36 features STUDENT VOICES e Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva partnered with Sanibel School to host an essay contest challenging eighth-graders write about solutions problems that are important them. Meet the winners and read their essays. 42 SEX TRAFFICKING IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Writer Gina Birch delves into too-close-to-home dangers sex tra cking what parents can do protect children--both girls boys--plus, how organizations like Christys Cause help. HEALTH WELLNESS 48 Beating Cancer 52 Keep Lean, Healthy Fit 54 Front Lines Medicines New Frontiers 56 Tips for Staying 58 Keeping Staff You Safe 60 Telemedicines Changing Landscape 62 Living Through Integrated Health Care 2 TOTI.COM JULYAUGUST 2020 TOP AND MIDDLE PHOTOS BY MILISSA SPRECHER 20 departments 8 10 GUEST EDITORIAL GULF COAST ZEITGEIST Best Medicine a Summer Afternoon MAKING WAVES Serving People Up Running in Southwest Florida WHATS STORE Whats Hot EXPLORER Enjoy Paradise BEAUTY Beauty Trends FOR KIDS Schools Out For OUT ABOUT Summers Bounty Mangoes NATURES NOTEBOOK Caspian Tern FLYAWAY Chicago STAY TUNED Soundtrack Your Life TO YOUR Cognitive Clarity CHEERS Wines Worth Exploring RECIPES WE LOVE Cooking EPICURIOUS SWFL Dining Guide BETWEEN THE LINES Stormy Reading CROSSWORD COMMUNITY Bat Yams Holocaust Torah The Porch Performer SERVICES PROFESSIONALS JOURNAL 12 14 18 24 26 28 32 30 34 46 64 68 72 86 88 90 94 95 96 Coming up SeptOct In our SeptemberOctober issue, we celebrate creative expression, covering everything from architecture, design fashion dance, music painting. If creating beautiful things is your passion, this issue will both satisfy inspire. ers . tom offer s u c cial ue tBl spe j or 6f ift f A g age p See GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger MANAGING EDITOR Patricia Letakis CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Jones PROOFREADER CONTRIBUTING Elizabeth Grimm SENIOR CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Beth Luberecki VIDEO JOURNALIST, FITNESS WRITER Klaudia Balogh DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT MANAGER Camilo Vera WRITERS Balogh, Samira K. Beckwith, Birch, Francesca Block, Dr. Raymond Carrelle, William R. Cox, Erik Entwistle, Kris Fay, Libby McMillan Henson, Paul Hiltz, Tanya Hochschild, Brian Holaway, Letakis, Luberecki, Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Emily Rose, Anna Shuster, Alan Smith PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Dave Drotleff, Victoria Fuchs, Jaeger, Smith, Milissa Sprecher ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205 ext. 1002 1000 Veruska Koerner 1003 Michael Rawers 1007 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS totimedia.comcontactus Dial 1 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network toti.com totimedia.com timesoftheislands.com rswliving.com gulfmainmagazine.com bonitaesteromagazine.com capecorallivingmagazine.com CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T 239-472-0205, F 239-395-2125 Founder Chairman Guy Tober President C.O.O. Times Islands, RSW LIVING, MAIN, Bonita Estero Cape Coral ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., Sanibel, 33957. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those Guest Editorial Mind, Body Spirit, Successful Caregivers Seek Help Sooner hank you flying us today, ladies gentlemen. event emergency, oxygen mask automatically appear front you. traveling child someone who requires assistance, secure first before assisting other person. As I settled my seat return flight last summer, thought occurred me need heed very same advice. Even when faced serious illness loved one, its pay attention own mental physical health. How effective caregiver if feel depleted mind, body spirit There no medals caregiving. But there should Being family one most difficult jobs world. Typically, calls Hope Healthcare, they have reached point where emotionally physically drained stress caring one. Its stressful everyone involved, but matter hard try much committed--caregiving often battle won alone. prepared knowing help available, then asking need--from members, friends neighbors, church, community resources. remember take care themselves so better Countless times, Ive heard say wish wed asked sooner. guides caregivers though practical tools ones, also support encouraging them advantage respite care. Why yoga class find moment Zen, go park watch birds Or schedule checkup youve been postponing. Our monthly Self-Care Stress Relief group wonderful opportunity discover ways nourish increase energy. Here, comfort peace mind during anxiety, along ongoing self-care improve health wellness. Beckwith CEO, Healthcare PHOTO COURTESY OF HOPE HEALTHCARE hospice philosophy relieve suffering physically, mentally, spiritually make recipients more comfortable. Weve learned through years experience offering it under encouragement on after loss. here quality life fulfillment--for ones. youll special Wellness section information stay healthy safe. Articles cover changing world telemedicine, tips maintain good health, cancer survivors story more. gulf coast zeitgeist DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF just doctor ordered W watched dog chasing his tail, thought, Dogs easily amused. en realized was watching chase tail. input. dogs, monkeys closest biological relative dont put social needs ahead sleep needs. Robert Stickgold, professor psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, asserts We certainly only known organism sleepdeprives itself. wellness, jobs, consult wisdom companies understand value wakefulness drawbacks sleepiness. decades policy Menninger Clinic immediately following lunchtime, employees were required 45 minutes quiet time--they didnt nap, communication work tasks allowed. Many encourage such downtime breaks as short lunch period early afternoon. gainfully employed, must become benevolent bosses time rest, treating any appointment. still old prescription, An apple day keeps away, even healing had new quip nap bay. Watch napper sleeping quickly learn sign sound comfortable body. Niehoff has napping since 1991. could lot especially hot, humid days historically signaled brilliant dawn rising Sirius, largest star constellation Romans called Canis Major large dog, roughly July 3 August 15. Back ground, every warm afternoon marked somewhere peaceful settling dogs slumber. lesson two periods humans greatest tendency fall asleep between a.m. 4 p.m. This timetable represents natural cycles clocks circadian rhythms, core temperature drops persons eyelids. afternoon, all these physiological processes begin dip, says Sara Mednick, associate psychology University California, Irvine, author book, Take Nap Change Life. Middle Ages people napped advent timepieces, light bulbs factories made daytime snoozing inconvenient crankiest toddlers. Mednick continues Were allowing society pressures modern prescribe schedules. year, shown mechanics human brain mesh well nine-to-five day. Most mammals designed awake theres rapidly emotional From public office compassionate care, Lizbeth Benacquisto makes move join S amira president CEO announced State Senator named executive vice not-for-profit organization. With distinguished career service spans decades, elected Senate represent 2010 subsequently reelected 2012, 2014 2016. She served majority leader 2012 deputy 2011 2012. Previously, she councilwoman Village Wellington, Florida, 2002 2010. supported services several years, serving co-chair annual Yachts Shine events benefit Hospice. recognized numerous honors awards, including SalusCare Champion Award Mental Substance Abuse, Leukemia Lymphoma Fighting Blood sponsorship Treatment Fairness Act. volunteer positions broad variety political, civic organizations. Lizbeths knowledge skills incredible asset Hope, Beckwith. brings unique understanding Floridians. board confident Hospice House HealthPark Hopes mission improving experiencing frailty. --Samira Lehigh Acres FROM GWEN GREENGLASS left Sandy Stilwell Youngquist, Benacquisto, Aaron Bean Sonya Sawyer organization dedicated providing than 4,000 fulfill lifes journey. information, call 239-482-4673 visit hopehcs.org 13 ANN MARIE OPHELAN