Ad_Page.indd 1 2618 1153 AM Gliding along the Caloosahatchee River on a pontoon boat is relaxing way to learn history and geography of this treasured Southwest Florida waterway. Narrated tours provide stories yesteryear at every twist turn. Youll feel like Humphrey Bogart Katharine Hepburn in classic film African Queen. AN AFRICAN QUEENLIKE ADVENTURE 26 WATER WORLD 34 Up, Up Away 36 Camping by Gulf 40 Chew This Charters 44 Dancing, Dazzling Deep 46 Watercraft Wonderland 48 Water Gardens Delight Soothe 52 Sail 2 TOTI.COM MARAPR 2018 Useppa Island, tucked off Floridas coast, private hideaway with some states most prized real estate. But its also home museum that traces past from Calusa Indians early 20th-century visitors--Thomas Edison, Henry Ford Roosevelts. Flip page 12 delve into bygone time. Cover photo Nick Adams Photography. 1_TOTI_MA18.indd 530 PM 3 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST EXPLORER Caught Between Green Place The Silence 16 Becoming One Aquarium 20 OUTDOORS Mountain Lakes Southeast 24 PETS 56 Beware Dog Days for Your Best Friend Whats Hot Products Help You Look SUP A Splashing Good Time Bloody Marys, Mimosas More Guide Dining SW Collateral Damage 32 WHATS IN STORE 54 BEAUTY TRENDS FOR KIDS 60 GETAWAYS 62 CHEERS 64 EPICURIOUS RECIPES 87 BETWEEN THE LINES 88 OUT ABOUT 90 CALENDAR Full Watery Solitude Where Go What Do With Norma R. Hagan BabcockWebb Wildlife Management Area Workouts 100 STARGAZING 102 NATURES NOTEBOOK 104 TO YOUR HEALTH 106 CROSSWORD 108 COMMUNITY Going Gaga Galas 110 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 112 STAY TUNED Music Vice Versa 113 ISLAND JOURNAL Times Islands ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. Friends family are all about heart, so weve packed issue ideas tips better parentinggrand-parenting, senior care, healthy-living updates, schools learning, technology shopping, family-friendly travel, accommodations pets much more help you achieve very best those love. 4 fun, 5 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elizabeth Grimm MANAGING EDITOR Mandy Carter OUTREACH MANAGER Melanie Heisinger DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT CONTRIBUTOR Kevin Haslam SENIOR CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Patricia Letakis ARTS CONTRIBUTING David Acevedo Beth Luberecki Doug Gallogly VIDEO JOURNALIST, FITNESS WRITER Klaudia Balogh CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund PROOFREADER WRITERS Balogh, Gina Birch, Carter, Ciletti, William Cox, Erik Entwistle, Gallogly, Holaway, Luberecki, Libby McMillan Henson, Glenn Miller, Morris, Randall H. Niehoff, Jacob Ogles, Oliver, Ann Marie OPhelan, Joe Yapello PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Adams, Virgina Amsler, Justin Friede, Kathy Grey, ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205, ext. Michael Rawers 107 Kristoffer Stewart 103 Samson 109 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Marannano WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus 33957 T F 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober PresidentC.O.O. Financial Administrator Jacqueline S. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily 6 7 WHAT REALLY MAKES N o one will ever argue us who live islands, waterfront houses, near numerous waterways blessed good wisdom having chosen an idyllic spot call home. we cant ignore reason enjoy our lifestyle. When look whole picture, realize community--the people, organizations goodwill--that makes life sweet. Everyone community difference. Whether youre philanthropist whose generosity has helped maintain or build places organizations--The Community House, Clinic Rehabilitation CROW, J.N. Ding Darling National Refuge, Barrier Island Group Arts BIG ARTS, Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum, Housing Resources CHR, Historical Museum Village SanCap Cares, F.I.S.H. Sanibel-Captiva, Captiva Society Captiva--or resident job, whether sales clerk government official, volunteerism key creating cohesive life, should never taken granted. Showing appreciation others fast-paced, technology-driven world can often overlooked, simply because when task finished already moved next--and, sadly, close first door proper thank deserving recognition. So during season full swing, galas fundraisers plenty outdoor sporting events keep connected, I want salute efforts everyone community--no matter how big small. Thank do day year. For anyone wants support community, give suggestions, starting 108. Perhaps resting after taking water-based adventures such as fishing charter, kayaking swimming. Now youll find propel out your comfy armchair engage life. March April months there galore--so take pick. And Florida, please dont forget make it happen. Publisher, Media PHOTO BY NICK ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY 9 DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF grateful now O n main road Kenyas capital, Nairobi, Mombasa encounters sign TAKE NOTICE WHEN THIS SIGN IS UNDER WATER, ROAD IMPASSABLE. While traveler thankful warning, seems avoiding flood After Hurricane Irma blew through last fall, islanders were minimal wind damage small tidal surge less than feet and, ever, continued opportunity between blue waters Mexico vibrant green spaces sanctuary island where 70 percent land carefully conserved. We practice measured confidence being delightfully captivated vulnerable coastal environment, knowing surrounding sometimes get angry. To quote Murphys lesser-known laws time mouth shut deep water. So, hurricane quietly prepare worst-- which why have here now. Psychologists neuroscientists made list benefits living do--they read timely signs wend their path Coast new study Scientific Reports, September 2017 discovered connection health brains amygdala almond-shaped set neurons plays role processing emotions, including fear anxiety. Being forested linked strong, healthy functioning brain. Compared inhabit urban, mostly man-made environments, natureneighbors able cope stress. That Max Planck Institute Human Development Berlin compliments alreadystrong psychological evidence nature. Previous research Harvard green-space access longer lives lower levels aggression Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016, Vol. 124, Issue 9. team University Southern California affirmed same clear mental-health found teens natural environment Pacific Standard, June 30, 2016. Scientists Barcelonas Center Research Epidemiology documented positive effect proximity nature cognitive development children Proceedings Academy Sciences, USA, 112, No. 26. project Rochester suggests interacting open water nicer people express caring attitude August 17, 2009. Another newly recommends future space voyages include plant life--rapport greenery helps reduce social problems associated extraterrestrial travel Global Source Science News, October 19, 2017. Meanwhile, back earth, these lessons confirm what law but absolutely true meet ungrateful person happy happy--and kind. Dr. Niehoff been since 1991. 11 GLENN MILLER then right Calusa, resort getaway rich famous. Evoking 10,000 years spiritual haven, chunk Indian mounds oozing lost civilization. TOP LEFT AND BOTTOM PHOTOS COURTESY OF W e arrived bearing gifts--three copies Sunday halfgallon organic milk. Waiting dock splendid November morning greet was Virginia editor quarterly Chronicle. Few if any likely know island, history, charms magic well Amsler. reverence silence past, says years. place silence, evoking only recent distant past--eons before Europeans ventured 16th century. Reaching speck Pine Sound requires basic form transportation used native resided area Florida. In short, boat. muscle power canoes sound bays rivers, modern tourists ride air-conditioned cars marinas they board boats shuttle them around local waters. case, head South Seas Resort northern tip Captiva. Its had reserved two tickets Cruises Lady Chadwick, two-deck powerboat amenities available Spaniards. Chadwick provides air conditioning, system ice drinks. Although sounds name might belong neighbor Downton Abbeys Grantham, Village... Opposite page, below, Club night. accessible via seaplane boat, below right, daily round trips ... invites step SEE SANIBEL AS IT ONCE WAS. village Sanibels tribute delight visitors residents alike. It experience glimpse tour guide Eric Aldrich explained 1880s 1940s. named Chicago opera singer. Settled farmers enjoyed several decades agricultural production, Her Rosamond s reflected nine historical she married man Clarence, buildings. buildings original structures once owner occupied long-time locations. There pioneer home, Resort. cottage, old Post Office, C AL M USE RI carries U Schoolhouse, Baileys General Store, Miss calm, warm Charlottas Tea Room, Morning Glories under cerulean sky. Packing House replica, Shore Once Useppa, Haven Caretakers Cottage, Bailey another convenience unavailModel truck. Come us. Si c Spaniards--golf carts. sa rg ib hop cart Amsler parked next elm se um. u dock, drives her duplex located 950 Dunlop