Ad_Page.indd 1 8217 741 PM 2 TOTI.COM SEPTOCT 2017 1_TOTI_SO17.indd 719 3 34 INNER PEACE Southwest Florida has an abundance of designers, those making our interior spaces as individual we are. Times the Islands selected a sliver very large pie designers to share with readers. 40 CREATIVE CLASS is flush creative types. Much this talent draws inspiration from states visual beauty. In Lee County alone these photographers, artists and galleries produce 140 million in annual activity--supporting thousands jobs generating some 18.8 government revenues. GULF GOLF 46 Practical Tips tor Enjoying Game 47 The Dunes Golf Tennis Club 48 Sanibel Island 49 Sanctuary 4 artist Robert Rauschenberg put Captiva on map, tiny island town his home for nearly 50 years. Bob Gallery at FSW State College Fort Myers today significant American venue experimental pioneer artists. We invite you explore Arts, Design Fashion issue discover other exhibit spaces, photographers that make home. Flip page begin journey. Cover photo Courtesy FSWs 5 12 10 PUBLISHERS LETTER DOLLARS SENSE Million-Dollar Babies 14 COAST ZEITGEIST 16 MAKING WAVES 17 PROFILE Visions Art, Celebrating Floridians Meet Tom DeMarchi Wildlife, Nature Fun Dont Forget Play Green Remodel Solutions Fringe Benefits 20 GETAWAYS 22 FOR KIDS 23 HOME TIPS 27 TO YOUR HEALTH 28 THE ARTS 32 BEAUTY Shopping Good Cause Products Help You Look Your Best Truth Junonia Gin Is Hot Again A Guide Dining SW Secret Weapon Faith FICTION 52 CHEERS 54 EPICURIOUS RECIPE 69 CULTURE 70 Digging It 72 Flashz 74 CALENDAR PETS ON RADAR Where Go What Do 79 Gulf Coast Humane Society 80 Domestic Animal Services 82 STARGAZING With Norma R. Hagan Murder Chartered Life Harmony Fall Into Subtropics Reddish Egret 86 BETWEEN LINES 87 STAY TUNED 88 OUT ABOUT 90 NATURES NOTEBOOK 92 CROSSWORD 93 IN COMMUNITY 94 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 96 ISLAND JOURNAL Happy Halloween Eat well travel often. If think good idea, then NovDec definitely you. Well give lowdown most interesting local restaurants food trends. Plus, if youre planning next getaway, 6 great ideas about places visit here beyond. ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. 7 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Craig Garrett Elizabeth Grimm MANAGING EDITOR Brigid OMalley OUTREACH MANAGER Melanie Heisinger DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT Mandy Carter CONTRIBUTOR Kevin Haslam SENIOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL David Grant CONTRIBUTING Acevedo FASHION Rene Novelle Doug Gallogly DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund GRAPHIC DESIGN Dana Long PROOFREADER WRITERS Leah Biery, Gina Birch, Paula Michele Bolado, Carter, William Cox, Tony DiCosta, Erik Entwistle, Douglas Gallogly, Garrett, Steven V. Greenstein, Hagan, Teri Hansen Dayna Harpster, Holaway, Susie Holly, Luberecki, Kelly Madden, Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Mila Bridger, Clyde Butcher, Rusty Farst, Indi Franco, Morris, Jeremy Spink, Wierima ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205, ext. 102 100 Dru Anne Doyle 109 Joe Yapello 104 Michael Rawers 107 Kristoffer Stewart 103 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Marannano 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus Island, 33957 T F 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. S. Financial Administrator Jacqueline Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors are not necessarily 8 9 WHEN LESS IS MORE Taking steps simplify add more joy life I d been thinking lot way do things. get busy things clutter, affecting feelings moods. wanted take hard look my complete further streamline doing My goal was achieve even happier less stressful life. first thing evaluate whether were going through motions each day, really aware what doing. Routine can sometimes helpful. Its easier tying your shoes or pulling socks. But little too cluttered patterns came learn critical happiness had thought. This new effort relates physical, emotional mental clutter. Perhaps many us simply daily routine realizing lives should truly about. have purpose. place distractions detours way, opportunity stay good, better, productive person. Literally stopping smell flowers, focusing happening now, now enjoy rejuvenated focus energy. Our days so overcrowded clutterso accomplish, material items feel need but likely dont outside influences running around inside head, which overwhelming. Wed all decluttering, only physical sense, mindset well. LITERALLY STOPPING SMELL FLOWERS, FOCUSING WHAT HAPPENING NOW, NOW ENJOY REJUVENATED FOCUS AND ENERGY. course succeed, upbeat positive. Stress leads down bad streets. started plan experiment. purposefully went house removed room. Youd shocked seems like small such big difference. amazing served purpose lost importance importantly, act clearing stuff also uncluttered mind, moving clear direction allowed me positive outlook. That step toward simplified turning phone off after oclock evening, reading watching TV. learned difference life, awareness important. certainly havent slept years mind clear, spirit calming, blood pressure outlook sunny Florida. obvious multitasking work discovering whats important could set aside tossed out altogether. Freeing yourselves clearly fewer things, Ill bet find being done ... better end results. Change scares everyone, thats just human nature. And taught much possible. true delight working living smarter, finding fulfillment getting stuff, putting into yourself who love. open issue, hopefully inspire maybe freshen bit attention. PHOTO BY RUSTY FARST Group Publisher, Media 11 STEVEN GREENSTEIN MILLION-DOLLAR BABIES Costs raise children keep rising he U.S. Department Agriculture every measures costs raising child her 18th birthday. department considers family income, healthchild care, education including college miscellaneous expenses. Raising will cost middle-income than 250,000, high-income spending 450,000 lower-income 145,000. 1960, comparison, would spend 25,000 same Adjusted inflation, amount 200,000, reflecting it 25 percent kids did 1960. There shifts percentages allotted health care. example, care comprised overall expense, while number percent. few women worked home, dual-income families common, early become bigger doubled expense. does tell storya forced critically ill expensive 1960 due advances technology driven health-care roof. Surprisingly, feeding dropped 24 clothing expenses halved, dropping costs. gallon milk 95 cents, todays equivalent addition, there low-priced fast-food options reduce feed family. 1960s prove decade past first-class stamps nickel, loaf bread cents gas quarter, undoubtedly biggest dollar increase over education. While measured USDA expense index, 150 semester major university. Today, private nonprofit university upward 35,000 four-year degree, professional post-graduate degrees. ways help grandchildren facing challenges growing up world. Whether outright gift, custodial UTMA UGMA account, trust vehicle passing wealth lifetime, devise strategy helping n LEGAL, INVESTMENT TAX NOTICE information intended treated legal advice, investment advice tax advice. Readers, professionals, under no circumstances rely upon substitute their own research obtaining specific counsel. Greenstein Executive President, Wealth Services, Trust Company. DEVISE STRATEGY HELPING THOSE WHO ARE MOST IMPORTANT LIFE. 13 DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF VISIONS OF ART, nonstop showing beauty beach Come forth light let teacher. --William Wordsworth Tables Turned An Evening Scene Same Subject ll along side edges found continuous front-row seating GREATEST SHOW EARTH--performance art cosmic scale something dearly departed Ringling Bros.Barnum Bailey Circus top. presented three acts afterglow sunrise, daytime, sunset night. last one often overlooked because limited lighting, show sundown vibrant, flowing, threedimensional video presentation. celestial curved screen above holds divided sky reveals marriage cool, black, deep darkness warm, white burning starlight. Scattered tastefully across heavens, pulsating power-points flood infinite universe Closer colorful planets solar system bask glow nearby old Sol, whose starshine lights lamp moon, circles pretty blue earth. Artist Salvador Dali claimed, To gaze time observe lightshow stirs wonder--not HOW works, WHY responsible designing whole process. marvelous play form color reflects order. Albert Einstein exercised genius attempt understand mysteries reality consciousness. He used sophisticated tools science math start unraveling tangled threads energy, mass, space time. loosening knot elegant its simplicity how moves clocking speed universal constant. Although agnostic regard organized religion, affirmed eternal mystery world comprehensibility fact comprehensible miracle--a statement implies possibility ultimate DESIGNER. Later, musing philosophically, added, Art expression profoundest thoughts simplest way. Simplicity dominant trend fashion design--especially beach. current style began 1946 when famous editor Diana Vreeland sunbathing Saint-Tropez, France. She spotted young woman wearing two triangle cutouts. On learning sexy suit called bikini, announced she discovered since atom bomb. swoonsuit, labeled it, revealed everything girl except mothers maiden name. later caused international outrage featuring bikini-clad model May cover Harpers Bazaar. piece took permanently womens volleyball turned 1986. So, edition focused matters art, design fashion, sure show--night day. Ran Niehoff wife, Marilyn, beachgoing 1991. 