Ad_Page.indd 1 4317 1036 AM 2 TOTI.COM MAYJUNE 2017 1_TOTI_MJ17.indd 1248 PM Since 1988, the Florida Lottery has contributed over 31 billion and counting to our public education system sent 750,000 students college beyond on Bright Futures Scholarships. Every time you play, grant Floridas brightest opportunity economy, all while funding next generation of achieve their dreams ultimately boost states students. Your ticket is a brighter future. Must be 18 or older play. Play responsibly. 3 26 AMAZING MYRA ROBERTS It puzzled young Myra Roberts that her father triple-bolted door in mostly Jewish neighborhood suburban Chicago. What could possibly elicit such fear, she remembers wondering. That other painful memories sparked flurry socially active artwork beginning 2011. HOME GARDEN 33 Peace River Gardens 36 38 40 42 Bug-Repelling Plants Poisonous Flora Outdoor for Kids 46 Scoop Scams 48 Home Watch Educational Places Youngsters 4 The belted kingfisher slate-blue chunky bird with large bill, rattling shoutout an awesome mohawk. These gorgeous birds are regulars Sanibel Captiva. Discover more about these wonderful creatures Natures Notebook starting page 90. Cover photo Courtesy William R. Cox Photography 5 10 12 14 16 22 32 49 50 GUEST EDITORIAL DOLLARS SENSE Ethical Wills GULF COAST ZEITGEIST PROFILE Of Speed Limits Island Time Meet Callaway Calli Johnson Childrens Education Center Islands GETAWAYS Taking Banks WHATS IN STORE BEAUTY Whats Hot Southwest Products Help You Look Best STAY TUNED 51 Perfecting Pitch 54 56 72 74 76 ON THE RADAR CHEERS Familys 100 Years Crafting Spirits at List Distillery EPICURIOUS RECIPE TO YOUR HEALTH Oh, Boy ... Leg Day A Guide Dining SW PETS Amazing Animals Get Lots Likes Facebook CALENDAR 90 Where Go Do 83 84 88 92 94 96 BETWEEN LINES Bloodstone Ring STARGAZING With Norma Hagan CROSSWORD NATURES NOTEBOOK Belted Kingfisher COMMUNITY Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club 6th Annual Tarpon Tournament New Directors SERVICES PROFESSIONALS ISLAND JOURNAL care ourselves what JulyAugust issue about. No matter your age lifestyle, health most important thing have, this will show best ways make healthier happier you. Information exercising, nutrition, 6 mental just feeling good--thats store Times ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. 7 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Craig Garrett Elizabeth Grimm MANAGING EDITOR Brigid OMalley DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT Mandy Carter SENIOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL David Grant ARTS CONTRIBUTING Acevedo FASHION Rene Novelle Doug Gallogly CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund GRAPHIC DESIGN CONTRIBUTORS Andrew Cantor, Dana Long PROOFREADER ASSISTANT Klaudia Balogh WRITERS Gina Birch, Cox, Tony DiCosta, Erik Entwistle, Douglas Gallogly, Garrett, Steven V. Greenstein, Jean Gruss, Hagan, Janice Holly, Luberecki, Randall Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Glenn Ostle PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Dave Drotleff, Jan Jaeger, Ostle, OPhelan ADVERTISING SALES 239-472-0205, ext. Friedrich N. 102 Christine Stuart 112 Dru Anne Doyle 109 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Marannano 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus Island, 33957 T F 239-395-2125 York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. S. Financial Administrator Jacqueline Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. part publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those 8 1037 9 UNITE, INSPIRE AND EMPOWER Giving island best, thanking community partners he School brings greetings warm wishes. We feel we have school Lee Countyit certainly paradise, children blessed opportunities support like few others. Much learning science, nature habitats happens right here island, hands-on instruction tips from local experts volunteers. arts also alive well school. BIG around corner, example, get experience live theater. This coordinates own production Wizard Oz. Unite, Inspire Empower vision 2016-2017 year. My faculty I felt strong urgency back roots community, thus word unite approach. year, partnered Sea promote programs where learn hands on, invited after hours join cast-netting class so they art catching bait. They one classes explore sand dollars. real-world application taking classroom authentic field experiences. partnership neighborthe J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Recently, group second-graders took walking fieldtrip boardwalk manatees. Richard Finkel, another well-known name explored lands Conservation Foundation several grade levels. greatly appreciate experts. goal inspire every person campus. One approach student self-esteem encouraging applauding successes. Students meeting reading goals celebrated quarterly pool parties barbeques, instance. Baileys General Store was kind enough donate grill tools happen. chipped funds help endeavor. Recreation Fire Department than accommodating helping kids recognize how it read, as well. Finally, empower children. want give tools, knowledge self-confidence go out into world anything theyd be. staff ready take new heights. can assure deeply willing extra mile. And sincerely donating generously teachers goals. think awesome. Come visit Chuck Vilardi see things happening. Principal, PHOTO COURTESY OF CHUCK VILARDI 11 BY STEVEN GREENSTEIN ETHICAL WILLS Perfect sharing story, sense completion lthough been since early biblical times, ethical wills gaining popularity, there plenty resources available writing, editing, coaching recording messages. considered legal document, no formula dictates required content formatit personal reflection any form choose. idea leaving years encouragement generations makes gifts money possessions only beginning. Putting simply, validly executed trust agreement designed tell heirs them know old-fashioned letter contemporary technology. Theres precedence Moses, reportedly asked his followers complete tasks had started, did Jacob sons. Composing cleansing, previously untold family history, values spiritual beliefs, lessons learned life, hopes generations, expressions requests forgiveness, would remembered. decide share family, leave later date. Many estate planning attorneys now using wills, reporting working universally positive emotional clients, providing often unexpected clarity completion, particularly parent grandparent. takes courage challenges look inward truths lifetime measure most. ultimate way hearts minds loved ones reinforces meaningful legacy involve much money. n LEGAL, INVESTMENT TAX NOTICE information intended should treated advice, investment advice tax advice. Readers, including professionals, under circumstances rely upon substitute research obtaining specific counsel. Greenstein Executive President, Wealth Services, Captiva Trust Company, independent company 1.5 assets management provides office wealth services. COMPOSING AN WILL TAKES COURAGE CHALLENGES YOU LOOK INWARD. 13 DR. RANDALL H. NIEHOFF Slow down enjoy scenery Hastiness superficiality--these psychic diseases 20th century, anywhere else manifested press. --Alexander Solzhenitsyn SPEED LIMITS TIME course life movement celestial objects above rise fall tides below, rather numbers clock, become aware presence favored place gift. Our focus shifts who needs done. Here find healing diagnosed Solzhenitsyn. Even folks come work islands express gratitude natural beauty surrounding saying scenic commute bridges along roads. Doing business pleasant when hurry. If pay attention notice daytrippers cars contractors trucks among first pause let someone pull left turn, stop signal walkers bikers ahead cross. Those resist being hasty able quality doesnt scratch surface. living examples old adage Happy detours. long-standing sentence welcomed visitors Enjoy good greeting reflects both environment occupy it. Its invitation slow time. Ran Niehoff moving 1991. W hile insightful observation heroic Russian novelist still true 21st opposite case--especially regard read why. Everyone comes across causeway greeted arrival sign says Welcome Sanctuary Island--Do Enjoy, Dont Destroy. yards farther road LIMIT 30 mph--unless otherwise posted. Most people lured slower, calmer pace carefully