fish, owls, dogs humans emotions expressions. unleash inner child--and some, touch topics, Sanchez. Liscio plastic, aluminum Liscio--Paper, Plastic, Aluminum Liscios plastic aluminum, aluminum. inspired Gustav Klimt Wassily Kandinsky--modern, edgy designed. jump viewer, yet ALLIANCE JAMES FUTRAL GILBERTO SANCHEZ MARY LISCIO carpenter handyman, Bondo putty auto repairs. accident 2016, began invest noting, day. Dekkers Fernandez--Palm Sheaths Harbour View Gallery, crafting baskets tree fronds carbon-dated 10,000 12,000 Fernandez twist art--using sheaths instead fronds. vessels contrasting colors shapes. signature sheath grew, wet rain growth winds down prematurely, rare large bottle sheath. She adds, pick Freda glass jewelry. contained Also landscapes, florals, seascapes skies, abstract highly experimental. Freda--Wire, Glass Gardner Colby Sculptor jeweler Fredas delicate organic, intricate style, airy light. employs exquisite craftsmanship, tiniest details--all sourced stones repurposed gems metals. York Fashion Week, Stuart Weitzman, Neiman Marcus, Ferragamo, Cirque du Soleil Francisco Museum Modern exhibited remarkable dress shoe forms. U.S., Canada, England Italy Museo Italo Americano private corporate collections. stunning indoor baskets. MORE INFORMATION 10091 Boulevard, 239-939-2787 ArtInLee.org 26100 Old 41 239-495-8989 artcenterbonita.org 359 Broad Ave. South, 239-403-7787 gardnercolbygallery.com 5789 Drive No. 104, 239-540-5789 harbourviewgallery.com TOP LEFT PHOTO GARDNER COLBY GALLERY FREDA CHRISTINE DEKKERS CHARLES FERNADEZ GILBERO 29 GINA BIRCH CURATED CANDLES spa Casperson wellness, soy candles, oils, ticket relaxation. scents lemon lavender marine air, burn 40 hours. 27, KayCasperson.com Captiva Sundial Beach ROMANTIC LIGHTING Add elegance romance room Simons chandeliers world-renowned Schonbek. arms Champagne gold heritage polished silver finishes. Starting 999, Wilson Lighting Naples, First schonbek.com. BAMBOO SLEEPWEAR cashmere lightweight Cariloha pajamas bamboo. Promising degrees cooler non-bamboo fabric, soft apparel styles women men. Pants 49, shirt 34, cariloha.com SLEEK SEAT latest creation architect Nina Edwards Anker Arctic landscape experienced Norway. Chair takes double-curved back. single front leg countered capelike solid wood, high gloss finish cushions optional. 7,320, neastudio.com ESSENTIAL WRAP Sustainably fabrics, stylish Essential Wrap Pang Wangle odorless, effective repelling mosquitoes, pesky no-seeums thanks built-in bug repellent. Long enough cover shoulders wrap waist sarong, colors. 58, pangwangle.com PEEL-OFF PAPER Change mood, wall coverings Tempapers peel-andstick removable wallpaper. mess free, easy reposition does ruin walls ready down, regardless 2x4-foot panel, tempaper.com SPIRITS Bombay Sapphire Gin partnered Hebru Brantley limitededition design gin global platform, Stir Creativity. Bold, vibrant characters iconic bottle, making gone. 26.99, reservebar.com ALL-DAY JEWELRY Have fun mixing matching string bracelets Atelier, featuring famous evil eye, said luck wear cubic zirconia, sterling 14k gold. Buy stack favorite bangle creativity. 29, atelierallday.com 31 Creating coveted coastal lifestyle anibel furnishings resource island. style fresh vision sophisticated casual todays lifestyle. Whether cottage, contemporary transitional trends, They selected manufacturers Lifestyle Collection. Color, comfort, taste practicality combined easy-care clear uplifting colors, balanced, timeless design, resulting perfect Visit quickly Color By Nature mantra. Their pricing competitive. offering instant gratification residents. stock, get possible. time-saving efficient, allowing clients enjoy here. knowledgeable prides themselves service, high-level expertise integrity. One questions finding project rental. determine fabrics environment. access warehouse inventory, Immediate Interiors Service quick solution Look select rugs, lighting, pillows interior pulled days weeks. Custom above opportunity rooms philosophy but, importantly, personality clients. addition helping in-store purchases, custom plan space, paint wallpaper window treatments. owners meet upgrade replacement requirements investment rental properties, co-owners Diane Carl Knight. fit. streamline decision-making timelines adding value properties. visitors lamps accessories wish purchase, ship items. offerings. top room. pair. room, Knight, co-owner family-owned husband Ray 2003. Yes, lighting son previously ran familys store. Shoppers broad well-priced prints, gicles oils. stopped missing chance confront feeling island-inspired dcor. 17th gives joy hear newcomer Wow Diane. Furnishings, 1618 Periwinkle Way, 239-472-5552, sanibelhomefurnishings.com PATRICIA LETAKIS Captivas gems, Andy Rosse Lane cozy downtown. define welcoming keeps shoppers coming B efore Parrot, Anne Fenoglio traveled shopped passion, couple Captiva, could fill fashion special appeal. tried destination, at, Fenoglio. area indeed. freshly white porch leads cottage accented Victoriana detailing. Warm wooden floors, rafters rattan paddle beachy vibe. Racks display fashions--easy living--for women, men children. Youll American- Italian-made apparel. rows hats shapes bags hang rafters. Among carried Filson, Marella, TAJ Shark, swimwear Vilebrequin, Vitamin A, Sundek Robin Piccone. Accessories include sunglasses YSL Gucci collections, Greek Sandals, Hammitt bags, Moore Giles leather luggage others. watches, check counter showcasing Oris. intriguing lovely gifts, tableware Juliska Vagabond House, candles Nest Lafco. shipwreck artifacts. brother, Tom, partners dabble salvage. amassed collection artifacts pepper interesting, kind stay Sanibel--and doubt again trip. Fenoglio, remind magical islands. 