15 CRAIG GARRETT Making Waves salute residents, businesses organizations Floridas coast community special MEET GRANT KAMINER School student hoping political career G rant Kaminer high aspirations. 13-year-old history buff applied seat Historical Preservation Committee, finalist. One councilman cited Kaminers age factor deciding candidate, Carter. politics accomplish that. Politics have. want position Committee 6th grade application given interview didnt receive email until committee said they release choice. law history. Government express offer opinions ability both. people both currently TOP COURTESY BOTTOM PHOTOS KEVIN RUANE LOGO FLORIDA LEAGUE CITIES, INC. years, hopefully, serving United States Senate Senate. SANIBELS MAYOR CREDITED Home Rule Hero Award League Cities Mayor Ruane Award, tribute leadership shining examples advocacy action. eight terms Sanibels mayor. PAUL MICHELE BOL ADO TOM DEMARCHI runs Writers Conference, Novembers keynote Alice Hoffman hen puts together writers conference, intentionally carves intricate experience presenters attendees, cross-genre writing workshops speakers excited process, wanting strengthen craft, Conference memorable. event stripe Nov. 2-5 BIG complex Sanibel. hosted University. directs conference. Massachusetts fell love language. At point considering school, teach exercises inner-city prestigious Phillips Academy. decided path wasnt John Grisham-type firm, selling soul, says. obtain graduate degree California studied International University Miami, Dufresne, Lynne Barrett, Les Standiford, poet Campbell McGrath. tutor run instructional program Cortland. left gig join instructor. request direct however. building airplane flying says event, adding coldcalling respected knew teachers. all, 800 novelists, journalists, songwriters, playwrightsscreenwriters, agents, publishing experts, poets guest word trade appeared November W SANIBEL CONFERENCE ITS LIKE BUILDING AN AIRPLANE WHILE FLYING IT. --TOM DEMARCHI, DIRECTING ALICE HOFFMAN VISITS NOVEMBER, FIRST PUBLISHED AT 21 Best-selling writer complex. Youve visited islands go little. talk AH How became writer. symbolism novels. Intentional arises naturally writing. usually read draft second draft, realize mean refine them, arise itself. storytelling language power Mostly child. Reading escapist reader. Bolado bring hundred participants. DeMarchi, however, careful passionate teaching writing, headline conference tease interest, hell include best-selling Sue Monk Kidd, instance, novel Bees immensely successful. Writer featured speaker. Her Rules Magic released fall. attending insider tips instruction, mostly trusted core long invited. For says, Barretts plot workshop always packed say highlights, highlight, Steve Almond incredibly popular funny, charismatic smart, matter topic talks about, rave creating characters, developing GLANCE 12th fgcu.edusiwc narratives, sex scenes, kinds popular. Other headliners songwriter Dan Bern. His completely participatory experience, where everyone singing end. Hes guy chase kind beg come From musicians comedic writers, continues list extraordinary invited Conference. Essayist Sloane Crosley, someone publicist while, industry, essays hilarious smart. regular contributor publications Esquire, Vanity Fair , appearance November, essays. 18 THIS OPPOSITE PAGE FROM MUSICIANS COMEDIC WRITERS, CONTINUES ADD LIST EXTRAORDINARY TALENT INVITED CONFERENCE. Directing gives latitude, asking pick genre description, instruct entertain. attracts experienced talented voices Dufresne FGCUs Karen Tolchin, Nathan Hill, author Nix, returning, veteran journalist columnist Joyce Maynardshe wrote story Magazine 1972 titled Eighteen Year Old Looks Back Life. freelance educator Bern 19 MANDY CARTER WILDLIFE, NATURE FUN Discovering Palm Beaches, short hop SWFL P alm Beach stretches Atlantic farm country includes northern edge Everglades National Park. Take drive Sunshine destination animals, splash ocean expand fun us, too. LIONS, MANATEES SEA TURTLES OH, MY Lion Country Safari drive-through park spot 900 animals among seven sections. Drive listening CD informing observe. daughter loved seeing walk right window. unique grouping zebras ran alongside car. doesnt hour half safari afterward animal displays encounters, experiences, kid rides, water spray grab on-site restaurant. Loxahatchee 120 miles. Manatee Lagoon FPL Eco-Discovery Center, offering free admission. center provides engaging manatees sea cows emphasizing protect wildlife. dynamic exhibits insight South coastal ecosystem. cold days, perfect view wild manatee herds basking warm-water outflows Power Light Companys Clean Energy Center. West 125 Loggerhead Marinelife Center conservation organization turtle rehabilitation hospital located Juno Beach. Beaches densely nested loggerhead nesting beaches ages. up-close interaction threatened endangered turtles. Through educational programs, youll types turtles, cycle humans save them. During visit, signed Mommy Me paint class. preschoolers. class superbly designed introduce basic biology oceanthemed hands-on biofact lessons before painting figurine keep. fee worth added creativity souvenir experience. 137 TIME RELAX THEY PLAY After exciting kid-friendly attractions, relax unwind. When comes rejuvenating spirit, offers fabulous selection spas. Stay Marriott Singer Resort Spa, instance. send create hotel Kids indulge pampering Si top finalist 2015 Conde Nast Traveler Award. sleek lines sea-inspired dcor spa intersect earth tones relaxing atmosphere warm yet upscale. October Spa Wellness Month, treatments, wellness experiences stays discounted rate. mom passion travel, blogger blog Digital Content Engagement Editor Media. TAKE SHORT DRIVE ACROSS SUNSHINE STATE OUR OTHER DISCOVER DESTINATION WHERE CAN LEARN ANIMALS, SPLASH OCEAN EXPAND THEIR MIND NATURE. authors enjoying Riviera east PLANNING VISIT Safari, 561-793-1084, Lagoon, 561-626-2833, Marine 561-627-8280, PALM BEACH COUNTY Discover official tourism signature cities Boca Raton, Beach, Jupiter, Lake Worth, Boynton Delray 1.4 residents coastline miles 29 parks billion economy 42 bed-tax revenue 60,000 supporting bottom trip expect informational kiosks, wonderful rehab tanks, dad Spa. KI DS Playtime allows themselves freely creatively. DONT FORGET playgrounds S chool back session. Vacation still wants run, yell summer. Children drawn active loud outdoor play. Playing exercise, them environment, muscle strength coordination. Outdoor cognitive social development. outside, use imagination invent games. theyre able They safe control, promotes autonomy, decision-making organizational skills. Creating rules games understanding FAVORITE CAPTIVA PLAYGROUNDS Community Playground Recreation Periwinkle Shops, Every islands, Causeway see playground areas, website Facebook 720 why needed. playing pure Luckily, weather beautiful loves weve listed features surely energy expanding creativity. different location, size equipment but, remains same. HOM E TI PS LEAH BIERY GREEN REMODEL SOLUTIONS Seven lighten eco-footprint L iving-space improvements rewarding work. hazards. remodel tweaking, consider wildlife health. Here suggestions Building Coalition experts affordable install low-flow showerheads faucets products. Easily installed faucet aerators regulate slow flow. EPA Watersense-certified toilets Star-certified appliances water. Also pool minimize evaporation, rain sensors irrigation systems select native plants watering. BREATHE SAFELY Air impacts Unfortunately, carpeting contain dangerous airborne chemicals. Interior designer green remodeling enthusiast Kathy McCabe recommends Low VOC Zero VOC. These volatile organic compounds linked issues. Some cabinetry contains VOCs, green-certified brands natural materials. Every-day cleaning products harsh ingredients, check EPAs Safer Choice Environmental Working