maintained balance between humanity nature. Just chill faraway gray skies cold winds soothed abundant sunshine waters, does head freeze caught up icy-stiff schedules melt away shift Freshly charting OUR FOCUS SHIFTS MORE WHERE WE ARE WHO THAN WHAT HAVE HOW MUCH NEEDS BE DONE. 15 PROFI LE MEET CALLAWAY CALLI JOHNSON Fourth Is grocery choice When growing up, my parents always told me do wanted do. radar went through potential careers. before graduated, run business, am C allaway Store. Her parents, Mead Johnson, private enterprise. Meads greatgrandfather, Frank Bailey, founded packing San Carlos Bay 1899, inland hurricane. Callis siblings, Bailie Dane, involved PHOTOS THIS OPPOSITE PAGE DANIELA JAEGER ID LIKE SEE CONTINUE MOVING ECOFRIENDLY DIRECTION COMPLETION ROOFTOP SOLAR FARM, REUSABLE BAG INITIATIVE FACADE IMPROVEMENTS. --CALLAWAY role CJ shoppers favorite question me. unofficial official title fourth-generation owneroperator, which purposefully vague. responsibilities include everything done store. On some days means serving technical support, others bagging groceries. wine department special projects. typical day running variety different tasks. found guests looking answering questions. nonprofit collaboration desk. time, check emails invoices. disagree inevitable disagree. frequently us, but respect opinion perspective consideration making decisions. dont want, fair response. Top As focuses customer service, high standards. extremely hard provide value service products. leader Someone works alongside inspires setting example. listen customers, managers. proudly presents bottle Opus Overture fine selection--with smile calls little brother One. every-so-often off, enjoying water. Im paddleboarding, Ill relaxing beach, sailing spearfishing lovely Gulf Mexico. scuba instructor, trips South Keys, Id continue eco-friendly direction rooftop solar farm, reusable bag initiative facade improvements. carry started P. continued granddad Francis Bailey parents. 17 JAN HOLLY CHILDRENS EDUCATION CENTER ISLANDS 43 tots, nice Daisy pot-bellied pig, Farmer Minor pugs Lily Pug Dixie Cup below visited Cindy DeCosta mugged photos presentation. indy DeCosta, director big dreams. music blossom Center, says. essential learning. ticks off list benefits education, giving outlet creative expression, improving motor coordination spurring growth neurons brain. But important, adds, childs accomplishment producing art. Centers five-acre campus DeCostas fertile imagination, conjuring open-air barn amphitheater grounds. think, Children dramatic performances, studying painting, pottery fused- glass classes, surrounded Sanibels beauty. Music already regular daily schedule, curriculum comprehensive. Mornings begin song Pledge Allegiance, followed games focusing math. shape recognition, patterning sequencing, develop math skills knowing Afternoons given book-reading language learningand music. sing songs English, Spanish American Sign Language, full advantage moment. Underlying play activity, recess, pedagogical fundamentals. HAS BROUGHT LEARNING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN PAST YEARS-- MINIMALIST BUDGET. musicians Sean Abby Allison contribute enrichment effort. pianist plays saxophone. Wednesday, changing hats, armed ukulele, guitar, African thumb-piano, maracas, drums accordion. Allisons repertoire folk style Pete spend surroundings, includes schools resident bunnies. 19 Seeger Woodie Guthrie. expose heritage, Watching having fun pleasure. Their joy stay rest lives. Special abound well--including recent Daisy, Americas famous potbellied pig. Accompanied two pugs, Cup, 8-year-old extols virtues reading. delight lots people, She encourages everyone pig ambitious to-do list. way, childrens future vegetable garden certified native butterfly habitat. love getting dirty. gardens teach importance vegetation home, facilitys grounds sport banana tree pineapple gardens, planted put touch land, watch growth, harvest fruit--then eat adds smile. brought preschool past years--on minimalist budget. Revenues far toward pressing capitalimprovement needs. floor, original buildings, repair, says, need front deck. added solar, substantially cut utility bills. greener, wistfully. Judy Workman, three founders, believes organization remained successful because decided very cooperative. charged tuition meet expenses. volunteer. Workman recalls established quickly. initial meeting, February 1974. agreed rent us 1year, if cleaned out. So painted building, restored floor. pitched in. open ages months years. Thirty-two currently enrolled, taught five dedicated teachers. organization, nonprofit, maintenance fundraising events. Whenever possible, awards scholarships, monies fundraisers. charge sliding scale, turn child doors. Details Islands, might help, 239-472-4538, writer Florida. WATCHING KIDS HAVING FUN MUSIC IS PLEASURE. -- ABBY ALLISON, MUSICIAN Islanders visitors, passion heritage. 20 21 1249 GLENN OSTLE TAKING IT BANKS Wintering summer getaway, OBXs ocean vistas, Wright single visit, trip northern book suite Hampton Inn Suites Corolla. gave access number iconic sites round, notably Brothers Memorial Kill Devil Hills. Then theres Donal C. OBrien Audubon 2,600 acres marsh, upland maritime forest sandy beaches features 2.5-mile trail. short drive 420-acre Jockeys Ridge State Park largest dune East Coast. fly kites, hang glide traverse 384-foot boardwalk. Along Currituck Sound, red-brick Beach Lighthouse towers historic Corolla Park. While lighthouse closed winter, park home Whalehead, beautifully 1920s-era Art Nouveau-style mansion, Outer Education. Descendants colonial mustangs roam free 7,000-acre Refuge north paved section Route horses arent usually during off-road safaris locate them. Note strict instructions driving miles beaches. Bundled against ever-present wind, strolling empty side, Sound. Migratory ospreys overhead, OBX Kitty Hawk Pier sunset glorious setting. reopened 2008 following devastating E TOP BOTTOM thin chain barrier curving string pearls North Carolinas eastern coast. runs 130 quaint cities Duck Hatteras Ocracoke south Blackbeard pirate once operated. accessible car points, ferry systems U.S. Some ferries seasonal, ahead. difficult charms RARE PLACE WINDSWEPT DUNES BEACHES, FASCINATING HISTORY LOTS SURF. ver dream deserted beaches, dining crowds rustic restaurants view natures sunrises sunsets so, then consider visiting popular destination winter. slight adjustment expectations, wardrobe, swapping swim trunks coats gloves. Last Christmas were loose ends something different, nearly seven Charlotte, Carolina, Banksor locals call ita rare windswept dunes fascinating surf, swaying sea oats. curious its ourselves. Devils Hill honors 1903 flights made Ohio bicycle-makers. Bodie Cape top 210 feet countrys tallest overlooks seas tagged Graveyard Atlantic. redbrick overlooking Village self-guided climbs. 23 panorama landscape wildlife unmatched Banks, DESCENDANTS SPANISH COLONIAL MUSTANGS ROAM FREE 7,000-ACRE CURRITUCK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE. journalist contributor Media Carolina. 24 Atlantic Flyway haven 265 species. Driving hour Pea thousands ducks, tundra swans, Canada geese marine feed, float squabble waters. Nearby horizontally striped pronounced body Lighthouse. winter many stores operate seasonally. stocked hotel room, places. fortunate Donuts shop hours. youve cooked-to-order donuts, expect treat. finds Deliin city duhthat offers excellent casual fare. concern dinner. Fortunately, Life Saving Station Sanderling Resort lives name, offering upscale four-course meal. room filled well-dressed diners seems surreal compared solitary days. Making Inn, brilliant blazes plans again hopefully colors returning sunrise greet day. start beautiful tradition. 