11512 Lane, thegoldparrot.com LIBBY MCMILLAN HENSON Hidden Gem Youve Missed Petes secret omewhere Sunshine Skyway Bridge Tropicana Field, theres small cool waterfront isnt radar. Put yours. Tiny Gulfports palm-lined streets, chock-a-block cottages, surprisingly adorable Best pedestrian heaven pet friendly. pup north. surprises Hey, THIS massive retro-looking serves hub dance hall-- Casino Ballroom. 1906, trolley Pete connected city passengers boats carry across water Pass-A-Grille Beach. Today casino, sans gambling, stands, hub. southwest dock wont squint spy historic Don CeSar hotel pink glory horizon. tiny post office tucked 20-vendor Bazaar, warm fuzzy time-warp feeling. Gulfport--sweet unabashedly quirky--has attention. Downtowns district stretches blocks, invite exploration foot bicycle. Laid-back extreme, locals congregate downtown bars, wearing uniform tees flip-flops. happy, small-town Start crabmeat omelet pumpkin French toast Stellas sit indoors OMaddys Bar Grille lively open-air scene music, sports TVs consistently lobster BLT Head Backfin Blue Cafe, visitors, crab cakes. Tiki Grill bet tapas sangria. dinner, Pias Trattoria--by accounts Gulfport--for Italian food. lasagna table cast iron plate hot. homes walking distance everything. Peninsula couples checking weekend longer. suites, pet-friendly large, lush patio, clubby dark-wood bar veranda dining. ALL GULFPORT ARE VISIT ST PETE CLEARWATER Quirky charm defines Gulfport, nestled midst Pete. lodging must, Toasting Mermaid bed breakfast, refurbished 1923 compound street Boca Ciega Bay. Pop Paw Paws Pet Boutique four-footed chic, clothing BoTiki. Shoppe Garden brings smiles dcor, unusual collectibles tea Sundries Swag Scullery stop gifts. handful scattered Boulevard. Paddlers depart Kayak Adventures Clam Bayou Park east marina. Any shorter pier Casino. catch angler action longer OMaddys. Early mornings memorable light splashes hues unpretentious vibe walkability tend slow visitors. Should develop itch farther afield, however, suitably quirky day-tripping options renowned Haslams Book 2025 Central Ave., Pete, 727-822-8616 Salvador Dali 727-823-3767 or, Tuesday, Thursday Friday evening, Petersburg Shuffleboard Club, happens largest 559 Mirror Dr. N., 727-822-2083. Henson freelance 239.472.0700 4301 Sanibel-Captiva Family Practice Walk-In Clinic SAN-CAP MEDICAL CENTER 37 RAMON KINGSLEYKINGSLEY NO. 1945 Time Moment Ramon IIera 39 L ots kids. Dominican Republic, father former officer whod teenager Republic rule dictator Rafael Trujillo. age, fascination fathers airplane ammunition casings playthings. weird kid, laughing. Instead toys, attribute ingenuity Rhode Design, studied industrial designing devices companies, ventured hearkening childhood tinkering appreciation history. timepieces meaningful instrument told got iPhone wherever dont really watch. tap into, having talk about. decade prototypes company, 1945, following, enthusiastic client base vocal theyd next. percentage watch one, Kingsley. taken own. People watches. BUILDING BRAND seems destiny involved endeavor this. toys child collectors, ins outs antiquing. RISD, fine-tuned skills, learning sketch actual physical graduation stint Texas furniture goods companies Target, Walmart, Container Store. A.T. Cross Co., oldest pen goods. one. --Ramon complicated assembling limited-edition draws designed resemble gauges retro components. started transition dots connect, recalls. today, collect stuff. connect passion aesthetic one-of-kind movement secondhand bomber jackets cut straps purely beginning reclaiming. kicked brand. list component suppliers. trial error, one-man start. designed, in-house whos architect, parts. knew special. Having consumer luxury practical derived longing doing inherently meaningful, notes. tie historical, keepsake. company sourcing components used. mean cases cockpit crown guards resem- look, compliments them. ... stuff have. --Kingsley Anthony Marcello ble grenade lever. combinations dials, packaged vintage-style, hand-finished cigar boxes. Lego jokes Providence assembled. five employees orders sells mainly kingsley1945.com, prices ranging 800 1,400. user friendly, candy, activity online. sometimes kingsley_1945 conversation there. CREATING FOLLOWING buy watch, automatically Club receiving promotions. 42 bond. creativity, sorts met themselves. Dino Passaretta, owns Kingsleys, like, Oh God, whats quality-driven person. Hes detailed aspects design. police officers lawyers chefs enthusiasts Rolexes pricier timepieces. different, comment conversation. someone seen heard wealth manager Marcello, splits Passaretta earliest states, brand, think, important. member. ceremony maybe somewhere else. Other on, something. Those influence creates. Im centric, overwhelming responses saying, compass face feedback narrows passage release. job aspect exclusivity customization, Marcello. Once buys second third. devoted clientele exactly wants likes intimacy customer passion. aspiring rich full company. boutique. Nokomis, Floridabased frequent Learn bethluberecki.com. 43 Liu Irish proverb laugh sleep cures doctors book. subscribes philosophy-- sleeps Thats reasons based greater City, Eucalypso. sheets fibers. recently spoke discuss benefits sleep-lovers MEDIA TELL EUCALYPSOS MISSION STATEMENT mission extends maintain sustainably grown forest produce batches, overharvest cause environmental degradation. closed-loop