Groups easy online search tool. ENERGY, SAVINGS Star-qualified exceed federal standards 75 efficient. Star rates ceiling fans, kitchen appliances, hot-water heaters lightbulbs. Compact fluorescent LED bulbs longer WATER LIMITED RESOURCE drought acute reminder earths drinking. SCCFs Native Landscapes Garden Homestead Preserve sells indigenous plant blanketflower middle hardy brings butterflies. seek Forest Stewardship Councilcertified furniture. Eco-friendly furniture Belgian-based Ethnicraft pictured fit bill. Recycled vintage shops, yard sales web merchants eBay, Etsy Chairish smart thinking. heat, reducing cooling airconditioning usage, airtight doors windows, seal-tight insulation paints shade heat absorption. painted roof shades windows savings apparent almost immediately, LAND ranks third rooftop potential installation, according Solar Industries Association. Yet panels far cheaper credits rebates soften impact. McCabe, chair Sanibel-Captiva Connect project helped islanders reduced installations, 2008, expects full return shortly. Now electricity approximately 150, 1,200, air-conditioning unit, heated Jacuzzi electric cars then. Roofmounted ago. DECORATIVE TOUCHES simple furnituredcor recyling. best source locally possible, adds suggesting purchase 100mile radius, recommending wood certified sustainable Council, cushions pillows soy latex-based fillers. recycled high-quality secondhand antique stores, companies Chairish. Eamon Sullivan, owner Tropical Tradesmen General Contracting suggests recycling stuff. Furniture, hardware else epa.govsaferchoice Household Chemical Waste Collection facility, Myers, 6441 Topaz Court Metro Parkway SCCF 239-472-1932, GREAT OUTDOORS Landscaping wildlife, planet Jenny Evans, SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundations Landscape manager, requiring irrigation, provide shelter support pollinators. Planting species basically extend land yard, garden consultations members donating more. Shade trees cooler. CHANGING HABITS Even ready batteries, paint, chemicals electronics, using hazardous waste disposal center. Turn televisions, brushing teeth, letting clothes washer single cold. Changing filters regularly improves air quality helps efficiently. Think household safer ecofriendly barrier environment. Biery director communications Sea School. pocketbook carbon-dependent systems. 26 YOU R H EALTH TONY DICOSTA, CPT FRINGE BENEFITS Lifesaving value fitness dying changes f told spent 45 benefits--I lying. shape bettering primary motivators starting program, once fat starts appear, mirror possibilities dreamed of, driving forces over. pants waistline becomes loose, shirtsleeves tight game Dare Ego motivator. anyone room powerful drug partaken personality trait. Personally, never huge bodybuildings comic-book standards, shape. dressed physique, know choose wear sleeveless shirt, compliment arms. Most abs. looked age. 40s, 50s 60s, kept gym. thought benefits. entered physique contest personal challenge 60. Contest prep conditioning prominence. High-intensity cardio won contest. sweet. Again, couldnt catch breath during led shower underwear holes heading ER. Doctors poked, prodded collapsed favorite arm vein darn, miss vein. proper supply. scheduled angioplasty heart. Shockingly, main heart artery nicknamed doctors Widowmaker blocked genetics, diet. Usually means major, fatal, attack. me. stent sent DAY ALMOST DIE TENDS ALTER PERSPECTIVE evening built alternate blood-supplying arteries collaterals. uncommon, collaterals enough prevent widowmaker blockages. agreed training vessels unusually effective supplying hearts needs. rather astonished cardiologist said, possible outcome. Three keenly trainings healthy fringe DiCosta Certified Personal Trainer C.P.T. As competitive athlete Masters Divisions, Over-60 state champion numerous regional titles. contacted Health Club. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE LIFE-GIVING POSSIBLY LIFESAVING FITNESS blocked, dead Turns TH SHOPPING GOOD CAUSE gift shops benefit resources try eco-friendly, educational, directly individuals communities, addition objects Sarah Lathrop, associate Ding Darling Wildlife Society, figurines Key Marco Cat, half-humanhalf-panther originally carved buttonwood. Foundation stocked gardening accessories seeds, teas, jellies jams made ingredients elderberries. Yaupon tea, brewed inhabitants caffeinated rich antioxidants. Mangrove bee honey boxes volunteers J.N. Refuge shop, refuge need. Highlights military ties, reusable bottle handles paracord veterans, Jabebo earrings cereal boxes, Sugarpost metal crafted junk sourced stores spotlight environmentally friendly items, chic shopping bags, bottles handmade soaps available purchase. rom equipment, boutiques variety beautiful, highquality items. meaningful array organizations, proceeds causes resources, public outreach Museum Village, village shop feature seagrass baskets Gisela Damandi, descendants late Francis Baileys bees, related books toys. reproductions Calusa artifacts, masks DID KNOW nonprofits online. Amazon Smile donate portion profits extra cost, CROW Wish Lists desperately needed any order ship Visit HISTORICAL MUSEUM VILLAGE SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION DING DARLING NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE CLINIC REHABILITATION Clinic Rehabilitation visitor wildlife-themed jewelry artwork, materials, holiday ornaments, logo hats, plush toys children. Proceeds mission injured veterinary research, educationpublic medicine. treats 3,500 patients. Schools improve oceans future. retail Ocean Tribe Outfitters, cause. Available stand-up paddleboards Florida, rash guards, shoes, Turkish towels, bottles, clothing, nets buckets, ocean-themed accessories. So others purchasing preserve surprised available. resident visitor, nice simultaneously cause neighbors. frequent SCHOOL 239-472-4648, CROW, 239-472-3644, School, 239-472-8585, Refuge, 239-472-1100, ALSO Bailey-Matthews Shell shell item responsibly sourced. 239-395-2233, 30 31 B EAUTY TRE N BETH LUBERECKI Are lipstick lover face cream fanatic Then place. fragrances, luxurious lotions, must-have makeup in-between. Because laid-back surfer babe total product junkie, feel. SCENT SENSITIVE fragrances sensitive certain scents, Kai line. developed founder Gaye Straza reason. tropics scent, gardenia exotic flowers. result makes line celeb devotees Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts Reese Witherspoon. Pursuit 239-4724600, carries line, perfume oil eau de parfum 76, body wash 37, hand butter 52. scent live shores, pleasant remind idyllic vacation. FACE Instagram filter. Biobelles Iwokeuplikethis sheet mask 4.99. Ingredients free-radical fighter vitamin C brighten sun spots dull patches restore skins clarity, giving youthful, rosy glow. Tencel fiber adhere easily facial contours, delivering antioxidants faster deeper applying serum. Use bed morning selfie comments secret. Biobelle products, head Ulta Bell Tower Shops 239334-0659, Coconut Point Estero 239-992-0361 Belk Surfside Cape Coral 239-282-5692, Town 239-415-1015. NO SWEAT Being barefoot common occurrence parts. Make tootsies foot forward Fresh Bodys Feet 10.95. all-natural lotion goes liquid dries powder, feet fresh dry. aluminum-, paraben- talc-free oatmeal irritation tea tree fight bacteria. Market Earth downtown 239-226-0006,, Body sweat-stopping for, ahem, male female andor affiliates cannot held changes, mistakes stock. 