Road, refrigerate milk brought. Hours Open May July a.m. p.m. Tuesday Saturday Then islands mid-October winding paths--some paved dirt. Closed Holidays Admission per adult 18 admitted free bounces over little speed information, visit Email bumps cottages, shade fall sun. talks drives, stopping periodically point house, tree, SanibelHistoricalMuseumVillage_JF18.indd 112817 turtle deliver papers. many vacation destination fish grab lunch elegant Collier Inn. more--a sacred connects long-gone wiped European germs weapons. human goes even deeper paleoM H VIL S BE L LAGE VIRGINA AMSLER USEPPA CLUB 610 13 inset played Miller Grey. points Sound. Indians, ago. honor years, says. feels presence breeze, water, flora fauna island. virtually silent far hurlyburly traffic-clogged highways hubbub crowds flocking stores seeking bargains. profound, while bouncing conversation. believed three souls--one behind eyes, persons reflection yet shadow. hear spirits, brief Useppa. deck Inn sweeping magnificent banyan tree. From gaze east toward occasionally steal glances good-looking, prosperous other tables. Who Are famous something Opera, perhaps doesnt matter. past. see do. play croquet G. Robert Sumwalt Croquet Lawn, swath perfect fine greens fabled Augusta Golf Georgia. pop Barbara glance history. running out. awaits president frequent contributor Media. Useppas charming landmarks beautifully manicured lawn. 14 MIDDLE OTHER KATHY GREY 15 ANN MARIE OPHEL Preparing swim fishes Aquariums 500,000-gallon tank. Swim going sea magine floating nurse shark, tarpon, cobia snook. seem Dry Tortugas snorkeling expedition, actually havent left dry land. Rather, 33,500-gallon aquarium RumFish Grill within Harvey Outpost resort, enjoying Fishes program. imagine yourself diving tiger shark swimming moray eel, barracuda turtle. No, Caribbean Sea heading hole, immersed massive habitat, Dive Sharks snorkelers love skim surface ages up certified divers older deep, both offer opportunities snorkel, dive marine animals. RUMFISH GRILL tank restaurant Outpost, TradeWinds Beach St. Pete Beach. wildlife artist, scientist, diver, angler, explorer conservationist. Because he Grills tank, swimmers interact 31 species fish, indigenous Mexico. TRADEWINDS RESORTS FLORIDA AQUARIUM restaurant, guests view. strong advocate conservation, program created entertain, educate. provided Animal Planets hit television show, Tanked. contains Mexico, amberjack, 45-minute 10-minute swim, explains Sophie Bajack, Outposts eco guest service manager. During tour, participants resides itself-- cleaned cared for. broadly covers addresses problem invasive species, lionfish. Finally, his raise awareness environmental concerns worlds oceans. Even choose watching curious viewing stations Just Tampa demonstrate TripAdvisor ranked among top facilities country Parents Magazine five kid-friendly aquariums. addition featuring 500,000 gallons filled variety 4-D theater, splash pad, adventures, offers personal 17 Certified ranging sharks grouper, Aquarium. habitat. Snorkeling replica coral reef. Fishes, adventure Shark Swim, Sharks, older. Each minutes long. experiences almost age skill level, really come immerse themselves incredible experiences, Kaitlyn Fusco, communications manager offered reasons great time, something, inspire become stewards environment. known conservation work involving animals with, sharks, turtles corals. Aquarium, fun day, efforts, adds Fusco. OPhelan regular ON OPPOSITE PAGE IF YOU GO programs 701 Channelside Drive, 813-273-4000 Tickets start 85 person. Gear included. Guests receive copy recorded footage. Entrance fee Tank Immersion 6000 Boulevard, 727-329-1428 35 plus tax participant. 19 LIBBY MCMILL HENSON go majestic mountain views loridians views. Without realizing it, however, accept flat horizon watery vistas. wonderful treat, then, majesty lake, amid peaks. Weve compiled few Southeasts beautiful lakes, short flight long days drive Directly south Knoxville, Tennessee, gorgeous North Carolina lake setting directly Great Smoky Mountains Park. Carolinas Fontana Lake largest western Carolina, beauty is. longing getaway. Price VISITNC.COM NORTH CAROLINA Blowing Rocks tiny win contests size, lovely views, paddling, fishing, picnicking hiking. Anglers bait sale tackle rented. whopping picnic sites anchor creeks lake. Equidistant Charlotte Asheville, quaint Rock regularly beckons lovers each summer fall. stretching dizzying Chimney Rock, Lure anchors name. At end, popular Larkins late afternoon sun warms patrons dazzling rental homes, docks, rentals, nearby golf recreational opportunities. Summer brings festivals village, lodging. Rabun LAKE RABUN BLUE RIDGE GEORGIA Straddling Carolina-Georgia state line, Chatuge pronounced shuh-TOOG Chain Lakes, Apalachia Hiwassee confused town Hiawassee, Georgia, Chatuge. Gorgeous affordable, areas lodging options hotels, inns, homes sprawling golf, horses spa. Boat rentals allow exploring Hiwassees 6,090 acres, countless coves dot 180-mile lakeshore. ramp, full-service marina, hiking trails advantage lakes Nantahala Forest setting. Scenic Blue Ridge, north Georgia mountains, mighty Toccoa dammed. Launch own rent canoe, stand-up paddleboard paddle Morgantown Point Recreation beach, showers, areas, outfitter rents kayaks, SUPs, equipment bait. here, many, cabins points, Ridge sidebar. Luxury indoor fireplaces, hot tubs must Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods, shop studio craftsman Bill Oyster. Don State Park--Georgias newest--opens possibilities Lanier. ramps, cycling two-bedroom await park. 38,000-acre luh-NEER lies just northeast Atlanta. Any number 21 SWFL CONNECTIONS Jocassee available, rentals. Rabun, 835 historic Clayton bustling downtown, Georgia-North line. Boat, camp, hike, settle stay, room Hotel. 25 miles shoreline Nacoochee SOUTH 50 Earth. Cabins Devils Fork Park rare memorable Greenville hour away car. Beautiful Keowee, upstate, boaters vacationers stunning panoramic consists of, large part, luxury neighborhoods, lakefront ships stores, markets. Author Henson spends summers Mountains. Shes particularly fond boating crystal-clear gets tired nautical treasure--300-foot-deep Jocassee--is completely protected development. Jaw-dropping waterfalls paddlers 7,500-acre component Gorges area, Geographic magazine Keowee 22 JON HOLLOWAY DEVILS FORK STATE PARK Longtime fondly remember chef Danny Mellman Greenhouse fame. Since leaving major catalyst transformation Michelle Moran turned sustainable food tourism catalyst. working farm, inspired pair helm restaurants, Harvest Main, Ridge. Splitting Greenville, restaurateurs Mark Larkin Lawson Hammond culinary sphere extends Lure, Carolina. Tables decks wait Happy duos restaurants Larkins, Marks Limoncello. 23 Keep canines hydrated boating, beaches parks Many dogs ride--even theres tuck under, fresh BRIAN STROMLUND nothing ride-- important safe, sun, dog jacket handle. enables pull canine friend collar. swimmers, face problems, depending weather conditions, Karen Fordiani, public information specialist Lee County Domestic Services. Dogs too noses especially prone burning. SPF spray recommended, Fordiani sunscreens specifically canines. Also, surfaces always protect shaded areas. Lastly, does overheated. Bring dish them, Fordiani. If arent still outdoors dogs. Try off-leash Estero, Parks on-leash offleash parks. Find visiting HOLLY MORRIS SCCF top, Queen takes passengers Oxbow Riverlore Cruise. English Oxbox above owned family. considered crown jewel oxbows. Our trip river Rae Wessel declares, aboard Queen, 41-passenger exactly steam launch 1951 would prove leisurely drift significant river, Caloosahatchee. hat, imagining oneself movie isnt stretch. quest brilliantly sunny afternoon, sights was--and ways is--the lifeblood region. begins Franklin Lock Olga. lock Alva Bridge Okeechobee. Further upriver, west LaBelle, originally Everglades--wet prairieland series lakes--not wide today. edge called Fort Thompson, waterfall fed narrow, crooked flowing journey starts revealing storied coast-to-coast seaway. Officially titled Cruise, apparent riverlore means oxbow until narrating. Natural resource policy director SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundation SCCF, extremely knowledgeable limnologist--meaning studies bodies knowledge beyond body navigating. 