TOTI_SO19.indd 1 73019 1122 AM features 34 AMAZING AERIAL The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are an American icon, and a performance by this elite squadron is good reason for attending the Florida International Show in Punta Gorda. ACROBATICS A Naples resident, author Janet Evanovich doesnt hold back when talking about why she loves living paradise. Check out her favorite places to go things do Southwest shes not working on next novel. EVANOVICH TOUR 38 THE JANET 40 Sustainability low electric bills make Babcock Ranch attractive, but theres much more solar-powered town. Residents add community spirit healthy lifestyle list. COMMUNITY AT BABCOCK RANCH BUILDING 44 48 50 52 Fashion Sense Designing From Within Thriving Art Scene at FGCU Creative Haven ART DESIGN 2 TOTI.COM SEPTEMBEROCTOBER 2019 3 departments 16 22 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST Mother Natures 12 COASTAL COMMERCE Your Home FASHION In Good 18 ARTS Doing What They Really Love Colorful World of Pastels 24 Tropical Rainbow Colors 26 TO YOUR HEALTH Hangry No More 28 WHATS IN STORE Whats Hot 30 FOR KIDS Inspiring Music 32 PETS Pet Portraits 54 BEAUTY Beauty Trends 56 CHEERS Crafting Beer 60 ON RADAR Jumpstart Holidays 62 EPICURIOUS SWFL Dining Guide 80 CROSSWORD 82 STAY TUNED Piano 84 OUT ABOUT Magnificent Frigatebird Encounter 86 CALENDAR Where Go Do 91 NATURES NOTEBOOK Mottled Ducks 92 94 BETWEEN LINES One Scary Road Trip 95 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 96 JOURNAL ers om offer. t s cu cial ue tBl spe e j or 0f ift f g age 9 p See Coming up NovDec Eat well travel often. If you think idea, then issue definitely you. Well give lowdown some most interesting local restaurants food trends. Plus, if youre planning that getaway, youll find great ideas where beyond. 4 5 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger MANAGING EDITOR Patricia Letakis CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Jones PROOFREADER CONTRIBUTING Elizabeth Grimm SENIOR CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Beth Luberecki VIDEO JOURNALIST, FITNESS WRITER Klaudia Balogh DIGITAL CONTENT WRITERS Balogh, Nina Barbero, Gina Birch, Paula Michele Bolado, William R. Cox, Erik Entwistle, Brian Haloway, Letakis, Luberecki, Randall H. Neihoff, Ann Marie OPhelan PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Nick Adams, Dave Drotleff, Holaway, OPlehan ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205, ext. 102 100 Michael Rawers 107 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS totimedia.comcontactus 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T F 239-395-2125 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Times Islands, RSW LIVING, MAIN, Bonita Estero Cape Coral Living ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., Sanibel, 33957. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright Inc. All rights reserved. part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors necessarily those 6 7 publishers letter WHAT HAPPENED SPONTANEITY W Group Publisher, Media PHOTO BY NICK ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY hen was last time were spontaneous listened your inner soul, impulse happy excited something said, oh yeah, cut loose, having impromptu with friends, family even strangers Spontaneity calls deviating from set-in-stone daily routine trying new. It can surprisingly fun--and soul. Too often we let heavy workload certain duties us back. But honest ourselves stop making excuses, I believe our again. For sure, will love it, especially taking them adventure, whether its shopping excursion spur-of-the-moment boat ride. However, prepared, as encounter resistance someone whose habit it plan ahead rather than act impulsively. choose right activity, people persuaded join doubt, nowadays challenge, younger generation. example excursion. Rather hit stores, see, touch, try merchandise, shoppers likely just online via one their tech tools order what they want. And sometimes asking themselves, really have After all, return does fulfill expectations. Yet, questions arise respect toward these businesses sent product, real interaction expert who would guide item When submit button, receiving compliments salesperson how look new outfit explanation functions help life easier. We all know almost effortless shop online--you supermarkets restaurants--but long mobile health, should get things. world live in, run risk eventually losing human connection others, social ability interact, spontaneity. Another scenario use Wi-Fi vacation. How spend hours searching signal so finally post photo comment This valuable lost, which could been better spent doing traveling companions, learning surroundings, fun interacting others instead staring handheld device. Life too short dull moments. share thoughts spontaneous, every day filled excitement. gulf coast zeitgeist DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF Chicken soup awe-deprived soul ... nature exist art, art never nature. --Alois Podhajsky, Complete Training Horse Rider, 1967 his striking philosophical truth comes mouth man riding seat pants, intimately contact limbs fingers powerful force beneath him call horse. brilliant practitioner dressage Olympic medalist director Spanish Riding School Vienna, Podhajsky drew inspiration source artists turn direct experiences awe. Awe wow factor, sense wonder erupts confronted marvelous, magnificent mysterious. While feeling astonishment arouse fear, shock becoming aware unexpected way always challenges explain happened. Moved create sublime verse, Robert Frost taught poetry begins gut prompts thought--then poet struggles words express it. goes arts. Awakened natures world, driven ways articulate through images painting, sculpture, architecture sounds music, speeches movement dance, athletics drama stagecraft, screenplay, combination above. Works artist elicit awe beholder--if willing take embrace senses. Experiencing increase tolerance risk, boost creativity combat stress putting brain state bliss reshape feelings future. Unfortunately, wise observers tend agree, culture awe-deprived. Adults spending working, commuting, running errands following schedules--and less outdoors Pausing reflect rare indoors attendance arts events theater, museums galleries has dropped recent years. same true children There fewer occasions unstructured exploration outside, while inside, music programs schools being dismantled. Fortunately, psychologists entertainers drawing attention science Professors Dacher Keltner UC Berkeley Jonathan Haidt NYUs Stern Business argue elicited nature, impressive individuals feats, including acts skill virtue. As benefits such awe-filled experiences, note findings neuroscience research group Lab Misfits, studied audience members during after Cirque du Soleil performances. results dramatic fortunately, cant outdoors, thats needed watch window--the set aside mindfully still window focus many biggest show earth. With declining mobility my father-in-law aged gracefully content thoroughly home wherever he was--especially listening watching sports. His quip encouraged someplace else entertainment was, dont need three-ring circus Thats awesome. Dr. Niehoff around Island since 1991. 11 COAstal commerce KATIE BABKA Dancer Christina Wyatt among artwork presented exhibit. Robb Stucky interior designer Kimberly Kreller spoke event. Stuckys exhibit seminar spotlighted works past June, came beautiful Fort Myers showroom display sell art. star-studded event, stars sprinkled throughout showroom. Floridainspired paintings, sculptures, beaded jewelry other handcrafted pieces created tropical ambience luxury furnishings retailers Wyatt, acrylic charcoal, participating artists. Her female form explored depth femininity grace. native, grew Miami lived PHOTOS COURTESY OF ROBB STUCKY Watercolor Shah Hadjebi above Myra Roberts below works. until moving Maine pursue degree fine University Presque Isle. completing school, Virginia before Florida, now lives full Describing paintings poetry, explained work inspired grace found natural reverence inherent sanctuary peace. unquestionably across viewing paintings. gifted featured Megan Kissinger, using charcoal creates scenic She dubbed Southern Wild. Among Kissingers 13 left Shell Sisters depicts women stoop search seashells Rollin Raw Bar truck provided seafood delights JoAnne Bedient rapid fire ceramic sculptures. painting particularly because usage old yardstick remnants canvas. Giving customers complimentary yardsticks longstanding tradition Stucky. measuring lying home--many previous owner--Kissinger able incorporate into Roberts, essentially captures essence vacation work, also had specialty settings. Ladies dressed vintage bathing suits portrayed enjoying beachs sand-and-surf scenery. concept mothers vast collection outfits 1940s later eras. newer works, known Black Suit series, uses brighter colors silhouettes suits. admits partially Andy Warhol. noteworthy artist, figurines. 