33 DESIGNERS decorators hot SOUTHWEST HAS ABUNDANCE DESIGNERS, INTERIOR SPACES AS INDIVIDUAL WE ARE. MEDIA SELECTED SLIVER VERY LARGE PIE SHARE READERS Julie Albrecht Robb Stucky 01 born Well, subject. design. great-grandparents master tailors, grandpa skilled craftsman reupholsterer. fabrics. interns Ive trained super designers. isnt brain surgery constantly myself anything gets hectic TM Earliest memory arranging JA Barbie houses notch Signature job architectural detailing, backgrounds final decorating clients desires accessorize, furnish decorate ice cake architecture details. hired environment sing. Clients needs communicating term programming entire college. front-end questions answered desires, personally am direct, funny honest. answer, respectfully ask out. Inspiration Having environmental minor, everywhere field somewhere Everglades, continuing Paris, derives construction site gutted-down-to-the-support-columnsbeams refurb, trends behind walls. Favorite colors, textures Everything cycles, 10-year intervals, bell curve. colors 1993 reared again 2003 2013, etc. textures, graphics techniques modernize Stuckys tend cycles. ROBB STUCKY INTERNATIONAL Banished looks brass tarnishing do, mix balance complement palette 35 02 Christopher Michiels Interiors dynamic, inspired luxurious, graceful inviting modern interiors bathed light, nature-inspired texture, cool serene paying furnishings. greatly highlighting interest first. Born CM Hands down, boy spectacular Little doubt talent, following path. tutelage artistic laying yellow bricks road. Everywhere, literally everywhere. here, Saint Basils Cathedral Moscow, scuba diving Great Barrier Reef, favelas Medelln Colombia key Find unexpected muse. Capturing personality, lifestyle budget consciousness mine proud of. stunning fundamental base requirements mine, expressing essence majority either quite elsewhere, essential ours, small, concept completion, implicitly. Like shaved-ice snow cone sweltering-hot refreshing, brisk blues, grays, roses lavenders balanced sultry darker counterparts sparked gold copper metals, gray woods, textured glass quartz wallcovering breathtaking cant reach touch it. Please, please, please yes, Im begging oversized, overstuffed, over-carved, overdesigned lead blanket feeling furnishings Tuscan era overwhelm eyes bleed uses global travels, muse, 36 CHRISTOPHER MICHIELS INTERIORS 37 03 38 Diane Knight Furnishings tool clients. Fabrics sparkles crystal adds. talking LISTEN. Have client pictures discuss lives. Sometimes wont lifestyle. DK Nature, architecture. Trends rooms sense traditionalism. pieces reflect lived. FURNISHINGS Designers Style, proportion eye taught. IT not. Oh, Saturday clean-up. Id rearrange redesign bookshelves. bold 15-year-old bathroom lime green. Perfect 1968 2017. Sophisticated-casual. call queen color, comfort style. woods. passion. remember Brunschwig Fils showroom fabric heaven. LISTEN, stop Greens, blues yellows board coming season, flirting pink, coral turquoise. Patterns yummy comfortable pleasing eyes. layers texture pattern WOW Oversized, dark heavy Gaudy lamps. crystal. 04 Biondo Naples translate designs. OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder tendencies advantage. MB teens, rearranged aunts carefully angle, placement function done, distinct sitting areas. calling, Michael, said. colorful. monochromatic dramatic, silk shantung wallpaper charcoal taupe vibrant artwork. Style ever evolving changing. First, listen. spaces. retain taking style, translating enjoy. Anywhere everywhere, British Virgin Islands, womans color. Botanical Garden. Metropolitan Art. opera. theater. loving Pantones Greenery. triviagreen easiest tone velvets, cotton fabrics stitching raw materials twine linens large-scale yarn stitching. Burnished satin favorites, mixed ivory, pale blush camel soft beiges, soothing combination colors. moderation, proportion. present Chief Lifestyle MICHAEL BIONDO LIFESTYLE muted 39 LORIDA FLUSH TYPES. visions innumerable cultures, bounding alone, produces sharing chosen accent count. Photographer Butcher Mens LaMont Women Lissa Schuessler 41 PHOTOGRAPHERS MILA BRIDGER, me, setup. dream sketch image imagined Of setup shoot change directions NICK ADAMS, people, expression. speak thousand words photograph, trying expressions skill perfect, photographer. landscapes, shot. DENNIS GINGERICH, shots. watch skies forecasts cloud situation like. clouds boring. Clouds contrast especially sunrise sunset. photo, reflections double WILLIAM COX, literature, internet Google locate locations targeted habitats extensive mainly sites photograph. CLYDE BUTCHER, Venice, Fla. accept whatever However, forest bright black shadows highlights leaves apart, lousy photo. PHOTOGRAPHY BUTCHER --Mila Bridger COX BRIDGER --Mariapia Malerba WOMEN MARIAPIA MALERBA, former corporate designer, shes thrown herself couture that, practical everyday use, daring presentations stage. tough, must concentrate LISSA SCHUESSLER, Skirts, tops dresses down. dinner heels, Versatility durability name 724s game. Donned 19-to-22-year-old models Miami shows, garments ardent followers ages 55 GWENDOLYN GLEASON, RIGHT INDI FRANCO ALL RESPECTIVE TITLES Facebook, 413-374-1787 commissions referral, theres emerging aspect Gleasons creations employ organic, breathe heat. Shes brand casual attire, cover-ups, wraps tunics cottons India. HELEN GERRO, Punta Gorda sewing 9, sketching transferring works onto textile creations. Gerro occupies Artisans Atelier Gorda, visitors create, perhaps custom wear. collection dresses, hand-painted. DESIGNER GERRO LIA MARTINO, 16, Martino Chanel model, launched fashion. Chicos caught attention then-CEO Cinny Murray, championed friend mentor. partner launching tentatively Lia. test exploded, SCHUESSLER MALERBA tough. 43 MENS TAILORING RHONDA, 239-278-3878 Rhonda Erol tailoring styling men. styles, explains. men changing variety, STYLE, Owner fun, flirty--and reasonably priced. women, member Nordstroms team branching business empowered functional closets understand--as opposed chaos CAPE BOYZ, 239-895-5064 guys, T-shirt strong, chances acing Boyz unique. paths keeps designs present, co-owner Frank McNeal Were market standards. WEBSTER, Located Miamis iconic blue, pastel-pink exterior, Webster boutique proving drive--especially appetite duds. arent cheap, neither quality. CANNED HAM VINTAGE, Sarasota Vogue magazine Walking Canned Ham Vintage feels entering friend. eclectic describe Theres 1940s dapper dudes lovely ladies. purchases collectors sources. 44 --David ART GALLERIES LEE ALLIANCE ARTS, Nonprofit agency grown 50-plus arts cultural 1,200 members, 133,000 visitors. welcoming front showcase gateway city, Alliance executive Lydia Black BOB RAUSCHENBERG GALLERY SouthWestern College, Rauschenbergs half-century-plus presence effect scene Thomas Edisons gallery opened 1979 solo year--the included premieres. ended performers James Franco Kalup Linzy. UNIT AMARCUS JANSEN, Jansens studio accommodates urban expressionism, diptych tryptic larger work, puzzle, ACT BOUTIQUE, artists, monthly auction preview October. Purchases double-duty funding abuse shelter. DAAS CO-OP, Xavier Brignoni created co-op Royal Square Myers. powerful. week, meet Acevedo. CO-OP HOWL GALLERYTATTOO, Half devoted tattoos piercing fantasy, surreal counterculture rock posters Andy Howl originals. golf GOLFS HISTORY point--seriously--involved stick rounded lump coal. reportedly evolved Netherlands Dutch kolf club Scotland, refined leather ball. Romans played bent stick. English nobility gowf, 17th century colf. King II Scotland prohibited gowf distractions. 1592 pursuit avoid Sundays. Ancient St. Andrews recognized clubs pre-dated Musselburgh Links 1600. Open Champion Birkdale completed 146th tournament. Ultimately hybrid cultures innovations, lying pulled adapt. WORKS Golfs novelty amazing. Players ride carts tract endowed cattle magpies, soaked clothes. Holes normally screened landscaping barriers, Birds critters distractions, mild noise. Heres smack dimpled ball parcel mallet, hole strokes allows. matchheaven forbid, allowed--the assigned hole. Golfers traditionally round, 19th celebrate, tall tales, exaggerate, fun. Millions weekend golfers highest highs, heartbreaking lows. holes, varies Bonita Bay Estero, five 18-hole courses, amenities applauded. traditional meandering boxed couple acres, insulated hazards cart paths, empty jugs, random dogs ball, plodding foursomes loudmouth cellphone parked fairway. courses member-owned, meaning players cushion allow scoring, so-called bounce case. nine par meant quick turnaround road noon call. BEST TIP Keep real handicap having endurance flexibility round. Be prepared stretching, practicing swing saying. older stretch advance, loosen lower glutes. Nice-and-easy fluid round golf. surefire calamity tightness coupled kill easily. drink plenty Hydration, hydration, hydration Learn moments paradise. FINAL THOUGHT golfs charm hours buddies, co-workers and, spouse, son daughter. nothing strengthening friendships. ILLUSTRATIONS DAVE HORTON 949 Sand Castle Road 239-472-3355 Opened 1973 Designed By Mark McCumber Fairways Bermuda Greens TifEagle Par Tee Marker Options RatingSlope 68.8 129 5,606 yards 67.5 5,249 yards, Ladies 72.4 138 66.1 115 III 4,913 70.4 63.5 110 IIIIV 4,431 68.2 Rating Slope 62.0 105 IV 3,997 65.5 Memberships membership offerings, Family 7,450 Single, Social, Tennis, Senior 30-Day plans sporting budget. Amenities Practice green, rentals greens fees. DUNES TENNIS CLUB KELLY MADDEN Website Theyre Saying pro Chris Shaul. layout course, attitude nature encounter property. inally surrendered. closed summer 2016 regrass surfaces TifEagle, re-sand drainage bunkers, refresh lush maintained tracts. sweeping inconveniences shutting incurring costs, Kautz, Clubs general manager. Those upgrades 2016, changed fantastic. 