Ad_Page.indd 1 10416 1033 PM SHOPPING 48 SUNCATCHERS DREAM 50 WHATS IN STORE HOTTEST HOLIDAY GIFTS 42 GOLDEN YEARS COOLEST STUFF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CUISINE 54 CHEFS TIPS TRICKS SANIBEL LANDMARKS NEW DIGS Goodwill Industries is celebrating its 50-year anniversary in Southwest Florida. Proceeds from 30 stores, including the popular Sanibel shop, help those of us with disabilities, learning challenges and aging issues. 56 THE DOC WILL SEE YOU FAVE MEMORIES AND COOKING ADVICE 2 This seasons calendar sprinkled exciting events. Even if just an evening out or a shopping spree friends, most want to feel our best, enjoy casual styles islandinspired fashion. Great ideas, gifts couture are right here on Captiva at such shops as Peach Republic, Island Pursuit J. McLaughlin. Turn page 20 discover hot Cover model Justine photographer Genevieve Charbonneau. TOTI.COM NOVDEC 2016 1_TOTI_ND16.indd 1005 3 16 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 MAKING WAVES Attention, Shoppers 12 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST 14 PROFILE Meet Fred Bondurant Underwater Indonesia Celebrating Floridians GETAWAYS FASHION Greening Baileys Strike Up Band 26 COASTAL COMMERCE STAY TUNED Refreshing Island-Style Previews 32 CROSSWORD 33 BEAUTY TRENDS 34 EXPLORER Products Help You Look Your Best Finding Fountain Youth Tri County Landscaping Serving Sangria for Holidays A Guide Dining SW Florida 76 38 OUTDOORS 60 CHEERS 62 EPICURIOUS RECIPE ON RADAR 74 Road Worriers H2O Show 80 Happy 82 TO YOUR HEALTH 84 CALENDAR Whats Exercise Program Where Go What Do With Elizabeth Joyce Beautiful Disaster Keystone Species Cracker Fest 92 STARGAZING 97 BETWEEN LINES 98 NATURES NOTEBOOK 100 COMMUNITY 102 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 104 ISLAND JOURNAL 4 The JanFeb issue packed activity Well you find ways all natural wonders which this area famous, whether do that by going quiet hike, playing round golf, hitting tennis ball, paddling kayak participating something little more extreme. Times Islands ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. Gold Rush gave Kirsten her shining moment. E V RY P L AY I S F O R D U C T N. Since 1997, Lottery has been creating brighter future through Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Through scholarship, than 725,000 students have earned opportunity attend college. education they received allowing them give back community boost Floridas economy, while helping fund next generation students. So remember, play, wins. Must be 18 older play. Play responsibly. 5 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger ASSISTANT Scarlett Redenius EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Craig Garrett Grimm SENIOR EDITOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly TRAVEL David Grant ARTS CONTRIBUTING Acevedo Rene Novelle Doug Gallogly CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund GRAPHIC DESIGN CONTRIBUTORS Dana Long, Heather McAreavy PROOFREADER EDITORIAL COORDINATORS Redenius, Klaudia Balogh WRITERS Gina Birch, William R. Cox, Tony DiCosta, Erik Entwistle, Gallogly, Garrett, Hilary Hemingway, Joyce, Luberecki, Dr. Randall H. Niehoff, Glenn Ostle PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Chuck Coker, Diego Delso, Dave Drotleff, Horton, Jaeger, Jeff Lysiak, Jim Moore, ONeal, Ostle, OF SALES MARKETING Kyle Fisher 239-472-0205, ext. 103 ADVERTISING Friedrich Christine Stuart 112 Dru Anne Doyle 109 Kimberly Paulus 108 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES toti.comcontactus Island, 33957 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Financial Administrator Jacqueline S. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily 6 10516 227 7 And Countdown Begins ... snt it unbelievable we will soon count seconds into another It feels flew like strong summer storm. myself breathlessly looking over past months, accomplished Media. Our entire team worked tirelessly bring only best magazines, were very proud added Cape Coral Living lineup. believe whatever do, passion turn successful powerful could been. Talent some fortuitous luck play their part, but your business personal dreams fade. would take thank you, loyal readers advertising partners. Many these years. Because Media strive ultimate print online publications, presenting perform excellence each issue. publishing inner workings good watch one piece performing correctly, nothing time. am so great writers, editors, proofreaders, photographers artists, designers, sales distribution people, accounting staff, well management team. Together performed finely crafted timepiece, can proudly say never missed deadline since was introduced 1996. Being time being true professional working hard passionmakes difference. Only then succeed offering reader, quality product. magazines filled shopping, dining travel stories, yet set mind certain direction, sure inspired check fascinating new places feature For example, about holiday fashion guide starting 50. Soon celebrate loved ones types experiences create lifetime memories. In moments, please let think many who no longer us. Lets hope people open eyes see things life, hearts happiness, love joy. Its my work harder offer others, live service sanctity dedicated advancement real human spirit. Everyone wishes blessed season, healthy start year. One day time, make Group Publisher PHOTO BY BRIAN STROMLUND 9 Making Waves salute residents, businesses organizations island coast special CRAIG GARRETT Debi Almeida Sue Monk Kidd Writers Conference returns BIG Nov. 3-6. Keynote Kidd. conference hosted Gulf Coast University offers workshops fiction, journalism, poetry, song screenwriting, readings other activities relating craft. Social events planned. Details fgcu.edusiwc. CONFERENCE RETURNS 11th CROW benefit wildlife 13. Taste Clinic Rehabilitation Wildlife, CROW, rescue formed 1960s. 35th event starts noon Community Park Periwinkle features signature dishes restaurants. Admission 5. FOODIE EVENT BENEFIT SANIBELS food festival TOP BOTTOM LEFT COURTESY FGCU RIGHT n 50th year, Lions Club first woman president. Almeidas term runs tremendous group, says, amazing honor entrusted run club build upon what predecessors made organization. parent Clubs International worlds largest organization, 1.4 million members 46,000 clubs. international group 2017 celebrates 100-year FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SAN-CAP LIONS CLUB anniversary. programs mostly health-related, agendas include scholarship funding, drives, disaster relief projects. San-Cap uses proceeds tree huge craft fair programs90,000 2016says Almeida, also volunteers singer Chorus. She financial services lived islands Local Lions, she hands-on. We dont write checks. 