14 discussed importance proper matting framing Sadler, playful color, displayed creating explosive term fitting process fire, quite literally ignite, effect finish. speakers Kreller. incorporating home, elaborating different eras themes offering tips each piece properly. Although virtually any space, stressed homeowners diligently options right. variety display, opinion, joined fantastic. myself, see expression photography, sculpture. Each unique Besides about, buying guests enjoyed tasty bites-- pok tuna bowls Asian slaw mahi-mahi tacos--from Bar. Katie Babka copywriter media specialist 15 BETH LUBERECKI Local womens clothing talk takes survive--and thrive--in todays e-commerce Sometimes scroll Amazon, Zappos another site perfect pair sandals strappy sundress. Maybe wearing pajamas, maybe glass wine hand. matter scenario, place shopping, hectic lead today. nothing like personalized experience actual brick-and-mortar boutique. items sale chosen care friendly staff waiting offer advice assistance, IRL trip provide service scoring deals Zulily couch. several fashion holding own amid omnipresence want click. Theres no Im going compete Shopbop says Jennifer Williams, owner Jennifers Myers. whos recognize walk door bought month. looking probably online, over-the-top customer service, store mine. business 1983, anyone conceive computer cell phone. started there fax machines, Williams. sending purchase orders snail mail. internet made tasks easier, means independent boutiques choices best market products. Jennifers, example, website merchandise online. Williams credits longtime loyal Cindy Call, Maria Gervacio, Jill Castiglione, Dovile Gucmeris Michelle Robbins helping succeed nearly Sue Bobak center, Peach Republic boutique JENNIFERS presence statement here, drive store, carries casual sophisticated styles brands Astars, Rails Sanctuary. ever foresee selling Looke, opened Marina Village Shops 2016, helps stay connected seasonal former whom co-owner Stacy Gervais worked dad owned Hallmark Maine, hasnt huge generator sales. Instead, reinforce personality shop, motto Have drink, buy dress Customers are, fact, offered champagne mimosas Sunday, enjoy browse racks brightly colored mixes nautical New England style lines Jude Connally, Julie Brown NYC Gretchen Scott. point view, view yourself, Gervais, runs sister, Muffy Ellis. product experience. hopefully apart shopping. invest money keep time, feel material. despite trend Island. select inventory hand-picked cannot easily elsewhere, explains Bobak, fashion-savvy Ellis Looke 2016 Champagne browse. At Coral, colorful fashions Scott Judy Connally lifestyle, along eager help. yourself. --Stacy 25 My one-of-a-kind finest designers available. Most Facebook Instagram off draw store. urgency, Tiffany Fortunato, To Moon Boutique, first Promenade Bay Springs 2013. coming week. learned Instagram, here gone. visit theyll treated extras wont includes full-service alterations gift wrapping. Boutique offers personal styling services hosts girl parties, groups just-for-them complete snacks, drinks discounts. Fortunato York opening boutique, brings expertise purchasing decisions. Because design background, super picky feel, says. anything quality, trust major plus me. building relationships beyond buys free shipping. Yes, products, on-trend Me Mumu BuddyLove. Chic Want Head local, plazas. BONITA SPRINGS 239-949-8200 to-the-moon-fl CAPE CORAL Eva Sea 239-540-4480 239-205-6225 FORT MYERS Hollies 239-481-9671 239-481-8582 SANIBEL ISLAND Pursuit 239-472-4600 239-472-8444 Periwinkle Place Shop LOOKE beautiful. myself worlds worst salesperson. comfortable something, say single theyve here. Nokomis, Floridabased freelance writer frequent contributor Media. Learn 17 ANN MARIE OPHEL AN Leaving behind corporate positions mainstream jobs, five creative life--and Beverly Fox rtists intriguing folks artists, based unusually chose career-changing morphed quality production developer silversmith teacher gallery owner. metal began college. private studio Portland, went 2002--after 20-plus years world. full-time jeweler, Arts Studio, ownerpresident Harbour View Gallery Coral. Shes vice president Chapter Society Goldsmiths. Through September, Gallery, presenting line earrings pendants. range 1,200 150 250. primarily silver stones come Christine Reichow over explains, adding themselves. Estero-based segued textiles watercolor, cold waxoil artist. young age--her mother Michigan State University, hand-dyed handwoven textiles. BOTH PAGES RESPECTIVE ARTISTS Reichows wearable upscale Detroit York, Howell, Michigan, 1986 1996. Upon 2000, realistic birds, botanicals landscapes watercolors abstracts paint acrylics. start small gicles hundreds print United Council Naples, October. April, watercolorists exhibiting Fabriano Acquarello Exhibition Italy. Making am, notes. Craig Petersen Beach certainly big change--from coffee roastingpackaging plant watercolor 20 years, business, 5th Avenue Coffee Company Cleveland. decided told father 65 regret done wish had. Petersen, 70, considers success refers himself landscapeseascape painted musicians. 5-by-7 inches 35-by-60 inches. ongoing Shark Grill Beach. Hes 19 Danny Morgan Diane Young resident regular 239-313-5915 classes organizations leagues, continues commissions. Award-winning musician 1970s, graduating Eastern Kentucky University. Yet earlier, musician--playing guitar, writing songs singing Boys, Jimmy Buffet Barry Manilow. Band play Florida. hes returned art--painting acrylics sizes warm, vibrant organic, lot motion reminiscent both topic. pleased fully immersed am grateful professional currently represented Denise Bibro Fine City. Young, winters summers Toronto, Manitoba--then in-charge Canada flight attendant Retiring 1999, resumed concentration, sculpting portraitures. wasnt tried hand knew passion life, innate execute portraiture uniqueness 3-D form, deep satisfaction integral honors time-enduring way. accepts commissions public venues individuals. photos enjoys meeting subjects transfer 2,500 6,500. MORE INFORMATION 239-671-4429 Part 5789 Drive, 21301 S. Tamiami Trail, 239-273-9568 440-823-1926 239-472-4774 dannymorganart.compaintings.html dannymorganband.combio.htm Represented City 21 promote time-honored medium Freedom Reigns Tanya Trinkaus Glass Mug Lemon Lynne Wilcox n 15th century, pastels used mostly studies murals 17th took identity. Made pigments oil paint, vivid colors-- drying odors cleanup oils. According Pastel SWFPS, superior color light achieved pure pigment reflective qualities mediums. Artists brushes applied surface, typically textured sanded paper. SWFPS nonprofit organization comprised pastel levels region. founded January 2003 resurgence interest active members. encourages promotes growth monthly meetings programs, workshops, outings exhibition opportunities. Meetings, usually held Worthington Country Club Springs, October May. begin meeting, followed program, opportunity Dutch-treat lunch. autumn winter workshop. Workshops nationally open society reasonable fee, Debra Meade, second publicity chair. Non-members welcome attend. During season, weekly plein air outings, occasional trips lectures. Three four shows hosted giving work. largest Panther Refuge Wet Season Poppies Les Baux de Provence Mysteries Abound Annual Member Show, juried rotates sites Marco three-year cycle. Members volunteer committees support hospitality, book discussion, videoDVD library, fundraising, scholarships--to develop talents. year, Sam Platt Scholarship, named societys board president, awarded deserving high school senior plans education. scholarship, established administered foundation, Meade picked early adulthood. raising daughter pursuing journalism career--she became publisher Roanoke Va. Times--she little beloved pastels. only upon retirement 2013 That moved SWFPS. felt wonderful fellow oils most. directness vibrancy colors, slow layers capture mood light. sponsored Immokalees middle schools. Eighty Ginger Craven, Alice Fjelstul Ruthe A. Sholler. Sholler officer Massachusetts current instructor teaches adults Center Arts--Bonita CFABS Collier County. Every Immokalee, donated students, notes Sholler, intense--and forgiving. 