27 An oak displays Spanish moss. Captivating History Along way, artfully pieces together puzzle weather, nature, geography, ecology mankind. two-and-a-half-hour cruise cram course, fascinating info. Throughout growth, artery. story, twists turns itself, prehistoric geographical evolution region, Calusas industrious use settlement Myers. Myers can, cut across rim canal, Lucie Canal Atlantic Ocean. Colorful characters lived worked pioneering excursion. exploration narrative, escapades locals Capt. Peter Nelson, claimed Danish kings illegitimate son. commissioner, removed office 1890 caught drinking county dry. story tells orange grove suffering winter freezes Bartow, wistfully recalls storytelling partner Charles Edgar Foster, whom crafted Legacy Caloosahatchee, led current trips. Born 1913, Foster told tales firsthand experience. Admittedly, no narratives same. Different details emerge questions. adventuresome, souls wasnt easy. They depended street. However, comprising Lee, Hendry counties Monroe County, seat weeklong voyage Key West. Hardworking settlers eventually got ignored faraway authorities West establishing closer Change inevitable. alteration dredging project, Hamilton Disston. He dynamited Thompson rapids create navigable channel connect O. intended drain vast wetlands instead caused flooding communities downstream. Fast forward 1920s, decade storms hurricanes became done settlements solution dike contain met multiple purposes. First foremost, controlled flooding. crossstate shipping channel. though, flow Everglades, need discharge 1930, engineers expanded dredged Disston, deepening carry 1950s 1960s, took larger roughly quarter-mile straight line possible basin. 28 RIGHT, RIGHT Top left, basks Aerial 1997 Elbow shows take. Middle maps easy changes configuration river. Above rivers remaining 29 resplendent oaks covered resurrection fern Oxbows Imagine downhill skier racing slalom course ignoring loops course. Those case resemble oxs yoke, remnants 300 meander Gulf. Seemingly inconsequential dredging, oxbows today highlight Small navigate oxbows, giving voyagers real-life picture dredged-- narrower, shallower all. Snaking traveling Only remain, stood still, forgotten towns bypassed super highway. Slipping black hard riverfronts attracted thick bald cypress trees, cabbage palms, slash pines, wax myrtle, dripping hemlock, poison darts, abundant, elderberry enormous leather ferns. nestled shore. sides narrow acres spatterdock pennywort-- basically lily pads. herons swoop landing. Voyagers limpkins any, assumed manatees Morris She specializes copywriting AWAI writer. 30 alligators somewhere. turtle-laden logs, cattle. region naturally was. Old estates grace landscape docks common garages, concrete seawalls here. Expansive lawns backyards gently slope down edge. Owners recreation. waves. Occasionally, vessel speeds Theres deal growth 136 dredged, dammed, straightened locks installed. Of consequences--taking present-day fight conserve Everglades. Part narration includes reasoning Senate push buy Unsure discussion Take informed. operates month, May. Olga, 33 upriver coast. interested topography, birds, plants, animals--or fancy Queen--this Cabbage palms grow riverbank. ready Cruise advance reservations. Register online Click Programs upper information. MORE INFORMATION Dedicated habitats aquatic resources watershed. 3333 Sanibel-Captiva 239-472-2329, GINA BIRCH prerequisite sunscreen. stick Fedorenko True Organic eco-friendly chemical-free. wont clog pores harm coral. biodegradable container, falls pollute fish. SUN STICK WEARING BEACH Capture seaside memories indefinitely eye-catching sterling silver wave bypass ring. custom sand elements world. pick beach location sentimental you, creators dig bank one-of-a-kind ring accessory. 98 Suncatchers Dream AMAZING BARS Zing Bars nutritious, convenient snack pack heart-healthy fats, fiber proteins, suitable diabetics, athletes children. Gluten-free vegan, delicious flavors sizes 1.76 ounce mini 100-calorie bars. minis, 8.99 24.95 HYDROGEN BOOST essential looking extra benefits, try HTWO Hydrogen Water. Infused molecular hydrogen, boost endurance, reduces lactic acid fatigue, antioxidants. Especially athletes, comes pouches. seven pouches Oakes Farms Market, Naples Adas POCKET POD sturdy PodPocket carrying Apple AirPod safe work. chic stylish design precision molded high-grade silicone, secure bottom charging. 19.95 Designed reducing neck pain providing nights sleep, pillow surrounded material choosing fiber, foam, feather. fill bladder inside desired firmness. scientifically proven 49.99 FLOATING PILLOW andor affiliates cannot held responsible changes, writing mistakes products stock. CILETTI Jet packs jet boards let superhero Y oure paddle. cage. cases, hands Youre bird closest flying--all thanks looks Jame Bond movie, activity, thats popping Aston Martin shaken martinis. 007 backyard. else, reports Dopslaff, SkyHigh JetPacks feeling indescribable. pack. How describe Dopslaff helping sky high initial response great. response, proprietor hopes flight. boards. Either superhero, adds. high-powered backpacks Riders hold onto handles sticking safety. go. describes Ski customized reroute pumps, creates propulsion hose. think snowboard, powered gushing literally skating seas. Confidence hang using Private one-on-one either half hour. Safety helmets, wetsuits, vests provided. Prices 89 half-hour session 139 149 279 people. though sport easy, require finesse. sees customers frustration, someone overthinking trying hard, steps help. Sometimes thanking me patient my job. Im teach finally smile stuck it--and maybe didnt believe it--but clicks. fact, guarantees fly second free. job definitely customer, Specifically struggle first. SKYHIGH JETPACKS James required. As least weigh pounds, hes 80s wakeboards, standup paddleboards Skis. company plans sunset dolphin cruises months. Ciletti freelance writer Phoenix. Prior moving Arizona, NBC2 pretty exciting video packages sure flights properly documented. Cayo Costa Turtle enjoyable rom pitching tent, firing coals, listening crickets chirping, breathing salty camping unlike other. enjoys, chance shell, paddleboard, bike more, campsite. Here campgrounds camp activity throughout CAYO COSTA pristine barrier beaches, pine forests, oakpalm hammocks mangrove swamps. Located ferry, Cruises. 2,426-acre park affords pods dolphins, manatees. spring months, shorebirds littlest opposite beaches. DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Some terns, American oystercatchers, Wilsons plovers snowy plovers, notes Chad Lach. indigo snakes seen bicycle trails, Trail, view amphitheater educational tent sites, primitive Reserve America, advance. gift ranger station ice, snacks, drinks items, firewood. Restrooms showers available. visit, pictures leave footprints, 37 Campground truly families --Rebekka Cline, business coordinator Sarasota Parks, Nearby motorized non-motorized launches. campground stroll below. TURTLE CAMPGROUND Sarasotas Siesta tree-lined Campground, 39 vehicle hookups. beach. on-site host, horseshoe pits, grills, restrooms coin-operated washers dryers, Wi-Fi. trolley Village--a worth over. rated nation geoscientist ecologist Stephen Parker Leatherman, Plus, sightseeing adjacent Park, campers playground ones, pier, volleyball court, pavilion rent, meeting seats 30. Reservations required 11401 Andy Rosse Lane, 239-472-5300, 941-964-0375, floridastateparks.orgparkCayo-Costa America 8862 Midnight Pass 941-861-2267, 38 SARASOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT quick shopping Rebekka Resources. binoculars observe birds. migrating terns various types gulls Cline. Additionally, dolphins cease delight. weekend stay entire weeks theyre luck. book 45-day period. Campsites payment reservation. established 1921 Campground. Today everyone. JOE YAPELLO On Local extreme adrenaline rush ave wondered neighborhood could catch goliath grouper Is capability 600-pound behemoths murky depths Have questions crossed mind Actually, probably enthusiasts quite often. do, call. His Ben Chancey, enthusiastic clientele world-class based Cape Coral 2003. former school teacher wrestlingfootball coach transformed lifelong passion well-known charter Charters. captain mark rapidly growing industry big-game fishing. widely modern-day excursions. Thus sense Chancey filmed show 2004, debut Fox Sports Channel. This, instant quickly network. featured national TV networks shows, ESPN, FOX, CNN, Weather Channel Show. Chanceys roots traced toddler. My father grandfather began 1950s, recalls. dirt Bartow area. Ive Boca Grande old. Reserving patience strength landing game different altogether. sailfish hooked Lexis dad, Ben, first-ever kayak. welcomes clients, regardless education coaching background, pride teaching skills novice angler regarding techniques giant snook, monster hammerhead separates competition--and raises clients highest level. interesting bonito bait, order hook Smaller trout, jack redfish plentiful fun-filled reserving prepared happen bite explains. Theyre intensity body. professional football players Worlds Strongest Man competitors pulled feet--unable up. Thats usually lend hand. CAPT. BEN CHANCEY 41 Gene Jensen, YouTubes Flukemaster Channel, grouper. wife, Angela, theyll Stuart. Below --Capt. 42 Fishing Ultraskiff Raton. high-intensity tell knows challenge bring huge top. 1,000 successful charters us, says, else board. battle amazingly tough minutes, totally worn seeing ear-to-ear worthwhile. released fortunate anglers lucky enough, cameras rolling, easily end edition becoming Internet hit. not, witness natures amazing fish--officially grouper--on reel, sun-drenched pressed against side Most all, satisfaction ultimate lifetime. described proverbial