production process--meaning reuse recycle 99 percent solvent 100 EUCALYPSO fall Eucalypso immediately rush amazing. --Eucalypso material. dyes solvents nontoxic organic. socially responsible. workers treated paid fairly. partner manufacturing plant Pakistan higher education health prioritize transparency providing INSPIRED START hot flashes night wake drenched sweat mysterious breakouts. dermatologist recommended cotton traps heat, causes promotes bacteria research, confirmed discovered considered dirtiest thirstiest plants damaging wondered, Why traveling talking experts search alternative. light, breathable fabric sustainable. eventually mill Austria produces answer for--and founded HOW MAKE SHEETS EUCALYPTUS TENCELTM lyocell pulp wood. fibers woods woven ultra-breathable, sheets. CONSUMERS MOST Consumers impact describe cross silk cotton, silky, super fragile, crisp texture. breakouts touch, sleepers warmer climates. REALLY BETTER SKIN sleeping, everyones bodies emit heat. sweating, harms contrast, properties 46 prevent sweats nasty allergies. WAYS INCORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY INTO DAILY LIFE try minimally thoughtful purchasing decisions. anything sure understand origins rely inhumane labor. bedding, manufactured--to eco-friendly. FORESEE EXPANDING BEYOND BEDDING goal player sustainability space. potentially expanding pajamas, expand things. high-quality. further information eucalypsohome.com. University, SAMPLING SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSES SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Gwendolyn Gleason Eco-Chic Couture Florida, couture wedding dresses fabrics. appointment request pricing, weddingwire. combizgwendolyn-gleason-eco-chic-couturenaples5a5267d68ec7a3b1.html. Rosy Tomorrows Heritage Farms dining picked organic farm. rosy-tomorrows.com. Thoughtful Threads stylish, comfortable--and Check foodandthought.comthoughtful-threads. 47 KLAUDIA BALOGH brain gets children drawing, coloring, LEGO castle, disappears. Nothing matter lines, blocks. Children lost moment creation. adults, with, remember stillness benefit positive effects mind. research activities simple coloring dancing singing lower stress levels improve mental health. coronavirus pandemic, quarantines, closures demonstrations, crisis era. level stress, collectively society, reached unprecedented levels. uncertainties, unanswered questions, losses confusion, fear worry nervous system ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES STRESS RELIEF Dancing Singing Doing puzzle DrawingDoodling Coloring Painting Writing poem Photography hyperactive state fight flight. sympathetic automatic innate biology alive danger. activated, releases hormones cortisol adrenaline, heart rate blood pressure increase. handy lion, example. stressful situations experiencing hyper-alertness chronically elevated hormones, pressure, wreak havoc control. Contrary think--that activated right, creative, brain--science, ability map human brain, shows forms major areas brain. fascinating neurological connections, fully understood. advanced imaging, ever before. neural pathways, roads busy metropolitan city, transferred. either emotional response. automatic--reflexes, example, knee jerk goosebumps cold environment--while connections cells--neuroplasticity--and engaging stimulate communications increase psychological resilience. How affects depends form. Playing dopamine nucleus accumbens, brains pleasure center. Additionally, researchers reduces pressure. humanity Think tribal rituals celebrations. relieve increasing feel-good hormone serotonin. Choreographing moves rhythm regions executive function, long-term memory spatial recognition. activates vagus nerve vagal tone. longest autonomic body. connects organs, heart, lungs gut. cords muscles throat. tracks tone grabbing pencil, set paper trigger relaxation Studies repetitive motion drawing cursive writing, synchronize evoke present. Most stuck past worried future. proven feelings hand. active meditation. Sitting silence quieting difficult many, Chances decide artsy afternoon sing-along party car, itll boost mood fire chemicals Take playful children, grandchildren, nieces nephews let kid fitness 49 WEDDINGS Weddings exceptional unforgettable wedding. Hold shell-strewn shores Inn. Here blessed spectacular views Mexico--an idyllic setting photographs. exchange vows sparkling lake sunset Dunes Golf Tennis Club--The sister property grants guests complimentary club membership stay. Sunset Lawn boasts plush secluded lawn area, surrounded flowers lake. perfectly advantage glorious sunsets backdrop photos. amidst crashing waves upon picturesque overlooking gorgeous fairways--then poolside pavilion all-weather enclosure. Dunes, sits wildlife preserve sanctioned Audubon Society, full-service facility. accommodate weddings 120 covered pavilion, 70 clubhouse. venue, clubhouse comfortable seating golf adjacent cocktail venue preferred, intimate terrace receptions. Couples required reception Dunes. brides grooms trusted certified planner, chef standing nuptials surpass expectations. amenities offered settings linens, outings resort accommodations. event catering coordinator available services experience. 