10-time PGA Tour winner McCumber. shortened sanctioned Audubon surroundings memorable laid styles--the links layout, amid preserve--The supplies ideal embracing strategy. full-service tennis icon established 1973. public, options, memberships afford facility benefits, 30-day rounds joining. advantage lending considerable artistry hone Threetime Nolan Henkes academy quickly Dunes, Henke course. got water, .... challenging perfectly framed foliage island. difficult enchanting backdrop surrounds you, reward. impeccable condition innovative sand-waste sure. Madden marketing lived O riginally known Beachview Course 1970s, semi-private, championship renewed vitality ownership 2012. Partners Drew Donnelly Ed Lockard brought impressive purchased property, immediately services. lagged upkeep, attended details away. maintenance date, Donnelly. saw vision build firstclass destination. lush, abundant ensure captivating memberships, between. state-of-the-art HydroGrid courts shops. full-scale emphasis customer service--on golfer non-golfer folks weeks year, refreshing staff name, proud. requires management shot execution fully require carry, bunkers placed creativity, providing excellent protection near greens. Meticulously cared expertly manicured, remarkable idyllic, tropical setting. Cooperative Program shares pristine setting River. visiting apparel inventory gear theyll best. adjacent Blue Coyote Supper cocktails lively upscale dining public. national phone, player levels evident. Sorry waiting, mowing shop. type dedication, longtime results vacationing golfers, personalized flair. 1100 View 239-472-2626 Formerly Ray FentonTruman Wilson 70, 6006 yd., 129, 69.9 White 5482 125, 67.2 Gold 4813 115, 63.7 Red 4336 114, 66.2 rentals, walking subject day ser vice--on here. Donnelly, ts imagine fitting 240-acre, north Island. 1992, sits Pine Sound other. fact, donated refuge, foliage. operations overseen Interior, intertwining relationship exactly club, pride stewardship surrounding waters. Sheryl Tatum, Sanctuary, appealing. purposely numbers serves range amenities, ultra-personalized service deserve, 353 equity members. Members although world, neighborhood. highly acclaimed residential communities country, honored awards design, partnerships. involves neighbors, evenings Fla., dozens brilliantly ibis late-afternoon flyover clubhouse punctuality cocktail parties Wall Street Journals Paul Newport 2010. Famed architect Arthur Hills, closely developers interfere canvas working, par-72 layout. Hills Platinum-honored Club, Phelan, Director Sanctuary. beginner scratch golfer, 18-hole, meticulously fairways sculpted accurate approach shots deny simple, straight putt. masterpiece. signature, par-3 fourth, banks Sound, northwesterly winds expanse tricky, 187 blues. golf, looking received Distinguished World Boardroom magazine, Phelan --K.M. 2801 Wulfert 239-472-6445 1992 Isle Supreme seashore paspalum Tees, rough Out-of-play areas Bahiagrasses Aggregate Wildflowers Blue, 6,657 yds, 72.8 rating, slope White, 6,328 71.2 133 Gold, 5,687 73.3 128 Red, 5,115 70.8 123 PublicPrivate Private Fees Included Equity Membership. Several Social range, practice BoardRoom magazine. SANCTUARY Beautiful necessary survival TRUTH JUNONIA s soon waves back, rainbow-colored coquina shells glittered orange shore burrowing sand. Holding coquinas hands, Aiden laughed feeling. remembered felt scoop wriggled palms slim, 4-year-old covered toe sand broken shells. Highlighting smiling beach--a creation, itself formed him asked dig him. sat beside him, vacation, set, sand, shells, mother Excerpt memoir Shells beachscape patchy blankets tans creams. dug toes damp silt watched sandpipers dance shore. scooped away hole, noticed olive toes. tulip snail shaped, glossy, brownish-gray exterior undulating whorl shaping pointed tip, lastly speckled black. seen shell. asked. started, inside, ocean, currents predators harm grows, house. nodded hand, glinting enamel. sons MOTHER WANTED BUY SHELL-- WAS SOMETHING DISCOVER. challengeswe observed scratches penetrated exterior. Such was, vulnerable. tried fix house, picked up. reminded junonia rare. combing junonia. palm-sized ringed giraffe-brown offshore. rare occasions washes vessel. Islanders prized rarity, beauty, adventure one. buy shellthe discover. storm. Finding evolutionary speck chamber death creature, spinning storms raging waters, finally exposed gemstone shoreline. believed redemptive sign alone. refers Roman Goddess Juno, protector well-being women. immortal being, depicted majestic appears Shakespeares Tempest, gods, movie teen navigating unplanned pregnancy. shell, passed away, Aiden, digging tucked pocket. ending hovered approaching repairing. ahead moment son, contemplating withstand tumble keepsakes. shifted repairing survival. 51 GINA BIRCH latest GIN HOT AGAIN Many craft classic gin bar shelves 57 Coral. hit scene, producers flavor profiles. tastes cleaners, one, party. distilled grains fermented first, redistilled infusing botanicals, notably juniper. Producers oils, cucumber citrus magic botanical mix. martini vodka vermouth, vermouth wine, loses luster days. bars sit weeks, months. case, downright bad. reasons martinis fallen favor taken lead, Jay Sanders, beverage manager jokingly calls himself gin-thusiast. About Sanders treat lady. Boomsma gin, describes bright, smooth, sweetness mid-palate spicy finish. Vermouth fills smooths vodka. ounces ounce martini. absence Campari. despite Bond stirred, shaken. According shaken cocktail. explains, Shaking air, oxygen, dilution bury flavors receive. rush bar, takes slowly BACKGROUND CAORUNN Birch contributor, drink, well-known media stirring, gently pouring, garnishing, affection. Besides martini, tonic mixes spirit. reintroduce time, gimlet. Made sugar, enjoyable, climate. Which staring wall lined gins selections counting. Caorunn Scottish lemon peel coriander Haymans, England, another versatile mixing. Uncle Vals gins. smells garden, citrus. Restorative juniper overpowering means. Juniper polarizing patrons, London Dry. Barrel oak aging wines spirits, whiskey, George Dry Rye Reposado Ransoms cocktails. cinnamon, spice vanilla. Try Martinez, comforting cherry brandy. likes toast float top--perfect Cheers IN. gimlet photos Martinez barrelaged 57s gin-thusiast below Campari right. 53 PIC U RIOU Whats Cooking Grille PAN-SEARED SCALLOPS TRUFFLE RISOTTO Serves 2-ounce U10 U8 dry-pack scallops medium shallot, sliced bay leaf cups dry wine temp unsalted lime, juiced chives, diced onion, Arborio rice Truffle oil, taste Sliced truffles, chicken vegetable stock Olive Salt pepper, Chive beurre blancprepare Slowly saucepan teaspoon oil. Saut shallot lightly, wine. Reduce minutes, cream. Bring boil, continue low. mixture thickens, whip smooth. Add juice, chives salt pepper taste. seasoned risottoprepare pan, saut onion butter. Stirring frequently wooden spoon, brown rice. stirring frequently. stages, bringing boil. taste, flat pan serve truffle truffles. Prepare Season pepper. Heat drizzle tablespoons swirl pan. Tip stove scallops. Sear minutes side, turn repeat. Let stand minutes. Plate risotto chive buerre blanc, vegetable. 7205 Blvd., 239-463-7770, DINING GUIDE KEY Breakfast Lunch D Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Wine Vegetarian BLUE GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. browsing delicious, island-inspired food. Sit hand-painted tables Place sample Giraffe Fish Tacos Chicken Panini lunch, Mahi-Mahitruly 721 breakfast menu tempting omelets pancakes, Eggs Nantua poached eggs crispy crab cake, topped Hollandaise sauce. locals 2075 Way, DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel Cuisine. Local restaurant folk joined novelist Randy Wayne develop based fictional character, best-seller sandwiches, salads entrees. skip mojito. 2500 Inn Road, 239-472-8311, Not Member Problem twist. bisque, Eastern, Western Southern Burger, crisp empanadas beef seared cowboy steak. 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. massive fish pasta, joint, cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, might Loaded Seafood Omelet. Check secret success eat inside. --Mark Twain 56 drinks, homemade Mango Sangria 2163 239-472-0606, PIZZA Slice Paradise. tasty tradition Pizza Crusty Curl Crust. Pasta, calzone salad calamari bruschetta appetizer, happy hour. 1619 239-472-1581, JACARANDA Legend. romantic, intimate relaxed, open-air gathering energetic nightspot, Food ranges splendid seafood burgers sandwiches lounge, entertainment nightly. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. plumpest oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat shrimp, grouper incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. buffalo wings bet. Four 6520-C Ave., 239472-5353 1036 239-4726939 12951 McGregor 239476-9000 waterfront 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Breakfast. Residents decades, why. Start Frittata krabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms artichoke creamy Alfredo sauce, Lighthouse Grouper Platter dinner, historic lighthouse Call-ahead 362 239-472-0303, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach wood-fired pizzas. pastas, chicken, veal menu. 1200 239-472-1998, NORMANDIE SEASIDE WEST WIND Indulge Yourself. Bananaberry French Toast Italian Omelet more, fruit bowl Veggie Omelet, Columbian coffee choice artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax old-world Curry Pressed Cuban Sandwich paired list. 3345 Drive, 239-472-1541, westwindinn.comnormandie-restaurant-sanibel PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS FOODIES Institution. 1980, Pinocchios handcrafts frozen confections store batches. mecca foodies palates cream, gelato, sorbet, sherbet, yogurts custards 130 repertoire, generous portions. Stop Krunch Dirty Dollar. Geppettos Foodies sister gourmet surprises authentic croissant baking. 239-472-6566, cook --W.C. Fields 58 SANDBAR Welcoming. Trio, bronzed grouper, favorite. steaks grilled perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day fried specialties, tuna cakes seaweed salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. 1523 239-472-7770 4685 Springs, 239-495-5770 320 San Carlos 239-7656766, GRILL Color. Grill typical pub fare--juicy burgers, wings--and Youll bartenders often-soughtbut-never-found neighborhood feel, explains popularity spot. 703 Tarpon 239-472-4453, SPROUT Goodness. vegan vegetarian takeout delightful meals, smoothies juices daily. Chef Nikki Rood gluten-free, non-GMO, farm-fresh Smoked Paprika Hummus Sprouts. Another Vegan Lasagna. Sprout thy medicine food, quoting Hippocrates reflected delectable dish offer. 2463 239-472-4499 SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. Caesar wrap. Morning Santiva Captiva, variations Benedict smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, 59 SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Small Packages. Melissa Talmage prepares entrees petite portions, diners option multiple dishes, Grilled Octopus Mullet Fritter. 1625 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative cuisine oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, glorious views table. Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. market. 239-472-2722, TRADERS Experience. Traders emporium restaurant, Tuesday Thursday evenings. diet cookie hand. --Barbara Johnson 60 gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, CANTINA Nacho Madres Mexican. Enjoy lunch serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest gone south border. 14970 239-472-0248, FloridaNew American. Jason Millers centers bounty season fish. Wines presentations, Sunset Room 15951 239-472-5161 4, CROWS NEST Food, filled appetizers, flatbreads, baked goat cheese dip, savory Saltimbocca, sage leaves, ricotta prosciutto wrapped linguine. Crab Races, Mondays Thursdays, hopping 239-472-5161, Story Continues. continued success, chain Whites character Seas Resort. Docs Bread panko shrimp dryrubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, FLASH Rare Treasure. browse 61 delightfully diverse Caf Paris specialty, Worcestershire, finished buttery herb topping. Or Venetian Platter, salmon, swordfish, tiger prawn polenta. Savory pork landlubbers, dessert positively decadent 15183 239-472-3337, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, music Jimmy Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers escargots tomato. 11509 Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE SHOP Once Upon Time wide coffees, extra-strong Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes cozy sweet tooth scoops Queenies milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, uncertain. --Ernestine Ulmer 62 63 NEW MENU Ownership MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers pond. grub. beachside patio gazing. 11546 239-472-3434, RC OTTERS Otterly multitude choices daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners week dinner. 239-395-1142, SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted 14900 239-472-6200, BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted tower modelled entre Robata grill, Lamb Lollipops roasted garlic rosemary reduction, SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entrees, enjoyed shared clean, contemporary ambience savor Whitaker Jean Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. Closed 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible sushi outrageous highlight menu, prefer steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 First St., 239-362-2843, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded subtle sports theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. Pet Friendly Patio Deck Monday-Sunday, 7am-Close Served Till Noon 17260 Harbour Pointe 239-466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. Modern cuisine, Breakfast, p.m., omelet variation Benedict. noon, dishes bacon-wrapped cedar plank plus attract hungry diners. brunch crowd packs wait--but HOURS OPERATION 12901 239-466-4663, 239-472-2525 PERIWINKLE PLACE CENTER Way Unit DARUMA teppan-style, chef table Classic Japanese favorites tempura offered, combinations lobster Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. 13499 Cleveland 239-344-0037 241 North, Naples, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville Sarasota, 941-342-6600, 64 65 FIRESTONE Brick atmosphere, tires Firestone. paella tapas Sky Bar, Martini Bar Friday Saturday. 2224 239-334-3473, GARAGE 1920s, Henry Ford walked parts, Model Carb-uretor. arugula egg mouth beer names Kona Big Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, EDISON Illuminati. honors legendary namesake genius, Edison, display photos. steeped culinary tradition, pot receiving raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. true. Salads, fish, pasta 1982. Soup accompany dinners, Early often, --Anthony Bourdain 66 deals 4-7pm. booths, nautical seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239489-2226, SUMMERLIN JAKES Deserve This. Richard Howzes depth displayed plate, Filet Mignon mouthwatering Captains Coubion, medallions stock, gulf Using highest-quality meal masterpiece flavor. music. 17501 239466-5377, UNIVERSITY Head Class. theatergoers 7790 Cypress 239-4374377, CENO History. spanakopita-fresh spinach, herbs feta, phyllo dough baked, Marsala, drove Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki meal, feast parmesan, disappointed resist cannoli Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. 1715 W., Coral, 239-549-2366, 67 1719 East, 239540-3673, LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Coastal Shrimp Grits Le Bouf Bacon Wrapped Lobster Tail freshest area fine landlubbers. More Than Ride Knowledgeable Staff Luxury Sedans Large Vans Event Transport AIRPORT LOCAL SERVICE Parkway, Units 3, 239-471-0136, MONKEY STEAK Silly Name, Serious Food. Nico Bogert proof palate, Monkey chop apple relish Rum Pepper Painted Grouper, mango sauce Ahi Tuna Salad. steak, earned eatery title Steakhouse Indoor available, offered 239-472-4888 1428 Lafayette 239-549-8800, PARADISE DELI Heavenly Taste. idea better. Greek Philly Steak award winning Reuben Too dine take-out, catering party 2378 239-292-2378, guide date. encourage readers detailed reservations establishments. 