25 M Y RA CRAIG GARRETT t father, Jewish, fled Poland Nazis, explaining deadbolt locks, crucial second episode privy diary childhood friends mother Chicago, Holocaust survivor crushed ordeal. devastated, suddenly understanding inked womans forearm. entries lying hospital. longer walk. end near. How long die occurrencesand correlating bucolic fame modern injustices perceivesRoberts paintings series, Dream Images Horrors Heroes, relating period, diarist Frank, social commentary. keep memory victimhood millions, Jews otherwise, salute stepping dark period save others, lesson lasts. shown one-person exhibits, gives lectures schools, museums venues. recognized WGCU 2016 MAKERS award, women lasting impact Before emergence observer, whimsical artist, painter anodyne oil, depicting especially 1920s 50s, postcard pin-up portrayals adopted state. quickly accepted, noting late artist Robert Rauschenberg honored purchasing portrait Audrey Hepburn, whom knew. happen reason, zeitgeist, believing easy depictions simpler translated 27 MAKE LIFE FULL. activism central work. received thank-you note former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton rendering, instance left. ILLUSTRATION sweat small stuff. 28 Heroes depicts victims genocide. recognition beyond. illustrations Europe Nazi control. harder--her Project Tolerance instance, tells Franks story. scenes same picnics beach views death-camp kilns backdrop vibrant artistry, entirely subject matter. newer victims, genocide, stories Tuvia Bielski, Polish partisan soldier whose descendants befriended. uses graphic layering technique series. pronounces Meera today homeeverywhere paintings, sculptures books. titled Big Sugar, manatee breathing apparatus, animal swimming amid underwater clutter. climbing upstairs studio 29 picking stuff, touches chapters, spent Arizona, residing Illinois, Shes married grown jolly jumble paintbrushes, drawing pads everywhere vintage fashion catalogues magazines. happy easel finished commissioned rendering woman portrayed mermaid, seashells vivid blues. Yet vibrancy skill Holocaust-related thats almost too absorb, meticulously researched worked convey. eases moments apologizing bringing politics conversation. hoping violence depictions, demonization Jews, change blindfolded. Back downstairs, yoga instructor sips tea notes Sidney Berne Davis Fort Myers February, third showing. Ive this, blue-green eyes alight, Make full. Group Editor-in-Chief Media. S ZEITGEIST. oil. Vibrant color messaging heart N GINA BIRCH Towel Two Nothing worse towel weighs ton luxurious suede microfiber sucks moisture quick drying, shakes off. Super compact, brightly colored wont hog space bag, either. Inviting. 19.99 cruising town, Travel Pal organizer fits snuggly carseats snacks toys close hand. Adults benefit organizing items deep, waterproof bin smaller pockets. drink-holders super handy, too. Convenient. Amazon Plant Seed Modern Sprouts Starter Set kits grow herbs veggies lemon basil, bee balm, cherry tomatoes Thai peppers. organic seeds sprout biodegradable pots, plant patio container. Awesome. per 3-pack andor affiliates cannot held responsible changes, writing mistakes products stock. PEACE RIVER BOTANICAL SCULPTURE GARDENS Grounds feature sculptors, opens October, Punta Gorda giant crane June 2014 used lava rocks plot land disturbing marsh 5,000-pound metal sculpture fashioned Turkish Kemal Tufan, phase million project. Tufans Keel dozen placed Botanical Sculpture scheduled opening October. ANN MARIE OPHEL assembled Roger Linda Tetrault, rests property fronting Gorda. Tetrault retired chief executive industrial firm. couples build botanical gallery retaining environment. formed endowing waterfront sculptures, flowering trees plants Naval Academy graduate, background aeronauticshe investigator 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. OPHELAN Steel Palm Boston metalsmith Kulin highest point cover completion. hope grow. --Roger co-founder In addition naturally, abundance botanicals, bromeliads, hibiscus, orchids, cathedral oaks rows outside Community events held. center caf cascading ponds. Joining project members donations collections. 20-year staghorn fern, weighing roughly 200 pounds species garden, donated Joni Thompson nearby Port Charlotte. Strolling exceptional experience, thanks boardwalks allow river marsh. Although works, set, actual date somewhat indefinite. actually acres, explains Tetrault. Eventually, Tetraults residence guesthouse serve fine-arts museum. grow, frequent diverse collection international artists Turkey, China Indonesia, national California, Boston, Orleans Detroit, He board chairman McDermott International. advanced degrees psychology. Business pursuits adventures world, developed botanicals art, sculptures. retirement couple deciding add Gardens. final acres. Artwork exhibit extensive Dan Sater, Ichwan Noor, Kulin, Lin Emery, Yu Zhaoyang, Carole Feuerman Tufan. sprawling steel rods entitled Tree Trellises team Michigan metalsmiths. Kulins Glass Fronds glass, aluminum lies near home. projects logo inspired palm frond fossil. IF GO Gardens, 5800 Riverside Drive, Within Rivers watershed, drains Charlotte Harbors Estuary, oasis encompass diversity wetland amphitheater. mangrove within tidal communities, shelter sustenance aquatic terrestrial Flowering bloom throughout 1,500 linear optimum viewing Source ABOUT PROJECT 34 MAYJUNE2017 sculpture. phase. 35 STOP BUGGING ME repel insects, remedies supplementing chemical sprays B Citronella oil byproduct lemongrass, although itself herb teas soups. Other ward critters basil lavender, each fendingoffending moths, fleas, flies mosquitoes. hardy. Basil lemongrass Florida, society garlic, Ken Ellam, horticulturist manager Bayshore Myers. Shrubs pests. Sweetgale bog myrtle mosquitoes bothersome bugs fleas bay, Myrtle potted hedge porch pool. Beautyberry shrub similar properties. study Agricultures Natural Utilization Research Unit 2006 discovered extracts beautyberry leaves complement effectiveness DEET repelling shrubs SCCF Native Landscapes Garden Sanibel. shrubs, sell 150 vegetables herbs, Jenny Evans, SCCFs manager. insects. NATIVE LANDSCAPES uzz. Hum. Bam great, mean rain bugs. fly-swatters. sometimes attractive backyards patio. insist use bug-resistant clothing, screens, byproducts tandem EPACenters Disease Control Prevention-sanctioned ointments, easing available. Americans, all, fats musketoes bay. Take, carnivorous Venus flytrap. loves snap petals ants, beetles, spiders flying sarracenia, commonly known pitcher trumpet plants, example vigilante plant. liquids order entrap wasp, bees moths. digests remains. Bug-repelling easily landscape, pots doorway. Lemon thyme, rosemary, catnip, garlic mint mosquitoes, Flowers, positioned doorstep bug deterrents sanctioned ointments. MIDDLE RIGHT OTHER UFIFAS LEE COUNTY EXTENSION, PARKS RECREATION DIVISION demonstration tours. For marigolds detract chrysanthemums roaches, ants becoming bothersome. Ingredients plantsand cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus citronellaare extracted sprays, turned dust powder. better controlling pests Stephen Brown, horticulture agent County Extension office. Brown pyrethrumpyrethrins chrysanthemum neem effective bug-repelling ingredients. suggestions controls homemade lavender rosemary. Boil handful quart water minutes. Strain pour liquid spray bottle. Keep refrigerated until use, discard scent detected. Dried bundles rosemary away. Tied pretty bow, dcor. pesky isnt scientific, chemicalplant-based repellents picaridin idea, tool outdoor landscaping assist keeping you, pets. INFORMATION Prevention, 5781 Road, 239-543-1443, 1300 Periwinkle Way entrance shared Roadside Park, 239-472-1932, University FloridaIFAS Institute Food Agriculture Sciences 3410 Blvd., 239-533-7400, 37 FLOWER POWER Careful danger lurking consult eye bad health. bet checking master gardener greenhouse, county agriculture landscaper. clubs web helpful. obvious from, poison ivy oak. cant poisonous it, Dr. Roy Beckford, agricultural expert office, educational agency dating decades rural farming livestock production. Not dangerous weed. boldly amaryllis bulbs cause serious problems pets ingesting them, lilies, azalea, holly, mistletoe daffodils. Mold firs havoc drinking stand water, heyre at. household sickness. Or worse. Toxic pet illnesses, even death. kids, Consider purple flowered lantana interest garden. Ingested, however, gastric circulatory collapse. Caladiums, patterned bold leaves, great-looking houseplants. Again, great going indigestion swelling irritation mouth, lips throat. ornamental plant, sago palms dogs, worst scenario vomiting liver failure. Oleanders widely hedges, yet toxic livestock, humans, causing stomach upset, abdominal