tale. Charters, website contributing Farm 25370 Zemel Road Punta Gorda, 33955 43 Seventy on, Weeki Wachee mermaids mesmerize G orgeous gliding, streamlined stunning, balanced. dazzle audiences Springs Spring Hill, Tampa. underwater, perform ballet moves synchronized music, audience 400-seat theater. basin springs, deepest formed springs United States. range things Buccaneer Bay Waterpark, riverboat rides ordinary. mermaid kind world, venue unique, John Athanason, marketing relations performing 1947, roadside attractions meant Wow--much GatorWorld Wildwood Castle Homestead. By nations tourist attractions. recently celebrated 70th anniversary. accomplished hobby Lauderdale Kristy playing flute. Emily hails Pataskala, Ohio, archaeologist. Katie, Brooksville, fluent German. feat, considering wearing tails, 74-degree Meet Mermaid Stayce Miami, training did Training SCUBA certification, aid, CPR Vintage photos mermaids, started loved Growing guests, kids. close. Swimming making closer. spend lot work, favorite part. enough fellow mermaids. grew hearing Mermaids. knew wanted of. immediate plans. Ill can. underwater 30-minute breathe hand-held hoses. process 1946, founder Newton Perry. U.S. Navy trained naval frogmen World War II. Their Little Mermaid, Monday Friday, Fish Tails, Sunday. again again. Every performance different, Athanason slight variances performances, appearances occur. present WEEKI WACHEE SPRINGS 6131 Commercial Way Hill 352-592-5656, Shows Monday-Friday Tails 130 Saturday-Sunday Adult Children 6-12 Daily admission rides. loves 45 JACOB OGLES Far watercraft riders smooth Employees Holiday instruction watercraft. flock WaveRunners coasts calm Estero vehicles idle, cluster jumps waiting tourists. prohibits driving wildlife, wet mammals coming gathered happens tours, Jack Graddy, Sports. companies renting WaveRunners--or Skis, Sea-Doos watercraft--on guides lead eight parts bay sight itself. learned movement position guests. this, party bikes Party ocean remain items turtles, nearly ecosystem. Tourists excited return again, Melissa Tackett Marcum, went twice times. booths shops entirety Also four-wheelers ocean, exhilarating blasting ones reminiscent riding motorcycle-- level control comfortably steer craft--they commodities. Riding operating thing, OGildie, serves equipment. CAPTIVA Adventure Kayak Refuge fws.govdingdarling Thriller Yolo Watersports FORT MYERS Tours Rental Express Lani Kai lanikaiislandresort.comfort-myers-beach-excursions Salty Sams Waterfront Adventures BONITA, ESTERO NAPLES Kayaking Bonita Parasail Excursions CAPE CORAL Banana Tour Company Caloosa Rentals gulfcoastkayak.comguided-kayak-tours Westin westincapecoral.comwater-cruises TIME Visitors WaveRunner HOLIDAY SPORTS Watersports. attractive sporty OGildie primarily Yamaha watercraft, appeal stays sports water-sports say remains Or rather, total lack ride, Graddy notes. role. separating positioning tucks heavy currents. certain safety smells alcohol someones breath, rest day. craft designed 500-pound weight limit. limit idle zones wildlife. Ogles 47 856 Moonlight Garden Edison Winter Estates features pool tropical lilies. Perfect relaxation, meditation olorful koi about, frog resonates background. These garden enjoy. Myers, notable gardens, offering unique EDISON FORD WINTER ESTATES gardens. Lily Pond complex, Thomas Edisons study. third contemporary garden, butterfly Shoppe. added 1920s. pond plants Mina. night-blooming lilies, arrowhead Egyptian papyrus. space. Mrs. extended ornamental plantings moistureloving shrubs borders, lilies pond, Lisa Sbuttoni, vice president, visitor relations. Originally, red, white, blue, yellow installed garden. attracts occasional turtle, tadpoles, frogs tilapia, dragonflies butterflies edges. Ellen Biddle Shipman, Dean Women Landscape Architects 1933 magazine. constructed 1920s Mina places. concept nighttime reflecting capture moonlight, explain Sbuttoni. pots white flowering placed corner reflect moon. Nowadays, Garden, lilies--hybrids bloom progressively pink purple, Debbie Hughes, horticulturist. sculpture D.J. Wilkins. pollinator flit Hughes float heart Botanical Garden. Cascading Kapnick Brazilian pond. gardens centerpiece, mosaic, iconic art piece world-renowned architect Roberto Burle Marx. BOTANICAL GARDEN themed section garden--featuring representative theme. example, Brazil Central platters, collection, papyrus, dramatic subtropical species. Lea Asian lotus, collection Aquatic Florida-themed varieties Scott limited specific theme, Cox Louisiana irises, bog carnivorous pitcher plants. dragonfly damselfly nymphs small, translucent freshwater shrimp mosquito tadpoles young alligator, Cox. 49 brightly colored glide jumble mix foliage lush oasis. SELBY GARDENS Selby opened 1975, design. 1978, Blaser, Blasers Nursery, obtained stones quarry Tampa, Mischa Kirby, communications. Notable travelers angiopteris fern, climbing philodendrons foliage, Kirby addition, sculptures sitting Buddha appears overlooking pool. INFO 2350 McGregor Blvd., 239-334-7419, 4820 Bayshore 239-643-7275, 900 Palm Ave., 941-366-5731, Gardens. 51 BETH OLIVER SAIL AWAY class Americas sailing R ecreational activities bicycle, walk, shop, dine, relax on. learning sail Offshore Sailing School four locations two-hour lesson. adventurous enroll two- seven-day earn qualifies graduate skipper feet. newfound accomplishment freedom, develop share friends, revelations experienced courses. Steve Colgate founded wife Doris company, 140,000 adults Schools Track Cruising couch captains chair week. JUSTIN FRIEDE sail. Colgates lifestyle developed hosted hundreds flotilla vacations exotic ports couple campaigned 54-foot sloop, Sleuth, global circuit. teaches British Virgin Florida--Captiva Beach, downtown Petersburg. Learn Sail, Performance Sailing, Bareboat Charter courses taught yachts catamarans measuring 40-50 Students explore marvel gazing sunsets. Give newest Sailings fleet Jeanneau 479. OFFSHORE SAILING SCHOOL 53 LUBERECKI lipstick lover cream fanatic place. issue, lowdown fabulous fragrances, luxurious lotions, must-have makeup everything in-between. laid-back surfer babe product junkie, thing feel. NEW NATURAL Soap dedicated following soaps, salt scrubs, butters ingredients gentle skin. launching mineral Face. cosmetics 14-32 concealer, eye shadow lip gloss. rosemary, tea botanical extracts Baked Mineral Colour Tones Le Rouge Blush, emollients coconut oil, sunflower seed oil plantbased sources Lip Crayon Vanilla Bean Lipstick. chemicals, additives, parabens gluten. locally Myerss District 239-226-9005,, Historic Tin City 239-352-7627 Fishermens Gorda 941-916-9260. FEED FACE Skinfood believes skin food. cosmetic brand root itself containing vitamins, minerals antioxidants outside. Freshmade Masks 13. wash-off masks feature cranberry vitality toning, lemon clearing brightening skin, watermelon soothing hydration. harness produce edible Ulta Bell Tower Shops 239-334-0659,, Coconut 239-992-0361 Coralwood 239-458-3522. FINDING BALANCE kinds issues dealing objective YourGoodSkin restore skins balance. Start cleanser works type dozen Moisturizing Oil-Lifting Make-up Remover Wipes 7.49 each, Brightening Exfoliating Wash 8.49 dull complexions Blackhead Clearing Scrub 8.49. apply Balancing Skin Concentrate 19.99, lightweight formula improve texture, tone evenness moisture levels. Follow Anti-Oxidant Day Cream 12.99 hydration protection UV ProVitamin Overnight 12.99, rebalance sleep. Walgreens stores. CONTROL CURLS curly hair own, check Mixed Chicks products. Billing multicultural revolution, solutions curly-haired folks ethnicities. Conditioning Cleansing Co-Wash 10, creamy, no-lather hydrates removes impurities. Ingredients jojoba castor oils flexibility detangling. fast-drying, Curl Sculptor unruly well-defined, provitamin B5 soften moisturize tresses. CVS Target FIRST STEP Before sweep foundation reach Hard Candy Sheer Envy Mattifying Pore Primer Stick prep application. Formulated oil-absorbing powders sebum-fighting ingredients, primer excess blurs appearance pores. matte finish whatever next. Hardy Walmart 55 MANDY CARTER paddleboarding kids together, consider fastest-growing paddleboarding. Known SUP, Remember sweet balance center forward, nose front spot, join beginner paddleboarder, kneeling LEFT, measure adapt paddles. correctly sized child. specialty store paddleboard. idea paddling SAFETY TIPS forecast. storm winds suddenly warning. stray Paddle group emergency arises. older, leash. Show themselves. 57 gain confidence, soon sit front, move standing Apply logic positioning. recommended outings, light busy. paddle, hand grips shoulder-width apart. Both arms board, aware heads switch sides. venturing far, stability, stiffness, holding turning hesitant, beside you. adult-size paddles children, child-size Second, practicing knees water--even pool--so onboarding, techniques. Teaching Be encourage Share excitement. companions mom blogger blog acupful. com digital content engagement WHERE RENT GEAR 15951 Drive FMB Flyboard 18400 San Carlos Blvd. Kayaks 4120 NW Matlacha 1965 YOLO Board Port Marina 14241 Comfort Surf Shop 1311 Third Sunrise Paddleboards 2520 Federal Highway BUY Outfitters 20991 Tamiami Trail 2360 Shadowlawn 58 531 59 hotels impressive pools yes, Fontainebleau Miami cabanas premium poolside spot. fantastic dipping oasis interactive childrens waterscape slide. 