20-year landscape, figurative floral painter reimagining beauty handled concentrates painting. combines monotype prints teaching CFABS, students enhance amazing, won awards Ive fortunate national international exhibitions, adds. welcomes members, learn organization, information joining, email membership chair Jerri Smith 23 ERIK ENT WISTLE Capturing Sanibels Sissi Janku blends whimsy, abstract realism S Splendor Sisi mural Golisano Childrens Hospital anibels abundant wildlife visitors residents alike. some, island grows deeper, establishing living. Such case Janku, celebrating produced influenced island. leaving native Germany Hawaii, Honolulu John Chin relocated mainland gain exposure, displaying festivals country. Missing move Sanibel. looked inviting similar observes. familiar, said grow time. finds outdoor space overlooking oasis Bayous backyard. boundary between humans blurred, grassy areas yielding imperceptibly untamed landscape foliage, driftwood water. Nesting ibis, herons, egrets birds--along alligator--all please completes latest projects. Painting outside best, glad that. closer animals Its perfect. artistic rewards thing happened meet hus- band, Chris van der Baars. He supporter corner. assignments hotelier, extended stays Mexico, Egypt China Jankus sources inspiration, owing least travels, continued evolve extensively oils, recently turned choice. changed wanted techniques, Acrylics very liquid, watercolors. dry fast, layer quickly. effects transparent watercolors, thick opaque, SISI JANKU describes whimsical seascapes. explains. allows easy changes. keeps juices going, project onto canvas immediately wait dry. continues, supported versatility Oils dry, months. delays layering spontaneity gets lost. reveal humanity peaceful coexistence, marine land-based homes, boats iconic Lighthouse. good. whimsical, together. straight intuition might worlds, possibilities. technique. simplify approach afforded greater freedom expression, relishes wants explore further. Right push loose abstract, actually pushing away wild side. successful retrospective Community House, pause rest laurels. enough capturing furniture, friends. hope check Style Galleries House South Seas Resort Captiva. writes arts, music. pianist, musicologist, KL AUDIA BALOGH D metabolic flexibility become fat-burning machine existence. Metabolic bodys switch carbohydrates energy fat energy. encoded biology evolution. hunter-gatherer ancestors didnt days bodies wouldnt shut down tap storage fuel, escape danger. then. Our 24-hour access snacks processed foods metabolically inflexible, grown obesity epidemic. crave carbs two three hours. Many hangry angryhungry skip meal, p.m. slump fog. body burns quicker fat, again away. Fat tends satiated Think campfire put paper seconds, throw wood burn versus wood. Studies shown lack today hallmark diseases, cancer insulin resistance, type diabetes. Becoming flexible, however, happen overnight. Manning adjust. Give yourself adapt, said. And, top salt intake. Salt worth mentioning, once lower intake foods, Drew health fitness Fit2Fat2Fit Unexpected Lessons Gaining Losing 75 lbs Purpose. rew lost pounds months prior gained pounds. On purpose. extreme amount physical state, mental well. Both blood pressure cholesterol shot fog lethargic. physically, thought emotional battle Id facing, best-selling Known straightforward empathetic coaching, Oz CNN, Morning America. creator AE Fit Fit. coach lose weight, yet idea wanting needing large fat. So, stepped clients shoes embarked fit journey. weight easy, easier makeup. memory, muscles--remember adage, ride bike, forget. remembers. athletic whole life. choices, adapted arent Metabolism mechanism providing DREW MANNING sodium-heavy, water flush electrolytes well, important mineral Signs Youre Metabolically Inflexible You angry meal. eat soon wake up. hungry night. weight. metabolism. Can Become Flexible Incorporate fasting. within fast remaining 16, Or carbs. Make sure avocado, olive oil, coconut eggs fatty fish meat. Reduce foods. Stay prepackaged precooked sugar, vegetable additives. outer circle grocery reach fruits vegetables, beans Exercise. Physical high-intensity interval training, empty glycogen storage. Glycogen storing glucose liver muscles later. exercise stored glycogen, choice wellness 27 GINA BIRCH LUXURY PEN Designer instruments negotiating table. Limited Edition Centenary special Graf von Faber-Castell celebrate Bentley Motors 100-year anniversary. fountain, rollerball ballpoint pens titanium coating B cap, golden anniversary ring. Chic. 545-660, Arabesque SMART BUDDY SUITCASE Inspired hatbox case, Smart Birdy Wings TSA-approved suitcase stylish jetsetter. Available styles, extra touches, expandable shoe console, hot tool holder, zipper compartments, 360-degree rotating wheels external sleeves computers cords. Bon voyage. Starting 500, CALLA LIGHT CHAMPAGNE DREAMS Reminiscent calla lily, Calla Sonneman Lighting adds soft sophistication homes modern interiors. satin white black finishes, radiates gentle glow translucent petal-like shades. 370 First Myers, Wilson celebration 150th Mot Chandon Imperial Brut, famous house redesigned label flagship product. limited-edition bottle elevates Imprial symbol bright elegant Champagne. Looks tastes 39.99, Total Wine Spirits MILAN SNAP SKIRT GOLFING STYLE Stand links red polo IBKL. patented ICEFIL fabric soft, stretchy engineered two-way circulation control moisture convert sweat cooling agent. provides UPF coverage safe harsh rays. 84, Golf Guys, Got curves bandage pencil skirt hardware slit. Button slim unfasten few sexy peek leg. Ranging size 0 22, versatile 150, EAST AFRICAN JEWELS Handmade East Africa, beads Joy bracelet Tuli salvaged recycled paper, hand-painted covered waterproof varnish durability. fair-trade pumpkin-color fight poverty jobs artisans women. 32, LIPPYCLIP Keep lip balm handy LippyClip Luxe. Clip keyring, purse anywhere convenient. States Luxe luxurious embossed vinyl match mood. 14.99, Thistle Thorn, Labelle VEGAN TOTE pioneer vegan leather trend, Urban Originals designed backpack transitions chic tote versatility. Especially everyday use, Wild Flower computer, pockets organization. 50, Macys FIDGET RING Patti Ricky suffering anxiety. movable parts rings, necklaces bracelets allow fashionconscious fidgeters discreetly relieve stress. rose-goldfilled Uma Fidget Ring nine small, sterling finger. 25, andor affiliates responsible changes, mistakes products stock. 29 Drums voice starting musical journey E Music, strumming guitars, practicing piano scales blowing horns. Whether notes, accomplished players theyre praised stick talented experienced instructors college-educated performing musicians joys instruments. Since 1991, located Jay Kays Organ Colonial Boulevard lessons piano, drum, bass, organ, ukulele vocals. Monday Friday a.m. p.m., Saturday p.m.--to accommodate varied schedules traditional, homeschooled older students. family, Mandy Baker 48-year-old player considering guitar next. location, although stayed address, expand number lesson rooms, studios, 11. additional studios simultaneous peak prime slots. added dedicated debuted. Thanks studio, types instrument lessons, Guretsky. Brass reed offerings. rooms stocked lesson, amps, drum kits, pianos more. Parents kick room, family-friendly chairs, childrens toys, magazines Wi-Fi. Encouraging strives for--from welcoming accommodating front desk, teacher. earn trophies, certificates award wristbands Musics participation Ladder System. TIPS PARENTS SCHOOL MUSIC keeping car. Take Choose childs age. Some bulky difficult learn, children. Find student style. fit. child motivated. Fill practice accomplishment chart. Reward progresses. Let likes. country, pop vocal sing rock roll. collegeeducated instrument. regional competitions. earned college scholarships Guretsky charges half-hour lesson. longer 45-minute 60-minute sessions Fees paid month month, long-term commitments. unlimited makeup lessons. 