pain, sweating weakness. point. FloridaInstitute Agricultural IFAS fact, lists dozens common website, naturally weeds forage invasive plants. deadly host troubles toxicity. spruce house recommend Signs possible poisonings vary drowsiness pain fever chills. ASPCA yard. --Dr. Tina Wismer, APCC medical gardener, reputation poisonous, fact isnt, poinsettia. holiday beauties either pets, although, again, ingestion upset milky sap skin irritations allergic reactions. range lethargy seizures, Society Prevention Cruelty Animal Poison APCC. acting oddly, drowsy vomiting, contact veterinarian hotline. case emergency, bring picture correctly identified. reason control centers due Beckford. landscaping, safe yard, Wismer. By photographs properly identifying nursery, extension online, start, warning risks beforehand, reduce areas detractors chicken wire removing adds. PLANT POISON CONTROL ISSUES Association Centers, 800-222-1222, hotline, 888-426-4435, ASPCA, 212-876-7700, Myers, 239-533-4327, 39 GARDENING LITTLE SPROUTS valuing work, greens H ome hot, yards, containers, vertically. hobby affordable, gardening rich instilling patience, self-reliance, rewards. soil, cuttings, simple transformed magical wonderland ones. From tilling planting seeds, weeding, chasing varmints harvesting, amazing sprouts. beans, peppers tomatoes, colorful flowers, Louis Taylor, potting kids. Thanks gardening, spaces opening. Teaching Garden, located Coral Hospital, Learning Lakes Regional decades. Master Rod Barkley four Hospital. purpose broke ground 2014, healthy eating digging Local schoolkids tour introduce classrooms considered, initially Caloosa Elementary, Middle School, Child Development conjunction Heart Association, Barkley. During event, nine raised beds peppers, lettuce assorted planted, plants--Mexican heather, aster, gold mound duranta non-edibles. Today, perennial edibles katuk, bananas, gogi berries coco plum Herbs generally well, dishes pasta. Elevated easier littles reach, planters. Hospitals fruits vegetables, flowers stuff dig. eventually transform entire Forest, appearing layers productive, food-producing cooperate serves functions, Because sunny subtropical, Floridians year-round growing. move here, increase popularity. Gardening reported percent households grew food Beans, eggplant, okra, sweet potatoes, watermelon, peas, choices planting. trick pop interested, letting pick tilling, watering harvesting. Adding whimsy gardenpinwheels, personalized signs, hand-drawn markers, hand-painted scarecrowsadds fun. Old helpful recycling, buckets planters, wagons beds, created assistance Enrichment Foundation, roomsthe Alphabet Herb Pollination Station, Stummpery story-time Light Energy Suneach elevated, watch. Each themed pollinating flowers. Paved pathways station another. reasons, responsibility, teamwork, originates outdoors, us. side shaves bill. according yields half pound produce square foot season, saving cash placing clean, nourishing meals plate. helps lifestyle. Hospital behind hospital Wellness 636 Del Prado Coral. 239-424-2000, 7330 Gladiolus 239-533-7575, leegov.comparks 41 GREAT PLACES KIDDIE ADVENTURES Summer learning, wonderment Mangoes, Edison Winter Estate Seminole Lodge, Edisons guest house, caretakers pools, bookstore audio docent-guided refreshment area light lunches, drinks, fees apply. attraction 250,000 annual visitors. camps Calusa Nature Planetarium, Nonprofit environmental organizations interesting loridas beautiful, theme parks special. places fun, treasure trove forget pack lunches. Ford Estates, lab, buildings Museum artifacts collections, Exotic banyans, industrialist inventor Estates EDISON FORD WINTER ESTATES activities IMAGINARIUM SCIENCE 105-acre site museum, trails, aviaries gift shop. planetarium, thrilled shows, activities. wild animals sponsorships feed. picnic areas, Imaginarium Science Touch-tank critters, things, rainstorm, science exhibits. Dino Discovery Dig Area. 3-D movie theater, pond fish fed, more. Lunch p.m. on-site snack bar pizzas, hot dogs Fees Shell Factory, 4.5-acre two-toed sloth. aviary birds, tortoises turtles inside screened enclosure. rescues marketing Rick Tupper. alligators fed Saturdays weather permitting. Additionally, eco-lab exotic snakes reptiles, farm pettingfeeding area, zip-lining, miniature golf, bumperpaddle boats, dog park, Picnic tables turtle duck pond, dine Captn Fishbones Dog Bones Caf. There Aqua Sports training site. Youre encouraged practice dock-diving dog. Factory arcade birthday parties. fleafarmers market parking entry. Check website daystimes. Rotary Environmental 97 trails stroller paths, salt events, Liam J. Perk Playground, Glover Bight Boardwalk Observation Tower Tom Allen Butterfly House, screen enclosure cared Friends Wildlife. Free tours Mondays, Fridays 1030 a.m., volunteer guides species, nectar lifecycle butterflies, caterpillars chrysalises specieson location hour. Donations monarch, zebra longwing, gulf fritillary, polydamus butterfly, swallowtail, black pipevine swallowtail atala Honey Phillips, senior recreation specialist Parks Recreation. pavilions, restrooms. Eco Adventure Camp months. GETTING TOUCH 239-2753435, 239-334-7419, 239-321-7420, 239-549-4606, 239-995-2141, Factorys House 44 CARONCHI PHOTOGRAPHY 45 921 SCOOP SCAMMERS Experts protecting Keeping vigilant defense lorida awash economic crimes. Eliminate Bernie Madoffs schemers bottom, huge problem Behind scenes, law enforcement burn catch crooks defend predators. James Miller, assistant state attorney Economic Crime Elder Fraud Task Force, describe depth tactics fend criminals. Attorneys prosecuting lower counties bigger Connecticut, 1.2 residents. Miller Unfortunately, zero fraud. commit fraud anywhere, why wouldnt choose individuals recently individual ripped disabled biggest day-to-day frauds identity theft elderly victims. issues re-encoded credit-card fraudster rip credit card skimmer gas pump, Bluetooth-enabled skimmers data pump. re-encode onto backs cards. buyer cards loaded buy resell and, occasions, perpetrate crimes materials drug houses. organized. hitting pumps Marco selling data. TM protection JM scams perpetrated email, installing upto-date spyware antivirus software filter emails. strangers. remember is, anyone money, ask questions imposter answer, birth mother. First sure activity. I-75, pump rip-offs cash. skimmers, closest Fraudsters less likely attendants. guys convict fraudster, penalties light. Are stronger consequences say leadership Attorney B. Russell Chief Assistant Amira Fox, prosecution priority. rates higher general country. sentenced 20, 25, various judge maximum five-year third-degree felony theft. legislature create laws address crimes, creating heightened fraud, elderly, retail merchants onlineservice providers responsibility transactions, issuers primarily covering affects consumer accounts. merchant enact proper security measures, liable payment. e-commerce transaction, burden merchant, accepts inherent risk responsible. Ultimately protection. Merchants protect themselves used. Any cost nationally estimated 1.7 billion. indicate No. creditcard According Federal Trade Commission, 186 reports 100,000 Always lookout. Being skeptical adept handling matters. reach Commission. compile federal enforcement. 