4441 Collins Avenue, 800-548-8886 4. Marriott Singer Spa 2. Gaylord Palms Convention heated Kissimmee Everglades-inspired zero- 5. Seminole Casino Hotel Vegas rock-star-inspired beachfront hotel pools. beautiful, lagoon ideal zero entry, shallow waterslide. infinity vibe--this tub mood lighting. 3800 Ocean Riviera 561-340-1700 marriott.comhotelstravelpbisg-palm-beach SEAS RESORT 1. ot equal--some fullservice pampered attention, hidden slides, wrapped lazy year-round Sunshine State, capitalizing that, features. counted awesome, needs group. familys favorites. purchase pass-- so, sneaking entry multilevel water-fun tree house active music games daily. adults-only serene atmosphere tubs. W. Osceola Parkway, 407-586-0000 Hyatt Regency lagoon-style pool, lap 5,000-square-foot Pool 140-foot corkscrew slide, Lazy waterslides palm-tree-lined sundeck cabanas, lounge chairs trade shade. 5001 239-444-1234 3. 4.5-acre 182-foothigh waterslide, splashing rocks, elevated jetted spa, restaurant. Way, Hollywood 866-502-7529 HYATT REGENCY COCONUT POINT 6. Legoland Retreat beachthemed, zero-entry Lego soft bricks addition. expansive sandy building sandcastles structure run energy. dance parties, beanbag toss chalk-art competitions. 888-690-5346 paradise middle crazy theme-park destination. Hilton square deck, guarantee weather. kids, zeroentry grown-ups getaway, peace quiet adultsonly 6001 Destination Orlando 407-313-4300 Universals Cabana 7. 8. Enjoy Seas. well, away. propertys pools, waterslides, tiki bar 5400 Plantation 239-472-5111 pool--and wallets choice--is Orlando. reasonably priced spectacular tempt skip theme cabana tag. Courtyard, tower pad yard outside games. Courtyard cannons. bar. 6550 407-503-4000 cabana-bay-hotel blogger,, managing temperature-controlled 61 brunch cocktails Produced Quebec, Tap 357 Grade Light maple syrup. Above, brunch-time bloody Marys elaborate. CORK SOAKERS TAP getting text friends asking wine eggs Benedict French toast. Why coffee billing breakfast beverage OK, slot, spirits foodies event meal caffeinated beverages warm-up act, headliner. span midmorning weekend, dining category neither nor melds trendy brunch. expect creative combos food, given. establishments bottomless mimosas elaborate Mary bars, complete spices garnishes. tomato juice vodka, key. traditional Worcestershire sauce, horseradish pepper. Other additions celery squeeze lime. Make premixed version, doctor taste. omelets, oysters dishes. garnish celery, stop add skewers meats, cheeses, pickled vegetables bars high--putting accoutrements glass becomes drink appetizer. hearty begin brunch, ease hangover--at according some. Bubbles versatile crisp sparkling fat meats cheeses. Add mimosa, better. casseroles, yogurt, sip. proportions subjective. amounts 5050, blend juice. Pour bubbles first, OJ. individual premixing pitcher, liquids adjust ratio desired. cocktail, expensive Champagne cava prosecco Italian values mixing. skimp quality important. Get wines adding fruit purees nectars peach Bellini. Fill carafes guava, pomegranate own. Sparkling combined manner concoctions refreshing cocktail. whisky beverage, change opinion tasting glass. Quebec syrup tapping born perfected, rye batches, complex aged barrels. blended, distilled allowed mature bourbon barrels pure result aromatic, spicy combo smoky flavor begs treats pancakes bacon. Serve lemonade club soda. elaborate, beat basics. Cheers. Birch contributor, drink, media personality SPARKLING ICE PROSECCO PUNCH Santa Margherita Prosecco Ice Black Raspberry Mix lavender sprig. 63 Recipes PULLED PORK TOSTONES Serves 1-2 Tostones plantains Vegetable Salt taste Fresh lime Cooking Cabos Cantina Taco Tequila Bar cup sprig rosemary tablespoon sambal chili garlic sauce ground pepper pork pan ingredients. Season generously cover parchment foil preheated oven 350 degrees. Cook hours tender bone pulls easily. Pull braising liquid pork. meat shred, aside needed. Pickled Onions red onion, sliced vinegar sugar CABOS CANTINA TACO TEQUILA BAR Peel boil seconds slice -inch pieces. Heat degrees fry through. paper towels. sheets flatten serving vessel. crispy. fryer, bowl. Pure cooked beans onion clove garlic, minced chilies teaspoon cumin powder Saut oil. cook minutes. heat blender. consistency. necessary. Pulled Pork pounds bone-in butt cups vinegar, pot stove. boil, pour onions. Let Arrange tostones platter. Dollop bean pure. pinch onion. Finish garnishing Cotija cheese chopped cilantro. 2226 St., 239-332-2226, MACADAMIA NUT MAHI Roys Roast lobster shells low fan Lightly saut onions, carrots butter. tomatoes, followed paste. shells. Stir paste evenly distributed. stock cream. simmer, stirring shells, shake strain chinois ladle. Blend batches immediately bath cool. mahi kosher Crust macadamia nut vegetable medium heat. crust down, searing golden brown. cook. plate. slices braised bliss potatoes sauce. asparagus potato asparagus, Garnish chives. 26831 100, Promenade Bay, 239-498-7697, ounces potatoes, pieces, remove ends grilled, blanched sauted butter chives Lobster Sauce pound diced carrots, ripe basil leaves quarts bodies, tamale, gills, separated ROYS 65 Matzaluna CHEF SALS BRONZED SALMON GUAVA BUTTER SAUCE 8-ounce salmon bronze seasoning cayenne pepper, powder, oregano, thyme olive spinach guava pineapple grapefruit cilantro, parsley, Dust seasoning, minute. side. put 450 separate Plate serve 1200 Periwinkle 239-472-1998, CRISPY SCOTTISH CROQUETTES salmon, preferably toro stalks finely shallot, tarragon Bchamel panko breadcrumbs breading, bowl Beaten Flour Panko together. cold teaspoons, shape quenelle, oval shape, freeze freezer, breading seasoned flour, egg wash breadcrumbs. Gently roll quenelles Refrigerate. Prepare 4-quart halfway croquettes approximately plate towels absorb fat. serve. Rumrunners peppolini mushrooms truffle tartar 5848 Harbour 239-542-0200, 66 RUMRUNNERS 67 KEY B Breakfast Lunch D Dinner SB Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Wine Vegetarian GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. browsing shops, treat delicious, island-inspired Sit hand-painted tables inside, sample Cuban Sandwich lunch--its dinner menu, Signature Giraffe Cake Dinner, pan-seared crab cakes topped mango salsa, chipotle glaze. menu tempting omelets pancakes. Fishermans muffins poached eggs, grilled hollandaise 2075 DOC FORDS RUM GRILLE Novel Cuisine. folk joined novelist Randy Wayne White fictional character, best-seller sandwiches, salads entres. Dont mojito. 2500 239-472-8311, DUNES Not Member Problem twist. signature lump bisque, Eastern, Western Burger, empanadas beef seared cowboy steak. 949 Sand 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. pasta, joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, Loaded Seafood Omelet. Check bar, drinks, homemade Mango Sangria ensure date. readers ahead detailed reservations establishments. 2163 239-472-0606, 68 69 PIZZA Slice Paradise. tasty tradition Pizza Crusty Crust. Pasta, calzone salad popular. calamari bruschetta appetizer, miss 1619 239-472-1581, Than Ride Knowledgeable Friendly Staff Sedans Large Vans Event Transport AIRPORT LOCAL SERVICE LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. plumpest raw oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat shrimp, incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. Buffalo wings bet. 239-472-4888 Four 6520-C 239472-5353 1036 239-4726939 12951 239476-9000 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Breakfast. Residents decades, why. Frittata scallops crabmeat, Lets nice creamy chocolate cake me. --Audrey broccoli artichoke Alfredo Lighthouse Grouper Platter dinner, lighthouse walls. Call-ahead seating 362 239-472-0303, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, hearts wood-fired pizzas. pastas, chicken, seafood veal menu. NORMANDIE SEASIDE AT WEST WIND Indulge Yourself. Bananaberry Toast Omelet caf Veggie Omelet, served Colombian choice artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax old-world Curry Chicken Salad Pressed lunch, paired extensive list. 3345 239-472-1541, westwindinn.comnormandie-restaurant-sanibel PINOCCHIOS CREAM GEPPETTOS FOODIES Institution. 1980, Pinocchios handcrafts frozen confections batches. mecca palates, cream, gelato, sorbet, sherbet, yogurts custards repertoire, generous portions. Stop Krunch Dirty Dollar. Geppettos Foodies, sister gourmet Pinocchios, surprises authentic croissant baking. 