14-day notice Children ones music--many course, family. frequently entire familys saving parents Additionally, recitals spring December. Recitals build confidence chance skills. students--and, turn, parents--its recipient honors, highly reviewed. INFO 1400 Blvd., 239-939-4173 239-939-4549 31 Cherish memorialize photos, sculptures Photographs pet, Paws Prints Photography memorable gifts. Sculptor Carol King Old canine placed side subject Patty Stefan arranged setting studio. PATTY STEFAN Port Charlotte-based pet portrait photography company. Photos taken comfort home. Ownerphotographer document pets life--from puppyhood adulthood end People seek ensure furry companions creatively preserved. Session fees 200, depending location pets. leave indelible impression hearts makes include portrait--or preserve memory character, Photography, Charlotte 941-276-3327 OLD ROAD GALLERY Sculptors Dwayne Tavernier, Keys. client consultation person email. sizes, details proposed sculpture discussed. 1123 FROM LEFT DOG TIRED STUDIO AND PAWS PRINTS PET PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC P Sean P. Callahan, Dog Tired et owners showing pets--or preserving precious memories deceased ones. Photographs, terrific gifts cards birthdays holidays, thank-you presents. Wood, ownerphotographer beautiful, cherished pets, stages meets speaks phone decide sessions--whether couch park. Clients receive custom points Wood walks amazing whatever accomplish them. addition clients, photographygraphic services. Recipients rescues shelters, namely Humane Naples. 239-370-8499 sculpts stoneware clay, lets bisque fires glazes ending final firing. weeks prices 325 1,200. replica Boston terrier gallery. speak indeed alive memorial ease pain, alive. 88888 Highway, Tavernier 305-852-8935 Callahan dogs Andrew Wyeth, Winslow Homer Singer Sargent. yellow Labs Vermont farm. Callahans Studio Key West. main murals, acrylics, collages send photograph drawing. sends compositions updates unfold. completion, mails client. portraits cost 700, ranges 20-by-30-inch joy given honor peoples loved ones, tears eyes, job. 1011 Whitehead St., West 802-989-5910 33 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW HEAR ROAR AS FORCE THUNDERBIRDS SOAR SKIES 35 Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jeff Duncan, member Special Operations Command parachute team coming. crowds expected. excitement building. air-demonstration squadrons, perform Gorda Airport fall. Nov. 1-3, 2019, 3. Dana Carr, rubs hands anticipation appearance--their 2014. excited, greet advance airport. Historically, jet team, doubles triples attendance. got figure 40,000, 50,000 people. No. attend teams, Carr continues. Were expecting crowd havent seen Back February, Major Flack Markzon, pilot, Tech Bryson Schuster, maintenance crew chief, flew Daytona, survey. park, operate of, be. Pretty aspect, Schuster says, referring So far, good, arrived F-16 Fighting Falcon jet, aircraft November. Gorda, narrator. exciting show. Based Nellis Base Las Vegas, tour aerobatic formation solo flying specially marked aircraft. eight-aircraft 130, jobs. 64 road 200 days. 1953, third-oldest aerobic formed Navys Blue Angels 1946 French forces Patrouille France 1931. YOU GUYS ARE GOING SEE SOME BEST FLYING SEASON. WELL HAVE LOT SHOWS UNDER OUR BELTS THEN, EVERYBODY IS KNOW WHERE OTHER GUY WITHOUT HESITATION. THERE WILL BE TIGHT, DANGEROUS FORMATIONS. --Air Markzon 36 TOP DOD ARMY STAFF SGT. VITO T. BRYANT ALL performed November, 40,000 eyes cast upward sky, spectators Americas Ambassadors maneuvers unthinkable speeds. Their marvel technology, coolest speed. roughly 1,500 mph, fly feet, 29,000 thrust weigh pounds, one-toone ratio. Elaborating, pretty pilots, pull Gs--nine 1,800 sitting finale 16-17. finish season us, states. bring whats spectators, relates, guys season. under belts then, everybody guy hesitation. tight, dangerous formations. performances, weekend SOCOM ParaCommandos aerial demonstration Matt Younkins Beech more, displays fireworks General admission reserved tickets available discounted prices, packages offered. Sponsorships expected crowd, thousands potential period sponsorships, BOTTOM STAFF-RHODE MAGAZINE 37 Tour Naples-based shares spots NINA BARBERO N aples morning other. wakes lanai. eats breakfast prepared chef. heads office best-seller. OK, routines. books, best-sellers graphic books blend protagonist, mystery romance, husband, Peter, 2000s. supposed mud months, nobody leave, laughing. Except summers, spends North Carolina, breathes write seven week, year-round sunshine absolutely happy. Sarah Dunne, bookseller Barnes Noble met signing ago fan novels. releases book, grab Evanovich, Dunne Stephanie Plum series particular extremely popular Noble. sells ROLAND SCARPA vacations own, recommendations traveler visiting mix routine. EAT Of pick souvenirs trip. horrible possible, Tin City, cheap, crappy souvenir possibly Tommy Bahama, Evanovich. laid-back restaurant chain vacationers for. Two must-visit Evanovichs list staples. recommends Janes Garden Caf 3rd Street breakfast, lunch koi pond Ridgway dining porch. Jersey, atmosphere city vibe, area Ocean Prime. Prime me feels cosmopolitan, reports. fix Boston. READ DO opportunities year-round, activities resort bike routes parks, Gordon River Greenway. beach. incredible beaches, beaches underused, grandchildren her, likes Zoo, Conservancy Museum kid place, adult, dinner, fantastic nights town, catching Artis--Naples. prolific recommend travelers reading--because whichever on--shes reading history castle TV Downton Abbey on. real-life Countess Carnarvon. generations, Fans vacationer. Theyre mysteries beach down, everything story--a action, romance. traditional novel, novel daughter, Alex Troublemaker. have, glamorous casual. fishing shirts ACE Hardware--Im Hardware, jokingly. wear outfit, anywhere. restaurant. want, expensive jewelry, flip-flops shorts comfortable, diversity, shouldnt worried pack Barbero journalist SOMETHING EVERYONE ALEX comfortable. --Janet 39 1124 eco-friendly town efficiency sustainability mind. 41 Ranch, Table Tap fresh, locally sourced ingredients, produce garden honeys harvested community. abcock sun. new, 18,000-acre Lee counties depends sun, Planning 2006. Great Recession development, late 2015. communitys generated buzz environment, smart growth. passionate Babcocks developers press logged 400 sales averaging week summer 2019. Downtown district Founders Square shops, attract Ranch. A-rated Neighborhood pupils kindergarten eighth grade. Five miles hiking trails Lake dock, kayak canoe launch. pioneering anymore Syd Kitson, CEOchairman Kitson Partners, full-fledged, operating problem houses built can. total 19,500 residences planned eventual 50,000. phase construction 700 single-family attached multifamily 200,000s. Architectural Craftsman, Farmhouse, Coastal Gulf PEOPLE NOT PIONEERING ANYMORE RANCH. WERE FULL-FLEDGED, OPERATING COMMUNITY. --Syd Vernacular, ColonialWest Indies, environment recall simpler times. also, residential principles porches eaves passive cooling, faucets showerheads conserve water, highperformance windows insulation low-impact landscaping. must achieve Bronze standard certification Green Building Coalition. Builders Stock Classic Homes, Pulte Lennar Meritage Homes. builders designs ranging 1,107 5,000 square feet. receptive community, Kitson. understand wave Things talked eight, kind groundbreaking standard. Former Janette Dulaney Daniel Geist purchased six-bedroom, 3,800-square-foot Trails Edge neighborhood. electricity 42 mingle neighbors Food Truck Fridays. serves central gathering restaurants, Healths Healthy Center, interactive splash pad amenities. bill half double footage now, Dulaney. mind-blowing neighborhood appeal general appreciation outdoors. trails, activities, lakes emphasis paddleboards kids fishing. land core initiatives appreciate respectful be, Technology master plan. partnership CenturyLink, gigabit advantage technology incentive Kitsons OK there. solar-power partnered Power Light solar facility function--and some. beginning possible. begun rolling autonomous vehicle system, featuring self-driving, electric-powered vehicles. system grows, envisions leading changes residents. hoping realize car--and cars, game changers, impact society, bold vision. plenty share, Students grade School. replicate--based received truly thing, model environmentally responsible. thousand somewhere, Climate change political fact issue, dealing head 43 1125 Design PATRICIA LETAKIS Florida-based ateliers JULIAN CHANG Peruvian homeland study Design--and graduating, Julian Changs career numerous oneof-a-kind wardrobes celebrities Madonna Gloria Estefan. Bold signature define style, evident Pre-Fall Collection Chang, Miamis Upper Side CHARLOTTE ALTHIN HICKS Lily brand, Althin Hicks recognized casual, elegant, clothes complement lifestyle. Fresh ocean breezes seem flow Cruise Lightweight gauzy fabrics, hues subtle beachwear. 