68 LTU RE TERI HANSON SECRET WEAPON FAITH CEOs surviving cancer, aising priorities 2001. ballroom competition, hobby conditioned risk factors seemed count on, change. breast cancer. diagnosis kick gut upside diagnosed 2001 aggressive medical reacted equally treatment. Within underwent surgery, Stage cancer lymph nodes. swift treatment protocol required, months chemotherapy radiation clinical trial. employee office prayer. prayed caring previous control situation, trust. team, family, friends faith. level appreciate before. resumed throughout weapon journey faith, message faith recall chemo nurse telling afterward, describing detail horrendous symptoms come. response Youre boss sick so. Mental unwillingness predications entertained involve result, minimal effects. embraced normal, grow least moment. faced treatment, be. priority asked, willing encouragement president Priority Marketing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. DAYNA HARPSTER DIGGING Trying guided Plant Nite isa Crawford introduced wish drinking remembers Colorado moved North Boston-based company Entrepreneurs. owners make-and-take-and-sip events regions live. similar Paint Nite. concepts founded entrepreneurs, Hermann Sean McGrail. Nite, particularly artisticor arepay attend lesson venue, instructor, sipping chatting friends. ornamental gardens. Nites resulting canvases, tabletop gardens session participant product. participated Nites. terrible artist, recent afternoon Cork Soakers held. sets apart art-class entertainment, virtually foolproof projects mini-gardens succulents, indestructible, already pretty. Whatever project, container followed, gardeners moss provided. storage plants. halfway. thrive forgotten. cactus, succulents thick, fleshy girlfriend guys. Cool night hanging globes gerarium art. PLANT NITE coupon code PLANTSWFL discount, 38.50. drinks in-house, in. Groups, fundraisers scheduled, arid climates tough soil conditions well-meaning forgetful gardeners. windowsills occasional projects, pebbles adages, creature figures embellishments drawers, orbs, containers. planter visits within distance, sees date location. venues Press House Twisted Vine Islamorada Co. Riptide Brewery Naples. Lisa instructor classes, hiring venues. Gardeners hands. Colorado, farmer, acres Boulder chickens, turkeys, pigs goats. property background audience. planters benefitsucculents propagate. root grow. skills gardener Harpster writer, accredited relations 71 ANN MARIE OPHEL FLASHZ fabulous, troupe sizzles FleaMasters back. livened up, Browne, Floridian perform tank-tops, skirts boots decorated neon lacing. there, Marjean Sage collided destiny scanning newspaper. retired glancing articles tryout announcements troupe. Flame, 2006. squad, transitioned FLASHZ, president. Orlando basketball cheerleaders Flame routines, four remain FLASHZ. now. performances generally themed event. performed games, hey ended, comfortably danced halftime disbanded 2006, dancing fundraisers, festivals parties, benefiting charities. twice weekly, roll, jazz, Latin, Broadway Americana music, depending venue. dress role sequined Santa outfits, zombie rags, tank-tops shorts, dazzling audience pompons Fishermens Village Lime Festival, example. And, boy, crowd-pleasers GIVE UP DANCE. --JOHANNA MEYERS, PERFORMER DAVID MORRIS PROCEEDS NONPROFIT TROUPES WORK GO CHARITIES SUCH CAMP BOGGY CREEK. Memorial Day patriotic Military Library Festival Easter April. sponsorships donations charities Camp Boggy Creek, year-round camp various chronic life-threatening illnesses. Newman. charity Special Operations Warrior Foundation. foundation scholarship grants, counseling, personnel die operational missions. immediate financial assistance severely wounded families. Debra Adler year. honor troupe, dancer group dedicates practices weekly entertains assembling outfits occasion. rhythm, routines commit Wednesday rehearsals 5-7 239-482-6252, causes, costumes, Adler, ladies, dedicated Johanna Meyers 2005. treasurer, captain troupes committee. agrees kids. Since regularly, tight-knight bond close another, Meyers, performances. Furthermore, enjoys terrific builds confidence tenacity. dance, Freelance 73 8417 325 CALE DAR DO Escape Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10am-6pm ladies night, Friday, 6-9pm Create decorative gift. Fridays cheese. 808 SE 47th 239945-2006, Conch Mondays-Thursdays Saturdays, 630pm Fridays, 7pm Sundays, 12pm original friends, beverages. Materials provided, 1242 239-673-6660, Crafters Mondays, 10am-3pm crafting Free lessons, pay supplies. Limited space, accompanied. House, 2173 239-472-2155, Mic Night Wednesdays, Grab instrument, voice, Wednesdays 630- 930pm, Night. Press, 5789 No. 101, 239542-0212, SoCo Second Sept. Oct. 14, 6pm SoCoSouth Colonial Boulevardis receptions, vendors, demonstrations talks, musical theater performances, receptions tastings. Self-guided tour, parking Arts campus After-party Theatre, 10pm. 1400 Suite 84, 239-590-8645, Bike 5pm Motorcycle enthusiasts gather Slow Race. gear. 846 Terrace, 239-5733128, B. Mann Performing Hall, 13350 239-481-4849, Liverpool Live, Cultural Park Theater 1-3, matinees Beatles show, Orlando-based entertainers sold theaters shows. Theater, 528 239-772-5862, Music Walk 20, Third dozen participating talent. 855-7323836, Bluegrass 29, 2pm Irish, ballads Presented partnership Acoustic SWFL. 10091 239-9392787, Isaak Barbara 730pm Isaak, musicianactor, 1950s rockcrooner sound, soaring falsetto reverb-laden Roy Orbison 1990s, compared Elvis Presley, Ricky Nelson Duane Eddy. 239-4814849, Pops Classical Mystery Tour--A Tribute 21, performs Symphony. tunes sung, written. Groovin 60s 70s Musical 7-Oct. 7, Wednesdays-Sundays, Victor Legarretas comedy groove boogie 70s. Songs Midnight Train Georgia, Stayin Alive 1380 239-2784422, Youth Theatre Presents Almost, Maine Cariani 15-16, 8pm 17, 3pm cold, moonless winter, remote, mythical Maine. play, series vignettes love, knee-deep whimsy. 239-939-2787, Outside Mullingar, Patrick Shanley 19-Oct. 22, TuesdaysSundays, Pulitzer Prize Tony-winning Doubt Moonstruck. Mullingar follows unlikely romance lovable misfits. Shanleys tenderhearted portrait reminds chance ArtStage Studio 2268 239-332-4488, Odd Couple Female Version 21-Oct. Tuesdays-Sundays, Neil Simons replaced females. hilarity storyline remain. Buyer Cellar, Jonathan Tolins 6-15, Thursdays-Saturdays, pm Outrageous fame, oddest odd jobs. Alex tell. Pippin 12-Nov. 18, Winner 2013 Awards Revival, magical, unforgettable tale princes extraordinary. Curious Golden Meatball 20-Nov. matinee shows All-You-Can-Eat Pisghetti. Childrens 239-278-4422, Sylvia, A.R. Gurney 24-Nov. 15, empty-nesters Greg Kate crossroads, move Manhattan escape suburbs. Adult PJ Masks Hero, Live 27, Heroes TV town. Catboy, Oweltte Gekko sneaky villainsRomeo, Ninja Luna Girl. F. Rizzo Public Accountant Attorney-At-Law Master Law Taxation Voted 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2014, Tax Return Preparation Individual Partnership Corporate Comprehensive Business Counsel Accounting Islander 1974 Estate Administration Planning Returns Condominium JD., LL.M., CPA Fired Up Juried Exhibit 8-30 1101 lawyer decision soley advertisements. Before decide, attorney qualifications 239-395-0400 Fax 239-579-0547 fire flames ceramics, welded pieces. Opening celebration 8, 5-7pm juror 6pm. Shot 6-Nov. Among mediums, photography relatively arrival. photography. reception 6, artistsjuror 239939-2787, Sells Moffitt Need Support 1,500 research. Purchase 40th Anniversary T-shirts, Bladder Research. Unisex Shirts Sizes S-XXL. coupons discounts. Maze Eco-Tour 10am Guided exploration mangrove wilderness Blueway Paddling Trail. Guides naturalists history, ecology sustainability Sound. Approximately 2.5 hours. 4120 Matlacha. 239-283-1125, 11am FridaysSaturdays galleries, self-guided tour River District Gardners area. 239-337-5050, Adventures Paradise Dolphin Cruise 1-2, Wild dolphins largest populations wading birds swoop roost Appreciate Thank 1157 239-472-6991 2422 239-472-8080 Days 930 a.m. 830 p.m. ShellsTOTI.COM - 0512 Quarter.indd 76 52417 433 WORKSHOPS Bill Cox landscape photographers. 40-year scheduling finer points shooting cityscapes, landscapes digital single-lens reflex, DSLR, camera. Instruction camera mechanics technical outcomes vs. average. guidance lenses, flash, exposure, shutter speeds, f-stops, ISO settings, tripods advantages disadvantages images RAW JPEG discussed. beginning 2491 Ridge Speedway Enrollment students per workshop. Cost 180 person, lecture Reserve contacting 239-789-8945, Save Date GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL evening. Narrated mate, complimentary soda, bottled snacks. Reservations. Paradise, 14341 Port Comfort 239-472-8443, Bird Kayak Tuesdays, Thursdays 730am Witness Matlacha Pass Aquatic wetland creatures estuary ACA-certified kayakSUP instructors naturalists. Shelling 830am beaches. Corals Oktoberfest 20-22 27-29, German grounds Road. Billed Munich community, dancing, refreshments, organizers say, Gemtlichkeit, cheersense belonging. 77 picnic Barnacles swimsuit, shelling bag. Complimentary chairs, umbrellas, required. GreenMarket 9am Saturdays exclusive grown, cultivated foods activities kids, classes cooking chefs. Paddle calm waters meander shrouded trails, roam dusk. Fourth Hendry median. Pets leashed souvenirs. Free, registration. Car Cruise-In 28, 4pm streets fourth 4-8pm. Music, additional specials. 855-732-3836, calendar events. 78 HUMANE SOCIETY clinics, Yappy Hour adoptions pet, no-kill month September, clinic discount rabies shots, October, Scary Bumps Lumps removal services, Galloway, director. GCHS EVENTS 6-8 hosts Hour. refreshments four-legged welcome pet-friendly adoptable pets Farmers Market, a.m.-1 Centennial bridge overpass BRIAN WIERIMA 239-332 0364, DOMESTIC ANIMAL dog cat ee cats 1-31. spay neuter vaccinations, license older, heartworm flea worming, microchip IDs, 10-day guarantee interested submit adoption approval prior animal. approved, volunteer assist hours, Monday-Saturday, 1030 330 trainer manners leash Fordiani, specialist Services. Each pet temperament-tested floor, tested groups. compatibility animals. 