moves forward parks, facilities reopen Lee County Domestic Animal Services arranges pet adoptions fostering, provides food owners need. P calming walk Minas Moonlight Garden Edison Ford Winter Estates soul. FORT MYERS Reconnecting Nature he reopened 20-acre botanical gardens, riverside area property, temporary closure COVID-19. Numerous plants bloom, making get out, stroll grounds explore trees around Guests use self-guided tours via cell phones historic winter homes Thomas Henry Ford, guest house, study, swimming pool moonlight garden. Shoppe Museum Store open. Discounted admissions available. Hours limited. Visitors encouraged purchase tickets online edisonfordwinterestates.org. LEE COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL EDISON FORD WINTER ESTATES Adopt, Foster Feed Pets et fostering rise residents animals homes. LCDAS seen remarkable sense stepping foster pitch in, Karen Fordiani, specialist LCDAS. provided emergency surgeries pets instance, surgery saved mother her newborn puppies, adds Fordiani. To families feed bins located throughout donations distributed local banks. donate bin near you, leelostpets .com. adopt pet, 239-533-7387 appointment, Monday-Friday, -4 lost found department open appointment hours. Gulf Coast Humane Society Shelter adopting pets, seeking donations. leegov.com animalservices gulfcoasthumanesociety.org capecoralanimalshelter.com. R Contactless Curbside Pickup Libraries eading great source knowledge, welcome escape. keep hands books, Fort Myers Beach Public Library contactless curbside pick. Those love download e-books, which checked out days. Once lending expires, e-books disappear, worry returning time. service, simply place hold catalog library 9 a.m.-4 239-7658162 ask title ready Then come pick books. Onsite available returns. limitations, contact less self-service checkouts building-capacity limits. fmb.lib.fl.us. BEACH BONITA SPRINGS PARKS RECREATION C Exercising Outdoors ommunity Park, four acres land, Springs park, amenities ages enjoy. reopened, 18-hole disc golf course, tennis courts, outdoor basketballfutsal pavilion, baseball soccer fields limited capacity, lap swim fitness only, recreation center room childrens playground. Before heading check website latest updates bonitaspringsparks.org. 15 Harry Chapin Food Bank volunteers distribute Sun Splash Family Waterpark. O Stocking Pantries n Friday mornings, Waterpark converts food-distribution site prepackaged foods, canned goods fresh produce need--thanks Bank. Every week bank offers drive-through sites Florida. While generally feeds 28,000 per average, past few months, numbers increased 50 percent. Thanks generous donors, able demand. long vehicles lining food, Mary Wozniak, marketing communications manager pop trunk drive mornings a.m.-noon. calendar distribution donate, website. Pet some certain locations. Community Cooperative Midwest assistance sunsplashwaterpark .com harrychapinfoodbank.org. CAPE CORAL Amazing images roseate spoonbill downloaded fws.gov used backgrounds meetings videoconferencing platforms Zoom. 16 HARRY CHAPIN FOOD BANK J.N. DING DARLING NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE M SANIBEL ISLAND Enhancing Virtual Experiences meetings, classes, clubs groups gone virtual held indoors, users transform background space wildlife scene Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Images ranging stunning beach, anhinga blossoming tree branch, osprey nest offered free downloading U.S. Fish Service By using images, create awareness importance refuge areas wildlife, while setting viewing. refuges viewed afar webcam set atop observation tower rotated 360 degrees. Drive open, hiking trails. 7 a.m.-730 p.m., Saturday Thursday. entrance fees. image, fws.govmountain-prairie eaeaImagery.php. view webcam, fws.govrefuge JN_Ding_DarlingMultimediaLive_Cam.html. refuge, fws.govdingdarling. GINA BIRCH PARADIGM TRENDS TIC-TAC-TOE These nostalgic games flimsy cardboard boxes cheap plastic pieces traditional games. Tic-tac-toe, backgammon, chess, mahjong wood marble sleek lines high-end accents, equal parts entertaining elegance. 99.99, wayfair.com CHEF MEAL KIT Dine country leaving home. Taking guesswork gourmet cooking, Chef Meal Kits renowned restaurants chefs. easy-to-follow directions allow entire cooking. 22.50each fourmonth continent kit, chefmealkits.com KURIO WATCH GLOW ultimate smartwatch kids, preloaded apps It basics calculator music, secret watch-to-watch messages, filters selfies lights flash beat movements. Kurio Glow comes blue pink. 49.99, Walmart COOKS Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. focuses featuring 147 easy-to-make dishes, meals, entres, entertaining, desserts What book different time-saving bits trivia page. 13.95, gooseberrypatch.com CHECKERBOARD RUG Grownups kids alike fun checkerboard rug Ethan Allen Disney collection. die-cut felt Mickey-shaped checkers add shot color dose fun. Let 300, ethanallen.com PATRICIA LETAKIS ENJOY PARADISE coastal treasures hether private boat catch ride many vessels departing marinas, trip Mexico Floridas islands way truly appreciate Sunshine State. Captiva travel Cruises, operation years. depart McCarthys Marina edge downtown Captiva. General Manager Brad Junghans passionate seagoing adventures await passengers. lie end road, guests lies beyond, says. Pick menu includes dolphin-watch adventure trips, beach shelling cruises, sailing jaunts. popular vessel Cruises fleet Lady Chadwick, seats 148 people. comfortable, slowspeed boat, fully stocked, bar snacks. Along sizable consists Guard-certified craft handful smaller charters, three 49 formation Island Cayo Costa Park White sandy beaches mangrove shores beauty favorite enthusiasts, hikers campers. Also Jensens Marina. Sightseeing excursions outer here. adventurous rent navigate waters own. fishing sport, consider going guide. marina works know surrounding fish biting. Among worth exploring Costa, Pine Useppa North Cabbage Key. Check schedules details marinas websites captivacruises. com gocaptiva.com. CAYO COSTA STATE PARK history begins name, Costawhich translates key coast. island home native Americans thousands Europeans arrived. Situated Charlotte Harbor area, later camps, mostly Cubans. quarantine station, fact, established northern immigrants entering Boca Grande Pass late 1800s. icon Esperanza Woodring born island. Smithsonian Institution 1879 conducted survey ranchos, La Island. 21 Sunset viewing PINE Fairly size, defined mangroves. Like region, inhabited Calusa. Pineland, northwest corner island, now Randell Research Center, visitors see shell mounds, canals examples Calusan life. defines Old mix newcommercial remains viable, Matlacha authentic waterfront funky art galleries. Boaters dock restaurants. USEPPA Mostly former Calusa, accessible charter boats. Traveling slender coast, boaters treated views coveted real estate gorgeous uninhabited until 19th century tarpon started becoming popular. listed Register Historic Places, Barbara Sumwalt Museum, traces regions history. Drift Captivas white NORTH CAPTIVA Remote lots nature mixed water air small airstrip. Much Cap privately owned however, Barnacles restaurant beer basket fried fish. 22 Essen t ials Key lodge, cottages, marina. CABBAGE KEY ESSENTIAL EVERYTHING BUT WATER Inn, stop lunch--or spend lodge cottages charm, walls ceilings covered dollar bills, handwritten messages. roads motorized vehicles, footpaths lookout tower. Wells owns lodging escape destination advertises serenity selling point. And works. managing editor Media. 23 BETH LUBERECKI give lowdown fabulous fragrances luxurious lotions, must-haves LOOK LOCKS name might think otherwise, Noughty haircare line being good. range 97 percent natural, scientifically backed products parabens, silicones, petrochemicals sulphates. Theyre vegan never tested animals, theyre too pocketbook either. Head CVS stores options hair type concern, Rescue shampoo, conditioner treatments uses ingredients sweet almond sunflower seed extracts repair dry, damaged frizzy 9.99 12.99 Wave Hello collection sea kelp extract avocado oil define, tame control curls 12.99. GOOD WAY GLOSS OVER Jammy Lips Sheer Lacquer Lip Tint INC.redible Cosmetics super-easy lips love. Just swipe highshine gloss enriched active all-day hydration protection pucker. 