45 SEBASTIAN GREY avid Project Runway fan, familiar Sebastian Grey winning designs. Colombian Lauderdale 17, contestant grand prize. Spotlighted reality television competition. 46 BRAVO MEDIA, 47 Family-run Consign labor ucked plaza Highway 6,500-square-foot redefining common perceptions consignment furniture. family-run Starnes, furniture large, firm. financially, Starnes Pieces Marge Carson table, Theodore Alexander Maitland-Smith, look. Maitland-Smith theyd piece, price, treasure Before flipping James, Indianapolis, Nashville. 2014, originally partner, sole felt--as designer--that partner customers, realized ideas, focus. warehouse, haphazardly stacked, carefully put-together vignettes, section room. dog Boba Adding high-level bilingual, accessible Spanish-speaking shoppers. mixing gives balance, continuously resets organized fresh-looking sold delivered. Alondra Breton, developed high-end brand consigned isnt dirty thrifty. blown showcases repurposed Beyond sale, advice. floor plans, stuff them, Breton tries homes. fit, logistics--you fall coastal, contemporary, modern, transitional cottage. third-party companies team. reflection Even though third party, weve problems, company-- detail helped strong base. Word advertising, Along donating supporting fundraisers PACE Girls, Harry Chapin Bank, Habitat Humanity. 2018, present keys shed afternoon joy, tell consigning Lets money, cant, eclectic. Partly calm side, visual overload leaned minimalist industry in. hopes Sarasota, blessed, 25987 Trail 239-221-3541 consigndesign 49 PAUL MICHELE BOL ADO Loscuito, right, enthusiasts universitys exhibitions. Loscuito fresh seasons exhibitions Coast Universitys director, installations out, embarks visits coordinator Anica Sturdivant Asheville, Carolina. planned, 2019-2020 Wasmer ArtLab galleries. compelling lineup lectures, collaborations. Several curated 22nd Student Juried Exhibition, Digital Workshop, Senior Projects guest curatorial debut Gallery. Titled Open Interpretation, selections permanent collection. purpose--by Farah Alkhadra curator. Loscuitos mentorship face installs gallery, side--and installations--about require puzzle geometry aspect installation FGCUs donors, Bob Feir, majors technical skills conceptual Hannibal Rae Williams-Simmons annual glimpses engage collects meaningful him. Then acquisitions. celebrates Latin heavily previously. ArtLab, show, Nosotros, feature Latino descent alumni. Adriana Flores Felipe Maldonado heritage JAMES GRECO 2, storytelling patterns representative heritage, Loscuito. Exciting Enrique Chagoya Ran Adler. contemporary today, titled Map, visually America scale Chagoyas covers activism innovative depict historical icons events. explodes turquoise corals maps paintings--as Everyone Aliengeno. explosion represents recognized, smeared reduced color-- case--but reducing nothing. cultural appropriation. host Adlers organic materials mahogany pods woven wire installations, resembles folded branch. large-scale roughness, randomness disorder. highlight meditatively sew together harmonious rhythm, repetition. jazz Brandon Robertson Adler process. reception, compose response sculptural 20192020 Bolado educator 51 shadows, District steps limelight M ost hubs planned. neighborhoods emerge designers, architects, merchants restaurateurs establish roots, hang signs, slowly shape transform flourish. happening District--and exciting. Earlier official. thoroughfare 41, 7th South, blocks east Goodlette Frank designated District. Here stucco storefronts existed decades rub shoulders boasting clean lines, curved roofs panels. Walk couple Urbanism condo sprouting buildings already construction. promise pedestrian. Laura Burns, Board, efforts forward. thrilled materialized fruition, decision officially government Redevelopment Agency. tourist maintains eclectic hugely emphasizes. stroll neighborhood, discover become. Interior retail homebuilders, shops evident. Stylish caf-bakeries stores lure culinary curious. Tucked hair salons animal hospital. Becky Enzweiler, Striped Cabana transplant Chattanooga, Tennessee, 2016. Poring cluttered Enzweiler concept, growth, rent. Everybody along, neighbors. destination. Come around. Anyone inviting, coastal-inspired accessories washed sea selection patio pillows, tables, lamps chairs inspiring. sit sofa relax, elsewhere--vintage coastal particular. Greg Sari newcomer Co-owner District, posh event-planning Weve transition. wishes restaurants. plants pots, orchid installs, silk tree arrangements creating. Throughout vignettes showcasing succulents, orchids myriad flowers. Beautiful porcelain metallic, dazzle tables. Timeless restaurant, corner U.S 1st North, occupies estate. facing chef David Nelson, invited kitchen MHK Eatery location. 850 Central condos Eleven condos. transitioning walking Nelson. district, gastropub stands hip cottage-meets-contemporary dcor room seating lounge ideal wine, beer pizza tables stools espresso bar. favorites menu artisan pizzas plates Wagyu sliders shrimp tacos. CARONCHI TWO INTERIOR southeast Clockwise near Coastal-inspired confurnishings dominiums rising serving anchor Matthew Kragh Architects instrumental condominiums Districts Burns. pedestrian-friendly streets elements. Burns effort coherent destination, decisions affect landscaping signage. Future creation byways, walkways, blue zones, bicycle lanes pick-up trolleys Nickel Ride. pedestrians, out. Keeping finger pulse, Board forging hub buzziest neighborhoods. managing editor 53 fabulous fragrances must-haves GET GLOWING tan no-no safely fake sun-kissed Lilah B. Bronzed Bronzer Duo 42. Highlight lighter shade, contour darker natural, eyeshadow bronzy radiance. Ingredients aloe agar bronzer silky texture soothe hydrate skin. Pick duo Sephora Coconut Point 239-390-9889, inside JC Penney Town 239-481-2844 Edison Mall 239-936-8101 SAY BYE-BYE BODY BREAKOUTS sweaty you, unfortunately, battling blemishes. Get AcneFree Body Clearing Acne Spray 11.15. formulated percent salicylic acid, oil-soluble, beta-hydroxy-acid penetrates pores remove sebum, clog breakouts. continuous spray application, hard-to-reach places. container stashed gym bag on-the-go use. Walmart locations drugstores. ONE DONE FOOT FORWARD sandal cracked heels parched feet ruin Smooth Arm Hammers Foot Care Moisturizer Gentle Exfoliators 8.79, alpha-hydroxy-acid exfoliators hydrating moisturize restore convenient massaging brush no-mess nongreasy formula slippery residue behind. mild ready sandals. CVS Dionis Goat Milk Balm 15. Flyaway hair, chapped lips, cuticles--this trusty handle all. formulation namesake ingredient shea butter, avocado butter moisturize, repair skin areas. highlighting cheekbones, browbones brighten face. Cracker Barrel Store 55 Floridas taprooms sample brews Sampling flights efficient Big Brewing Tasting taps trends, slower catch country craft example. Rob Whyte, FMBrew, Until brewers San Diego County California wife, Jen Grazt-Whyte, microbreweries 2012 Brewery NBB founder Will Lawson remembers, frontiers craft-brewing develop. opened, percent. one-half flavor challenge developing clientele, overcoming hurdles county Lawson. Zoning fuzzy breweries retail. Today close average. Statewide 350 licensed FMBrew ranks terms June announced 40,000-square-foot expansion adjacent property Gateway. resembling dive bars, hipster hangouts, polished operations. foundation microbrewery, more--the people, events, entertainment, trucks, cultivating everyone welcomed, connoisseurs. slinging beer, Education important, vibe finishing touch. appreciated. handed beers crafted Company. path paved niche guys. broader India pale ale IPA, impossible 2012. IPA strategic move, Jen. palates produces batch ever-changing rotation mature marof taps. ket not. IPAs wide generally complex bitter. adds, gateway producers craft, led Gateway Gold. brewerys blonde seller widely distributed CLOCKWISE 1, BREWING CO. NAPLES BEACH BREWERY 57 lovers, lots SOUTHWEST TAPROOMS 12811 Commerce Lakes Drive 239-313-6576 Millennial 1811 Royal Palm Ave. 239-271-2255 Soul 10970 Cleveland 239-334-4334 OldSoulBrewing Bury 4224 239-332-2337 Ybel 16120 Carlos Blvd. 239-603-6535 Co. 7887 Circle 239-362-2862 4721 SE 10th 239-471-2777 Storm 839 Miramar St. 239-257-1401 Eight-Foot Brewing, 4417 16th 239-984-2655 Momentum Brewhouse 28120 Hunters Ridge 239-949-9945 Ankrolab 3555 Bayshore 239-330-7899 RipTide 987 Third 239-228-6533 Bone Hook 1514 Immokalee 239-631-8522 4120 Enterprise 239-304-8795 PUNTA GORDA 611 941-347-7208 Belgian Monk 318 833-843-6665 Peace 1732 Steadley 941-655-8352 Birch contributor. lover food, well-known Entertainment package FMBrew. approachable ales beers. 