11 Capitalism born soul DR. RANDALL NIEHOFF That unbridled avarice equivalent capitalism nave conception should banished nursery school history. observed Max Weber Protestant Ethic Spirit 1904 --Darrin M. McMahon Professor history, Dartmouth College society season seems arrive bailiff pounding door summons shop Here get go truly free market--free bad weather, cumbersome clothing, disgruntled crowds, commuter gridlock manufactured horizon. Such freedoms result pristine setting conservation-minded citizens care it. favored political commitment countrys founding goal liberty pursuit happiness. democratic makes wonderful place business--in season. Rising above navet anti-globalists accuse capitalists greed unscrupulous businessmen argue good, need focus original vision how goods exchanged society. Adam Smith father modern economics theorized rational self-interest competition lead economic prosperity. Wealth Nations 1776 he benevolence butcher, brewer, baker expect dinner, regard own interest. Yet better portion his fortune charity along possessing self-interest, we, gifted instinctive concern sympathy welfare others. Therefore, market brings men women ever wider networks, ties mutual urge gauge conduct others extend sympathetic bonds. Far rewarding naked greed, encourages self-restraint b transparent integrity c dealing protection private property. short, business, beings. explains confidence test pilot John U.S. astronaut orbit Earth--on February 20, 1962, remarked after landing As hurtled space thought kept crossing mind--every rocket supplied lowest bidder. Wise Mr. understood system governmental providing poor. He advocated investing capital social e.g., universal schooling sending essential where had reached own. itself guarantees redirection selfish productive behavior. Zsa Gabor put it, Ive married communist fascist, neither garbage. Well, welcome home, remove trash, recycle Come warmer when eat because operate way responsible both themselves customers. Niehoff living, 1991. 13 former transport pleasant memories 1970s military determine conscripted. recalls lottery hearing numbers called. People cheering, girls floor crying, says. remember kinds things. later selected training Air Force. graduated second lieutenant assigned fly planes, duty took him around world 1978. spent nine years Force, leaving commercial airlines Pennsylvania National Guard, met wife, Mary. couple today partner estate Sanibel. Mary twoterm president Sanibel-Captiva chapter American Business Womens Association. Both active charitable work. August, involved 45 ceremony, nationwide recognizing World War II veterans. His thoughts often drift tenure pilot, funny stories 1970s. Flight terminology, planes temperament capabilities, romance flying details shipmates prompt talk laughter, far-off look someone recalling old friendships view cockpit seat cresting clouds. always visitor remain silent times. experience wouldnt trade anything, finally. But its, obviously, everyone. Editor-in-Chief ike pilots, remembers himself daring young man machine. thats true, few missions delivering humanitarian supplies South America, returning planeload coffee, deeds combat related requiring precision, analytical instances sheer guts, green airplane short gravel runway. Bondurant, retired airline living Military Officers Association America MOAA, believes veterans favorable served appreciation especially pausing assess Veterans Day. doing thing, says Vietnam-era vets him. Youre sports team, guys with. product St. Louis, classmates late 1960s receiving draft notices. zenith Vietnam War. Like applied deferment complete college studies mechanical engineering. Friends already drafted Army. Selective Service System conducted lotteries unit much Today, wife Sanibel-based agents. PHOTOS THIS OPPOSITE PAGE FRED BONDURANT right, top photo transports became captain. 15 Bucket-list biodiversity, meeting king, critters crowds GLENN OSTLE ravel broaden mind, sometimes downright mind-blowing. case during recent dive trip Indonesia, fourth-most populated country. There, heart Triangle, called Raja Ampatwhich means Four Kings-- cradle underwater biodiversity. ranks high bucket list every serious scuba diver photographer. West Papuan archipelago 1,500 islands, cays shoals contain 1,400 documented fish species, three-quarters known species coral, seven dolphins eight whales. Ampat photograph big stuff includes sharks giant acrobatic manta rays wingspans up feet weighing small car. While mantas becoming endangered places, protected establishment marine sanctuaries. unusual tiny octopus clamshell bottle, creatures appear unearthly, spectacularly colored nudibranchs, strange-looking frogfish, harlequin Coleman shrimp. cross strange off must-see-and-photograph list. SACRED EELS Ambon meet resort staffer named Lafse line become king local village Larike. tells eels river eons worshiped villagers. ourselves. After hours drive narrow dirt roads cling steep slopes edge island, Larike wind streets, happy chattering children, obviously serves purposes village, fishing, washing clothes bathing. wait shallow pool, large began arrive. They impressive long smooth silk, running hands slippery sides. lack backward-facing teeth SMALL relish challenge seeking oceans tiniest critters, flight purpose. legendary Spice Islands, muck diving destinations planet. Muck refers searching life home twilight zone rubble otherwise inhospitable conditions biodiversity panorama unequaled world. southwest Pacific Ocean north Australia south Philippines. Diving adventures amaze even deep blue seas. ocean-based cousins, pose danger, Hafes villagers handle careful respectful familiarity. Villagers earlier believed embodied spirits dead ancestors. Today 17 Writer Pam Hadfield share moment Indonesian adventure included photographing shrimp left, gentle Larikes friendly kids. passenger ship Indo Siren below form between areas lush islands. WEST PAPUAN ARCHIPELAGO FEATURES MORE THAN ISLANDS, CAYS SHOALS THAT CONTAIN DOCUMENTED FISH SPECIES. few, dubbed decidedly un-Indonesian name Bruce. At point, demonstrates enough fed hand, mouth, dangles holds steady eel lifts head water gently plucks mouth. party tries same thankfully coming away unscathed story tell friends family. Welcome unexpected norm. freelance photojournalist regular contributor lives Charlotte, North Carolina. BEFORE GO exotic locales, intimidating multiple flights before totally disoriented boat resort. euros accepted rupiah currency varying exchange rate 13,000 dollar. result, youll end carrying stacks cash bucket-sized. On plus side, instant millionaire There number resorts boats Ampat. used Siren, Fleet Ambon, stayed Maluku Divers Resort situated Bay Critters Crowds 1006 19 From classic super casual, island-style Dressed Thrill Lisette Montreal Pansy Denim slim perfect style elevate feel. Very nice Emma Jersey knit. Available Republic family events, parties, celebrations, reunions galas. island-inspired McLaughlin Pursuit. sunny palettes intimate eveningwear, accessories footwear women, plan materials different subtropics, colors patterns pretty consistent climate geography. Seasonal plaids, instance, now. Grays, blacks subtle purples mauve, blues burgundy too. Classics greens, whites golds uber-classics holidays flatters thrills youand LISETTE MONTREAL Bambi Jacquard slims 31-inch inseam pair Adele tunic blouse ruched sleeves. Cheyenne Knit thinny blend stunningly chic fun look. Pairs nicely pull-on occasions, sleek stylish Grid 28- lengths. timeless matched 21 Gaby sleek, straightleg trouser, must-have basic pairs Venice Check one-button jacket. Kathryne PDR material created Montreal, fit flow comfort. Try pairing Oval knit add boldness. Mandela Gaucho 26-inch adds pop any wardrobe. outfit looks blouse. 