100 cruelty-free formulation wearable wittily shades Squeeze Me coral, Slow Jamz berry red, When Gives Fruit apricot Fruity Feels dusky Find lip tints Sephora Coconut Point 239-390-9889, sephora.com shops inside JCPenney Mall 239-936-8101 Town Center 239481-2844 Myers. SEAWEED TURNS SOOTHING Products VOYA contain minimum 70 organic pesticides, phthalates synthetic colors, dyes fragrances. Spa Shangri-La 239-676-7334, shangrilasprings.com spa 109 189 VOYAs wild organic, handharvested, seaweed-based products. Ranging minutes, treatment include hydrating purifying facials men women, muslin bag massage, spiced seaweed mud wrap wrap. sells customers 102, detoxifying bath skin women men. ON GO cant leave brands, Kitsch trusted skincare travel. pouches, bottles jars 19 filled BPA-free materials. youre finished trip, clean dishwasher refill next town. Everything TSA-approved carry-on sizes colors patterns look pretty bathroom counter luggage. Kitschs on-the-go Ulta Bell Tower Shops 239334-0659, ulta.com, Cypress Woods Shopping 239-766-4107, 239-992-0361 Coralwood 239-458-3522. 25 OPHEL AN camp matches childs interests L ets face it. young ones occupied extended isnt easy. They bored quickly, fight siblings, attached joysticks, remain stuck mouse Plus, youngest supervised--finding sitters challenge. perfect solution send school out. Camps fill constructive activities, experiences, chance friends, let lifelong gain independence. unplug media, video YouTube--score mom wide summer fit youngsters, price, hours Call providers confirm programs Centers Arts Visual 26100 41 Road Performing 10150 239-495-8989 artcenterbonita.org Parks Recreation various locations 1015 Cultural Blvd., 239-573-3128 capecoral.net Yacht 5819 Driftwood Parkway, 239-574-0806 Saddlewood Horse 16111 Lane, 239-738-9300 capehorses.com Alliance 10091 McGregor 239-939-2787 artinlee.org Calusa 3450 Ortiz Ave., 239-275-3435 calusanature.org 2350 239-334-7419 edisonfordwinterestates.org Rep 2268 Bay St., 239-332-4665 floridarepeducation.org Miracle Youth Baseball Camp CenturyLink Sports Complex 14100 Six Mile 239-768-4210 miraclebaseball.com Imaginarium History Science 2000 Cranford 239-243-0043 theimag.org 3410 Palm 230-533-7275 leegov.comparksprogramssummer NAPLES Collier 15000 Livingston Road, Naples 239-252-4000 colliercountyfl.gov Golisano Childrens 15080 239-514-0084 cmon.org Zoo Caribbean Gardens 1590 Goodlette-Frank 239-262-5409, 158 napleszoo.org Refuge Drive, 239-472-1100 Sea 455 Periwinkle Way, 239-472-8585 sanibelseaschool.org CAPT. BRIAN HOLAWAY tropical fruit came ho likes mangoes am talking juice runs down forearms elbows sticky. rainstorms, clear weather top list mangoes. Yes, Who remembers mango Was Hawaii, Jamaica, spring break Mexico, aunt Lucilles house Nothing ripe mango. full swing, lets little worldwide. Portuguese sailors thank bringing precise brought Brazil 1600s, beginning journey Barbados next, 1782 arrived Jamaica. took 51 reach Perrine planted Sable, today. Sable 99 miles south Lighthouse water, Everglades Park. According accounts passed kept died off. 1800s grafted David Fairchild. species commercial produced over Worldwide 600 kinds least varieties epicenter production area. growing Each Some favorites Angie, Edwards, Alphonso, Kent, Haydon Glenn. celebration mango, each hosts MangoMania Tropical Fair. canceled 2020. experience, soon finish reading article. taste buds growers tantalizing fruits BOTH PAGES grow sweet, juicy treat. north encounter stands signs advertising sale. feeling adventurous, side yards. Often honor box money quest forget bring plenty towels wash elbows--and sailor. Capt. Holaway master naturalist eco-tour guide 1995. His charters Sound, Key, 29 WILLIAM COX Ignatimod iam, peribus, tern tam occhuit, America notem deto ponlos, utem ini co cis efac facioraes se inte tereste Cox professional photographer ecologist 35 Visit him williamrcoxphotography.com. cosmopolitan America, Sterna caspia described Prussian zoologist Peter Simon Pallas 1770 explored southern Russia. gull-like sizable, stocky, red-orange red bill. underparts, black feet legs, slightly forked back wings pearl gray. Nonbreeding crown forehead, breeding cap extends eyes forehead. inches 52-inch wingspan. Juvenile mottled above, bill duller orange adult blackish tip, head heavily streaked white. resembles royal S. maxima, massive, stouter deeper orange, wider. wintering terns widely observed coastlines year-round, interior permanent resident peninsula rare Panhandle, remaining absent western Panhandle winter. disjunct United States, Coast, Alaska south-central Canada. creation dredged-material spoil coasts created habitat tern. 1962, occurrence. eastern southward Tampa Bay, 65 pairs nested 1988 Hillsborough side. Annual nesting persisted Bay. breed Brevard, Charlotte, Franklin Pinellas counties, colonies longer exist. During 1970s 31 Merritt Refuge, colony persisted. laughing gulls Laurus atricilla. dredge material affords terrestrial predators recreationists. nests April August. substrate hash, gravel sand. vegetated suitable because unvegetated substrates. sandbars, loafing roosting. forages prey inland impoundments lakes, rivers, flooded agricultural fields, mudflats bays, feeding hovers diving targeted Recently decline foraging result tide poor areas. Roosting islands, sandbars declined increasing number beach-goers boaters. fishing, camping, shelling, picnicking reasons. disturb nesting, cause failure. impact significant strategy terns. water. usually beaches, banks flat Their courtship complex aerial chases. pair scrapes shallow depression lay eggs. scrape lined grass, moss. eggs 2.6 pinkish-buff brown. Both sexes incubate nestlings semiprecocial, meaning mobile, fed. fledge 40 Young recognize parents. Parental longest among five seven months postfledging. Since ground close vulnerable unusually high tides, severe storms, predators, vegetation invasion, chemical spills disturbance. roosting mean disturbance population. Human season poses threats LIBBY MCMILLAN HENSON Midwests heartbeat Chicagos famed Lakeshore urban highway country. ithout doubt, exciting cities America. soaring skyline, fascinating neighborhoods world-class cultural offerings heartland hub getaway JetBlue flies OHare International Airport. Heres ideas fantastic No. must-do architectural tour boat. operators similar tours, nonprofit Architecture far best, totally worthwhile interesting. legendary narrates behind building. really stellar memory. Water factors surprisingly landscape. Lake Michigan visible final approach OHare, draw runners beachgoers. best bet citys relatively Riverwalk Unlike San Antonios waterway jaw-dropping selfie-with-a-skyline opportunities. coves sorts surprises Youll kayaking live birdwatching Put evening epic date night. Savvy locals enjoy taking Eataly. Italian hub--containing high-quality marketplace restaurants--is consistently billed amazing. Meanwhile, Gibsons Italia serves meal mind-blowing water-and-sky- view. rooftop bar, big deal younger summer. iconic deep-dish pizza, seek Lou Malnatis Pizzeria Due. surprising mealtime hot spot RestoA sculpture, nicknamed Bean, ration Hardware. British artist Sir Anish Kapoor, hip crowd navigates mul- landmark Millennium tilevel showroom arrive see-and-be-seen restaurant, Caf, tucked enclosed, tree-filled courtyard. theater legendary. addition main draws, holds terrific, expensive off-Loop experiences. outside Steppenwolf Theatre Company probably famous nationally acclaimed. Use theatreinchicago.com plan. Art Institute Ave. must-see architecture. Modern Wing, starchitect Renzo Piano, museums 20th- 21st-century art. Downtowns silver sculpture adjacent museum another picture-taking. connector higher floors. complete couple neighborhoods. personality microcosm drink, retail living spaces. Renting Divvy Bike bikeshare program cool beyond Gold affluent neighborhood bordering Michigan. Good choices Logan Square, Lincoln DePaul, Ukrainian Village, Bucktown, Wicker Square. fairly Loop, central business district. meatpacking district transformed arrival Google McDonalds headquarters very, Fulton Market. share chic boutiques. hotel seems city choice depend