58 COMPANY RIGHT NBB, quickly clientele werent seeing bitter shelves addition, refined spirits drinkers, so, spice us. fruit Spiked Seltzer. sugar carbs, 90 calories flavoring, seltzer appeals health-conscious crowd. craft-beer scene according Lawson, beer-drinking bars brews. Ale Passport incentives breweries. up, entrenched forward group, developing. option interested. taste try, philosophy tide lifts boats--or quenches thirsts. 59 radar Floral Artistrys Christmas workshop gala Jana Telecka, Artistry designer, Mark Frank, Netherlands, center 2018 participants creations hosting holiday get-togethers, pays prepared--and hostess. inspire party planners, Artistry, exquisite Captiva islands, October, twofold event evening gala. scheduled Join festive inspiring ideas. Telecka husband Frans Kox WORKSHOP appreciates decorating flowers, hands-on class, limited Participants centerpieces. redesign theme. demonstrate techniques Workshop delivered day. necessary provided, refreshments. demand, 115. Any donations --Jana GALA itself enjoyable evening, acquainted vendors goods entertaining. prebook musicians, photographers, caterers, bakers vendors, showcase services, one-on-one future clients. Vendors items, wrapping organizers NEUBECK PHOTOGRAPHERS demonstrates secure greens wreath centerpiece spool Christmas-themed chandelier chooses non-traditional peach tones Christmas-inspired tablescape. Last Jade Strings welcomed sipped Baileys edible caterers. Guests Room archway beautifully decorated flowers Artistry. transformed enchanting venue tablescapes, trimmed trees strategically space. tablescape individual appeal, plethora lovely remained handmade ornaments festivities expects Past included Store, Fork Creek Gardens, Exclusive Affair Party Rentals, Favi Cakes, Strings, Jamies Cuisine, KC Weddings Events, Neubek Photographers, Paper Fig Kitchen Steve Farst Live Entertainment. Proceeds House. Tickets door. RSVP Calendar Oct. 12. 2400 Road, interested 239-472-3040. Gala sweets Cakes. 61 1126 epicurious KEY Breakfast L Lunch Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Cocktails Vegetarian tasteful decor menus. Start Cielo-tini, gin curacao cocktail. appetizers consider PEI mussels, calamari charcuterie. Entrees osso buco, Dungeness crab ravioli jumbo lump topping Wrap after-dinner drink scotches, cognacs ports. McDonald specials equally intriguing. Try cloud-like tiramisu. DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel Cuisine. folk novelist Randy Wayne White fictional best-seller sandwiches, salads entres. Dont mojito. 751 Tarpon 239-395-4022, COW Bovine Bounty. massive omelets pasta, beef joint, cow references. dinners choice, unless Loaded Seafood Omelet. bar, cocktails drinks, homemade Mango Sangria 2500 Inn 239-472-8311, DUNES Not Problem classic twist. Eastern, Western burger crisp empanadas pulled seared cowboy steak. 1244 Way, 239-472-5555, IL TESORO RISTORANTE Pasta Personality. Chef A.J. Italian feast atmosphere. Everybodys laughing, eating pasta sipping wine. inject heart, heaps antipasto. flavors Italy Penne puttanesca capers rigatoni eggplant, ricotta cherry tomato sauce ribs gnocchi hard pass 2163 239-472-0606, PIZZA Slice Paradise. Pizza Crusty Curl Crust. Pasta, calzone salad 949 Sand Castle 239-472-3355, CIELO popular. bruschetta appetizer, miss hour. 1619 239-472-1581, JAC GRILL Locally Sourced, Artfully Prepared. airy rustic barn-style doors, Jac appeal. Philipe Schroeder focuses seafood, chili-rubbed yellowtail snapper mascarpone risotto shrimp, scallops mussels menu. meat lovers score Jacs spiced pork belly drunken ribs. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, plumpest raw oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat grouper incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. Buffalo wings bet. Four 6520-C Pine Ave., 239-4725353 1036 239-472-6939 12951 McGregor 239-476-9000 waterfront 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Best Breakfast. decades, why. Frittata seasoned crabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms topped artichoke heart creamy Alfredo sauce. Lighthouse Grouper Platter pictures islands historic lighthouse walls. Callahead 362 239-472-0303, MALIA Fusion friends relaxed romantic Owner Samson handcrafted, made-from-scratch dishes. Daily features, soups desserts listed chalkboard. Expect fare sliders, burgers salads, dinner entrees 63 345 PM dishes seafood. Club, 1100 Par View, 239-472-9222, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach wood-fired pizzas. pastas, chicken, veal round 1200 239-472-1998, NORMANDIE SEASIDE Indulge Yourself. Located Wind cozy dinner. Bananaberry Toast Omelet served whole-leaf teas. Relax cafes old-world Curry Salad Pressed Cuban Sandwich Tom Sisson flair, extensive 3345 239-472-1541, SANDBAR Welcoming. Trio, bronzed grouper, cake, favorite. steaks grilled perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day sandwiches fried baskets specialties, rice cakes seaweed salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. 1523 239-472-7770 4685 239-495-5770 320 Beach, 239765-6766, Color. typical pub fare--juicy burgers, spicy wings--and Youll bartenders oftensought-but-never-found bar popularity spot. 703 239-472-4453, SPROUT Goodness. Islands vegetarian gourmet take-out delightful meals, smoothies daily. Nikki Rood 100-percent gluten-free, non-GMO, farm-fresh ingredients creation, Smoked Paprika Hummus Sprouts. Vegan Lasagna. Sprout thy medicine quoting Hippocrates reflected delectable dish offers. 2463 239-472-4499 SPOONDRIFT Bowls Please. Create meal bowl, Hawaiian poke--seafood cubes. tucked diners base rice, greens, quinoa nachos protein ahi Next toppings veggies crispy nuts quick, please. 2441 239-472-0875, SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. lunch, chicken Caesar wrap. Santiva Captiva, variations Benedict either smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Small Packages. Melissa Talmage prepares petite portions, multiple dishes, Grilled Octopus Mullet Fritter. 1625 239-472-1956, LD THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. cuisine oven-roasted coquelet herbcrusted lamb rack mojo allure trappings, glorious views Casa Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. Be market. 239-472-2722, TRADERS Shopping Experience. Traders emporium Tuesday Thursday evenings singer guitarist Morgan, icon. gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. L, D, C, 1551 239-472-7242, T2 Favorite. Opened Traders, delicious trendy tacos savory flatbreads, classics. mixology Sunset Elderflower Bloom, draft selection, envy lively Floridian dcor. Outdoor seating, anytime between. 2340 239-558-8919, CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. Enjoy serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest gone south border. 14970 239-472-0248, CROWS NEST Food, Fun appetizers, always-popular 66 67 baked goat cheese dip. Saltimbocca, sage leaves, lemon prosciutto-wrapped linguine. Crab Races, Thursday, hopping 15951 239-472-5161, Story Continues. success, Whites character doors Resort. Docs Bread panko-fried dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, GREEN FLASH Rare Treasure. delightfully diverse Paris specialty, Worcestershire, finished buttery herb topping. Venetian Platter, salmon, swordfish, tiger prawn polenta. Savory landlubbers, dessert positively decadent 15183 239-472-3337, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers, escargots tomato. 11509 Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE ICE CREAM SHOP Once Time coffees, extra-strong Red Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes Those sweet tooth indulge scoops Queenies ice cream, milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, 68 MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint brewed pond. English grub. Visit beachside sunset gazing. 