239-472-6566, SANDBAR Welcoming. Trio, bronzed cake, favorite. steaks perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, 71 FISH HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day sandwiches fried baskets specialties, tuna rice seaweed salad. ordered broiled, blackened Jamaican jerked. Three 1523 239-472-7770 4685 Springs, 239-495-5770 320 239-765-6766, Color. typical pub fare--juicy burgers, wings--and more. bartenders often-sought-but-neverfound feel, popularity 703 Tarpon 239-472-4453, SPROUT Goodness. vegan vegetarian take-out delightful meals, smoothies juices Chef Nikki Rood uses 100-percent organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, farm-fresh creation, Smoked Paprika Hummus Sprouts. best- often, simple --Anthony Bourdain 72 seller Vegan Lasagna. Sprout thy medicine quoting Hippocrates delectable offers. Center, 2463 239-472-4499 SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. chicken Caesar wrap. Santiva Captiva, variations smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Packages. Talmage prepares petite portions, diners option dishes, Grilled Octopus Mullet Fritter. 1625 Sanibel. 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative cuisine oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, glorious table. Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. market. 239-472-2722, TRADERS Shopping Experience. Traders emporium entertainment Thursday evenings. gumbo, macadamiaencrusted 1551 239-472-7242, 73 Nacho Madres Mexican. bright serape colors, piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest gone border. 14970 239-472-0248, OLD FloridaNew American. Jason Millers changing centers bounty Wines eclectic complement presentations, Sunset Room breath 239-472-5161 4, CROWS NEST Food, Fun appetizers, flatbreads, alwayspopular baked goat dip. savory Life uncertain. Eat dessert --Ernestine Ulmer 74 Saltimbocca, sage leaves, ricotta prosciutto-wrapped linguine. Crab Races, Thursday, hopping 239-472-5161, Story Continues. Building success, chain Whites character doors Docs Bread panko-fried dryrubbed ribeye. 239-312-4275, GREEN FLASH Rare Treasure. browse diverse Caf de Paris specialty, wine, Worcestershire, buttery herb topping. Venetian Platter, swordfish, prawn polenta. Savory landlubbers, positively decadent 15183 239-472-3337, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers, escargots tomato. 11509 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE SHOP Upon coffees, extra-strong Red Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes cozy tooth indulge scoops Queenies milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, 75 MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers brewed combination grub. Visit beachside patio gazing. 11546 239-4723434, Greg Nelsons sushi choices rolls, sashimi, rolls select sakes. RC OTTERS Otterly multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners week dinner. 239-3951142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted Outdoor 14900 239-472-6200, balanced diet cookie --Barbara Johnson 76 77 BLANC Food Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread modeled entre robata grill, Lamb Lollipops roasted reduction, SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entres, shared clean, ambience savor creations Chris Whitaker Jean Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. Sundays. 13451 Ste. 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. outrageous prefer steak chicken. 239-4891500 2262 239-362-2843, account. investments. --Bethenny Frankel 78 79 COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded subtle steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. Restaurant Week Market 17260 Pointe 239466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. Modern it. Breakfast, p.m., omelet variation Benedict. noon, dishes baconwrapped cedar plank attract hungry diners. crowd wait--but Off Freshest seasons, fishermen, crabbers trusted partners assure round. Specialty lobster, snow crab, stone shell king legs order. 15820 SKIP ONE SEAFOODS 239482-0433 EAT IN, OR SHIP 12901 239-4664663, DARUMA Wish teppan style, table Classic Japanese favorites tempura offered, combinations Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. 32917 1047 SkipOneSeafood_Ver2_MJ17.indd 13499 Cleveland 239344-0037 241 Street North, Naples, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville Sarasota, 941-342-6600, FIRESTONE fun. Brick wood atmosphere, tires remind Firestone. paella Grille tapas Sky Bar, Martini Friday Saturday. 2224 239-334-3473, GARAGE details. dcor walked parts, burgers Model Low Carb-uretor. arugula beer names Kona Big Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, 80 Illuminati. honors legendary namesake genius, display photos. steeped tradition, potpie receiving raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried true. Salads, pasta pleasing palates 1982. Soup accompany dinners, days. Early deals 4-7 booths, seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239489-2226, UNIVERSITY Head Class. theatergoers 7790 Cypress 239-4374377, love, --William Shakespeare Serious lIVe eNTERTAINMENT Hour cape Prime Steaks Pasta YEARS 1428 Lafayette Coral, 239.549.8800 Mon.-Sun. 12p.m.-10p.m. E VI P ORA V 81 Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas banana leaf Texas baby ribs. 708 Wharf, 239-765-9660, TAVERN Tackle Taste Buds. pizza Belgian waffles zesty maple-honey mustard. 10s juicy buildyour-own backfield toppings yummy melts steak, ham, bacon, etc., cod, Philly cheesesteak triple BLTs. stacked Reubens, pastrami, delish stromboli veggiemeat, appetizers Capes wings. choices, pita, wraps icy beverages. package misses game. night a.m., plan friends. 4703 Place, Coral. 239-257-1081, CENO Family History. spanakopita--fresh spinach, herbs feta, phyllo dough baked--or Marsala, understand drove George Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki meal, feast Parmesan, disappointed resist cannoli Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. 1715 Parkway W., 239-549-2366, 1719 East, 239540-3673, 82 LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Coastal Shrimp Grits Bouf Bacon Wrapped Tail freshest selection landlubbers. market Units 3, 239-471-0136, MARKER 92 Nautically Nice. woodfired draw Resorts boundaries. flatbread pizzas breezy waterside terrace. 5951 Silver King 239-5415600, MONARCAS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN Authentically Delicious. Rich, carved surrounds peruse listing finest Mexican Sample Monarcas tequila tortillas chips inhouse, salsas pico gallo. Aztec Cocktail favorite, soup. --Ludwig van Beethoven 83 Huarache Michoacano, Michoacan corn tortilla beans, tomatillo 1604 SE 46th 239-540-9533, MONKEY STEAK Silly Name, Food. Nico Bogert passionate proof palate, selections Monkey, chop apple relish Rum Pepper Painted Grouper, Ahi Tuna Salad. earned eatery title Steakhouse Indoor nightly. 239-549-8800, NEVERMIND AWESOME EATERY Crispy Parmesan Truffle Wings Volcano Roll start. Hugo hand-selected Steak popular, fries, Kennebec potatoes. 927 E. 239-471-0295, Casually Sophisticated. Rolls, Gouda cheese, mustard slaw, dippin wake palate. Scallops excellent entre, charred fennel sausage, Marconi almonds cider reduction. Matt Arnold expertise Choose save tiramisu. 3522 Del Prado S., 239-471-7785, PARADISE DELI Heavenly Taste. built Greek 84 award-winning Reuben Too busy dine take-out, catering array 2378 Surfside 239-292-2378, Like Home Philly. corned-beef hash, freshly bananas strawberries Carbons malted accompanied freshground breakfast. Pop cheesesteak, down. 25091 Bernwood 239-948-4123, PINCHERS CRAB SHACK Table. Fresh, cut-to-order fries made-fromscratch slaw decadently rich, cheese-and-crab dip full-on fruity, Multiple 28580 Crossings 239-948-1313 18100 239-415-8973 6890 239-463-2909 239-245-7049 10029 239-415-4040 5991 33914, 239-540-7939 Fifth Ave. South, 239-434-6616, 239-4955770 239-4727770 10801 Corkscrew 519, 239-495-3673, RODIZIO Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, rotisserie-grilled perfectly tableside Rodizio gauchos feijoada, black-bean stew, abacaxi, glazed-and-grilled pineapple. dessert. Friday-Sunday. 8017 Plaza del Lago Suite 101, 239-498-0018, RUTHS CHRIS Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted trey ceilings meticulously white-linen-covered mood. filets cowboy-sized rib juicy. creamed sweet-potato casserole. Point, 23151 239-948-8888, TARPON BAY New-Fashioned Classic. RegencyCoconut pay homage fishhouse. ceviche marinades. entres, Divers Spear, ponzu cilantro-ginger rice. 239- 444-1234, CRAZY Crazy freshest, best-prepared blackened, fried. regulars Firecracker Shrimp, Cakes, ever-popular Sandwich. better, partnered Blu Sushi franchise sushi. just-picked produce, squeezed juices, regional goodies Crazys pie, Randys recipe. bocce 14700 N., 239-260-1070, 86 2718 945 battlefield DOUG GALLOGLY FORGE BOOKS hat lights, telephone car week, possibly forever Second After, Forstchen, struggling survive all-too-plausible nightmare scenario. Originally hardcover paperback Forge Books 2009, formats, audio CD book, e-book e-book. other, retired Col. Mathersons biggest worry correct daughters 12th birthday. receives Pentagon, senses tension voice. dead. electrical device shuts off. passes, Matherson realizes traffic interstate. mother-in-law arrives Edsel him working. outage--and fix. Suddenly, thrust needed cope. Civilized behavior survival descend medicine. police force hope tears joins leaders military normal community. assistance, townspeople alone pre-electrical age. Best-selling author Forstchen conceived frighteningly scenario small-town electromagnetic pulse attack Combining effects weapon gives in-depth society forced aftermath occurrence. ask Could Jackie. Ten Thousand untamed 1890s purchased 40-acre prehen away, Columbian mound bend Chatham River. Islands, coast Watson farmer, direction, sugarcane Pride Syrup, markets hardest City. keeps schooner Gladiator. solitude ECO-TOUR saga supposedly killed alleged outlaw ex-spy Belle southern HOLAWAY Star. temper Everglades stayed involved Dec. 6, 1947. 