whether boutique, want River North, Magnificent location. Viceroy Michelin-starred chef, garden floor-to-ceiling windows. location, LondonHouse gifts utterly amazing views, Peninsula base shopping Avenue. Virgin Hotels appeals trendsetters, equally Sophy Hyde yet cozy value. Loop transportation goes loop schlepping luggage, subway el actually elevated fast getting around. Blue Line connects city. Uber, Lyft taxi luggage pickup car Chicago. Henson freelance writer regular contributor 33 ERIK ENTWISTLE powerful role plays everyday lives D o sequence original Star Wars films arrestingly loud, triumphant B-flat major chord, followed rousing brass fanfare, ushers scrolling synopsis plot. Now reimagining opening scenes, deprived classic John Williams score. excitement, anticipation wonder vanish, proving case thing, captures consciousness girds unfold. it, soundtrack progress us, comprising sum total lifetime exposure music. participated feature music--concerts, weddings, church services, graduation ceremonies holiday parties, few. Music integral fundamentally shapes memories musics lives, given recent curtailment gatherings Here determine selections soundtrack, virtually unlimited curate songs accompany activities listen intently relaxing. Engaging done or, contrast, intentionality. shaping musical greater rewards. addition, balance consume time, much-appreciated alternative TV, web surfing like. Anytime mundane reality, waiting us. extensive research listening benefits. brains wired state readily influenced hearing. Feeling lethargic upbeat caffeine provide motivation having trouble summoning. needed self-therapy grief sadness, facilitate experiences transcendence spirituality. repays study. Spending particular piece studying composers detail allows appreciation understanding. Maybe Beatles became famous, would Brahms symphonies. decide broaden horizons something completely unknown. perhaps surprised randomly shuffle pre-existing playlist Spotify. expands lifetime, trove conjure re-experience. daily life, comforting means achieve goals moment. manage assemble, due impress Williams. Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle received undergraduate degree Dartmouth College. He earned post-graduate piano performance Washington St. Louis doctorate musicology Santa Barbara. teaches Rotarians eighth-graders, bright minds perspective focused safety issues. FRANCESCA BLOCK ROTARY CLUB SANIBEL-CAPTIVA Student Voices Recognizing generation, members proud winning language arts teacher Jon Martin, Mara students sponsored School. Lodwick, Lydia Whalen, Maya Brennan Principal Chuck Vilardi SanibelCaptiva driven connect community, opportunities enrichment, promote ideals integrity ethics service. keeping that, club eighth-grade meaningful At heart Rotarys 4-Way Test Is truth fair concerned Will build goodwill friendships beneficial Chet Sadler, secretary chairman District Essay Committee, test foundation is. recited meeting and, reflects strong values mission. essays, framework tackle face. printed here, chosen based criteria evaluating presentation description problem proposals solutions. February, hosted winners, awarding firstplace winner, second third. grants academic insight perceive Martin Annie Campbell Committee common theme essays safety. First-place winner Whalens pervasive youth. recommends resources, peer counseling programs, community. Brennan, second-place writes context shootings. Third-place Lodwick mitigate pressure. helped contest. posits curriculum, current events, media non-fiction reading, educated national problems, aided picking topic. Block student Princeton University, journalism, affairs, international relations Chinese. 38 presumes underlying right now. Sadler notes, gives maturity incorporating analysis real-world issues, unbelievable. Using Eliminate Illness LYDIA WHALEN immense solve global behaviors. method solving parts. question process Next is, Third Last submit exhibiting start meet handle issues cared for. step figure solved immediately. gigantic society. study states children 8-15 condition. Another cases 14. reducing mentally ill reduce crime rate sane commit crimes. prevent concerned. Having definitely friends. reassurance safer stable. zone helping known. third friendships. giving unstable friendship someone. adults others. friend talk know. Whalen Pete, Anne, Lydia, Camille Wyatt lasting relationships. wont unable work. Overall, illnesses touch overcome connecting fellow students, healthier overall FAMILY 39 Shootings MAYA BRENNAN ne prominent facing schools, clubs, teams, classmates shootings affect teachers, parents, kids. PTSD, guilt, chronic psychiatric disorders, according Reid Moley NPR. profound effects schoolwork involved shootings, fights, bullying, depression, abuse home, paranoia. app advice elective students. loving, positive, safe environment. Gun arming staff focus truth, concerned, friendships, convenient useful shooters. finding truthful since, anger teachers. tough thinking shooting school. solution, situation positively affected. school, happening teens. guidance easy execute helpful, helpful correct matters One supports resolution builds within defendant Parkland, said flu adopted father little. So shows wouldnt kill people, fact happier hang with. fix kid Van Dreal studies say, excluded, socially rejected. normally shoot schools nobody effort helpless cares change. strategy, important, Kimberly Birke, Matthew, Lily Strategy Peer Pressure MARA LODWICK problem, steps ensure pressured tremendous constraints Mara, Stephen, Siena Melissa obstacles path success. pressure complication teens Not compelled doing behaviors lead harsh circumstances rest lives. Colossal today strive in. this, turn popular, trendy choices. Vaping, diet adjustments, sexual identity transformations decisions. Adolescents peers, verbally things. told something, odd dangerous situations. Teens futures, wrong mindset undeniably sways teen wavered saying yes drugs. Illicit drug dilemma youth misconception drugs verified practice classmates. believe drugs, accepted too. bitter accurate decision adjusting ideal weight, height, size compared peers considerable burden status. qualities cooler beloved entirely contrary think, change appearance selection identity. LGBTQ character. minor decision, choosing greatly future. speaking acting, entirety statement action. Also, involved. strongly questions, compose enhanced action participating conversation. techniques advance lifestyles decisions themselves, Sex Trafficking children-- boys ts modern-day slavery most-offending nation hands, aware of. trafficking--organized criminal activity beings possessions, controlled exploited. exploited juveniles trafficking Local law enforcement, prosecutors, medical officials advocacy collaborating combat ranks. Lest trafficking, HT, occurs massage parlors news disadvantaged laborers crossing border, again. teenage realize guy trafficker, Sgt. Wade Williams, Sheriffs Office Special Crimes BureauExploitation Section. victim abused neglected children. others, arent obvious blueprint exists vulnerable, troubles with--who capitalizes clever tactics. vulnerabilities rules, drink pornography. tells friend, telling themselves. exploitation intensifies. boys, note targeted. Christy Ivie founder Cause, Florida-based eradicating education, awareness, restoration justice initiatives. stories HT shocking Take, 17-year-old girl working boss additional shifts money. says, Her boss, woman her, introduced man raped forced victims fear. Ivies educate public, enforcement victims, potentially save victims. Nurses professionals lines, Jennifer Wolff, Memorial Hospital ER nurse, member Cause. 