11546 239-4723434, FloridaNew American. Nelsons changing centers bounty fish. sushi menu, adventurous rolls, sashimi, rolls sakes. Wines presentations, breath 239-472-5161 421, RC OTTERS Otterly multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners 239-3951142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Bistro. charming, caf European wood-grilled perhaps pecancrusted 239-4726200, BIMINI BAIT SHACK Giant Tiki Hut. thatched roof upper deck, entertainment. Daiquiris rum cocktails, freshly shucked juicy smoker. night started. 17501 Pointe Dr., 239-360-2248, 69 BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread tower sauce, modeled entre robata grill, Lamb Lollipops roasted garlic rosemary reduction, SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entres, shared clean, savor Whitaker Jean Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. Closed Sundays. 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. An outrageous prefer steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 239-362-2843, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded sports theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. 17260 239-466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. Modern Breakfast, omelet variation Benedict. noon, bacon-wrapped cedar plank diners. brunch packs house, wait--but 12901 239-466-4663, DARUMA Wish teppan table Japanese tempura offered, combinations lobster Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. 13499 239344-0037 241 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville 941-342-6600, 70 71 EDISON Illuminati. legendary genius, Thomas Edison, photos. steeped tradition, potpie raves 3583 239-936-9348, FIRESTONE fun. Brick warm atmosphere, tires remind called Firestone. paella Grille tapas Sky Bar, dance Martini Saturday. 2224 239-334-3473, GARAGE Taste Details. 1920s, Henry Ford walked parts, Model Low Carb-uretor. arugula egg names Kona Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. true. Salads, fish, pleasing 1982. Soup accompany dinners, Early 4-7 booths, seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239-4892226, UNIVERSITY Class. attracts martini club wellbalanced specials. Theatergoers 7790 Cypress 239-437-4377, R, BF 239-4374377, 72 73 balanced diet cookie --Barbara Johnson Sequel. sequel. Matanzas Pass banana leaf Texas baby 708 Fishermans Wharf, 239765-9660, ORIGINAL SHRIMP DOCK Authentic Shrimping Shanty. Set shrimping fleets base, eatery prides boat-to-plate shrimp. waters simply seasoning kicked notch cilantro lime, Havana Orleans-style barbecue. edge Bay, spot linger cocktail volleyball, corn hole games. 2200 Main 239-463-3043, PARROT CARIBBEAN Salty Sams Marina, open-air mingling sailors tie dock. runners, pina coladas mojitos conch fritters, curry crab, mango stack starters. Caribbean-inspired platter, tango mahi crab-stuffed Meat jerk weekends. 239-463-3257, BIG TAVERN SPORTS Tackle Buds. Stop pizza. waffles zesty 74 bank account. investments. --Bethenny Frankel maple-honey mustard. Other Tens build-your-own backfield cheeses yummy melts steak, pork, ham bacon cod original Philly cheesesteak triple BLTs. stacked Reuben, calzone, stromboli veggiemeat Capes wings. wraps icy beverages. Tavern misses 4703 SW Place, 239-257-1081, CENO Family History. spanakopita--fresh spinach, herbs feta, wrapped phyllo dough baked--or Marsala, drove George Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki Parmesan, disappointed resist cannoli Happy Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. 1715 Parkway W., 239-549-2366, R 1719 East, 239-540-3673, LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Shrimp Grits Le Bouf Bacon Wrapped Lobster Tail 76 freshest landlubbers. Parkway, Units 3, 239-471-0136, MARKER Nautically Nice. woodfired oven Resorts boundaries. flatbread breezy waterside terrace. 5951 Silver 239-541-5600, NEVERMIND AWESOME EATERY Share Crispy Parmesan Truffle Volcano Spring Roll start. Hugo handselected Steak Crust popular, truffle fries, Kennebec potatoes. 927 E. 239-471-0295, POINT Casually Sophisticated. Pulled Pork Rolls, Gouda cheese, mustard slaw, Carolina dippin palate. Scallops excellent entre, charred onion, fennel sausage, Marconi almonds apple cider reduction. proprietor Arnold save 3522 Del Prado S., 239-471-7785, Just Like Philly. corned-beef hash, pancakes sliced bananas strawberries Carbons malted accompanied fresh-ground breakfast. Pop cheesesteak, down. 25091 Bernwood 239-948-4123, 77 PINCHERS CRAB Table. Fresh, cut-to-order fries made-fromscratch decadently rich, cheese-and-crab dip full-on fruity, coast. Multiple 28580 Crossings 239-948-1313 18100 239-415-8973 6890 239-463-2909 2360 239-245-7049 10029 239-415-4040 5991 33914, 239540-7939 Fifth 239-434-6616, 239-4955770 239-4727770 239-765-6766, RODIZIO Brazilian Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, dozen rotisseriegrilled meats, perfectly carved tableside Rodizio gauchos feijoada, black-bean stew, abacaxi, glazedand-grilled pineapple. forget dessert. Friday-Sunday. 8017 Plaza del Lago Suite 101, Estero, 239-498-0018, RUTHS CHRIS STEAK Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted trey ceilings meticulously white-linen-covered filets cowboy-sized rib tender juicy. sides creamed sweet-potato casserole. Point, 23151 239-948-8888, date. encourage readers detailed reservations establishments. 78 79 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Year Years SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE exp. 103119 FAVORITE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Hidden Reading Pleasure Bag Online rates apply Internet only. TOLL-FREE 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions Across Rollers shore Stomach muscles, reptile Fishing aid Soda Excelsis ___ Guacamole Partner dreams Nautical hazard 23Atmosphere 24Edit Bond did martinis Colony 32Bubbles Squid secretion 34Locations Exquisite Down Surfers equipment . liberty justice seas rollers Fitbit, e.g. Finish Shore bird Amaze Spelling test Blade Environmental Aids Possessed Impromptu, committee, Is inquisitive Feel bad Roman numeral tight 81 TUNed Duplicating craftsmans oldest surviving played days, silently 684 Metropolitan craftsman Bartolomeo Cristofori, eldest sibling Florentine credited invention. 2020, Cristoforis arrive milestone turns 300 old. reminder exclusive aristocracy--Portugals king Cristofori--has paradoxically Evolving existence intimate, delicate-sounding, wooden spanning keys, loud, between, encompasses 88 keys. specimens fill grandest concert halls sound. Despite waxing waning course centuries, proven allure, comprising self-contained universe seemingly endless countless composers, resulting repertoire varied. complicated dominated visionary craftsmen footsteps, Broadwood, Sbastien rard and, Steinway. centuries experimentation improvement, reached pinnacle. Nowadays, budget, purpose largely determine acoustic unlikely fundamentally future, craftspeople continue significant innovations Paolo Fazioli pioneer. company, 1981 Venice, Italy, aimed sound constantly quote website. build. Faziolis F308, companys largest, foot 9-foot Steinway larger venues. F308 special, fourth pedal hammers strings, allowing softer volume, touch facile acquisitions Juilliard testament relations coup. Renowned Angela Hewitt, Herbie Hancock Daniil Trifonov praises. Hewitt noted action incredibly responsive imagine fingers. extent Fazioli. hear Grand Series concerts Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church, 1225 Piper Beethovens 250th birthday inaugurating cycle sonatas, keyboard luminaries Plano, Rabinovich Shai Wosner. info. Pianist, musicologist Entwistle undergraduate Dartmouth College. post-graduate Washington Louis. doctorate musicology California, Santa Barbara. 83 CAPT. BRIAN HOL AWAY power moment frigatebird soars glide frigate-birds soaring circles storm, file pelicans winging homeward crimson afterglow sunset, terns flashing midday hover shifting maze beach--why, loss masterpieces --Theodore Roosevelt visitor observer Fregata magnificens name. wingspan scissorlike tail, wing, altitudes 12,000 charateristic ocean-going feathers waterproof, story lifetime memory. ends frigatebird. ago, captain fuel saw distance appeared trash bag. examination birds eased bow bird, ladder wing frigate. Very gingerly ahold railing operation. tail imagined, beak suited snatch Capt. Holaway rescue waterlogged boating HOLAWAY MILES fly, seemed too. frigatebirds waterlogged. dried sufficiently, air, forearm could. accomplished, pointed wind wind. spread that--he feathered friend. nice naturalist shelling eco-tour 1995. charters Sound Cayo Costa Park, Cabbage Key, 85 calendar GO SEPTOCT Midland, performers Hopper Songwriter Fest, Sept. 20-29. NON-STOP LAUGHS ABOARD Tapa Hop, Hop trolley like-minded foodies Seven food. starts 330 stops transportation samplings ticket. 