22 Crafted soft stretchy denim, Cadence dress Newport scroll displays free-spirited veering too far silhouettes drawn to. Wess Sweater homecoming sweater campus-inspired shape. updated waffle cotton on-trend mock neck slightly rolled. Beacon turtleneck twist, modal stands fashionably thin ribbing buttoned neck. Lois plaid favorite Lexi jeans thoroughly comfy cooler months. MCLAUGHLIN McLaughlins Buttonup Betty shirt meets ease Catalina Cloth tailoring gone soft. outcome ideal proper, polished packable. Elm jacquard pencil skirt vintage-style Mali clutch leather suede lovely ensemble. 23 Count cowlneck cashmere Venezia poncho keep warm together throughout Ribbed welcoming palette resist. impact Layer shaggy Cane faux fur vest dress, jeans, pile winter dramatic effect. Add Arlette extra cozy outerwear collection, reversible Sawyer cape double-face wool credibility practical warmth. Snap swing everything country city, depending agenda. 24 Icikuls sunproof sport outdoor activities, Icefil fabric sleeve, zip placket, nylon mesh inset underarm, curve hem, UPF moisture wicking, quick dry antimicrobial fabric. Ready lifestyle, Southern Tide 4-way stretch long-sleeve tee comfort movement UV wicking elements out. PURSUIT 25 345 awareness costs grocer cleaner directions BAILEYS STARTED AS PACKINGHOUSE SHIPPING TOMATOES CITRUS MORPHED INTO GROCERY SIDE VISITORS BEGAN FLOCKING SETTLING SANIBEL. Richard Johnson causes pictured Christin Collins Lee Memorial Health Renee Emily Norris Furniture Interiors Fort Myers. DANIELA JAEGER Museum Village. Pine-framed catch-all hardware groceries goods, telegraph phone services. sat Matthews Wharf Bailey Road. Frank ichard sees future. Co-owner General Store moving aggressively convert 40,000 square socially aware place, spending thousands dollars solar devices green-friendly refrigeration, doors lighting flooring upgrades checkout recycled bags reduction plastic. Rooftop panels installed fall, changes completed planned two years, energy independence, least lighter footprint reduce reliant electricity. call greening Baileys, Johnson, whose Mead, daughter Francis Bailey, son stores founder. 1899. decision, sure, modernizing costs. youre environmentalist, pick pointers. started packinghouse shipping tomatoes citrus morphed grocery side visitors flocking settling companys store 1920s destroyed hurricane replacement rests Historical 27 carbon independence. ROOFTOP SOLAR PANELS WERE INSTALLED FALL, OTHER CHANGES ARE COMPLETED OR PLANNED NEXT TWO YEARS. desk Village, correspondence ledgers, remains ghostly reminder owner. moved current spot Tarpon Way retailer smaller outlet Sundial Beach Spa. Modern surrounding center town square, patio indoor benches frequented locals discuss issues day, absorb culture munch meal. Which consequence, invokes managements responsibility shoppers workers, sustain history legacy. positive impacts important, 28 GENERAL mean, children Im gone. Efforts businesss contributions workplace Captiva, unnoticed. Economic Development Boards Horizon Council recently presented LocalLEE Grown Award recognized for, among things, operational award August excited about, Calli fourth-generation Baileys. 29 Pleasures making music, lucky concert ERIK ENT WISTLE wrapped last Stay Tuned column statement music concerned, word retirement needs apply. Id provide fitting illustration words yard begins middle October, musicians hailing states, Canada, Germany gather week rehearse Concert Band. snowbirds reside majority down Myers, Lehigh Acres, Pine privilege pleasure colleagues. band turns having founded 2003. reputation steadily grown point bands annual spring concerts fixtures Under leadership director Mike Lamade, now entering third conductor, doubled size. Lamade notes, professionals, everyday folks teachers, ministers, bricklayers, CEOs companies, doctors, nurses. Some played havent taking lessons seniors. Perhaps remarkable average age players 76. percussionist career led Ohio, Pennsylvania, resides full LAMADE IS CLEARLY HIS ELEMENT HE LEADS BANDS REHEARSALS PERFORMANCES. ILLUSTRATION DAVE HORTON clearly element leads rehearsals performances, discipline, infectious enthusiasm. did 21, sixty agomakin loving Lamade. fellow whom directs band, reflects, These inspiration me best. motivate well. try 89-year-old trumpet player off-key, God bless particularly memorable occurred conclusion springs Pops Schein Hall wasnt sold-out house spring, applause standing ovation, recalls, smiles faces stood bows. knew practicing parts paid off. asked comment differences conducting numerous IM DOING NOW WHAT DID AT AGE SIXTY AGO--MAKIN MUSIC LOVING IT. --MIKE past, given 60-year gap players. answer perhaps surprising encouraging. same, notes. Music connecting factor, regardless age, race, nationality religion--music language. Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle undergraduate degree College. post-graduate piano performance Washington Louis. doctorate musicology California, Santa Barbara. teaches CONCERT BAND UPCOMING PERFORMANCES Holiday Dec. 17, Spring March 3, Performance 31 SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE Year Years 39 SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN GET GIFT CERTIFICATE SHOP SANIBEL, RECEIVE FAVORITE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL exp. 13117 Hidden Word Reading Pleasure Online rates apply Internet orders only. Visit Web site TOLL FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions available SubPage_ND16.indd32 228 212 Are lipstick lover face cream fanatic Then place. Every issue, lowdown fabulous fragrances, luxurious lotions, makeup in-between. laid-back surfer babe total junkie, know beautiful thing BETH LUBERECKI SINFULLY GOOD might vice two, Urban Decay them--in Lipstick dozens options bright, dark, trendy neutral shades finishes ranging matte metallized cream. aloe vera, jojoba avocado nourishes softens lips, proprietary Pigment Infusion provides creamy texture, wear rich color dispersion. longer-lasting pout, Decays 247 Glide-On Lip Pencil light nude bright purple black. Made ingredients vitamin E, oil cottonseed oil, waterproof pencils glide smoothly straying pucker. See vices catch eye heading Ulta Bell Tower Shops Myers 239-334-0659, Coconut Point Estero 239-992-0361, Macys Edison Mall 239-477-3300, Sephora 239-390-9889, GLOW getting tan isnt skin. fake golden glow Sun