160 acres rolling hills, lakes, trees, breathtaking reception. contact Dana Swanson 239-472-3355. INNS SANIBEL BILL WAITES Tying knot delivering eddings plenty weddingscouples saying romantic Gulf-shore century. tradition 1888, Rev. George Barnes landed homestead beachside 30-room inn, attracting celebrities Thomas Edison Henry Ford. Barness daughter engaged guest magnificent Victorian gift. structure evolved Thistle Lodge Beachfront Restaurant Resort. Before long, sweethearts seaside venue. hundreds flock Ybels Gulf-front declare love. 114 one- two-bedroom condo suites ample accommodations guests. sleeping rooms, en-suite baths, spacious main equipped kitchens. Olympic-size pool spa, Coconuts cafe bar, in-room on-the-beach treatments, tennis courts, paths, on-site bikes, kayaks, paddleboards, concession concierge arrangements fishing, boating golfing. Venues sandy grassy lawns ceremonies, Waterfront Ballroom patio Tented receptions popular, historically married Director Sales Catering, Jessica Cardinale. beat, unique. tented lawn, intimate. reminiscent reason wed suffused island, honors long-standing respect creatures inhabit joins commitment meticulously maintained grounds preserve. Breathtaking scenery, cuisine extensive knowledge contribute newlyweds honeymoon. BEST ALL, NEWLYWEDS WONT HAVE FAR BEGIN THEIR HONEYMOON. Indoor Venue Options Charming atmosphere spaces Outdoor Secluded sand beach, lakeside gazebo, expanses manicured gardens Banquet beachfront barbeque black parties dazzling array culinary creations, impeccable flair On-site Amenities Professional planner staff, coordination flowers, photography Types Lodging Luxurious all-suite Address 2255 Contact Information 866-748-8958 1351, casaybelresort.com INTERIOR HUNTER RYAN BACKLAWN CHER HANNA Celebrating Special Occasion destinations turning descends dolphins crash shore slight breeze moment. artificial create. Stand soft, kiss couple--a together. Two resorts promise celebration lifetime couples, birthdays anniversaries. Both earn dreamed approval, celebrating. guests, need. sites accommodations, amenities, entire diligently event, Harrower, Events Manager. NICK ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY 53 TWEEN WATERS ISLAND RESORT SPA Historic restaurant, Crows Lounge, Canoe function Private whitesand decks, garden marina Pine Sound Full Pre-wedding postwedding Waters, bridal stylings. Several restaurants, bicycles century, 89 satisfaction rehearsal leading morning brunch. pools, occasion day-of activities. Guests extend adventures land wind sipping exotic ever-beautiful distance. memories lifetime, share happiness. Butts-Elston Waters. ladies amazing, server Eric incredible, wrote. Another satisfied bride TripAdvisor things, username Andi F. impeccably clean, is, exception, friendly welcoming, Normandies, WONDERFUL buffet delicious, inviting--every exceeded 137 colorful, eclectic, cottages Gulf-view bay-view studios one-, two- three-bedroom 15951 239-472-5161, 447 tween-waters.com WEST WIND INN 800-square-foot banquet air-conditioned, Pool Deck, Lawn, Butterfly Koi Pond Gulf, promising photos Full-service six-course dinners, buffets, brunches barbecues, cocktail-andhors doeuvre Large pool, shuffleboard, corn hole, stand-up paddleboarding Gulf- garden-view units two double beds, kitchenettes king beds 3345 447, westwindinn.com 54 Wedding Bells BOTTOM KRISTA KOWALCZYK RIGHT MARIA GLASSFORD OTHER SEAS heres romantic, glamorous, stunningly Mother Nature. Resort, formal black-tie Pavilion. vistas Mexicos waters endless sky, venues prettiest Malissa DeMichele, sales wedding, Resorts specialists coordinators seamlessly days. invited 300, reception, dinner evening stars, opt alfresco sand, sea surf Kings Crown replete charm. cake bakers fancy florists myriad musicians. audiovisual hired department menu. part, arranging details knowledge, support guidance need, once-in-a-lifetime indulge subtropical paradise, excursions, saltwater sports, bicycling boating, beaches shelling, Colgate Offshore Sailing School. course-- nine holes views. resort, trolleys. Seas, celebrate build forever memories. Available 31,000 square flexible Ceremony setting, smaller Crown, expansive garden-like Luau, brunch Pavilion, options, fresh, seafood prime meats suit tastes. Spa, recreation watersports, tennis, shopping. villas, condominiums estate homes, location. 800-524-7601 southseas.com. 57 pets Courtney Aaron Harder extra four-legged companions. P Weddings, occasions ets family--and increasingly extended occasions. Dara Dunbar notes, requests pictures. husband, Brendan, Bohemian Photography, service engagement photographs--and, yes, appearances events, retirement baby showers. Brendan. roles vary. photos, ceremony. Woods Arcadia Jan. 5, 2019. aisle Sometimes occasion--by outfits, floral collars attached trinkets bowties. leashes. certainly picture-perfect, Generally speaking, well-behaved poses sitting. typically explains Jennifer Clark, Ainslie Images Photography. region. However, Melissa Brandon Shollack pose dog, Roscoe. BOHEMIAN ROAD AINSLIE IMAGES puppies rambunctious. Clark bribes treats. appearance ways listed invitations, possibly napkins cards. honor actually appear pics Id one-third sessions, Clark. Shes sessions specifically pets. Dogs featured, sessions. horse maternity adds. unheard pets--such cats, rabbits, reptiles pot-bellied pigs--invited events less-than-formal spots, backyards farms. PLANS AT EVENTS PARTIES Consider temperament deal crowds surroundings. allowed. restrictions types sizes pets, andor leash-length rules. Let photographer included. photo beforehand becomes setting. Work commands treats, clean-up bags. helper tasks. Figure attend, vet date shots check. 