239-454-7500 AMPED-UP Disturbed Evolution Tour, band rocks Hertz Arena amplified Are Ready Silence group. goth-rock Moment, metalcore roots. SING ALONG 20-29 Nationally acclaimed singer-songwriters Fest. 10-day festival 150-plus intimate venues, pool parties countrys songwriters. BEACHES SANIBEL, FORTMYERS-SANIBEL.COM KEN STOHM Seinfeld Live, Jerry Seinfeld, premier comedian, stand-up Barbara Mann Performing Hall Larry starred sitcoms television. Seinfelds hailed uncanny joke relate audiences everywhere. Roar Offshore Races 10-12. CROONER EXTRAORDINAIRE Julio Iglesias, celebrated history, Iglesias boasts million records languages 2,600 gold platinum albums. 75, crooner smooth sings Abrzame, Por el Amor Una Mujer, Quiereme Mucho songs. Estero. Kinney, Aldean, Cole Swindell, Luke Bryan, Jon Pardi Justin Moore. writers appearing Aaron Barker, wrote Straits 1990 Without End, Amen, Dylan Altman, Barefoot Night recorded son Jake Owen. Film Festival NIFF up-and-coming filmmakers screenings, closing ceremony, 24-27. FLASHBACK Terry Sylvester Hollies, British highlights Escorts Centers Springs. performs 60s 70s Aint Heavy, Brother Long Cool Woman Dress. Kids stone frog-jumping 239-695-2905 FOREVER BOY LEGENDARY VOICE 24-Nov. Always...Patsy Cline, Kicking Repertory Theatre stage Always... Patsy Cline. performances honky-tonks sell-out Ole Opry. Cline culture. tribute songs, Crazy Fall Pieces. 3-Nov. Finding Neverland, film tells fairy-tale Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie free-spirited boy, refused make-believe adventures widows sons. boys imaginations fueled Barries creativity, dazzled London theatergoers 1904. magic Neverland Broadway Class One, fastest race boats. Driver James Sheppard throttleman Curtis unbeatable aiming three-peat. SEASONAL FAVE NEED SPEED 11-31 Regional Park Festival, Celebrate fanfare. pumpkin patch, carve jack-o-lantern. scarecrow competition, grounds dotted spooky styles. Youngsters Halloween Express, train holiday, hayride SAFE SAILING Blessing Stone Fleet, Everglades Preparing fishermen gather Rod Gun vessels blessed pastors. ceremony 1030 crafts raffle bake guava cake contest. 10-12 Boat Association National Championship inaugural racing series. Miss GEICO offshore against Australia, Norway, Sweden countries. rebuilt 47-foot-long 1,100 horsepower engines speeds 160 mph. competes OOMPAH 18-20, 25-27 Munich Oktoberfest, knows German bash, consecutive Attendees biergarten tent bands directly Germany, floors. Homemade-style schnitzel, sauerbraten, dumplings, cabbage, potato salad, bratwurst, bauernwurst, pretzels pancakes. ARTIS--NAPLES 87 Grab stein imported bier, wines spirits. Held German-American Social carnival rides games kids. CELEBRATING NATURE Ding Darling Day, Wildlife Darling, Federal Duck Stamp program Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, Day. Bring eco-activities, refuge tram tours presentations archery clinics yoga sessions. artistically inclined partake origami, sketching classes. Explorers paddleboarding clinics, excursions rental kayaks. FILM BUFF 24-27 Now 11th getting bigger better. four-day screenings Silverspot Cinema. Domestic narrative, documentary films emerging presented. 25,000 cash prizes grabs, competitions awards. Artis--Naples, Cultural Campus 27, Jack Everly conducting Philharmonic triumphant Steven Spielberg Raiders Lost Ark. 25-26 Psycho Orchestra, Symphony puts HITCHCOCK MOMENT Alfred Hitchcock thriller. Psycho, 1960 psychological horror film, suspenseful enough, orchestra movie intense 26. NO TRICKS, TREATS Candy Costume Dress costume 5-7 neighbors, candy Admission per CRACKING May, holds Waterfront--Tin Bayfront, locations. Plenty claws cracked, devoured. Folks weekend. AGE Everblades, Everblades hockey Norfolk Admirals Orlando Solar Bears diehard rousing non-stop super-speed 89 Sweet Sounds Sugarlands Kristian Bush classical Fest Bush, multiplatinum-selling Sugarland, stage, festivalgoers wondering talent compare grandfather Hank Recognized Americana Sawyer Fredericks attracted growing win Voice. miss. Grammywinning singer-songwriter sixth downtown festival, promising genres multiplatinum symphony, 25th anniversary, outstanding star Tamara Pigott, executive Visitor Convention Bureau. described once-ina-lifetime performance, missed. HOPPER app schedule, information, coupons, hotel deals, maps, alerts. APP official app, experience, navigate download iOS Android users. Features 20-29, kicks 20-22, moves 22-26, 27-29. superstars stories personal. NOTABLE NEW ACTS First-time 21-year-old grandson Fredericks, winner NBCs Bureau, iHeartMedia, Cat 107.1 BMI, States. Follow hashtag islandhopperfest, Twitter, feeds. WILLIAM COX Hybridization threatens species ottled ducks Anas fulvigula marshes Mexico. mottled duck population Lee, Charlotte, Hendry Glades counties. Johns Merritt Brevard observed hybrids, cross-breeding semidomesticated mallard occupy breeding habitats. hybridization disappear divided subspecies. eastern subspecies, resides fulvigula, western northeastern Mexico Louisiana, f. maculosa. structure mallards, smaller shorter male appearance, careful observation sexes distinguished. adult dark brown chunky brown, V-shaped marks flank feathers. unmarked throat buffy slightly crown eye line. uniquely secondaries speculum blue-green narrow borders. olive-yellow orange, flecked bill, culmen. looks gape bill. duck. orange saddle recognizable metallic green head, ring, curled feathers, chestnut breast semi-domesticated collar. blue, bordered stripe. mallards ducks. bond pairs flocks. except February September. True September March stock, freshwater brackish marshes, lakes, ponds, streams flooded agriculture fields. wild. occurs predominantly midApril extend Nests nest far nests drier wetland sandy ridge, aquatic vegetation, reeds, matted grass rushes cover sheltering vegetation. occasionally agricultural lays 8-10 eggs, 5-13 ground lined greenish-white size. incubates precocial hatch mobile, downy follow fledge 60-70 brood year. desert disturbed predators. scatter hide vegetation females alarm. alarm male, overhead approach. dabblers tilt forage surface. one-third summer, berries, grass, seeds, grain, insects, crustaceans, mollusks snails. These biodiversity environment. predators prey chain. hikers, campers, tourists, birders hunters. Cox photographer ecologist Lifelong Learning affordable eight High School, Camp Felice, Dunbar Public Lehigh Typically, six-week instruction textbooks supplies. Still, falls value. Classes quickly, interested, register urges Burnett. leeschools.netLLC. Learning, 239-939-6321 Affordable LEE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ome language hobby. Others Still CPR certified citizenship test. everyone, Burnett, charge program. session December, topics. Pottery, BBQ Smoking, QuickBooks, Microsoft Excel, 1A Conversational classes, Mandarin Chinese Creole Levels Cybersecurity Parental Controls Cooking Quick, Easy, Delicious Sumi-e Ink Wash Flight Simulator Private Pilot Ground History Civil War. January, AutoCAD, computer-aided drafting, suggested developed. Success Helping women, reentering workforce climb problematic attire job, short. 1997, economic attire, network development workplace. States, expanded cities reaches 59,000 alone, Steele, presi- supplies workappropriate seeking job dent, communications, Worldwide. relies volunteers, clothing, shoes, monetary contributions drop-off locations, bless Hanser. Christopher Klim, Eric Hoffer Award, Mouse endured rigorous judging surpassed dozens titles category. determined unique, worthy aspects publishing. Prior Hanser finalists Horizon conjunction recognizing authors. award, philosopher Hoffer, identifies winner, runner-up honorable mentions categories. recognizes academic presses. Donating foster Collecting kindness Kindleigh. DRESS SUCCESS KINDLEIGH ERIC HOFFER Kindleigh intention kindness. Leigh Clark, chief officer, children, crucial homeless pay layaways. locally, toys delivery 1919 6th Book Honored wins anibel Sally Hanser, TOTIs April Award winners. spiritual category touching meaning giving. gift. prayer honored 93 scary thriller daughters O K, hot. tall, absorbing, intense, mind thermometer. 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