2015, shortly joining board, sat mandatory training hospital, taught flags Im patient, idea next. heart. sure colleagues do, Wolff curve, 43 2015--but fine-tuning. instrumental detailed protocol suspect patient trafficked, worked 16-year-old hospital complaints vague authorization treat, discovered lived town her. discharged, up. Neither did person referring nickname. Red mounting, team uncovered Miami. trafficker alleged 200 him, whom allegedly attending High Traffickers lure grooming. Perpetrators feign romantic interest teens, compliment them, buy gifts, isolate family. relationship violent typically kind blackmail involved--a showing compromising position threat harm perpetrator holding victim, Ivie. TALK CHILDREN frauds day, notes. conversation tactics, likely adds, Teach proper names terms, indication would-be offenders theyve touch-- bad touch, well. touch--bad conversations sexuality. example bathing suit covers. turn, shouldnt anyone else Conversations internet extreme importance. seem adults, personal info, birthdays addresses. contacted cellphone chat features. Facebook, Instagram Snapchat together account cases, wary TikTok, Whisper game sites, role-playing scenarios. Kids advertise there. Predators there, saying, Hey, online, bigger technology gap grows warns Parents paying attention, aware, skills--or frankly, sometimes willpower--to monitor online. confusing, busy, overwhelming, imperative. least, advises putting parental monitoring devices, restricting access inappropriate content. Screen Time settings Apple devices. Android users, Link. content pornography, screen Require computer areas, locked door Ivie, nurse 44 CHRISTYS CAUSE bedroom. Above all, teach gut strangers promises propositions true. feels wrong, KNOW RED FLAGS child, running away staying thats flag. resources victimized, Francine Donnorummo. prosecutes chief 20th Judicial Circuit Court States Attorneys Victims Unit, gets dolled leaves middle sign. Donnorummo recalls teenager license driving nails done. job wasnt school--thats flag trafficking. strikes odd, Hotline 888-373-7888, 911 investigate, categorizes apparent girlfriendboyfriend appears older, controlling, girl, andor controlling identification, drivers license. expand educational arm, Care. Partnering Health, continuing ed 400 registered nurses 2019. system identify rescue. does enforcement. Missing Children, police specialty units officers patrolling streets basis. crimes underreported crime, ever identified. Thats reason why shes excited massive data project spearheading--called Counts. nothing anywhere state, gathered trends, require protection, housing, prosecutors explains. upon ills problem. broadcaster, journalist longtime Media contributor. COMBATING PROBLEM info statistics, lines. christyscause.com eradicate Angi Jeffcoat, Monette Everett, treasurer Brooke Lawrence, Vibeke Flornes members. Advisory Council Sam Galloway III, Wayne Jeff Cecil, Donnorummo, Lt. Dan Cote, Perry Awareness Partnerships ARTREACH humantraffickingawareness.org Myers-based conducts spread describe HTAP exhibits paintings others humantraffickinghotline.org Polaris Project polarisproject.org Department state.govpolicy-issues human-trafficking --Christy KLAUDIA BALOGH memory loss option diagnosis ome abandonment, nonetheless, feelings rushing looks indifference seldom describe. doesnt rather are. losing disease. cognitive impairment remembering learning things, concentrating Disease Control Prevention, million impairment. Moreover, projected population above 85. condition Alzheimers disease affects 13.2 2050, Association. staggering, cure dementias--only long-term cost billions. Association estimates dementias 305 billion, 206 billion Medicare Medicaid payments. possibility lowering developing dementia coded DNA. report scientists Alberta genes 5 risk develop predisposed to. Simply put, DNA destiny, Wishart, Albertas sciences computing science, co-author interview earlier year. vast diseases, cancers, diabetes, disease, genetic contribution best. words, suffered decline, Lifestyle play gene expression. eat, outcome. thing Although, official term yet, calling diabetes. Researchers diabetes fourfold mild turns metabolic insulin dysregulation indirectly exactly tend vascular conditions, limit blood supply brain, causing shortage nutrients depends on. stripped adequate fails signal resistance, utilization malfunctions, linked pathogenesis Alzheimers. down, regulation whack, receptors level already pancreas pump metabolizing sugar carbohydrates. excess belong. built priority dealing whats downregulate stress. Too highly enzymes--lets defensive soldiers--to soldiers, beta-amyloid proteins. Busy insulin, places once, build-up plaques, dementia. Regulating lifestyle Mediterranean rich antioxidants, fats sources proteins fat therefore, consuming avocados, olive fatty optimally. Other habits exercise, management, mindfulness sleep. Deep essential detoxification occurs. decisions, small, resulting step-by-step opposite happier, Balough WAYS HELP LOWER CHANCE DEVELOPING ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 1. Maintain balanced diet. 2. Get good-quality 3. Participate exercise. 4. Practice management. 5. Try occasional intermittent fasting. 6. mindfulness. 7. Quit smoking. 8. Avoid alcohol consumption. 9. processed sugar. 10. junk foods. 47 power difference hroughout cave diver photographer, Rusty Farst underwater caves, fought off sharks bare survived paragliding accidents forgotten treasure hidden beneath wrecks hundred-year-old ships. morning December Farst, 55, brushing teeth coughed sink. went biopsy. Three later, phone stage throat cancer. advised affairs prepare worst. Standing room, shocked clinging news, couldnt me. resolved go. began chemotherapy radiation appointments. weeks treatTOTI.COM photographed sailboat sunset cruise ship departed Aruba reefs passengers aboard Celebrity Reflection, operated Cruises. RUSTY FARST Wes Skiles 3,000-year-old Mayan skull Geographic. charge lighting. ment, determined thought. worse. Five responding enough suggested intensity eliminate altogether. Enthusiastic responded, Bring guys. After treatment, smell flesh burning. awoke ability swallow. Luckily, voice. Despite nausea intense pain radiation, continued treatments. struggling going. drunk, pulled driveway greeted neighbor Tannenbaum. Upon realizing himself appointments, Tannenbaum declared meeting. organized On farm Sri Lanka, cautiously approaches introduces elephant Kandula. neighbors Farst. expected showed door--always time--and ask. blessing. therapy ended, rely tube. nearly 80 pounds span fate. die, fighting. Billy Kirkland fund agency F.I.S.H., raised 18,000 Farsts expenses. recovery, surprise letters hed met. More mailbox, whod churches touched story. pinning cards bedroom, floor ceiling heartfelt messages support, prayer hope recovery. Today, cancer-free pursue passions scuba adven- undergoing against 2015 Yucatn, prepares exploration dive. THIS PAGE OPPOSITE ture, directs documentaries Captiva, communities shared motivational speaker talk, mention fortunate voice picked survive, petrified. deep dove ocean, off, fear receiving death sentence. feat accomplished reflecting diver, teamwork successful. vein, taken heal mentioned Steve Nikki Rood, Healey Sean Swaney RAYMOND CARRELLE win weight E less, exercise Calories versus calories eat statements doctor, dietician, trainer, member. simple, physician treats struggle tell not. unique--so individualized plan needed. Problems excessive multifactorial involving interactions biology, environment, factors, psychology, socioeconomics. Inflammation resistance common. American recognizes obesity condition, classify conditions pressure, asthma. many, types diets adhere fits lifestyle, abilities. challenging, unlikely stick term. cook, chef--but simple changes maintain. Radical sustainable yo-yo dieting roller coaster regain. standpoint, improves reduces risks. achievable goal exceed amount loss, failing lose wanted patients starting weight-loss Motivation--Why Be specific grandkids knees hurt anymore clothes better. Knowing motivations tougher Structure--Have breakfast, dinner tonight Do foods Accountability--How myself accountable Helpful journal, weighing visits groups. Set Small, Achievable Goals--For patients, week. goal, Meeting helps confidence positive self-esteem. Review Medications--People medications contribute gain. Addressing Nutritional Education--Learning nutrition body, regarding inflammation earlier. Eating Triggers--Its reflect eat. hunger upset, angry, bored, tired crave remove Weight-Loss Medications--Many cure, comprehensive analogy chair leg component--medical, nutrition, behavior, missing four, falls over. Carrelle medicine Private Physicians SWFL, concierge practice, diplomat