239-285-5997 bohemianroadphotography.com bohoroadphotographygmail.com 239-699-1666 ainslieint.wixsite. comaiphotography ainslieintgmail.com 3731 SW Wildcat Run 863-496-3380 woodsandweddings.com 59 Cheers beverages beverage industry fashion--trends thousands producers vying shelf best-tasting bumped packaging messaging addition, consumers cleaner lean Following numerous, mostly adult tasting panel agreed great, theyre quite tasty ways. PULP CULTURE alcoholic drink raw, Pulp Culture real fruit botanicals adapt stress. Botanicals Natures medicine, cofounder Mark McTavish. Weve incorporate beverage. Fruits pressed fermented yeast sugar, additives. secondary fermentation, blended herbs teas carbonation added. sweeteners, sulfites sugar. 4.9 alcohol, drinks calories 12-ounce serving. Naturally occurring probiotics easier digest. flavors. sipped hoping power promised label. guava, peach, ginseng, matcha lions mane, tart fizzy selections Hustle passionfruit, strawberry, ginger, turmeric, mane done Relax blueberry, lemon, lavender, valerian root, reishi edge Restore grapefruit, goji berry, dandelion milk, thistle, cleansing. wines, sour beers kombucha, alley. founders Brendan Brazier McTavish FUN WINE COMPANY Based Miami, Fun Wine Miguel Paredes, internationally urban realist designs. famed Wynwood District Miami. wines themselves, crafted Peleg, debuted Miamis Basel Pelegs intention low-calorie, low-alcohol, refreshing visually appealing drink. Mission accomplished. Sangria brilliant roses, flamenco dancer Paredes anime cat. fruits, pour ice go. Strawberry Ros Moscato strawberry flavors depicted label, fros. sweeter side, cans. SUNSHINE SPARKLING ENERGY WATER inevitable Floridian better-for-you amount caffeine cup-o-joe coffee beans. pick-me-up huge dose vitamins-- E, B12, B6, B3 B5 boost. electrolytes minerals hydration. zero calories, flavors, Sparkling Energy Water Lotus Pear, Pomegranate Acai Citrus Lime. cans Publix Supermarkets. Clean thirst quenching, pleasing particularly mixed vodka lo-cal cocktail. NEFT VODKA Vodka top-selling spirits versatile drinks. heads portable, unbreakable barrel hours, near-perfect combo ultra-premium pristine Austrian Alps non-GMO rye grains. distilled copper-pot carbon filtration. smooth sweet spice finish, martinis mixing. Besides flavor, cool. barrels liter, 750 ml, ml. packaging, bottles. experimenting fall. Bear 5 raspberries ounces ounce honey syrup Prosecco Muddle shaker ice. Shake vigorously collins glass. Top prosecco garnish twist. contributor. food, drinks, 62 BLACK-AND-BLUE BEEF TIPS ARUGULA SALAD Standard Serves 4 pound beef, 1-inch cubes Blackening seasoning Wooden skewers substitute tablespoons olive Note beef suggests sirloin tenderloin ROASTED CHICKEN BREASTS TRUFFLE VELOUT Continental Chicken Breasts airline chicken breasts, cups truffle velout cup celery hearts, thinly sliced bias chive batons chervil truffles optional Truffle Velout tablespoon thighs, yellow onion, diced celery, leeks, stock thyme sprigs parsley leaf flour sherry wine teaspoons kosher Cayenne crme fraiche saucepan, heat medium-high thighs sear golden, minutes. leeks. Sweat translucent, thyme, leaf. Simmer reduced half. Mix bowl. reduced, whisk butter-flour mixture. sauce coat spoon. Strain soup chinois season sherry, salt, cayenne. Whisk oil. Set warmed. Heat saut pan mediumhigh Season breasts salt. brown down. Turn cook minute. Flip Finish 400-degree oven, temperature 165. cooks, divide chives bowls. using. done, alongside Pour tableside. 1205 3rd Street S., 239-659-0007 damicoscontinental.com Toss blackening seasoning. Skewer amount. pan, wisps smoke. Place skewered tips pan. Cook seconds golden brown. Beef rare-to-medium-rare temperature. depending Arugula Salad Avocado Horseradish Sauce softened avocado cream horseradish Salt arugula dressing ingredients. 1520 Broadway, 239-219-6463 thestandardftmyers.com PARMESAN-CRUSTED CHILEAN SEA BASS Timbers Fish Chilean bass fillets, Flour seasoned dredging Egg Parmesan cheese panko breadcrumbs Oil sauting egg Line order. Dredge fillets flour. Dip wash, shake loose excess. Parmesanpanko mixture gently press coat. Lightly fish minutes Transfer oven Lemon Butter juiced teaspoon minced shallot heavy butter, Combine wine, thyme. Reduce. bubbling browning. butter. Ladle 703 239-395-2722 timbersofsanibel.com LOBSTER POT PIE LIL CHUNGUS COCKTAIL Tale box puff pastry salted onion fennel mushrooms lobsters, pounds each, cooked, meat size cornstarch saffron Saut mushrooms. aside. simmer bowl thickener. whisk. baking sauce. Cut top. Glisten remaining Bake enjoy. 1229 Southeast 47th Terrace, 239-257-3167 fishtalegrill.com Ember Korean Steakhouse mezcal fresh-squeezed lime Giffard Banana Liqueur Passoa Passionfruit Allspice Dram orgeat 6 dashes Angostura bitters Collins crushed Garnish mint sprig slap release dehydrated slice. 7091 Parkway, 9, 239-771-8818 emberfortmyers.com 66 Dining Guide KEY Breakfast Lunch D Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Vegetarian 68 BAILEYS GENERAL Headquarters. grocery hardware covered. produce, seafood, deli, bakery bar. stocks gluten-free online delivery, service. Baileys Spa. 2477 239-472-1516 239-472-2374 1451 Middle 239-3956016 baileys-sanibel.com CIELO Creative American Cuisine. sophistication evident tasteful decor impressive menus. Cielo-tini, curacao appetizers PEI mussels, calamari charcuterie. Entres osso buco, Dungeness ravioli jumbo lump topping list. after-dinner menu fine scotches, cognacs ports. Scott McDonald p.m. 1244 239-472-5555, cielo-sanibel.com DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel folk novelist Randy Wayne fictional character, bestseller sandwiches, salads entres. Dont skip mojito. 