1.5 million Adolphus Santini Chokoloskee designated preserve. slit wilderness scrape cost Ed declared Heritage Site Bend. Nations Educational, Cultural employed handful Organization, UNESCO. cane harvest crops. drifters, waterway picked Watsons Wilderness Waterway. maze mangroves Locals recall employees missing untrained eye, averages payday depth. Lopez Payday. cistern frontier isolated, buggy Farther backcountry tricky navigate, GPS. Posseum Key. Darwins Key, Arthur solitude, forgotten. Leslie Darwin, fifth-generation descendent scientist Darwin. Darwin died Holaway master naturalist 1977 legally shelling eco-tour 1995. Sound, mentioning Watson. Thousands eye. 81st Annual Festival 1-3, 9am 500 volunteers worldclass show. Outside floral arrangements critters sale, demo tents judged artistic scientific displays. donation suggested enter pass BaileyMatthews 2173 239-4722155, Conch Mondays-Thursdays Saturdays, 630pm Fridays,7pm Sundays, 12pm evening Materials provided, artist 1242 239-673-6660, Mustang Exhibition 10am debuted 1964 success. sold. Mustangs, portion proceeds exhibition benefit restoration antique collection. Estates, 239-3347419, Improv Cafe 5pm Saturdays youth groups short- long-form improv suggestions audience. involved, scene player. Moe Auditorium, Performing Arts, 10150 Springs. 239-495-8989, Mic Night Press Wednesdays, Grab instrument, voice, gather Wednesdays 630- 930pm Night. Press, 5789 239-542-0212, SoCo 14, 6pm arts cultural monthly Colonial gallery receptions, vendors, Proximity participating venues conveniently allows self-guided walking lots parking Alliance Royal Square. after-party Broadway Theater, 10pm. 1400 84, 239-590-8645, Stars 730pm States, Olympic Games Pyeongchang, Korea--in all-new Germain Arena, 11000 Everblades Estero. 239-948-7825, Bike motorcycle music. Compete Slow Race. balance, biker gear, rock 846 47th Terrace, 239-573-3128, Alexander Terrible, Horrible, Good, Very Bad 20-May 18, matinee bad terrible horrible honest, terrible, horrible, good, adaptation Judith Viorst sets stage Theatre, 1380 239-278-4422, CFABS Presents Jonathan Edwards 2-3, 1971, song protest independence lyrics Sunshine, today, dancing. later, continues write uncompromising musical integrity. Hinman Night, Tribute Neil Diamond reproduces Diamonds styles vocal career present. SanJan Theater 11515 SE, 239-389-6901, Artis-Naples Years 3pm 7pm centurys stage-musical moments unforgettable Featuring cast veteran vocalists, relive songs Rodgers Hammerstein, Sondheim, Webber Hayes Hall, Artis-Naples, 5833 Pelican Naples. 239-597-1900, Celtic Woman, Homecoming recording ensemble collective, Woman celebrates Irelands heritage. introducing talented singers musicians stage. B. Mann 13350 FSW 239481-4849, Ana Popovic 8pm Los Angeles-based Belgrade, Serbia-born guitar-player singer legion fans 239-3896901, Small-Stage Symphonies--From Copland Classics 7, Nir Kabaretti conducts Symphony Orchestra Cassia Drake, Jillian Prescott Awards winner, viola. Selections Coplands Quiet City, Stamitzs Concerto Viola Mozarts Major. Schein 600 239-418-1500, 91 Tenors 8, Bruno Mars Puccini, trio Marcus Collins, Hagen JC Fisher country, classical, 239-481-4849, Stage Symphonies--from Church 15100 Wonderful Music--A Stevie Wonder 9, 10-piece visual authenticity Smith paying Wonder, Bower Alex Richardson, Tenor 15, fastrising tenor brilliant him, arias Baron. U. Tobe Recital FGCU, 10501 FGCU 239-590-1000, fgcu.eduCASBSMA Walk 20, Fridays, talent. 855732-3836, Phil Dirt Dozers, Boys 22, Traveling Dozers asked Girls, Surfin few. answered Cameron Crozman, Cello 27, Crozman hailed Canadas leading cellists. Hes praised versatility, expressivity remarkable technique. string piano masterpieces. fgcu.educasbsma Schism--Tool Band 21, 2001, Tool Madison Square guitarist Keith Williams, Angelo Rivera, bass player Sean Murray drummer Donald Pusateri decided band Schism. Dan Lew Gatto Sextet Play Art Blakey Join trumpeter saxophonist celebrate legacy Jazz Messengers. Marty Morell, Jeff Rupert, pianist Richard Drexler bassist Brandon Robertson. 93 Bluegrass Theatre 29, 2pm fusion Irish, Scottish ballads jazz. bands Presented partnership Acoustic SWFL. 10091 239-939-2787, Basement Ladies Rise Men 1-April TuesdaysSundays, comedy men church basement ladies them. rooster henhouse F. Rizzo Public Accountant Attorney-At-Law Master Law Taxation Voted 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015 Tax Return Preparation Individual Partnership Corporate Comprehensive Business Counsel Accounting Services Islander 1974 Estate Administration Planning Returns Condominium JD., LL.M., CPA Mamma Mia Through ABBAs greatest hits, comical Sophie, bride-to-be, search birth 239-2784422, Miracle Worker, Gibson 1-7, Tuesdays-Sundays, Inspiring determined Helen Keller isolated silence. electrifying tale perseverance, friendship hope. Arcade 2268 239332-4488, Dolls Henrik Ibsen 1-10, Thursdays-Saturdays, stark unforgiving faade marriage Nora Torvald Helmer dream happily security. risks reputation 1101 hiring lawyer decision soley advertisements. decide, attorney send individuals qualifications 239-395-0400 Fax 239-579-0547 94 95 husbands consequences test limits Tonight month improvisational comedy. longform Wine, beer, sodas snacks - Springs., 239495-8989, Films Film Lovers Jake Shimabukuro Strings 2012 JapanUSA 5, foreign independent films. opinions film. non-alcoholic beverages, popcorn Southeast, Sister Act 9-18, Fridays disco diva Deloris Van Cartier witnesses murder, shes protective custody convent. breathes but, doing blows cover. Soon, gang chase, sisterhood. 528 239772-5862, Kitchen Stories 2003 NorwaySweden 12, Cabaret, Masteroff 20-April 11, 96 Cabaret explores dark tumultuous Berlins natives expats Germany slowly yields emerging Reich. Mature only. Cache Hidden 2005 France 26, Arsenic Lace 6-15, Saturdays,8pm Mortimer Brewster bit mad gene--but upside dear aunts poisoning lonely 239-772-5862, Gods 2010 FranceMorocco 16, Fall 2008 23, 97 Washingtons Teeth, 24-May 13, Tuesdays premiere hilarious exploits women beleaguered Bunion male city council open. Heartfelt historic, farce proves differences divide strong. 239-332-4488, Odd Couple 27-May divorced slob boys cards. meticulous tense, wife. neat-freak decide apartment, patterns disastrous marriages reappear results Simon 32nd Juried Exhibit 9-31 Alliances artists juried entries exhibition. Opening reception 5-7pm. 239939-2787, Lions 35th Crafts Fair 16-17, Includes auction raffle outstanding artworks sculptures, services, certificates vacations. 239-472-2155, 11am 6-10pm, 11am4pm, galleries invite Downtown core Gardners 239-337-5050, GreenMarket 10-acre campus exclusive grown, cultivated foods purchase. gardening classes cooking chefs. Bazaar closed Open-Door Shoppes vendors. treasures trinkets. 1615 239-226-1220, Pet Fourth Butterfly Estates. Pets leashed owners souvenirs. Free, registration 1815 Fowler 855-732-3836, calendar attending events. 99 Astrological Forecast NORMA HAGAN, ASTROLOGER PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION THESE DATES Two moons--one Virgo Pisces, Libra Aries--will cause emotions rise significantly. moon Pisces action want. Pattys Aries project. Scorpio Taurus accomplish tasks. Mercury retrograde direct 15. ARIES MARCH APRIL planets employment situation. careful urging Opportunities appear, ultra-careful Personal Signs TAURUS MAY Saturn, planet rules trine meaning harmony, promotion. Venus, ruler, lesser benefic, favorable April. Jupiter, luck, greater aura lining favor GEMINI JUNE Mercury, April, ideas, situations quick, analyze newspaper reporter forte reading, communicating. CANCER JULY moons Others projects answer questions--and help--but relaxation now, slow LEO AUGUST wondering clear. decisions trines Aries. coinciding influences thinking VIRGO SEPTEMBER Saturn Capricorn, gotten easier. Worries diminished, heavens Consider how-to memoir. convey succinctly, writing. LIBRA OCTOBER promises Buy tickets--airline relatives, theater tickets. zodiac Tauruses, Sagittarians Leos. SCORPIO NOVEMBER cycle, enrolling advanced subject familiar future. Medical style. ability ahead. favored. SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER celebrating freedom Sagittarius, Sags zodiacs fellows, booking countries strike CAPRICORN JANUARY currently sign, financially. study, school, special like. Capricorns, solid dependability, businesspeople negotiators. AQUARIUS FEBRUARY Uranus, bringing suits interesting. Learning forte, lets discover, implement happy. conquer desire PISCES dreams not. Mentally, figured surprise astrologer member Federation Astrologers PMAFA. articles astrology magazines Maury Povich 1972 Puerto Rico Air Force Aquadilla. 