Bum. Using black walnut leaf extract easy-to-use Sunless Self-Tanning Towelettes 15.99 exfoliate moisturize adding sun-kissed body. If cant resist normal SPF, rub Bums Natural Browning Lotion 15.99. Infused Kona coffee plant kukui nut, argan coconut oils, moisturizes accelerating skins sun-triggered tanning process, reducing extended exposure damaging rays. Grab Bum products retailers Surf Shop 239-472-8185, First Mate Bait Boutique 239-599-2536, Ron Jon Town Center 239-482-8888, Mossy Augustine sought Youth. An early 20th-century postcard attests attractions Archaeological below. HIL ARY HEMINGWAY f 50, there chance silver hairs grace wrinkles bracket eyes. swear happened overnight. puzzle somehow slowing process. famous remedy dates 500 explorer Juan Ponce de Leon entangled tiff Christopher Columbus son, Colon, Spains King Ferdinand. To peace, Ferdinand offered governorship claiming lands. sail 1511. fact, mention healing waters Spain. Instead, quest magical arose deck Leons ship. came native bathing freshwater Bimini, east coast. Though boy idea said fascinated ships stopped Western Bahamas, discovering springs. speculated explorers keen interest impress Ferdinand, taken waters, oldest tourist attraction, originally resolving disputes ONEAL MIDDLE WIKIPEDIA DIEGO DELSO PONCE DE LEONS ST. AUGUSTINE SPRING NOT MAKE HIM YOUNG. considerably younger wife. Others fresh easier colonize. 900 Silver Springs near Ocala, Green Cove Jacksonville, De west Daytona Beach. Each boasts agua. Leon, discovered major attraction selling, else, bottled water. guest-book House located shows 1868, officially continually attraction. million-dollar question CHUCK COKER JIM MOORE 35 SOME HAVE SPECULATED EXPLORERS KEEN INTEREST WAS IMPRESS KING FERDINAND. artesian Punta Gorda left considered powers. 19th-century drawing depicts mythical waters. abilities. minerals fact healthier tap water, chlorinated filtered kill bacteria microbes. treatments come tested is, vintage, according Johns River Water Management District Palatkathe Aquifer 17,000 26,000 establish colony, young, 1521 Timucua Indians tired enslaved Spanish. chief directed toward Indian legend healed drank again rough map, headed coastline Port Charlotte. Hemingway writer TV film, five books produces mixed-media works life. 36 didnt Charlotte Harbor occupied Calusa, fiercest tribe. clear besending visit arch enemybut historical records show Calusa attack devastating. Most sailors killed struck poisoned arrow. die wound Cuba. legacy does there. blocks Harbor, Gorda, corner Marion Avenue Taylor Street, Locals consider Youth, least, Better Living. delivered 1894, pump replaced 1926 hose spigot serve lining abreast street jugs filled. Who knows peace drunk 37 homes welcoming, renewal. Readying holidays, growing tropical palms, backdrop highlight pool lanai. evergreens, irrigation plants remind owners northern climate. Baker, really Baker helpful educating clients another, designing ideas using technology, shovels hit ground, Technology allows client looks, heights, judge suits outside, hris 8-year-old kid asking mow grass. follow path. Three decades owner Landscaping, firm maintains lawns, countless residential kitchens, garden pergolas, fire pits lighting. company 65 workers jobs business. landscaping, --CHRIS BAKER meaning acquired professionals understanding trees, shrubs, flowering landscape designs subtropical heat rain. us, festive, wintering natives dressing screenings enhance privacy, Stones, rocks hardscape borders option, layering, pathways, sanctuaries clean designs. attract butterflies, hummingbirds joy garden. Optimally, property low- TRI COUNTY LANDSCAPING MY JOB EXPLAINING THINGS LOOK LIKE DOWN ROAD. maintenance advice planting layout necessary. My job explaining road, visualize. ABOUT Maintenance divisions properties Monroe, Collier counties. Irrigation techs evaluate monthly basis, ensuring trees proper amount maintain appearance. Malfunctioning clogged heads spots grass beds. Tree trimming, corrective clearance pruning, hazardous limb removal, canopy reduction, stump grinding pre-hurricane cleaning. Bilingual staff. LANDSCAPE HELLO Greet assortment flowers shrubs say, Low fencing inexpensive smart device building wall flowers, vines hanging plants, gardening experts. VINE TASTING Vines colorful and, tended carefully, forever. Grapes vine fruit, tough grow Muscadine grapes, however, Sunshine State several hundred options. GRAND ENTRANCE Pulling driveway lined plantings Claus guests. textures colors. standby bougainvillea, bird-of-paradise, ornamentals, lilies bromeliads solid recommendations. PLANTERS BASKETS Varying poles limbs height dimension landscaping. Experts recommend mint, orchids, chain hearts, string pearls, white dipladenia, caladium clivia, example. BLOOMING CRAZY containers planted, hydrangea, impatiens, amaranthus, canna, ginger lily, Mirabilis jalapa four oclock flower, firecracker Mexican cigar blooming awesome. YEAR-ROUNDERS Ultimately last. seasonal guides stars azalea, daffodil, dogwood, wisteria, bearded iris, gardenia, crinum, lantana, crepe myrtle, rosemary, saucer magnolia, quince crocus recommended. 40 41 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARY, HELPING THOSE GREATEST NEED Palm Boulevard load Tampa openings picked steam essica Estrada exactly person hoping paying purchase neighborhood thrift outlet. nonprofit storesand e-commerce, donations, services, sponsorships federal grants train, employ, educate, prepare challenges, disabilities produced revenue, money Jessica nearly 42,000 Another counties truck bearing Goodwills mission assist back-drops 1975 opening. Newspaper publisher Chet Perry helped forming branch. achievement honor. Industries. charitys sweeping, able survive independently. theres argument affordable choices tens finds. islanders appropriate beach attire. Goodwilling verb. Unbelievable, Jenkins Mikes Paradise Custom Bird Houses attended weeks classes networking finance management, microenterprise program, Theyve done super-charge me. 1902 Boston 43 LAST YEAR PRODUCED MILLION REVENUE, USING MONEY HELP JESSICA ESTRADA NEARLY OTHERS FLORIDA. Rev. Edgar Helms. minister disadvantages disabilities. Helms appalled immigrants faced inner-city Boston. collected household clothing wealthier neighborhoods, trained hired disadvantagesthe handicapped 19th centuryto mend repair goods. items resold, revenue pay wages. per laborers, issued vouchers scare. died 1942, behind children. tribute memorial. sponsors national awards staff agencies exemplify values unselfish service, selfreliance ethic. reports 4.4 billion Jean Edmond gets racks. True understand patience sharp eye, hidden treasures await them. cents dollar Aside programs, campsa first-ever day-camp staged summersponsorship hockey disabled players, auto tech culinary certification. massive operation board directors reliable donors, certainly cadre shoppers. 