2500 239-472-8311, docfordssanibel.com GROG SHOP Cigars, Spirit More. liquor, liqueurs, beer, cigars, Bailey Center. walk-in humidor stocked Arturo Fuente, Macanudo, Cohiba premium brands. Grog Shop party-planning assistance, weekly specials delivery. 2485 239-472-1682, grogshopsanibel.com 69 epicurious happiness leisurely breakfast. --John Gunther Cow COW Bovine Bounty. omelets pasta, joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless Loaded Seafood Omelet. cocktails homemade Mango 2163 239-472-0606, sanibelislandcow.com LIGHTHOUSE CAF Breakfast. Residents enjoying classic why. Ocean Frittata shrimp, scallops crabmeat, sauted broccoli topped artichoke creamy Alfredo Lighthouse Grouper Platter pictures lighthouse walls. Call-ahead available. 362 239-472-0303, lighthousecafe.com MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach wood-fired pizzas. Fresh pastas, chicken, veal round 1200 239-472-1998, matzaluna.net NORMANDIE SEASIDE Indulge Yourself. Located lunch dinner. Bananaberry Toast Omelet breakfast served Colombian choice artisan whole-leaf teas. cafes old-world Curry Pressed Sandwich lunch. Chef Tom Sisson flair, pair 239-472-1541, normandierestaurant.com ROSIES GRILL No-Frills Best. generous choices. Benedicts pancakes omelets. offerings Rosies Famous Steak Sandwich, voted islanders. Southwestern fajitas, tacos, burritos quesadillas. Stop Royal Scoop cream. BLD 2330 Palm Ridge 239-579-0807, sanibelrosiescafe.com Color. typical pub fare--juicy burgers, spicy Buffalo wings--and bartenders oftensought-but-never-found neighborhood feel, popularity spot. 239-472-4453, thesanibelgrill.com THISTLE LODGE Rendezvous. grouper, oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack blackened yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, table. 239-472-9200, thistlelodge.com 71 TIMBERS RESTAURANT FISH MARKET Dine Do Favorites fried calamari, platters cakes lump. Be market. 239-472-2722, TIPSY TURTLE Relaxed Stylish. Light rustic barn-style doors, cocktails, margaritas mojitos mimosas martinis, headline Starters crabcakes ahi tuna nachos. Tasty sandwiches steaks house-smoked pork ribs, desserts. Childrens 1223 239-472-1771, tipsyturtlerestaurant.com. TRADERS Experience. Traders emporium entertainment Tuesday evenings singer guitarist Danny Morgan, icon. gumbo, pan-seared macadamia-encrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, traderssanibel.com T2 Favorite. Opened Traders, delicious dishes, trendy tacos savory flatbreads, coastalinspired classics. mixology Elderflower Bloom, rotating draft beer selection, envy seating, gift lunch, anytime LD 2340 239-558-8919, T2traders.com 72 CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. Enjoy serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style subtly border. L, D, C, R 14970 Captiva. 239-472-0248, captivaislandinn.com CROWS NEST BEACH Great Food, trip filled appetizers, wings always-popular baked goat dip. entres Saltimbocca, sage leaves, ricotta prosciuttowrapped linguine. Crab Races, Monday Thursday, hopping crowsnest-captiva.com Story Continues. Building success, chain Whites Docs Bread panko-fried shrimp dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, docfordscaptiva.com KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies Jimmy Buffett beat. eclectic walnut-crusted 73 diet bank account. Good choices investments. --Bethenny Frankel snapper, sausage peppers, escargots tomato. 11509 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE ICE CREAM Upon coffees, extra-strong Red Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes tooth scoops Queenies cream, milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint brewed pond. combination English grub. gazing. 11546 239-4723434, muckyduck.com OLD HOUSE FloridaNew American. Greg Nelsons changing centers bounty Come sushi menu, adventurous rolls, sashimi, specialty rolls sakes. Wines complement presentations, Room breath away. 239-472-5161 421, captiva-house.com. RC OTTERS Otterly American.The multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. 74 Ruths Chris Diners outside seven week 239-395-1142, SEAFOOD Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted salad. 239-472-6200, BIMINI BAIT SHACK Giant Hut. thatched roof upper deck, vibe, entertainment. Daiquiris rum lovers plates grouper shucked oysters, juicy burgers ribs smoker. started. 17501 Pointe Dr., 239-360-2248, biminibaitshack.com 76 Blanc BLANC Food Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread tower sauce, modeled game entre robata grill, Lamb Lollipops roasted garlic rosemary reduction, Octopus SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entres, shared ambience savor Whitaker Jean Claude Roge, whose talents lift peers. Closed Sundays. 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, blancentertainment.com BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. outrageous highlight diners steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 St., 239-362-2843, blusushi.com BROADWAY PALM DINNER THEATRE Just Show. facility 450-seat theater, 100-seat Off Broadway Theatre, 120-seat 30-seat Sabal lounge lobby. Shows Broadway-inspired musicals 77 performances theater. Evening matinee meals plated Saturday. Tickets purchased 1380 Colonial 239-278-4422, broadwaypalm.com LYNQ Linking Through Global Music. dimly lit cavernous Clusters sofas encourage mingling. poke bowls all-American burgers. Handcrafted specially Lynq Mules, breweries drinking adventure. Live nights. 