Board Obesity Medicine. Miami, residency Albany York practiced incorporated problems. PRIVATE PHYSICIANS SWFLs practitioners Drs. Gary M. Price, L. West Andrew Oakes-Lottridge 53 MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN STAFF Chief officer McAtee, innovation Jeffrey Nelson Alejandro Perez-Trepichio Physician Group, Innovator Year 2019 Innovation, company. primary rallied COVID-19 TIETZ alk pandemic mind. urged Floridians screening, assessment novel coronavirus. sense, Groups officer, Perez-Trepichio. assess provider, considering individual factors--like history, tell, looking holistic faring. acute-care hospitals saw intervene uncertainty exceptional telehealth 450,000 departure third-party services. -- Millenniums Diaz, Group abounds--such pandemic. That 100-plus across remained duty barriers employ tool slow again responded. fully-integrated piloting physicians, McAtee. swift COVID-19, imperative enterprise-wide, 500-plus March governorissued safer-at-home order, half platform MPG Connect. Heading June, platform, Connect topping 50,000. whose nor records hand, continuity JOEL K APLAN Naples, Diaz further integrating home-monitoring device phone. symptoms lungs safely stayed Diaz. recovered grateful innovative Telehealth visits, follow-up screenings wellness check-ups. 3,000 mobilized response end, stronger approach. millennium physician.com 844-CALL-MPG 844-225-5674. Rick Waks 55 ANNA SHUSTER, D.O. upkeep aspects involves unhealthy habits, eating well-balanced diet, receive preventive physician. Unhealthy smoking, use, use. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths Causes smoking emphysema, malignancies. alcoholic drinks recommended. damage liver cancers. routine exams exams. world--with temptations. dedicate yourself. father, mother, son, daughter caregiver. And--lastly-- D.O., Primary 1255 Viscaya Parkway. 239-574-1988 ppcswfl.com. stresses benefits leading patients. overweight. increases risks cholesterol back, hips knees. Therefore extremely high-fiber, low-fat low-carbohydrate healthy, ideally week, However, always exercising all. Finally, Examples colonoscopies, women. Mammograms recommended repeated yearly. self-examine breasts month. show Bone density tests Pap smears 21. lady becomes sexually 21, Women older smears. PRIMARY CARE 57 PAUL HILTZ KEEPING YOU SAFE HEALTHY NCH Systems urges diligence virus crisis H ello, healthy. Well, flattened curve COVID-19--thanks, part, tirelessly virus. shops, reminded precautions almost crisis, end. Instead, adapting normal--observing distancing, thoroughly washing wearing masks reopening, diligent continue practices. Speaking System capacity. quite credit staff, administrators implementing meticulous protocols NCH. Patient job--to anything, careful. weve Patients doctors, undergo or-- emergency--visit ER. equipped protective equipment effectively. Where knows. experts diligently vaccine band ourselves blessed outpouring Restaurants delivered donors trying times. donation, letter, poster, card appreciated team. inspirational, Please afraid sick. serve compassion. Thank FACHE, System. nchmd.org. SYSTEM 59 KRIS FAY delivers ith pandemic, experienced emergence normal delivered. Telemedicine moved forefront necessity option. skyrocket began. doctors connection. skip interact board-certified physicians devices cameras--to necessary, referral prescription. Innovative expanded delivering telemedicine rural fewer specialized cardiac consultations advantages, possible cold, viruses, advantages streamline flow directly electronic records. accelerate adoption contributed rapid growth Social-distancing orders individuals in-person setting. Thus, convenience attractive alternatives-- Medicare, insurers relaxed policies minimize out-of-pocket costs easier seeing embrace technology. electronically conversing colds flu, upper respiratory follow-ups undertaken J.D. Power, revealed consumers prior perspective, October 2015. February 2020, 500 Conversely, 50,000 March, May otherwise evolve, replace physicians. nice convenient, care--which traditionally offices. leehealth.org MHA, administrative Home Services. 61 EMILY ROSE Shell Retirement promotes whole-person model assisted Point. ucked Caloosahatchee nations premier senior communities--Shell Community. location subtropical Myers, resort-style programming, cornerstone award-winning robust system. Points signature Lifecare product guarantees future come. independent living, skilled nursing, onsite professionals. Included practitioners, state-of-the-art centers lab X-ray full-service pharmacy, rehabilitation center. retiring Point, Louise Redmond offered. lover avid pause Resident walks recovering injury facilities. SHELL POINT RETIREMENT Larsen Pavilion Skilled Nursing overlooks River. injury. Fortunately, recovery Center. unit, offices looked physical, continual encouragement. knew energetic lifestyle. praises Living, specifically individual. coordinators assigned order retirement rehab center, missed walking outdoors responded empathy compassion Pavilions surroundings program, unparalleled guarantee enjoying fullest LifeQuest, involvement dimensions social, spiritual, emotional, educational, challenge systems, freedom engaged choose. furthered commitment integrated groundbreaking 2021. completed, six-level, 200,000-square-foot rooms, clinic, spaces, upscale enhance nursing short-term stays. 63 Locals sing wines--from Maryland hen refreshing drink. beaching, boating bikinis equation, healthful portable beverages desirable. Finding beverage category wine drinker. Two fastest-growing categories canned. Putting unheard blowing grapes grown California Oregon. January Drew Baker, vigneron Westminster Winery Maryland, packed cans bottles, Natural debut. reviews rave. winemaking refers style yeasts, additives sugar, dyes, chemicals pesticides. wines lower ABV count, calories. bikini season. produces Vineyards. wines, unusual aromas, particles sediment. Siblings Ashli Johnson Lisa Hinton 2011. OLD WESTMINSTER WINERY Skin Contact Piquette grape pomace, leftovers winemaking. Vigneron Baker tasting January. Rizzo, owner anecdotal residues fertilizers, coloring, sugars legally approved additives. Rizzo undisputed expert store, nonexistent founders movement 90s importer Boston. wealth loves connections brands pressed else. passion sees millennials Lay Naomi Biber, Palace Pub Wine Bar Coral. natural-wine hes advice, Biber. Biber added low-intervention wines. glasses wake awful, affinity labels artistic, serious, catering example, colorful Marylands Winery, Seeds Skins, Farm Fizz Carbonic. historical slate terms blends packaging. family-owned winery east nationwide Baker. Cans glass enjoyment, portable. Skins pinot gris. subtle tint, slight fizz, flavors citrus peach. Dry acidic, lovers Besides grapes, Bakers orchard. heirloom cider Happy Camper hit unveiling. sediment unfiltered. everyone, OK Because manipulation field bottle, acknowledges, flawed. Kind grandmas lack spice burnt edges, grandmas. fake food. well-known selections. 66 cooking Salt pepper tablespoons soy sauce ounces unsweetened coconut milk flakes garnish Cilantro Saut onion, pepper, potato garlic peanut medium heat coating mix. Cook onions translucent. Add sambal butter. Caramelize pan, deglaze chicken stock. boil, simmer potatoes tender. Slightly mash thicken sauce. collard greens, soft. salt taste. serving, milk. Grill charcoal pan sear. serve, spoon rice bowl, stew, chicken. Garnish crushed cilantro peanuts. Serve naan. 20461 Tamiami Trail, 239-949-6715 restorativescafe.com CAPELLINI AGLI SCAMPI Restaurant Palladio Trattoria Serves capellini angel pasta tablespoon cloves, minced lemon, zest butter shrimp prawns, peeled deveined tails cup dry chopped parsley pot, boil salt. boiling, drop cook stirring avoid clumping. cooked, drain ladle pasta. saucepan, oil. lemon zest. seconds, shrimp, turning sides wine, evaporate reduce. parsley. Simmer minute two. Stir. Plate pasta, presentation. 