1950s Petersburg, 44 Job-Link Services helps fill apps, resume, interview, locate possible employers computer access. independent situation. CLAY WETHAL Pathways Work adults seek Coaching skill training, requirements norms workplace. Other skills navigation, communication creative writing. N Pre-season baseball OW LOVE LIFE, JOB, WORKING PEOPLE SEEING SMILE THEIR FACES. LIFE ALL OTHERS. Volunteers donated burlap bags, repairable shoes clothing. assisted physical intellectual poverty. scope expanded hundredfold beyond schooling, housing seniors, instruction balancing checkbook, instance. gained autonomy Goodwill-Suncoast Pete 1980s. teen outreach, trainingcertification more. Goodwill, Barbara Zirilli-Lonergan, enrolled operates Zirillis Chilly Treats Coral, start. support Absolutely. JUSTIN WININGS enterprises revenue. resume-building seniors NATALIE GALINDEZ Publix Walmart meaningful tech, care-giving. budding entrepreneurs realize dreams. targets low moderate incomes aspiring owners. graduates eligible loan. described industrial program enterprise provider employment, rehabilitation limited employability, source temporary assistance individuals resources depleted. 165 autonomous across United States Canada. reach touches Estradas case, issues, poverty speech impediment induced missteps placing disadvantage. Before ride ended 2013, school, mother front television wasting dark unbalanced period, remained. Poverty within sectors percent, tracking data, disability poor one-third. safety net. joined friend Family Resource develop About 260,000 Centers 2015. menial labor-intensive, rsum, basis employ random volunteer position struggling leave cycle joblessness poverty, lightbulb situation found work, simply refused quit trying, explains. Impressed ethic customer empathy, Center, part-time job. doubted myself, up, Estrada, directing databases rsum Her efforts prompted Breakthrough Achiever, chosen sincere Now job, Kim Yape 1973. Shes still later. 46 Fashion Decades featured recognition trends GLANCE awarded honors variety categories. nationally locally, retail, sectors. July 2015, voted poll. month, organization poll marking row sustainability. Honorable Mention Energy Challenge Award, utilized Star Portfolio Manager ratings. growth award. vending, janitorial document destruction serving Collier, Lee, Hendry Glades Revenue supports life-changing opportunities achieve outreach centers, classes, disability-accessible housing, L.I.F.E. Academy charter overcome barriers employment roughly residents. Success skills, jobs, education, transportation seeing smile faces. Life story, Lynn Pottorf, principal classes. diploma certificate completion, handful 2004, busy complex academic, vocational students, diminutive bursting enthusiasm greatest need. require navigating balance lives, adds. office, Pottorf shares schools greeting redirecting poking room home. emotional describing journeys, class lab instructors kind teacher, step development. GOODWILLSWFL.ORG THEM 47 ome fun. Theres genius formula, collection novelty edginess, usefulness interesting almost addictivewhats hiding corner, wonder. Suncatchers Dream gift delightful tchotchkes, art, cards, housewares, gear toys kids arent Thats proprietor nurtured artists newly languished until arrived. Dune Jewelry, Mississippi Mud Coasters Capabunga re-sealable wine caps examples bringing market, watching catches shipped Medusas Heirlooms, lines French Collection hairclips, durability, contrary shape hugely Floridadue, again, Daniel Moore Thompson, Pier Imports executive deciding 1990s shop. Dream, introducing quirkiness, surprise chemistry actually interesting, customers back. wanted experience. Thompson Tokens Icons SANTAS LIST gifts, stocking-stuffers Authenticated game dial facing. Ronda movement, Swiss components, searchable details. Major league gift. 295 Yoga Clips andor affiliates cannot held changes, writing mistakes stock. 1007 Flat curved leaning beach, exercising driving. mechanism, Italian material, exclusively Kathryn Hausman, founder Heirlooms. Lanterns Awesome bedrooms, lanai outside festive lanterns patterns. cord kit Silicone modeled bungs plug barrels. Leak storage vanish. cool editions. Single, doubles, Zootility Tools screwdriver, kickstand, letter-opener, peeler, rulerstraight-edge etc. Ultra-thin wallets purses. 18-34 PocketMonkey Super absorbent clay coasters car sealife, etchings sculptor Shayne McCarter. Practical gift, decorations, quirky housewarming, conversation starters. 24, Muse Myra Roberts best-recognized artists. pops capturing paradise. 150-200 239-472-7860, 630 Bay, Suite 2, Next Over Easy Caf 49 Motion Sickness Nein Stein gold standard glasses, Riedels Veritas Beer Glass keeps beer colder longer, drinkers. 69 End motion morning sickness Reliefband. Drug-free wristband waves nausea FDA cleared, minutes. 89.99 Wondering menu item MUST restaurants Bucket List Foodies worth out, Sarah Crain. 16.95 Sugar Charms twist tea cocktails. shaped stars, flavors raw sugar, peppermint, pumpkin, lemon chocolate 6.50 50TOTI.COM Slow Good Stefan Sagmeister-designed slow single hand 24-hour face. User views day. Time decelerates Swiss-made watch. 250 Barbarian MacGyver bartender, tool trade. 9-in-1 bar press, zester, channel knife, jigger corkscrew. 59.95 Aw Nuts Healthy alternative, almonds tea, coconut, sweet sriracha, cookie cream, fireball flavors. 23-38 box Citrus Zinger healthful burst flavor Zing Anythings Zinger. infusion bottle extraction nutrients fruits. 51 Adding artful cup-o-Joe, float Topperfino Belgian disk calories. 13.99 Mocha Masterpiece Metro Sling Drink Grown-Up cocktails glassware drinking etiquette. Written League Extraordinary Drinkers kidding. Drinking Etiquette bag access boarding pass, passports, cell phones. Ergonomic design secure, comfortable worn under Waterresistant. Hair Headbands covering hair traveling color. soft, headache- slip-free fabric, Violet Love headbands wide thin. 12-22 52 52TOTI.COM CEDAR CHEST FINE JEWELRY, 239-472-2876, CONGRESS JEWELERS, 239-472-4177, LILY CO., 239-472-2888, ALBERT MEADOW ANTIQUES, 239-472-8442 Exquisite Finds STORE, 239-472-1516, GROG SHOP, 239-472-1682, HUXTERS MARKET DELI, 239-472-2151, JERRYS FOODS 239-472-9300, TROPICAL WINES, 239-472-3398, Food Beverage Shopping OUTLETS, 239-454-1974, CHADWICKS SQUARE CAPTIVA, southseas.comresort-activitiesshopping-en.html OLDE SHOPPES, PERIWINKLE PLACE, TAHITIAN GARDENS, TOWN CENTER, VILLAGE SHOPS, 53 TRADE HOLIDAYS chefs cooking GINA BIRCH CHRISTIAN VIVET mean agree star show. likely grew traditions developed adult. kitchen. longtime patrons anxiously Take, eggnog ice Sweet Melissas. Chefowner Melissa Talmage sounds crazy, tastes booze spices. cook much, Thanksgiving, meal enjoys most, admitting guilty candied yams marshmallows pecans. chef experimenting old-fashioned Jell-O molds. remembers, grandmother this--and kidding--green gelatin molded cottage cheese, canned pineapple nuts, soooo good. tips cooks ahead choosing organic turkeys. explains, frozen turkeys quite unfrozen hold crispy hers half hour 450500F crisp skin, done. common Christian Vivet Bleu Rendez-Vous oysters Christmas. eats Christmas Day, Eve. Paris Eve celebrations oysters, turned decadent feast plates foie gras lobster. Frenchman mom lobster once special. menus. puts thermidor removing meat tail cutting chunks. shell tops baked breadcrumb stuffing sauce. grown, dear saying, Maybe faraway family, kitchen tip Dont overcook lob-stah. oven temperature high. advises thermometer minutes, explaining, undone, undo overdone. Vivet, Teh Peng Timbers adapted traditions. Peng, 1,000 Chef MELISSA TALMAGE likes tradition beef Wellington spend IF whole loaf red Thanksgiving restaurant, Melissas shallot demi-glace slice where, chef, 1625 Way, guests, 239-472-1956 easy Blue Coyote Supper kicked mood laughing. 