47 WATCH GUIDE safe, avoid insurance hassles JEAN GRUSS D iane Pisani countless seasonal residents homes untrustworthy people. watcher clients renting condo knowledge. Another amateur failed spot leak garage ceiling caved owners BMW sedan. laughing matter, Pisani, author Ultimate Interview Guide. denied 30,000 claim mold damage proof watching founder Professionals, Naples-based comprehensive entrepreneurs seeking launch business. homeowners. threat Diane High humidity end. destroy elevated favorable conditions exist. Imagine May, air-conditioning unit breaks return October cleanup dollars tens weeks neglect. Wont DP necessarily. Insurance companies deny claim, prove basis. companys policy determine visit. services professional knows vacant vulnerable. cycle sinks, tubs showers, appliances flashlight conduct irregularities signs damage. back-up plan appointed trusted trained owner unable regulations govern industry surprised discover licensing requirements companies. thoroughly investigate handing keys. Ask certificate coverage least yearly renewals. search affiliate Professionals zip code passed meets rigorous requirements. Gruss Communications EAUTY HANDY HELPER dry, cracked relief, try Camille Beckmans Glycerine Hand Therapy. fan plant-derived glycerin brands signature herbal complex soft aging. Available 8-ounce pot 16.95 tube 13.95, vegan, gluten-free, nongreasy fragrances ranging French Vanilla English Lavender Tuscan White Lilac. Want Head retailers Gift Shop 239-424-2219 Pandoras 239-472-6263. SOUPED-UP SCENT speed hit Ralph Lauren Fragrances Polo Red Extreme 55 95. ingredient mens hand-selected perfumer Olivier Gillotin represent adrenaline power. parfum, concentration ingredients robust long-lasting scent. red ginger blend mid coffee essence, saffron sage base ebony wood. Housed matte bottle, highly masculine bathroom vanity. Find Macys Mall 239-477-3300, Sephora Coconut Point Estero 239-390-9889, MAGIC WAND Were born Angelina Jolies plump pucker. luscious reality Hard Candys Lip Artiste contouring wand 7. Use pencil line lips--or pout borders. Fill lipstick, wands iridescent highlighter fuller appearance. shades match kisser. Candy Walmart locations. TU ERIK ENT WISTLE PERFECTING PITCH Elite Cypress Lake performers Hollywood hoopla complicated, intense. TAG, produced CD recordings last Despite graduating choir steep loss territory, Stroh enthusiastically crop solid. repeat perhaps surpass success, won ICHSA quarterfinals. media awareness, looks bright cappella choirs general, TAG specifically. points out, 14th doing everybody thought cool. definitely really driven seen group, world. sees spotlight rightly singers performing, Strohs behind-the-scenes doubt force groups sustained excellence. Seeing amazed crazy details Facebook, Twitter Pianist, musicologist Entwistle undergraduate degree Dartmouth College. earned post-graduate piano performance Washington St. Louis. doctorate musicology Santa Barbara. teaches J CAPPELLA ust Glee television series led popularization choirs, movies shone performance. increased visibility impact, worth communities hoopla. 2003, Cappella Group. director, Gary Stroh, shaped premier choir. fourth nation International Championship finals City. achievement remarkable realizing purely extracurricular activity participating week receives financial District. raise raisethats perform lot. finals, support. People send checks blue. got booked tons concerts town helped none City, amazing. generous enabled commission tailored arrangements arrangers. eight parts plus vocal percussion soloists, standard four-part music, Stroh. musically fulfilling, TH YEARS Historic observe centennial Captiva, 1930s. Eugene Gavin fifth children--18 surviving infancy, today. reunion, Actually, African-American families arrived 1900sGavins Walkers. Edmund Elnora Walker, Gavins resort, handyman. said tough discipline loving man. 1980s selected grand marshal parade celebrating citys 10-year anniversary. lacking conveniences, simpler. America-- raising fruit pine cook shells supplement incomes L eaving entering islands, imagine remote moon. Live enough, hear crusty characters, clouds hurricanes blowing through--but clues dusty times. Thankfully, paradise arrived. predecessors ago, farmed resorts 1917. immediate relations gather August anniversary, century Gavin, 75. hard, wanted. Who bother Elnora, pioneers THANKFULLY, THERES EUGENE GAVIN HIS STORIES ISLANDS. mail catalogues--mostly relying survival. His daybreak, leader. chilled air juice. clever inventive, recalls. To lawnmower fuel manifold, acrid smoke dispersing improvised belt saw train, gadgets lessen workload feed army enlisted Air Force traveled son, Irving, Germany youth grandparents, hated passion, Irving Rosies Cafe Grill Instead, hed grab grandfathers fishing gear, Slough stillness. youre smiling memory. wife, Velma, attending Sunday Church, fittingly century. mentions church African-Americans 1960s, Colored Road. race gentler enduring struggle storms, drought bugs, distant thoughts vanish parishioners Gavins, sort situation affirm. wearing cowboy hat, suit wife elegant dress. congratulate Black History Month, featuring Gavin-Walker man remarks royalty, compliment Mr. acknowledges modest nod morning sun. Velma reunion August. Family islanders Month February. 52 1250 LEFT Walker above, together children, survived infancy. Fifteen attend 53 RS CRAFTING SPIRITS AT LIST DISTILLERY story distiller raft at--craft cocktails, craft beer spirits. certain big-name producers consumers flock probably will, aficionados embracing small-batch, distillers hundreds sprung country, real definition constitutes craft. category regulations, yourself craft, Craft Distillers gallons 600,000 750-ml bottles. newest distillery parameters. opened doors July roll ever since. Toms label LISTS LOVE ART, EVIDENT EVERYTHING FROM MR. TOMS LABELS TASTING ROOM EVEN ITSELF. begins Austria Thomas Renate List. Bauer genius Jgermeister brand. spirits blood, learn-- Renate, distilleries European produces flavors rum, vodka, gin whiskey 11,000-square-foot facility Evans Avenue organic, Thomas. Made corn, vodka gluten kosher, liquors charcoal filters clean taste. cutting calories sugar, Thomas, explaining, normal sugar. percent. model depends heavily sourcing flavored bottles gone, theyre gone--until season. Birch contributor, lover drink, personality lover, smooth. traditional flavor juniper aggressive gins, bit rounder soft. Gin distilled high-end product with, Americans inundated vodkas, gins hype Europe, jumped bandwagon. Calling Raspberry Mint blended raspberries, suggests ice garnishing chocolate stick frozen raspberries. Ginger Lime spice Chinese mid-palate, lime finish. comforting Apple Pie Rum, 600 golden delicious apples cinnamon orange peel round flavors. Particularly pleased Habanero Whiskey, explosion flavors, smell honey. Instructing sit tongue seconds, enthusiasm, habanero kick, much. honey wipes normal. Caff Latte Liqueur seller creamy, rum espresso. heavy cream liqueurs market, presenting lighter mouth honor Renates Herbal Liquor inspiration, Jgermeister. Still dessert liqueur appeal women. barrel-aged corn-based spirit Kentucky kept barrels Lists evident design labels tasting itself. brand bars, yet. Youll shelf faceless sporting eyeglass monocle handlebar mustache. Tours offered appointment, Monday Saturday. INFO 3680 Ave., 239-208-7214 Owner distillery. Clockwise artistic aesthetic. Part involves up-close process. artful, functional spotless. PIC U RIOU Cooking Traders Coast MACADAMIA-ENCRUSTED GROUPER MANGO SALSA THAI PEANUT SAUCE Serves Peanut Sauce cup peanut butter soy sauce rice vinegar tablespoon brown sugar teaspoon pepper coriander cumin chopped cilantro crme coconut Emulsify olive blender consistent texture Mango Salsa cups fresh mango, diced pepper, Green onion, cilantro, tablespoons chili powder paprika Mix bowl adding taste Blend macadamia nuts melted butter. grouper fillet ounces nut mixture. Roast minutes 375 degrees. Put sauce, salsa choice. 1551 Way, 239-472-7242, DINING KEY Cocktails BLUE GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. After browsing numerous shops, treat delicious, island-inspired food. Sit inside, atmosphere Place sample Monterey Chicken Panini Shrimp Chips lunch, dinner Pina-colada Mahitruly 214 TRADERS GRILL Breakfast Dinner SB Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Beer Wine Vegetarian 57 breakfast menu tempting omelets pancakes, Eggs Nantua poached eggs crispy crab cake, topped Hollandaise sauce. 2075 DOC FORDS SANIBEL RUM BAR GRILLE Novel Cuisine. restaurant joined Randy Wayne based fictional character, best-seller sandwiches, salads entrees. skip mojito. 2500 239-472-8311, Member Problem classic twist. Try lump bisque, Eastern, Western Southern Burger, crisp empanadas pulled beef seared steak. 949 Sand Castle 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. massive pasta, joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, omelets. bar, tropical cocktails secret success fight inside. --Mark Twain 58 59 Sangria 2163 239-472-0606, PIZZA Slice Paradise. tasty tradition Pizza crust options. Pasta, calzone salad popular. calamari bruschetta appetizer, miss 1619 239-472-1581, JACARANDA Legend. romantic, intimate relaxed, gathering energetic nightspot, one. ranges splendid seafood burgers sandwiches lounge, entertainment nightly. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. plumpest raw oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat shrimp, incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. buffalo wings bet. Four locations 6520-C Pine 239-472-5353 239-472-6939 12951 McGregor wine. Sometimes --W.C. Fields 60 239-476-9000 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Breakfast. Residents decades, Start Ocean Frittata seasoned scallops krabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms artichoke creamy Alfredo pictures walls. Call-ahead seating 362 239-472-0303, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach wood-fired pizzas. Fresh pastas, chicken, veal menu. 1200 239-472-1998, NORMANDIE SEASIDE WEST WIND Indulge Yourself. Bananaberry Toast Italian Omelet offer more, Veggie Omelet, served Columbian artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax old-world Bacon Wrapped Roulade Normandie Snapper dinner, paired perfect Sunset Menu specials dessert. 3345 West 239-472-1541, westwindinn.comnormandie-restaurant-sanibel PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS BEACH FOODIES Institution. 1980, Pinocchios handcrafts confections batches. mecca foodies please palates cream, gelato, sorbet, sherbet, yogurts custards repertoire, portions. Stop Krunch Dirty Dollar. Geppettos Foodies sister gourmet surprises croissant baking. 239-472-6566, 61 SANDBAR Welcoming. stone-crab claws, unsurpassed. steaks grilled perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day fried baskets specialties, tuna cakes seaweed salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. Three 1523 239-472-7770 4685 Bonita Springs, 239-495-5770 320 Beach, 239-7656766, Color. pub fare--juicy burgers, spicy wings--and bartenders often-soughtbut-never-found feel, popularity spot. 703 239-472-4453, SEA STAR Culinary Luminary. options bagel burritos balanced diet cookie --Barbara 62 toast caramelized bananas mango syrup. salad, burger panini. 937 239-579-0195 SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. Caesar wrap. Morning Santiva variations Benedict smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Good Thing, Small Packages. Chef Melissa Talmage prepares entrees petite portions, option multiple dishes, breast oven roasted cobia. 1625 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative cuisine grouper, oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, table. Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. Be adjacent market. 239-472-2722, Shopping Experience. shopping emporium restaurant, Tuesday Thursday evenings. gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. 63 CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. lunch serape colors, piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest weve gone border. 14970 239-472-0248, FloridaNew American. Jason Millers bounty season fish. sushi menu, adventurous all-- o f rolls, sashimi, specialty rolls select sakes. Wines eclectic presentations, Room breath 15951 Dr., 239-472-5161 4, CROWS NEST Great Food, Fun Take appetizers, flatbreads, alwayspopular dip, savory Saltimbocca, prepared prosciutto wrapped linguine. excitement, Crab Races hopping 239-472-5161, Story Continues. Building Whites character unique Seas Resort. Docs Bread Oriental panko crusted dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, GREEN FLASH Rare Treasure. Have seat browse delightfully Grouper Caf de Paris specialty, baked white wine, Worcestershire, 64 1251 buttery topping. Venetian Platter, salmon, swordfish, tiger prawn polenta. Savory pork landlubbers, positively decadent 15183 239-472-3337, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery blue canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage escargots cheese tomato. 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE SHOP Once Upon wide coffees, extra-strong Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes cozy tooth indulge scoops Queenies locally milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers brewed pond. combination grub. Visit beachside gazing. 11546 239-472-3434, uncertain. Eat first. --Ernestine Ulmer 65 NEW MENU Ownership RC OTTERS Otterly multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners 239-395-1142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted goat 14900 239-472-6200, BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread tower modelled game entre Robata grill, Lamb Lollipops reduction, Octopus SS, Blancs Almost Entrees, enjoyed ambience savor creations Chris Whitaker Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. 13451 Blvd, Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. An incredible outrageous highlight prefer steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 St., 239-362-2843, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded subtle sports theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. opt buffet aboard Princess yacht. Pet Friendly Patio Deck Monday-Sunday, 7am-Close Served Till Noon 17260 Harbour Pointe 239-466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. cuisine, Breakfast, p.m., omelet variation Benedict. noon, bacon-wrapped cedar plank attract hungry diners. brunch crowd packs wait--but HOURS OPERATION 12901 239-466-4663, DARUMA Wish teppan-style, chef table Classic Japanese favorites shrimp tempura offered, combinations lobster Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. 239-472-2525 PERIWINKLE SHOPPING 13499 Cleveland 239-344-0037 241 Street North, Naples, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville Sarasota, 941-342-6600, 66 67 FIRESTONE levels Brick wood atmosphere, tires remind called Firestone. paella Grille tapas Sky Bar, dance Martini Bar Friday 2224 Street, 239-334-3473, GARAGE details. dcor 1920s, Henry walked parts, Model Low Carb-uretor. arugula egg names Kona Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, Illuminati. legendary namesake genius, Edison, display photos. steeped culinary tradition, pie receiving raves 3583 239-9369348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried true. Salads, fish, pasta pleasing often, --Anthony Bourdain 68 69 1982. Soup accompany dinners, Early deals 4-530 booths, nautical seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239489-2226, SUMMERLIN JAKES Deserve This. Howzes displayed plate, whether Filet Mignon mouthwatering Captains Coubion, medallions stock, Using highest-quality ingredients, meal masterpiece flavor. Saturday evening, youll 17501 239466-5377, UNIVERSITY Class. gets theater-goers club 7790 239437-4377, CENO History. spanakopita-fresh spinach, feta, phyllo dough baked, Marsala, understand drove George Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki meal, feast parmesan, disappointed cannoli Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. Closed Sundays. 1715 Pkwy W, Coral, 239549-2366, Carburetor. 70 1719 Parkway East, 239540-3673, LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Coastal Whether Grits Le Bouf Lobster Tail freshest selection landlubbers. Market night. Pkwy., Units 3, 239-471-0136, MONKEY STEAK Silly Name, Serious Food. Nico Bogert experienced passionate food, palate, selections Monkey chop apple relish Rum Pepper Painted Grouper, Ahi Tuna Salad. steak, eatery Steakhouse Indoor available, 1428 Lafayette 239-549-8800, PARADISE DELI Heavenly Taste. built better. Philly Steak difference. award-winning Reuben Too busy take-out, catering array party 2378 Surfside 239-292-2378, ensure guide However, encourage readers detailed reservations establishments. 71 TONY DICOSTA, CPT OH, BOY LEG DAY Strenuous, oh fitness showed gym viewed Prominent handicapped sign. Right Parking. drawn, chalk, figure crawling knees Funny Yes. leg workout truth humor photo. Aspiring trainees rats alike lovehate relationship strength. Often dreaded, avoided witness top-heavy habitually grumbled through, nevertheless, calendar. kidding aside, embrace truly blessed, diligent leg-strengthening critical avoiding it--you gotta legs. workouts harder target upper-body musculature honest answer are. largest, strongest muscle legs, effort muscles arms, structured workout, palatable, safer maybe enjoyable. column discuss permutations myriad exercises enthusiast. Thus, limiting discussion performed moderately equipped club. said, sequence mind warm-up discussed previous Health columns cardio, core stretching, lower-body intermediatelevel weight trainee 1. SEATED CURLS MACHINE hamstrings. set reps, sets reps. 2. EXTENSIONS quadriceps. single-joint, isolation movements prepare knee joint heavier follow. 