16230 Summerlin 239-204-9345, lynq.life Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas Pass banana ribs. 708 Fishermans Wharf, Beach, 239-765-9660, docfordsfortmyersbeach.com Especially Philly. corned-beef hash, bananas strawberries Carbons malted Belgian 78 waffles accompanied fresh-ground Philly cheesesteak, 239-948-4123, old41rest.com RODIZIO Brazilian Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, dozen rotisserie-grilled meats, carved tableside Rodizio gauchos Try feijoada, black-bean stew, abacaxi, glazed-and-grilled pineapple. forget save decadent dessert. Friday-Sunday. 8017 Plaza del 101, Estero, 239-498-0018, rodiziogrill.com RUTHS CHRIS STEAK Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted trey ceilings whitelinen-covered tables mood. petite filets cowboy-sized rib eyes, tender juicy. Choose sides creamed sweet-potato casserole. Shops Point, 23151 Village 239-948-8888, ruthschris .com date. readers reservations visiting establishments. CAPT. BRIAN HOLAWAY Calusa left n 1895 Key Marco J.D. Collier digging unearthed objects, shell tools fiber appeared origin. amazes archaeologists archaeologist Frank Hamilton Cushing, Bureau Ethnology, site collecting excavating. reconnaissance confirm study. D.C. preparations expedition unexplored coast. Called Pepper-Hearst Expedition, included Cushing Emily captain crew chartered boat, Silver Spray John Calhoun, excavator Gause, foreman excavators Irving Sayford, field secretary F.W. Bergmann, securing Wells Moses Sawyer, expeditions Shortly arriving unearthing buried peat muck, anaerobic centuries. type soil masks, paddles, plaques, tablets, amulets shells. Dating AD 1513, collections Sawyer prove valuable expedition. captured painted, fade. Examples Calusa, America, States once borders superiors Egyptians rivaled carvers world... --Wells journal 1896, muck-filled courts villages inhabitants completeness surpassed Cliff Dwellers. culture wonderful. forth pickle dropped ages ago--the glad Calusa. Much 1896 continues intrigue scholars, students centuries ago. Capt. Holaway shelling eco-tour boat charters Sound, Cayo Costa State Park, Cabbage Key, 83 WILLIAM COX species nesting roosting Except red-cockaded woodpecker, woodpeckers excavate nest cavities limbs trees. Dead softer excavate, firm shelter weather predators. Squirrels raccoons destroy cavity soft. importance snags wildlife, birds, overemphasized. invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, mammals. depend injury, decay disease snag. enough, enlarge entrance suitable chamber. Nesting excavated male. excavation, continuum species. chickadees followed consecutively nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, red-bellied pileated eastern screech barred owls on. advance season, unoccupied interior. originator. originator usurped aggressive starling, occupy vacant cavity. Therefore, constructed prior laying eggs. Cavity-dwelling important, control harmful insects rodents expensive pesticides. danger reasons. Cox ecologist williamrcoxphotography.com. begins woodpecker. woodpecker America excavates mature pine selects stand, old. Cavity excavation successful infected red-ring rot, caused fungus. abandon relocate ecological conditions, forced bird exceedingly rare, competition fierce limited resource. competing northern flicker, red-headed bluebird, bat southern squirrel. chickadee, nuthatch, vulture, owl, merganser, ducks, flycatcher woodpeckers. 85 America. safer ground twig placed shrub. noticeable defend predators rat snake. incubating brooding eggs against tree-climbing snake powerful neck sharp stiletto bill. year-round predators, nesting. house, weather. Wood insulation temperatures. thick shade moderates direct sunlight. remains drives bluebirds entrances rainstorms, preventing wet. Suspense swirl 1935 Labor storm tip-toe hurricane quiet fall, corner curl history, suspense dog Last Train West, novel Cleeton catastrophic generate stormy story. bearing Keys, worst Atlantic hurricanes record, intersects presence book--Henry Flaglers railroad connecting mainland West. female characters, alters lives forever. Helen Berner, pregnant trapped abusive marriage, waits diner travelers Mirta Perez, submitted arranged criminal ties Preston, down-on-her socialite arrives brother. Although loves intricately tied deliciously divulged book challenges, approaching hurricane. forecasts evacuate. glimpse little-known Depression-era veterans sent ramshackle camps Keys railroad. infers well, perished fruitless attempts Helen, revolve woman tries towering odds. habit undeterred crime, abuse, trouble hit lists previous Year Reese Witherspoon 2018, follow-up 2019, Left Cuba. run absorbing otherwise stayed archives. SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Years SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE exp. 103120 FAVORITE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR AN INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Word Reading Pleasure Bag Online rates apply Internet only. TOLL-FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions Across aboard Rustic 9 Business letters 11 Went fast match category Type words 17Refinement net hangs Eithers __ behold Musical sign Makes peaceful Caribbean, Cocktail hour treats segment 33Watching Rainbow ____ jong sea, Skit Down terriers sweaters Game played Hunt ___ October 7 example Pointer _____, Motown 10Thought Overtime, abbr. Symbol Kind fork Medical organization, Cat turkey Hook Purplish-red flower Hitting shore, wave flipped Direction fronts Robs Wing Notable 33Sphere Event band OPHEL Mama Mia audiences Abba Memorable mighty meal hy Palms Mamma Lets classics Queen, Chance Me, SOS title song--1975 chart-topper, Mia--all tale laughter, friendship. Swedish pop Abba, songs famous, 1970s, tight-fitting pants platform shoes dancing. Were excited number Mia, Vogt, director marketing. comical bride-to-be, Sophie, searching birth father. Sophie shortlist bill, invites telling mother. storys laughter largely unfolds 2001 2017, ninth jukebox name, movie employees, enter safe, measures incorporated. preventive broadwaypalm .comcovid-19-safetymeasures. 