2430 notch, Patrick Fitz. co-workers. 239-565-1608 creates splurge-worthy Growing Malaysia, new. 703 Road, steamboats 239-395-2722 leg lamb reminds Fitz dinner. dish mother. resembles fondue 1100 Par View Drive, paring poke holes savory broth fish, 239-472-9222 cloves garlic in. veggies, chicken anything addition garlic, breaks else dipped delicious flavor, Noodles, balls quail herbs Dijon mustard lamb, eggs Pengs celebrations. steady. When laughs states loudly, theyre over. PATRICK FITZ TEH PENG Birch contributor, drink, well-known media personality 55 Signature mojitos, Caribbean-inspired atmosphere signatures three Doc Fords Rum Bar Grille eateries. landmarks digs, dream kitchen, wow factor digs. Rabbit iconic spectacular Inn roads. Co-owners Marty Harrity Mark Marinello operating location concepts fly. brought lots light, tin roof reclaimed wood. 2003 novelist Randy Wayne White. Within deal giving birth Fords. concept eventually locations Captiva. Fast forward 2015 restaurant seams, lease negotiations falling through, timing becomes accommodating. parcel Sanibels property, Harrity. bought lot maybe ago anticipation move. development regulations pushback neighbors airy, upstairs Room featuring seating. FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE 57 radio regularly contributing founderchairman congratulates September opening Outdoor option locations. 58 challenging. Harritys city council easier. project scrutiny has, approval granted, envisioning actual Ford like. main character series White fictional ex-government agent biologist solving mysteries crimes. backdrop. Working Benchmark Contractors architect Anderson, wood, outdoorsyfish-house structure co-owner Brenda focused interior. nautical, Old Florida, weve here. Docs spaces weather screens fans. elevated constant breeze, round. interior open, airy inviting walk in, ceilings eye-catching, wrap-around striking overflow biggest improvement public see--the huge, Harrity, back-of-the-house oven, joins flatbreads. that, Caribbean-inspired, from-scratch same. Labor days opened standing-room celebration dignitaries regulars gushed exclaimed, magnificent building, is. gorgeous nothing, brick mortar people. agrees, investment community, employees. hospitality resident Steve Turner nod general manager Kimmie McGonnell. McGonnell thrilled location, doesnt downtown area, generate bit shut George Wendys mecca hasnt agreement reached, sleevebut spilling beans yet. fishing goes lines, outrigger hunt eyebrows raised, know. 59 Wine punch angria libation, fruity, festive. nature, plethora combinations, perfectly suited soires. Spain Portugal credited mothership comes sangria, traditionally combination white, brandy type sweetener juice, honey sugar. Fresh fruit key punch. Although sangria repurpose losing edge, decent inexpensive, unopened preferable. time--time marinate alcohol hours, pack party. strictest research, Sunday gathering, pitchers overflowing twist. recipes 750-ml wine. carmnre sangrias fresh, fruity spicy characteristics, frankly bottles hand. Two spiked rum. mango creation, kiwi, pineapple, wine--a refreshing crowd pleaser. cup rum, strawberries pint sliced orange, lime. Several chunks NOVDEC2016 overdo cinnamon whisky, indulge frequent tasting--a apple pierced spiced flair serving. lemon-lime soda needed sweetness effervescence separate container guests taste. noise level rise traditional recipe borrowed Emeril Lagasse. Slice wine, Grand Marnier, tablespoons lime orange juice serving, sparkling moderately emptied. Cinnamon popularity Fireball Whisky, spirit seemed natural. Chop Granny apples oranges. hour. pitcher, combine cups Fireball. marinated mix adjust amounts continued, soaked whisky plucked popped--out pitcher beloved night cava, cinnamon, subtle. simple syrup simmer sugar dissolved, sticks touch spice. mimosa steroids, brunch. Mix cooled syrup, OJ, oranges chill. Garnish mint leaves throw ringer, labeled Surprise Sangria. wagered were, none guessed rather made. Beso Del Sol single-serve Tetra Paks 3-liter boxes, boating fix pool. acceptable unwitting partygoers. tempranillo, hint cinnamon. pinch Miami Cocktail Company. premade additives preservatives. juices produce flavor. socializing sipping gatherings, cheese charcuterie trays, roasted meats salty dishes. SALUD 61 DINING GUIDE KEY B Breakfast Lunch Dinner SB Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Vegetarian Cooking YUCATAN SHRIMP Serves unsalted butter clove minced limes, juiced tablespoon sambal Kosher salt taste, ground pepper taste pound unshelled teaspoon jalapeno, seeded chopped optional cilantro saucepan heat, melt butter. cook, stirring remaining saucepan. melts, stir chili sauce, pepper. sauce rest. Bring pot well-salted boil. minutes pink. overcook. Drain colander shake sink excess moisture. bowl, toss chill jalapeno desired, sprinkle again. 2500 239-472-8311, BLUE GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. relaxing browsing shops, treat yourself delicious, food. Sit hand-painted tables inside, Place sample Monterey Chicken Panini Shrimp Chips lunch, dinner Pina-colada Mahitruly breakfast tempting omelets pancakes, Eggs Nantua poached crab cake, topped Hollandaise why 2075 Novel Cuisine. folk based character, best-seller sandwiches, salads entrees. skip mojito. DUNES Not Member Problem lump bisque, Eastern, Burger, empanadas pulled seared cowboy steak. 949 Sand Castle 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. pasta, joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, omelets. bar, drinks, homemade Mango splendid seafood inside tasty burgers sandwiches lounge, entertainment nightly. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. plumpest steaming hot-spiced peeland-eat shrimp, grouper incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. buffalo wings bet. 2163 239-472-0606, PIZZA Paradise. Pizza choice crust Pasta, calzone salad popular. calamari bruschetta appetizer, miss daily 6520-C Ave., 239-472-5353 1036 239-472-6939 12951 McGregor Blvd., 239-476-9000 waterfront 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Worlds Breakfast. Residents enjoying decades, why. Start Frittata seasoned scallops krabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms artichoke Alfredo pictures 1619 239-472-1581, JACARANDA Legend. romantic, relaxed, open-air gathering energetic nightspot one. ranges 1011 63 historic lighthouse walls. Callahead seating available. 