3. PRESSES quads, hams, glutes. exceed 90-degree angle deepest movement. 4. HIP ABDUCTION outward OR CABLES abductor group. warm- WORKOUTS ACTUALLY ANY HARDER THAT TARGET UPPER-BODY MUSCULATURE HONEST ANSWER BET THEY ARE. tension middle. 5. ADDUCTION adductor motion stretch. 6. CALF RAISES soleus calf muscles. calves. Next reps heavier. Calves require rep STANDING gastrocnemius 8. LUMBAR BACK spinal erectors, OK, technically synergistically utterly Day. key principles strength exercises. funny didnt DiCosta trainer writer. competitive physique athlete Masters Divisions, Over-60 champion holds regional titles. 73 ANIMALS GET LIKES FACEBOOK Dally Jack terrier Spanky rescue horse meaning friends. Social sensations wow BAMBOO ATHLETE Bamboo, Solana impressive skateboarding honing soccer practicing Frisbee. mutt puppy Mike Bolaris DALLY SPANKY DAZZLING DUO 2012, FRANCESCA monthly users spending remarkably stage. hook connect four-legged feathered superstars pages legion followers. Dally, rides atop Spanky, 9-year-old horse. sensational performers, athletic prowess 5-year-old seriously skateboard skills. stylish 7-year-old Crusoe. black-and-tan dachshund travel, enjoys limelight authors feats, abilities considerable amount charm, stars. rescued taken Horse Creek Ranch Spokane Washington. unpopular runt litter, ranch sight. longer, trainer, Francesca Carson. day, couldnt hold feelings Spankys back--a all. books Coloring Book recently, Adventures True Rescued Miniature Puppy. Both adults message triumph together, show-stopping twosome YouTube, Instagram. MIKE BOLARIS BINI BUNNY FACEBOOK.COMBINITHEBUNNY EINSTEINPARROT.COM LAUREN RYAN BEAUCHESNE family. Bamboo eager do, him spins, twists tricks. hes spokesdog BarkBox, toys, treats chew month. EINSTEIN Crusoe animals, Bini Bunny, Los Angeles. 4-year-old Holland Lop rabbit basketball, combs styles hair, games. Einstein, 20-year-old grey parrot talk, sing, impersonations--an actor Matthew McConaughey. friend follow media, tricks left, Einstein center, Bunny rock stars, legions fans. CRUSOE STYLISH SOJOURNER Quebec, Canada, mum dad Ryan Beauchesne, pup. celebrity making. pup post Ryan. fell pictures. Such qualities costumes. jungle explorer dog, hunting Mickey Mouse coming costume line. Talking Texan 75 CALE DAR DO event art-gallery receptions, vendors, demonstrations talks, musical theater exhibition receptions tastings. Self-guided, Alliance Arts Royal Square. After-party Broadway Theater 10pm. 1400 Colonial Suite 84, 239-590-8645, Disney Ice Presents Enchantment May 19-21, evening matinee shows Enter dazzling Magic LIVE Thrill high-speed stunts Lightning McQueen crew Disney-Pixars Cars ice. Dive adventure Ariel Little Mermaids undersea kingdom. Buzz, Woody, Jessie Disney-Pixar Toy gang escape Sunnyside Daycare. wintery Anna Elsa pals Olaf Kristoff Disneys Frozen, within. Germain Arena, 11000 Everblades Parkway, Estero. 239-9487825, Crafters 10am promptly. Lessons supplies. encouraged, must accompanied. 2173 239-472-2155, SoCo Second 5pm Saturdays, Scott Bradlees Postmodern Jukebox 11, 730pm PMJ rotating collective arranger Bradlee. Reworks genres, swing jazz. Barbara Mann Performing Hall, 13350 FSW 239-4814849, Walk 16, 7pm Third Fridays, venues talent. 855732-3836, Todd Rundgrens Knight Chival Rock Tour star, songwriter producer 1972 singles Hello Me Saw Ringo Starrs All-Starr Band. 239-481-4849, Symphony Concert 1pm World superheroes villains dressed hero villain instruments orchestra try, Musical Zone. Followed concert heroes villains. Jesus Christ Superstar 2-14, Tuesdays-Sundays, Rock-opera passionate, irreverent, Judas Iscariot. Propelled Lloyd Webber Tim Rice score, illuminates power human spirit. Theatre, 1380 239-278-4422, Doublewide Spotswood Jim Starkeys version one-acre replace doublewide trailer daughter, Lorelai, inherit. highway expansion freak accident shatter dreams, 77 pushed Lorelai Mature audiences. ArtStage Studio Theater, 2268 239-332-4488, Year Frog Toad 3-12, Wednesdays-Fridays, Based Arnold Lobels well-loved books, follows friendsthe cheerful grumpy Toadthrough four, fun-filled seasons. Noli Timere Afraid Jared Michael 5-20, 8pm Sunday, 14, 2pm Winner Contest, priest face strange knocks rectory. resulting confrontation leads frightening may, own. Marsh, Dena Galyean Johnson. Arts, 10091 239939-2787, Madama 6, Fully staged production, co-produced Gulfshore Opera, innocent geisha naval officer. Filled Puccinis expansive melodies, operas. 239481-4849, Cultural Dress 12-21, Thursdays-Sundays, Bernard 78 romantic weekend mistress arranged, inviting alibi. wrong 528 239-772-5862, Sebastian Maniscalco pm Stand-up comic physical comedy witheringly sarcastic exasperated behavior etiquette. Hes Jerry Seinfeld, Vince Vaughn celebrities, big-screen appearances Nut Job Cruise. Clue, 18-June 24, Wednesdays-Sundays, Entertaining musical, quirky murder weapons familiar rooms Boddy Manor. worlds best-known suspects solutions, solve mystery killed Boddy, weapon. Rapunzel 2-23, ThursdaysSundays, matinees Familiar tale long-haired princess forced nothing hair witch--literally--of Cast audience questions, autographs Pushing Boundaries Quilters Unlimited 5-26 Techniques 79 machine hand threadwork, shibori discharged fabric treatments, surfaces, assemblages, wall mixed media. Opening reception 5, 5-7pm Talk, 10am. All-Florida Juried Exhibit 2-30 Features artists. reception, 2, Talk juror, 239-9392787, Caloosahatchee Cruise Wednesdays, 7pm, except holidays Relaxing sun shoreline elements hue, settling Witness deck MV Explorer. 2360 239-919-2965, Mangrove Maze Eco-Tour Wednesdays Guided exploration wilderness Blueway Paddling Trail. Guides naturalists teaching ecology sustainability Learn Indian heritage Trip one-half 4120 Matlacha. 239-283-1125, Kayak 330pm Paddle Matlacha Pass meander mangrove-shrouded trails. ACA-certified kayakSUP instructors versed history. 80 Bird Tuesdays, Thursdays 730am Aquatic Preserve coastal estuary Paradise Shelling 830am Powered catamaran cruise dolphins shell pristine Barnacles restaurant. Pack swimsuit, shoes shelling bag. Complimentary chairs, umbrellas, drinks required. Paradise, 14341 Comfort 239-4728443, Haunted 90-minute walk downtown reveals darker residential commercial reputed paranormal Franklin Shops, 2200 239-9450405, 6pm 11am 6-10pm, 11am-4pm, galleries, Downtown District Gardners area. 239-337-5050, Farmers Market-Downtown 8am produce, More Than Ride Knowledgeable Staff Luxury Sedans Large Vans Event Transport AIRPORT LOCAL SERVICE 239-472-4888 81 breadspastries, picklesolive mixes, hydroponically greens, sprouts, cheeses, plantstrees, jelliesjams, treats, made-on-site guacamole salsa. Lapio drum, Trop-Rock John Yard Charlie. Crafts, pieces, handmade jewelry, antiques collectibles. Square, SE 47th Terrace 10th Place, Mystery 9, event. Iberia Bank, 2247 6pm. Participants 10pm prizes. 855-732-3836, Bike Night 13, motorcycles streets bands 6-10pm. Free, specials. 28, Hendry median. Pets leashed souvenirs. registration. 855-7323836, Car Cruise-In 29, 4pm lined 4-8pm. Music, additional calendar 82 daughters search, faith triumphing F. Rizzo Certified Public Accountant Attorney-At-Law Law Taxation Voted 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2015 Tax Return Preparation Individual Partnership Corporate Comprehensive Counsel Accounting Services Islander 1974 Administration Planning Returns Condominium JD., LL.M., CPA DOUG GALLOGLY TATE PUBLISHING ENTERPRISES ove chooses Lady Carmen knew 1840s never accept mixed-race baby Lilly America wealthy Taylor Sanders Tate Publishing Enterprises, 2016, compelling Lillys journey Savannah, Georgia, seethed unrest leading Civil War, slave traders protected corrupt police officers abolish slavery. alone girl, sister, Katelyn, baroness Genevieve, evil unhealthy addictions. Baronesss gambling debts overwhelming, sells trader desperate begins. fights freedom, Katelyn enlists aid Andrew, lawyer suitor. taken, Andrews gathers prayer intercede return. battle one, girl prize. deep grief realism loss, though, circumstances, terrible redemption, taking. 