1976 Virginia, horoscopes, tarot cards pro bono Homicide Division. horoscopes card readings. reached 239-4726925. 101 WILLIAM COX recreation Fred C. Babcock Cecil M. Webb WMA, ago receded. displaced invasion 1500s. 1914 Edward hunting preserve cattle ranch. 1930s leased timber property. old-growth harvested lumber transported railroad grades flatwoods 1941 sold 19,200 Commission Game Fish, FWC. WMA Webb, commissioner 1948-1953. encompasses 67,758 acres. property mosaic habitats, 395-acre artificial ponds. disturbed prairie, marsh, flatwoods. diversity endangered roller chopping, prescribed burning hydrological management, FWC manages mimic undeveloped expanses hydric looked Prescribed replicates fires seasonal lightning strikes. melaleuca, cogon grass BabcockWebb. opportunities, horseback riding, hunting, birding, viewing, biking, hiking, shooting range, photography, scenic camping. Horseback BabcockWebbs numbered traverse 1800s traveled cowboys searching wild Equestrians calling 863-648-3200. Freshwater gasolinepowered, pier marl ponds fishing--for bluegill, speckled perch, largemouth bass, catfish crappie--is conducted Lake, ramps nonmotorized boats, kayaks. Catch release rule kept. Bluegill sought after, inches length. dawns Area. Hunting predominantly mid-November. habitat management resulted deer quail. Field Trial bobwhite wagons. Yucca Pens Unit shotgun, rifle pistol practice. Biking twomile trail marshes frequented mammals, wading birds alligators. unpaved roads traversed foot, vehicle. driven season, midJanuary. illustrated Interpretive signs, border Lake. Primitive season. Memorial Day, Independence Labor Luther Jr. Day. BabcockWebb, Birding, observations managed 140 avian observed Several listed threatened federally protected, red-cockaded woodpecker. Plan myfwc.comrecreation. daily-use permit. license myfwc.comlicense. photographer Clockwise sandhill cranes, redcockaded woodpecker white-tailed deer. Much acreage KL AUDIA BALOGH exercise tones efore drowning workout goals resolutions sink priority list, aqua fitness, aerobics. Think combining swimming, fitness breaststroke. First, misconceptions aerobics efficient training, seniors, According Centers Disease Control Prevention CDC, shown physical mental benefits--from increasing joint impact, relieving stress depression. Further, fitness. Heres splash, backyard blood muscles. aging gradual decrease mass, occurs. Journal Medicine women, chronic age-related mobility. LOW IMPACT JOINTS gravity decreases bodys drops percent, research. buoyant relieves pressure joints muscles, cushion exercise. Hence, therapies arthritis, obesity osteoporosis disease marked fragile bones decreased density strength. STRESS RELIEF INCREASED MOBILITY STRENGTH 800 density, performed energy effort task, mobility, runners high, euphoric myth. happy, empowered response. exercise, releases endorphins, feel-good chemicals act painkillers brain, energized. hormone cortisol decreases, better-quality pregnant responded sleep improved, subjectively terms latency, duration efficiency. DECREASED BLOOD PRESSURE hypertension pressure, stroke, CDC. condition control. Heart Association 12080. optimal range. 10week effectively reduced patients hypertension. constant circulate body, allowing steadier rate pressure. EFFICIENT CALORIE BURNER burn calories lives, unfortunately components cardiovascular flexibility, composition lean ratio. increases minimizes impact resistance, full-body workout. PERFECT HOT WEATHER threat exercising climate overheating. Exercising temperature cool activating muscles toning toe. 105 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Year SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE FAVORITE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Word Reading Pleasure Bag exp. 53018 Online rates orders Web site TOLL FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions SubPage_MA18.indd 1119 1118PM 413 Cheers Fest shall receive. -- Francis Assisi 2, Saturday, schedule Vintner Dinners counties. Grand Tasting, Live Auction Dessert Glow Quail Country info, swflwinefest.orgschedule-of-events-and-dinners charity JDRF Hope Gala Benefits Juvenile Diabetes Foundations Chapter Ritz-Carlton, jdrf.orgsouthgulfcoast outhwest all-important spring. excuse residents, snowbirds dressed funds worthy causes--in festive Leading Childrens Charities, Inc.s Fest, 10th raised 18.7 began. Beneficiaries Golisano Hospital University, SouthWestern College, PACE Girls Ronald McDonald Charities SalusCare Heights Foundation. Fests Tasting Miromar Clubhouse. SOUTHWEST FOOD FEST Kids Minds Matter--2nd Secret Wednesday, Shangri-La leehealthfoundation.orgkmm Magic Under Mangroves Conservancy Nature conservancy.orgeventsmagicunder-the-mangroves Kind Mariners Ball--Treasures Freedom Waters Yacht Star Developmentally Disabled Ritz-Carlton fddswfl.orggala Ball Spa, heart.orgheartorggeneral southwest-florida-heart-ball Bucket List Bash Cancer Emerald Catholic Diocese Venice cccollierc.ejoinme.orgemeraldball2018 Last inaugural Matter--Secret Gala. annual causes. FLICKR COMMONS CAROL ORR HARTMAN Bubbles, Baubles Gulfshore Playhouse Monday, gulfshoreplayhouse.org8th-annualbubbles-baubles-and-broadway Blues Coyote Supper Club, heightsfoundation.orgblues IMAG GALA IMAG, theimag.org2018-gala Cares--Island Celebration Sunday, Sanctuary upcoming celebration ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Kelly Rd, 211 Quality Call Appointment Mon-Fri 239.433.2038 Serving ANTS BUGS PEST Servicing Over Environmentally Responsible Same Weekend Evening Service Available CSC AUTO REPAIR 16131-1 Auto Repair Mower Engine Exceptional Timely Experts CHILDRENS CHARITIES 239.472.4888 TAXI Airport Passenger Transportation Events 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Name Know Trust Termite Treatment Pest RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Vac ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Blvd Publix Thru Cleaning Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises 239.472.6188 2330 PHARMACY Locally Owned Faces Can Count Needs 239.472.0700 4301 SAN-CAP MEDICAL CENTER Practice Walk-In 111 ERIK ENT WISTLE Parallels Cages score Rauschenbergs canvases ilence strange bedfellows. painter blank canvas working, emerges organized aural void. too--such heard multimovement actual rests notated Ironically, powerful rely pauses composers effect. noting, Beethovens short-short-shortlong motive eighthnote preceding difference perceived. Taking infamous 1952, 433. movements duration, labeled TACET. notation whatsoever. premiere, keyboard lid signify beginning reopened end. piece, is, succession ambient noises produced randomly performance. air-conditioning unit heard, coughing murmurs audience, footsteps bewildered concertgoers deciding 433 exits. calls question conventions rituals, definition composer parameters relinquishing chance. Concert hall recital norms scrutiny uncomfortable perplexed. cooperation given classical concert, background noise kept minimum Hence standard reminder cellphones devices concerts. Yet unwitting participant must, actively random produced. sculpted vacuum composed. Cage inspiration Rauschenberg, worldrenowned ties 2008. viewed Paintings 1951. now-famous panels painted appear blank. noted, changed displayed, airports shadows particles. parallels striking TACET demand viewers listeners departure norms. professors asserted philosopher rather composer. both, radical experiments meticulous, notation. sonatas interludes piano. throw Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle received undergraduate degree Dartmouth College. post-graduate Washington Louis. doctorate musicology California, Barbara. 1154 stiff onshore breeze bodes shelling. Id whelks. walk paid wander stack specimens. Saw coyote centerline Dixie broad daylight, care cute bunnies official Easter duties case. CROW affirms suspicions vengeance. Crustacean lovers, nigh. Parade soon. gold Daylight savings fast approaching. throws off, oh-so-nice longer. Makes alfresco Spotted honeymooners strolling paradise, noticed anything stars eyes. spell g-r-i-d-l-o-c-k instead. Wednesday paradise. Definitely strenuous doubles V, Someday, figure gray clouds Maybe taunting weeks. none Really, Woody palm Excited K J visit. Yucatan mai tais Played Ding. half-mile, were. last-minute yoga problem, stranger traffic. snowbird packing I-75. cars, surely ILLUSTRATION DAVE DROTLEFF cute, marsh rabbits noshing Enough already, VOL. NO. 4.95 TIMES ISLANDS Published Display TOTI_Cover_MA18.indd 2418 509 1147

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