362 239-472-0303, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach wood-fired pizzas. pastas, chicken, veal menu. 1200 239-472-1998, NORMANDIE SEASIDE WIND Indulge Yourself. Bananaberry Toast Omelet more, bowl Veggie Omelet, Columbian artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax old-world Bacon Wrapped Roulade Normandie Snapper paired extensive Sunset Menu specials dessert. 3345 239-472-1541, westwindinn.comnormandie-restaurant-sanibel PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS BEACH FOODIES Institution. institution Pinocchios repertoire 130 daily, creams Krunch Dirty Dollar. Enjoy gelato, sorbets, sherbets yogurts well, generous portions. Geppettos gourmet Pinocchios, surprises croissants, baguettes, souffls, pastries, breads, panini, focaccias 239-472-6566, SANDBAR Welcoming. stone-crab claws, unsurpassed. steaks grilled perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day range fried baskets 64 specialties, tuna rice cakes seaweed salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. 1523 239-472-7770 4685 Bonita Springs, 239-495-5770 320 San Carlos Beach, 239-7656766, GRILL Color. Grill typical pub fare--juicy burgers, wings--and Youll bartenders often-sought-but-never-found feel, spot. 239-472-4453, SEA STAR Culinary Luminary. bagel burritos toast caramelized bananas syrup. salad, burger panini. 937 East 239-579-0195, SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. Caesar wrap. Morning choose Santiva variations Benedict either smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Small Packages. prepares entrees petite portions, diners dishes, duck breast cobia. 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative cuisine grouper, oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted rack yellowtail snapper mojo allure trappings, glorious table. 66 Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS RESTAURANT Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. Be market. 239-472-2722, TRADERS Experience. Traders emporium Tuesday Thursday evenings. gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. lunch serape colors, piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest border. 14970 239-472-0248, FloridaNew American. Jason Millers changing centers bounty plenty fish. sushi menu, adventurous varietymore rolls, sashimi, specialty rolls select sakes. Wines eclectic complement presentations, takes breath away. 15951 Dr., 239-472-5161 4, CROWS NEST Food, Fun Take fun, appetizers, flatbreads, alwayspopular dip, Saltimbocca, prepared sage leaves, prosciutto linguine. Live 67 excitement, Crab Races hopping 239-472-5161, Story Continues. Building continued success, Whites unique Seas Resort. Bread Oriental panko crusted dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers escargots tomato. 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE Once Upon Find coffees, extra-strong Red Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes Those tooth scoops Queenies locally milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. beers brewed pond. English grub. beachside sunset gazing. 11546 239-472-3434, RC OTTERS Otterly American.The multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners 239-395-1142, 68 SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled salmon, pecan-crusted goat 14900 239-472-6200, BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread tower modelled entre Robata grill, Lamb Lollipops rosemary Octopus SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entrees, designed enjoyed shared clean, contemporary ambience savor creations Chris Whitaker Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. 13451 Blvd, Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible outrageous prefer steak chicken. 239-4891500 2262 St., 239-3622843, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Refined brass, leaded glass theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Black Angus steaks. opt buffet aboard elegant Princess yacht. 17260 Harbour Pointe 239-466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. cuisine, order Breakfast, p.m., omelet variation Benedict. noon, baconwrapped cedar plank hungry diners. brunch packs house, wait--but 12901 239-4664663, DARUMA Make Wish teppan-style, table Classic Japanese favorites tempura offered, combinations Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. 13499 Cleveland 239-344-0037 241 Street North, Naples, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville Sarasota, 941-342-6600, FIRESTONE levels Brick wood atmosphere, tires Firestone. paella tapas Sky Bar, dance Martini Friday Saturday. 2224 239-334-3473, GARAGE dcor 1920s, Henry walked parts, Model Carb-uretor. arugula egg mouth names Big Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, EDISON Illuminati. namesake genius, Thomas Edison, display photos. steeped tradition, pie raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried true. Salads, pasta pleasing palates 1982. Soup accompany dinners, days. Early deals 530 p.m. booths, art nautical seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239-489-2226, UNIVERSITY Head Class. theater-goers 7790 Cypress Lake 239-437-4377, CENO History. spanakopita-fresh spinach, feta, phyllo dough baked, Marsala, drove Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki meal, parmesan, wont disappointed cannoli dessert Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. Closed Sundays. 1715 Pkwy W, 239-549-2366, 70 Award-Winning Keylime Bistro Cantina Otters Seafoo d ultimately tantalizing Late lounge. daily. Dining. Jazz Brunch. Open Daily 8AM 10PM. Lane 239-395-4000 Fine flames Southwestern icily margaritas. 1130AM Drive 239-472-0248 Olde Outside Broad selection. Voted Gulfshore Magazine Kept Secret. 5PM 11506 239-395-1142 239-472-6200 CaptivaIslandInn.comCaptiva-Island-Dining Savory Ste aks Succulen t m-6pm Hour 3p Seafood 17501 33908 239-466-5377 Vegan Frien dly Mon-Fri Sat Fri Nights 11am - 10pm 8am 71 Just Bridge 1719 Parkway East, 239-540-3673, LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Coastal Whether Grits Le Bouf Lobster Tail freshest fine selection landlubbers. Market night. Pkwy., Units 239-471-0136, MELOGRANO Quality Luxury. Traditional authentic Coral. vegan breadsticks medieval Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano Reggiano pumpkin ravioli wood-roasted Limoncello tiramisu. wrong Melograno, faithful time-tested recipes, non-processed foods chemical additives. WednesdaySaturday, 4pm-10pm. 5971 239-214-6444, MONKEY STEAK Silly Name, Serious Food. Nico Bogert experienced passionate food, proof palate, selections Monkey pork chop Pepper Painted Grouper, Ahi Tuna Salad. steak, eatery title Steakhouse Indoor available, 1428 Lafayette 239-5498800, ensure information date. However, encourage detailed reservations visiting establishments. 