28340 Trails Edge 239-947-2202 palladiotrattoria.com WEST AFRICAN PEANUT STEW HARISSA CHICKEN Restoratives Cafe Spice Mix dried harissa cumin cinnamon onion cloves substitute large, boneless, skinless thighs cups raw peanuts spray brown blender Blend. Pour marinate refrigerator hour. Coat dust Roast 375 degrees toasted fragrant. aside. Steam Stew Peanut diced bell peppers, potatoes, seasoning quarts stock LOBSTER RISOTTO ROASTED TOMATO WHITE TRUFFLE PERFUME 6 Roasted Tomatoes medium-sized plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise Pinch oregano Extra virgin Season tomato halves oregano. Place colander sit moisture concentrate flavors. Preheat oven 125 F. baking sheet aluminum foil. tomatoes cut Drizzle hours, shrunken cooked dry. oven, handling. Remove skins desired. pepper. Stir combine ingredients. grated Parmesan, warm. 1186 3rd South, 239-434-7258 seasaltnaples.com Peruvian yellow chili paste ounce broth teaspoon limo habanero preference, blended preference calamari rings Flour frying julienned giant corn kernels minute. lime juice, paste. minutes. paste, balances acidity Mix. separate dollop Dip wet mixture, flour. Fry 350 Boil Smash potato. ceviche bowl. form pyramid. leche de tigre. Surround corn, piping artful rings. 7950 Dani 239-288-6795 cevichesbydivino.com SUNRISE MIMOSA Garlic-Infused Olive Oil extra Freshly saucepan lowest possible. Heat hour soft infuses garlic. Risotto pound lobster meat, garlic-infused 4-5 seafood vegetable basil, finely plus teaspoons unsalted parsley, fine truffle Parmesan cheese, optional Cut meat -inch cubes. heavy-bottomed pot mediumhigh heat, saut, constantly, stir constantly absorbed. stock, liquid Continue creamy al dente. roasted sauce, basil meat. stirring. mixture butter, oil, Over Easy Champagne squeezed Cranberry Fill flute chilled Champagne. freshly optimal flavor consistency. liquids separate, slowly drizzle cranberry 630 Tarpon 239-472-2625 overeasycafesanibel.com CEVICHE DE MERCADO Ceviches Divino 2-4 corvina, Persian cilantro, egg B Breakfast Lunch Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Vegetarian BAILEYS GENERAL Sanibels Headquarters. grocery hardware store covered. produce, meats seafood, deli, in-house bakery coffee bar. stocks gluten-free delivery, Baileys Market Sundial Resort Spa. 2477 239-472-1516 Andy Rosse 239-472-2374 Spa, 1451 239-3956016 baileys-sanibel.com CIELO Creative Cuisine. sophistication evident tasteful decor impressive menus. Start Cielo-tini, gin curacao cocktail. appetizers PEI mussels, charcuterie. Entres osso buco, Dungeness crab ravioli jumbo lump list. Wrap after-dinner scotches, cognacs ports. Scott McDonald 1244 239-472-5555, cielo-sanibel.com DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel folk joined novelist Randy fictional character, bestseller sandwiches, salads entres. Dont mojito. 2500 Inn 239-472-8311, docfordssanibel.com GROG SHOP Cigars, Spirit More. liquor, liqueurs, beer, cigars, shop Bailey walk-in cigar humidor stocked Arturo Fuente, Macanudo, Cohiba premium brands. Grog Shop party-planning weekly specials delivery. 2485 239-472-1682, grogshopsanibel.com 73 epicurious happiness leisurely breakfast. --John Gunther Cow COW Bovine Bounty. omelets beef joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless Loaded Seafood Omelet. cocktails drinks, homemade Mango Sangria 2163 239-472-0606, sanibelislandcow.com LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Breakfast. Residents why. Ocean Frittata seasoned scallops crabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms topped artichoke Alfredo Grouper Platter dinner, pictures lighthouse walls. Call-ahead seating 362 239-472-0303, lighthousecafe.com MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach hearts wood-fired pizzas. Fresh pastas, chicken, veal round menu. 1200 239-472-1998, matzaluna.net 74 Lets chocolate cake --Audrey Hepburn NORMANDIE SEASIDE Indulge Yourself. Located Wind dinner. Bananaberry French Toast Omelet breakfast Colombian artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax cafes old-world atmosphere Curry Chicken Salad Pressed Cuban Sandwich lunch. Tom Sisson creates flair, 3345 239-472-1541, normandierestaurant.com ROSIES GRILL No-Frills Best. friendly Benedicts pancakes omelets. Rosies Famous Steak Sandwich, voted islanders. Southwestern dishes fajitas, tacos, burritos quesadillas. Stop ice cream choose Royal Scoop cream. BLD 2330 Ridge 239-579-0807, sanibelrosiescafe.com Color. typical pub fare--juicy burgers, baskets spicy Buffalo wings--and bartenders oftensought-but-never-found feel, explains popularity spot. 703 239-472-4453, thesanibelgrill.com THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. cuisine grouper, oven-roasted 75 cookie hand. --Barbara coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack blackened yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, glorious table. Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, thistlelodge.com TIMBERS RESTAURANT FISH MARKET Favorites calamari, platters cakes lump. market. 239-472-2722, timbersofsanibel.com TRADERS Experience. Traders emporium entertainment Tuesday Thursday evenings singer guitarist Danny Morgan, icon. gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, traderssanibel.com T2 Favorite. Opened Traders, delicious tacos savory flatbreads, coastal-inspired classics. mixology Elderflower Bloom, rotating draft selection, envy lively Floridian dcor. Outdoor seating, gift shop, lunch, anytime between. 2340 239-558-8919, T2traders.com 76 CANTINA Nacho Madres Mexican. inside, serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style subtly suggest border. L, D, C, 14970 239-472-0248, captivaislandinn.com CROWS NEST Great Food, Fun dining appetizers, always-popular baked goat cheese dip. entres Saltimbocca, sage leaves, ricotta prosciuttowrapped linguine. Crab Races, Monday Thursday, hopping LD 15951 239-472-5161, crowsnest-captiva.com Story Continues. Building success, chain Whites character doors South Seas Resort. Docs Bread panko-fried dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, docfordscaptiva.com KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. eclectic walnut-crusted 77 account. investments. --Bethenny Frankel snapper, sausage escargots tomato. 11509 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE ICE CREAM ... coffees, extra-strong Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes tooth indulge scoops Queenies locally cream, milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers brewed pond. combination English grub. beachside patio gazing. 11546 239-4723434, muckyduck.com HOUSE FloridaNew American. Greg Nelsons bounty Come sushi menu, rolls, sashimi, rolls select sakes. complement presentations, Room takes breath away. 239-472-5161 421, captiva-house.com. RC OTTERS Otterly American.The multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf cravings. 78 Blanc Diners 239-395-1142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled salmon, pecan-crusted salad. 239-472-6200, BIMINI BAIT SHACK Giant Tiki Hut. thatched roof deck, vibe, entertainment. Daiquiris rum cocktails, offerings. plates grouper shucked oysters, burgers ribs smoker. night party started. 17501 Harbour Pointe Dr., 239-360-2248, biminibaitshack.com Age counted. --Unknown BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, bread modeled entre robata grill, Lamb Lollipops rosemary reduction, Octopus SS, Blancs Almost Entres, enjoyed clean, contemporary ambience savor creations Chris Whitaker chef Jean Claude Roge, talents lift peers. Closed Sundays. 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, blancentertainment.com BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. outrageous highlight tasty diners prefer steak 239-489-1500 2262 First 239-362-2843, blusushi.com BROADWAY PALM DINNER THEATRE Than Show. show, place. facility 450-seat theater, 100-seat Off Broadway Theatre, 120-seat 30-seat Sabal lounge lobby. Shows Broadway-inspired musicals edgy performances theater. Evening matinee meals buffet plated Saturday. Tickets purchased 1380 Colonial 239-278-4422, broadwaypalm.com LYNQ Linking Global Music. dimly lit cavernous vibe. Clusters sofas 82 mingling. poke bowls all-American burgers. Handcrafted specially Lynq Mules, breweries drinking adventure. Live nights. 