239-533-7387, leegov.comanimalservices LCDAS dogs, guinea pigs. Volunteers selecting pet. LCDASs Monday-Saturday. JEREMY SPINK 81 STARGAZ NG PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION THESE DATES Full moon September degrees Pisces Virgofocus Virgoclarifying Aries Librabrings Libralook last-minute opportunities. Mercury Leo 5start Astrological Forecast NORMA HAGAN, ASTROLOGER ARIES MARCH APRIL ruler Mars signs Virgo 5, causing shift vacation serious hard. efforts appreciated rewarded quickly. merit developed. Venus, planet, overtakes TAURUS MAY Home, children, horoscope. celebrations, agenda. relationships featured. Signs GEMINI JUNE endeavor. acting outlet appeals Writing forte, speaking, accomplishments. enjoyable neighbor CANCER JULY Finances seem favored. inheritance. affect finances favorable chart stress, relax. Wait buying Cancers LEO AUGUST sign, want. diet, need, pleased it--and enthusiasm moon. VIRGO SEPTEMBER frame push agenda easier. natural-born hardworking communicator, pursue want, 20. LIBRA OCTOBER good-luck sign. favored Get decide Joining trip, redecorating possibilities. big. NOVEMBER Pluto youve suddenly smoothly. Scorpios self-demanding done. stubborn. Jupiter Scorpio. Plan SCORPIO DECEMBER Things troublesome problems solved. heavens Suddenly worrying. People jolly please. foreign outdoors. SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN JANUARY cycle, career. best-suited zodiac handle opportunities, ones rejected. Capricorns businesses, turn-around expert revitalizes 83 profitably. happen charge. FEBRUARY Uranus AQUARIUS finishing transit Aries. decisions, altogether new. slow, Aquarian intelligent unusual zodiac--an inventor new-idea picture coming, probably long-lasting decisions. Proceed sure-footed Neptune PISCES usual. beach, yet, boat. preferably Caribbean, sail Water calming healthful fond weather. psychic steadily stronger, thoughts. astrologer Professional Federation Astrologers PMAFA. astrology magazines television appearances America Maury Povich Show. 1976 Virginia Virginia, horoscopes, tarot cards bono Homicide Division. horoscopes telephone card readings. reached 239-4726925 84 85 MURDER CHARTERED Next Wiles Schoolhouse DOUG GALLOGLY Jackie. COZY CAT PRESS hats schoolteacher retirement chooses school solves spare Weiner Cat 2017, 14.95 exposes deeply buried secrets protect. Driving schools jolted thump hood finds Chadwick, assistant principal, daughter, Lynette, detective police force. Chadwick hitting wondering lonely begins investigating. Curiosity territory shortage suspects teacher, Chadwicks husband, sleazy brother-in-law. determined solve mystery, regardless danger. body. murdered knows gained dangerous. Will victim teacher fan Mary Higgins Clark Nancy Drew, natural. eighth installment Weiners series, excitement suspense protagonist youd tea. TU ERIK ENT WISTLE LIFE HARMONY uncertain grew siblings. brother, Craig, younger, twins, together. rituals centered parents LP collection. switch turntable rather, songsI Sergio Mendes Herb Alpert spins. extremely picky tracks played. 45s, songs mercilessly marked pencil labels, grooves both, folks. demonstrate tastes. teenage diverging piano obsessed Mozart Beethoven, plastered bedroom Ozzy Osbourne Def Leppard. epic confrontation, budging. reflection figure be, deal internal external conflicts. eventual departures resolved temporarily. laugh. central lives, dogmatism practiced gradually gave boundaries open-mindedness. Over again, brothers, mutual appreciation surprisingly, conversations pivoted Last texting beloved Molly Celtic Womans Destiny album. died recently songs. between us. connection sad composed elegy violin piano. hear again. score notation program. talked suddenly. living, joy, closer undertake Pianist, musicologist Entwistle undergraduate Dartmouth College. performance Washington Louis. doctorate musicology California, Barbara. teaches FALL INTO SUBTROPICS senses alive defining rhythm reasons, step, beneath feet, States. seashells tides Yes, splashing ankles stepping Caribbean awareness. Cayo Costa mesmerizes 9-mile ECO-TOUR say. hope fall alive. HOLAWAY trance Costa. fragrance accessible attach Captain Holaway naturalist walk. Looking seashell-lined ecotiny footprints 1995. charters Park, sounds Cabbage Key, Captiva. front. wind decides parts tropics, quiet intense sound rhythms break. cadence own. charter boat, ferry helicopter. Spaniards hypnotize traders west barter Quietly unbeknownst tropic natives century. wake heard ranches loudlike willet settlers. flight osprey overhead shelters envelope walk, Charlotte Harbor 2,426-acre amphitheater, cabins, camppicnic grounds, ranger station, hikingnature trails conveniences. stops fishing village. Still largely unspoiled. CAPT. 89 REDDISH EGRET rarest habitat-restricted heron reddish egret Egretta rufescens Strictly species, bird 27-32 inches wing span 3.5-4 feet. Rarely inland, associated estuaries, swamps, tidal flats lagoons. permanent Keys southern increasing entertaining morphs percentage population morph. red morph bluish rusty neck. bill legs bluish. plumage. breeding phases, maned neck flowing plumes, cobalt legs, pink tip purple Juveniles cinnamon bicolored red-morph confused Ardea herodias, tricolored tricolor caerulea, herons differ bills necks. larger. phase snowy thula white-morph egret. lores. alba breeding, COLORFUL ENTERTAINING HERON TWO COLOR MORPHS RED COMMON, BUT SMALL PERCENTAGE POPULATION APPEARS WHITE MORPH. plumage, foraging Bunche prey shallow scores needlefish HIT HARD PLUME HUNTING 19TH CENTURY, NOT RECOVERED FAST HERONS. Hit plume hunting century, recovered fast herons. Commission FWC egret, Species Concern. extirpated 1890 1930s, protections nests primarily mangroves rookeries birds. loose nest ground canopy. Both sexes nest. pair incubates blue-green brood nestlings hatching. fed regurgitation. leave colony 9-10 weeks. species. feeds actively pursuing aquatic invertebrates. chasing prey. behavior, exploit habitats, heavily vegetated freshwater wetlands marshes. habitat habitat. explain restricted coasts Keys. predominantly Bay. Common sailfin molly, sheepshead minnow, marsh killifish goldspotted killifish. photographing egrets longnose killifish, flounder needlefish. decline. reported abundantly Important destroyed dredge-and-fill activities. specialist, loss negative impact population. impacted activities, protected Tourists disturb Sanibel-Captive J. aiding monitor utilization imperiled societies. photographer ecologist 91 722 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Years SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Hidden Word Pleasure Bag exp. 113117 Online apply Internet orders only. 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Wonder Woman, Despicable Minions, Justice Wars costumed kiddies neighborhoods. guessed zombies, cowboys Expect trick o treaters whimsy adults cowgirls, rubbery monsters, pirates mishmash whimsy, daring, Letsos scary retailers figuring out, adds, merchandisers scouring sources shelves, entice average is, actually, exciting, 326 254 CSC AUTO REPAIR 239.433.2038 16131-1 Auto Repair Mower Engine Exceptional Timely Service Experts Today Serving ANTS BUGS PEST CONTROL Servicing Environmentally Responsible Day, Weekend MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Blvd Publix Thru Cleaning Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Rd, 211 Quality Experience Call Appointment Mon-Fri 239.482.2213 239.574.8511 CULLIGAN Bottled Taste Few Cents Thats Culligan Aqua-Cleer system. fresh, sink, man today. 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Lending moral triathletes today--never physically avid spectator. crawling Hopper Songwriter Fest blossomed world-class Monday Awesome, awesome Doc Fords Lucky ME SRO. Pedaled length Lands Day. Arent lucky workout court. happened mornings crossword Maybe excited--G arrives Chesapeake visit. Lots walks store. imagination, traffic believe snowbird fluttering Heavy thunder lightning hurricane kit. statistical peak storm season. Spotted wave-tossed conchs washed ashore Sheller extraordinaire Avast, hearties rule faint Now, imagination. post queues winter settled buds, stone Yes breeze porch. Could break ILLUSTRATION DROTLEFF Oh my, today, Days, showcasing refuge. costume tended political. escapism. sun-kissed sun-desirous alike, plate. Ft. Rd. 239-472-8311 708 Fishermans Wharf 239-765-9660 239-312-4275 Winning Flavors Rim Details 742 Us VOL. NO. 4.95 TIMES ISLANDS Published Display TOTI_Cover_SO17.indd 8117 8317 908 AM