1101 110 hiring decision soley advertisements. decide, qualifications experience. 239-395-0400 Fax 239-579-0547 ROBERT CACIOPPO, FOUNDER PRODUCING ARTISTIC PLAYING P LAYING THRU MAY DOUBLEWIDE STEPHEN SPOTSWOOD SUBSCRIBE 20TH SEASON BEST SEATS BIGGEST SAVINGS VISIT ONLINE FULL LINEUP SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES LYRICS WILLIAM FINNCONCEIVED REBECCA FELDMAN BOOK RACHEL HISTORIC ARCADE THEATRE FORT MYERS DISTRICT BAY STREET JACKSON HENDRY Jackie. 239.332.4488 877.787.8053 FLORIDAREP.ORG SINGLE TICKETS 25-52 STARGAZ NG Astrological Forecast NORMA HAGAN, ASTROLOGER PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION THESE DATES Full moon Scorpio Taurus 10. Gemini 25. Sagittarius 9. Cancer 24. Jupiter goes direct everyones luck. partner. ideas Mercury June, swings luck affairs. ARIES MARCH APRIL Venus, planet beauty, prominent urges Personal TAURUS enter activities, refine Focus like. conscious careful horizon. GEMINI JUNE ruler act ideas. clearly effectively. favors enjoyable vacation tickets now. CANCER JULY happiness Update, refresh changes career. moons younger members. LEO AUGUST accurate news. favorably aspecting sun, men vibes Uranus exciting. Listen Aquarians Geminis VIRGO SEPTEMBER fast News apt correct liking. new. Virgos write, organize orderly fashion, LIBRA OCTOBER planets side. friends, life. fire Leo 85 Sagittarius, Abundance overeating, overdoing tired. NOVEMBER considering job, sixth short-lived mind. Mars opposing Saturn houses, lie low while. SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER royal neck--and style. does, deserve. Stick solving jobs 11thhour easy-living prefer. CAPRICORN JANUARY ability integrity workmanship. career efforts. Work abroad possibility, mix pleasure sightseeing agenda. 86 FEBRUARY AQUARIUS school, college, graduate wanting learn, zodiacs unusual fellow inimitable way. Foreign travel surprising opportunities. PISCES Neptune interested joins wait timeframe rescind. astrologer Professional Federation Astrologers PMAFA. articles astrology magazines Maury Povich Show . 1976 Virginia Virginia, horoscopes, tarot pro bono Homicide Division. horoscopes telephone readings. reached 239-4726925 87 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE FAVORITE MAGAZINE ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Hidden Word Reading Pleasure Bag exp. 73117 Online apply Internet orders only. Web TOLL fax 800.472.0635 subscriptions online 881 SubPage_ND16.indd 1141 1132PM 89 COX BELTED KINGFISHER Easily repeated feeding dives, crest Ceryle alcyon bill crested head. inches wingspan 140 170 grams. female male. sexes bluish upper bluegray band collar. rusty flanks. distal half. underwings patch forward eye. legs feet. widespread America. breeds Panhandle April July. observed migrates breeding occasional sightings perched wires poles parallel flooded roadside ditches. inhabits cypress swamps, marshes, hardwood wet prairies, environments marshes. rivers, lakes, ponds open-water wetland. feeding, dives headfirst deep. prey consists minnows, killifish shiners. crayfish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates, mice. perch lines, branches, hovering raptors. distinctive resembling gun. monogamous pairs mates subsequent selects nesting waterways vertical earthen banks sand-clay nest association bank swallows Riparia riparia broods. excavate burrow diameter size grapefruit long, though long. male spends twice excavating burrow. finish site, weeks. horizontal angled slightly upward. nests hollow trees. COMMON THROUGH FEBRUARY. GENUS FOSSILS DATING MILLION BEEN FOUND ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA. incubate eggs, eggs. 1.4 size. Incubation days, fledge 23-plus hatching. altricial helpless hatch, bare pink skin. regurgitant young. Parents dropping dead surface retrieved. At post-fledging, dive natal territory. captured fill throat, rapid digestion inch gullet. Nestling kingfishers acid stomachs digest bones, scales arthropod shells. fledge, chemistry regurgitating pellets containing scales, feathers accumulate chamber roosting perches. Scientists examine wide-ranging accidental Greenland, Iceland, Azores, Netherlands, Galapagos British Isles Hawaii. Pleistocene fossils found, years, Tennessee. genus Alachua County, Hawks, mammals kingfisher. population stable declined abandoned disturbance. result hunted trapped hatcheries trout streams. legislation practices illegal. photographer ecologist 91 COM ITY SANIBEL-CAPTIVA LIONS CLUB 1-day testing, everyone, K udos Knights Blind completing approximately screenings limited residents, president physician Kurt Peters walks door. priority inception ago. nickname Helen Keller, challenged crusade darkness. administered San-Cap Clubs acquired Welch Allyn Spot Vision camera screenings, detecting myopia, hyperopia astigmatism. diagnose lazy test morning. noises flashes picture, receive report order. DRS Retinal Camera, scans macular degeneration diabetic retinopathy. Requiring dilation, digital image retina Orlando. member, process free. adult diabetes, hearing hypertension. mass index hearing. continually findings, Nilou assists screenings. angler record pproximately 275 anglers participate Doc Fords Tourney 19, Sarah Lathrop, associate Society, co-host chain. teams Lathrop tourney winners, rewards prize kitty totals 33,000. Sponsorship proceeds Society. Anglers Causeway check-in, DING DARLING SOCIETY 6TH ANNUAL TARPON TOURNAMENT Lines precisely tarpon catch-and-release catches themselves, tournament wrist landed tarpon. outreach opportunity, convey populations healthy. Post-party 93 named Committee Alison Ward 13-member March meeting. Gillespie, Erhard Joeres, Joe Salatino Larry Schopp re-elected terms. 1975 continuity government, environment, preserve sanctuary community. ALISON WARD MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Blvd Publix Drive Thru Service Dry Cleaning - Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Done Premises ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Kelly Rd, 211 Quality Experience Call Appointment Mon-Fri 239.472.6188 2330 PHARMACY Locally Owned Faces Can Count Needs 239.472.0700 4301 Road SAN-CAP MEDICAL Practice Walk-In Clinic DIRECTORS 239.472.4888 SanibelCaptiva TAXI Airport Passenger Transportation Events 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS PEST MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Name Know Termite Treatment Pest ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 Serving CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management 239.579.0547 THOMAS RIZZO 239.482.2213 239.574.8511 CULLIGAN Bottled Water Taste Few Cents Thats costs Culligan Aqua-Cleer system. fresh, clear sink, RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Central Vac HUFF INSURANCE AGENCY Huff, 239.936.4858, Ext 1267 Condo Flood Auto Boats Umbrella Associations Homeowners Commercial 95 911 rear-view mirror, spring cleaning, downtime Wednesday Went SM come, Margarita beat Had seashell-covered VW Bug Proud myself. Luxuriously morning--four dolphins, frigate fighting conch. Think track beach. Caught Nemo stalking heron. cat WAY Planned bike ride back, sounded workout. Popped Jensens Marina brothers laugh. pick-meup islands. tennis clinic T. Learned thinking lobs. night self Pick stone mustard. Plenty Spotted otters dock otter call. funny, though. crabs barrel-roll corncobs old. GR stretch Best. Night. Ever. Girl Train film shot Woke confused infamous tunnel was. Ha Running Delray NW. Surely trouble into. sealed. week. itinerary Joined offshore PP. action reality, cleaning closets. Didnt realize flip-flops. Storm rolled afternoon, wowee-zowee Going Open Mic tonight heard 1252 DAVE DROTLEFF Heard squalls yesterdays storm. havent pass rough holy cow. talent sun-kissed sun-desirous alike, Ft. Rd. 239-472-8311 708 Fishermans Wharf 239-765-9660 239-312-4275 Award Winning Flavors Caribbean Rim Hour 1041 Us VOL. NO. 4.95 TIMES Published Display TOTI_Cover_MJ17.indd 33117 841

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