2008, starring Amanda Seyfried Meryl Streep 2018 film, Go Again. Palm, 28th eight main-stage productions, productions Theatre concerts. runs 1-November 14, 2020. Dean Martin Variety Hour ends 26, Holiday Inn, Happy Days, Feet, Bronx Tale, Beehive Grease. Show 73. Performances matinees October. 239-278-4422 91 keeping pandemic not, programs Lives Here, billboards displays left. tain, excite reimagine brings, forward continuing inspire apart. 239-939-2787, ArtInLee.org, Facebook Facebook.comArtInLee.org, AlliancefortheArts Twitter ArtInLee. inspires entertained uncertainty. stay-at-home mandates neighbors joining voices balconies, watched videos frontline choreographing dances, explored indulged anticipated screen version Hamilton. 20202021 cultural usual, hasnt deterred entities transforming improving arts. 45th lines endeavor. shifted virtual classes, theater drive-through GreenMarket onsite programming. campus Blvd. exhibits newest Caloosahatchee Wall Singer. errands gallery, transforms billboard ever, listening celebrating vital. enter- SUNDAYS MADE BRIGHTER League opens CCAL afternoons July. session, Teaching Young Art, teachers lessons month. session 15, provided. reservation required. guidelines sanitizer entry, masks worn entering exiting building, Carmen Sprague, president. guidelines, media. Students enroll youth classes year-round. 7-12 held Wednesdays pm-6 pm session. Betty Koscher, lets pursue older adults digital graphics, basics--camera operation, settings, frame placement, framing preservation prints. class, adult, pm-5 6585 four-week session-- membersnon-members Sprague. Call exact dates. capecoralartleague.org 239-772-5657. 93 BRIDGES Fall Centers Organic Geometric 2-29 Main Gallery. Focuses shapes, element realistic Layered Imagery Works Marjorie Pesek Tranovich Highlights layered-image Pesek, commissioned Disney Warner Bros. Her artworks uniquely essence portrait. Material Pulses Seven Viewpoints November 20-January 7. quilt-making presents 17 Canada UK. exhibitions upcoming programs, courses artcenterbonita. org 239-495-8989. Performing 10150 Springs. Bridges force tenure president, enrich expression, appreciation. compelling exhibitions, free public. Saturday am-5 pm. Exhibitions Town Country 4-24 Explores travel, leisure wanderlust. COURTSEY CENTERS MAUERSBERGER ELIZABETH BRANDT MARJORIE PESEK FINE escape organization programing 2,000-plus members, ages, film series national festivals. locations, arts, schedule soon. lineup buff connoisseur appreciate, Staged Readings Playwrights Meet Friday, 11. playwrights works--six comedies drama--performed actors staged format, scripts Divas Saturday, 3. Six classically trained opera singers repertoire spanning Handel capella Swingle Singers Beatles songs. Stage 10-Minute Play Festival 9-11, performances. festival plays Peach Jr. 16-18, Youth Players talents, Roald Dahl. Patchouli Terra Guitarra 23. fiery Spanish guitar pieces, animated imagery harmonies performed Julie Bruce Hecksel. Tab Benoit 6. Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter rock gritty soulful Delta swamp blues. independent foreign films Films Film Lovers series, tickets films, artcenterbonita.orgfilms, artcenterbonita.orgperformances. Clockwise Hecksel Brandts sewn construction, Habits Being Mauersbergers Momentum installation. 239.472.4888 SanibelCaptiva Islands islandtaxi.com rideislandtaxi.com TAXI Ride Airport Knowledgeable Friendly Staff Passenger Vans Luxury Sedans Transportation 239.472.6188 PHARMACY Locally Owned Faces Can Count Needs Order 239.466.5115 16970-1 Carlos Blvd 60minutecleaners.com MINUTE CLEANERS Thru Dry Cleaning - Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Done Premises 239.939.0077 Serving accentbp.com ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management CLAUDIOS PEST MANAGEMENT 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel claudiospestmanagement.com Claudio Treviso Name Know Trust Termite Treatment Pest Control RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 ronandsons.com Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Vac swfl T-O-A-S-T-Y tub. relief alarm bells sunrise surveillance beach. prizes, plain beautiful. holiday supposed signal summer. Ha Wednesday laps sips mango margarita. Aldi pantry restock. traffic stoplights timed perfectly. happens. news Trader Joes wait, Northerners. revenge February basking 75 slogging slush. night. TV lanai streaming air. dark shadow offshore afternoon. Jaws background. guess manatee--a too. gentle giant. distant barbecue taqueria. Pulled-pork sangria success. K pickleball Might Heres transport guy bike pulling carriers paddleboard balanced necessity invention. admit WAS silly paddles whiffle balls. doing, challenging. gotta kitchen. hanging Ding Darling Refuge pedaled Maybe migration begun. churning walk. Must brewing. Ill tomorrow seashell bounty. Theres uptick population, snowbirds flee frost pumpkin. betting scariest Halloween costumes year. SEPTOCT VOL. 4.95 HOME FURNISHINGS COLOR DESIGN GOLD PARROT TIMES ISL ANDS VO N O. APPAREL ACCESSORIES HEAVEN PARADISE CHOOSE PERFECT VENUE Published GROWING FRIENDSHIPS CONNECTIONS Display TOWER