16230 Summerlin 239-204-9345, lynq.life Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas banana leaf Texas baby ribs. 708 Fishermans Wharf, Beach, 239-765-9660, docfordsfortmyersbeach.com Especially Philly. corned-beef sliced bananas strawberries Carbons malted Belgian waffles accompanied fresh-ground Pop Philly cheesesteak, down. 25091 Bernwood Springs, 239-948-4123, old41rest.com 83 Ruths RODIZIO Brazilian Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, dozen rotisserie-grilled meats, perfectly carved tableside Rodizio gauchos feijoada, black-bean abacaxi, glazed-and-grilled pineapple. decadent dessert. Friday-Sunday. 8017 Plaza del Lago Suite 101, Estero, 239-498-0018, rodiziogrill.com RUTHS CHRIS STEAK Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted trey meticulously whitelinen-covered tables mood. petite filets cowboy-sized rib eyes, steaks tender juicy. Choose creamed sweet-potato casserole. 23151 239-948-8888, ruthschris date. readers reservations visiting establishments. 84 hurricane cover-up murder hat thriller committed Category storm Grisham midst Hurricane Leo, backdrop mysterious Kerr, explosive revelatory Camino Winds, stock-in-trade--legal thrillers--to present centering bookstore Bruce Cable, Amelia Jacksonville nucleus inner circle authors drama page morphs old-fashioned mystery. Kerr storm, fatal blows debris injuries inflicted strange hurricane, befriended vanished police, overwhelmed aftermath Cable mystery buddys death. Against chainsaws generators, investigate theories crime. manuscript published, reveal network nursing-home fraud. bow ties, seersucker suits female authors. halfdozen quirky personalities, reading. writing own--authors publishers booksellers. Winds 2017 characters plot theft thriller. D. MacDonald masterful 1977 Condominium, evil developer, corrupt politicians Ella bearing innocent high-rise Fiddlers situated Sarasota, lived. Either afternoon--all eye outlook SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Years SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE exp. 83120 FAVORITE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Hidden Word Pleasure Bag Online rates apply Internet only. TOLL-FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions Across 1Cottontail Snoopy, e.g. 9Intent 11Waterfall Mallards Copters predecessor northwest, 17 garnish, Face Formed yarn 22Solid lion Order 1,000 kb. helm Childs plaything utensil Choir putt Horror maven Craven Bugs garage Down Biscuit, Fragrant long-grain Pen Vision Medium perceptions, abbr. Magnanimous Naval Large cubes Flintstones Continent, Coastal scavenger Lost film Crossing Immeasurable cavity 27 Cobbler ingredient Takes W.C. London Golf pegs 37 ___ TANYA HOCHSCHILD Sanctuary Congregational Church Christ Yam Temple Islands. sacred Czech artifact 1991 scroll unrolled aisle participants. VICTORIA FUCHS BAT YAM TEMPLE ISLANDS ow happen Reform congregation acquired Czechoslovakian Sanibelians met plans organize congregational priorities developed statement. decided affiliate Union Hebrew Congregations, linking 850 congregations votes regularly Shabbat hire rabbi UCC ark Irv Stein houses synagogues Torahs right. Mel Bleiberg Rabbi Soria rabbi, acquiring longer. Torahs. scrolls Synagogue ruined Michle Prague, 1,564 lain piles Nazis anticipated ceremonial objects relics dead culture. unpacked numbered, committee loan. bears tablet corresponding certificate, describes origin particulars. telephone Scrolls Trust requesting Torah, avail. small. Ingaborg Mauksch, survivor Yam, visited story, synagogue allocated Boscovitz, Prague. century. endeavor Leonard Arnoff, founding Anns roots 91 moving oncein-a-lifetime present, notes Bleiberg. Prior occasion, ties bound congregations, agree Bleiberg, labeled bonding congregations. allotted Fellowship Hall Torah. Stein, congregant architect ark, requirements fulfill. structure stored showcased scrolls, items candlesticks, goblet Menorah. reminiscent Mount Sinai Moses Biblical tradition--hence peak toward rises. arks completion, consecrated E. Arnoffs 11, 1992, Hall. donated Benno Becky Kon, chancel sent transport needlepointed mantel barbed barren tree, limb leaves. symbol limbs hibiscus symbolizes climate Sanibel. David, sparkling gold thread, meant Jews Four shells representing daughters. egret, once killed feathers, denotes mans inhumanity animals. Floating Yam. yad, pointer follow text Ken Henny Karasin, Elissa. Tarnished neglected, bazaar Teheran 1970s. Karasins restored beauty. 1865 1890. inscribed belonged Russian destroyed. minister 2008, words delights livingworshippingserving sister congregation, Perhaps dearest housing security office--locked sheltered carefully worship. Initially, planned carry forth, summers, Rev. convictions swayed him. treat ceremony rededicate sanctuary accommodate Shirley wrote Bernette Jaffe Karasin. Arnoff daughter, Susan, presented congregation. Karasin walked sanctuary, unrolling holy scriptures back. recalls, aisle, precious unrolled, up, reverently blessing hearts. Jewish Simchat celebrates scroll. 92 welcomed clergy tour, included ark. symbolic respectfully contents. seemed deepest impressions relates. reminds faith. venerable parchment lineage connected ancestors centuries. survival treasured relic, provenance miraculous, tie binds generation Holocaust--preserving painful generations Rosh Hashanah, 19955756, Frankel. now, carried night, Remember carries Shoah Holocaust. Stephen appreciates prophet Zechariah, brand plucked fire Zechariah 32, one-third world--two-thirds Europe--perished conflagration engulfed Temples determination survive lessons children, grandchildren follow. Hochschild Africa grew 1981. novel, memoir, anthology poetry biographies nonagenarians 93 AL SMITH Gathering Augies nightly ritual. Switching guitar clarinet saxophone, Augie Thoma entertains stay-at-home precisely 515 Augie, college director, porch titles. saxophone. though, vocal accompaniment. Hes 70-plus far. multitalented, instruments larger assortment onto porch. ago edicts changed everyone. canceled, 95-year-old grumbled concerts. solution. gap. well-separated group, gather street applaud Thoma, Performer. unimaginable handshakes, hugs, birthday parties trips ball parks. phrases stay-at-home. melody suddenly different. invisible lyrics cast dark, gloomy cloud overhead. Everyday changed. world, musically talented gloom busters. Bringing song cloistered quarters, emerging porches, balconies whatever improvised perform moments delight hear. buster. purely solos ALAN 239.472.4888 Islands islandtaxi.com rideislandtaxi.com TAXI Ride Airport Knowledgeable Friendly Passenger Vans Luxury Sedans Transportation Events 239.472.6188 Unit PHARMACY Locally Owned Faces Can Count Needs Are Business 239.472.0700 4301 SAN-CAP MEDICAL CENTER Walk-In 239.466.5115 16970-1 Carlos Blvd Publix 60minutecleaners.com MINUTE CLEANERS Thru Cleaning - Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises 239.939.0077 Of SW accentbp.com ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management CLAUDIOS PEST MANAGEMENT 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel claudiospestmanagement.com Claudio Treviso Name Know Termite Pest RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Parkway ronandsons.com Sales Installation Security Alarm AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom Central Vac swfl Celebrating Independence Day sparklers beach. Subdued, blast speak. Turns face-mask tan look. Wednesday cleaned closet twice. anything. Didnt thunderstorm evening. Torrential downpour. Suddenly, property. provision stay--and Went morning. downed limbs, rain-fresh. courts M, playing singles. Wimbledon Championships World War II. OK, admit mountain Carolina beckons. boats cars road. instead Grady-White mountains soon, Peace alternative. name. Hump day--deserves takeout eateries. shall Shrimp Snapper Scallops Definitely Arms sore river yesterday, Shady, meandering breeze. Couldnt suggesting Big Says went, bear dozens alligators. Expectations Road. gators scenery breathtaking. Has month idea. ILLUSTRATION DAVE DROTLEFF shining, breeze, storms forecast. relaxing sounds bet. tomorrow thunder lightning. JULYAUG VOL. NO. 4.95 opinions Published WINNING SMART FIT HOLOCAUST TORAH HOW SACRED SCROLL FOUND HOME TAKING DOCTORS ADVICE FUN SUMMER EXCURSIONS EXPLORE SWFLS WATERS BOAT Display

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