72 1012 73 Traffic aides demanding conditions, concerned ts gateway patrol dues climbing police vehicle tough. traffic aidethose keeping crosswalks safe motorists, bicyclists pedestrianscan promotion department. citys chief, Police Department aide Aides observable application, testaments tolerance endurance, recruiting cop. amazingly difficult, one, blazing sun tarmac. hourly impatient drivers, anxious groups waiting snarled birds shooting cars, knucklehead ignoring upraised stop, directionsin traffic. crazier fender-benders, bicyclist spills TRAFFIC AIDE PERFORMS REALLY MATADOR-- GESTURING COAXING DRIVERS MOVE QUICKLY. Joel Howard employs gestures, body language humor managing streets. occasional gesture glare motorist. pleased stationed intersections dips full-timers off-season. displeasures performance, Bill Tomlinson Absorbing drivers frustration reflecting nature gig, hardest force, cussing, everyone opinion. head. performs matador-- gesturing coaxing day-green evening-orange gloves move quickly, authority figure motioning barking pedestrians, conveying urgency swallowing impulse grimace. timid angry, sure. profile, must professionalism decorum otherwise, hall hear smallest detail, showboat expresses harshness. trade, though, moments Motorists football intersection, passing pleasantries. demand lights, value increasingly intolerant Ultimately, pedestrians manage travel, lenient another. courteous, experience, RULES ROAD Refrain driving text messaging biking. Please instructions officers roadways Maintain distance vehicles bikes. Pay close attention Anticipate pedestrian cyclist actions. Cyclists slower faster users shared-use path movers stay diligent crosswalks. courteousit contagious. 75 LEGACY INTERNATIONALMUSEUM MAIN STREET DING DARLING WILDLIFE SOCIETY--FRIENDS REFUGE LORNE MATALON MUSEUM Solving requires together, Americans Mexicans 2014 joining Rio Grande Smithsonian exhibit visits Ding, vital resource examined W Institution Smithsonians Main Humanities Council. Ding Darling beginning Oct. 28, 10. all-encompassing affects historically, spiritually environmentally, Lathrop, associate Wildlife Society-Friends Refuge, funding ever, soon. Were hether yearround visitor, chances waterways area. Mexico Caloosahatchee bays, creeks sounds, region. lifeblood industries sales. defines enjoyment, cause supply WE SHOULD ALWAYS BE CARING WANTING EDUCATE OURSELVES WATER IMPORTANCE AROUND US. --TONI WESTLAND, SUPERVISORY RANGER quality. plays role conserving protecting valuable resource, J.N. Refuge convey reason refuge host WaterWays, beaches, swim, Toni Westland, refuges supervisory ranger. connections fit. WaterWays environmental 28. Conservation, recycling labs exposition public. 77 necessity cultural element, examining politics health agriculture. interactive, hands-on touchscreens, quizzes photos considering news Okeechobee discharges farther afield. understands important are, Westland. drink. crisis happening picture exhibit, coupled Darling, gives facts action inform resources, Lathrop knowledge educate hopefully ripple Special tied message coordinating focuses managed Craft Guild showcases pieces environment. Saturday crafts families connect Wednesday film sponsored LCEC spotlights lecture Fridays speakers Mac Stone Cynthia Barnett author Revolution Unmaking Americas Crisis. derby Causeway 26, WaterVentures 3. 53-foot science handson topics conservation, watersheds. excuse while, learn sparks rejuvenates learning. adults, pass generation. caring wanting ourselves importance fws.govrefuge jn_ding_darling, 239-472-1100. Venice, Floridabased visitors. 53-FOOT TRAVELING SCIENCE CENTER OFFER HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES HIGHLIGHT TOPICS CONSERVATION, RECYCLING FLORIDAS WATERSHEDS. 78 STEVE HARWOOD 79 Celebrate H olidays special, affording excitement festivals festivities. planning. Medias compiled chamber sources. ARTS, Date Throughout Exhibits, performances holiday-related centerpiece arts hall. SANIBELCAPTIVA LUMINARY FESTIVALS HISTORICAL VILLAGE, 530-9 sets bike paths twinkle lights hundreds luminaria. Visitors Luminary Festival lighted walkway tree-lighting nativity scenes, activities. singing air refreshments visits. Complimentary trolley Captivas version Lane. golf cart parade begin dusk, rain shine, ending Chadwick Square socializing. organized Chamber Commerce. information, cottages, municipal buildings, heritage arrayed splendor. fees, transforms quaint village. Businesses decorations. weekend. TWEEN WATERS INN RESORTCHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING FIREWORKS, following Tween Waters hosts Fireworks sunset. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE BEACH, dusk. pastor Danner Congregational Church Christ. MARCHING MULLET PARADE, JENSENS TWIN PALM MARINA, Organized veterans, Mardi Gras-like Jensens Mucky Duck restaurant. sharing Mexico. generally date, occurs will. BOAT PARADE Marina cruises Sound Roosevelt Channel. Cruises McCarthys Marina, Flash register join parade. CHAPEL-BY-THE-SEA CAROLING, Chapel-by-the-Sea December carols songs. Guest soloists performers featured. churchs Chapel-bythe-Sea nondenominational November April. 81 Whichever willing TONY DICOSTA s fitness asked, exercise uncommon answer, carefully crafted, scientifically sound, endorsed-by-experts, whiz-bang-wonderful useless Christmass treadmill dust followed. followed sustained. formulate sustainable program. First, lets recap previous columns everyones plan. Cardiovascular capacity Keeping challenges. Strength Maintaining muscle tone, muscular endurance combating wasting. Flexibility Retaining joint. Highly protective. Keep talking exercise. diet, rest, medical care, balance, weight said, representative include, structured Note representative. one-size-fits-all regimen. clients, specific frequently gym-based three-segment note emphasizes strength flexibility meant week. rapid pace receive cardio segment, cases, minimal cardiopulmonary budget vigorous aerobic activity. fast walking neighborhood, equipment gym, swimming, biking, SEGMENT WARM-UP Warm core temperature, legs midsection muscles warm-up--you involved, preparing come. 10-12 elliptical, bike, treadmill, etc.. break sweat. repetitions abdominal machine weighted resistance. relatively lower FLEXIBILITYSTRETCHING Never cold muscle. reasons warm-up segment first. workouts upper-body lowerbody upper stretches. lower-body Easy, Total Upper-body Stretch deltoids anterior, medial posterior shoulder muscles, pectorals chest, lumbar spinal erectors, latissimus dorsi trapezius rotator cuffs, biceps triceps. quadriceps, hip flexors, workout calf muscles. Lower-body hamstrings, example Google stretch, ask gym guidance. Hold minimum seconds. THERE NO SUCH THING ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL FITNESS REGIMEN. STRENGTH previously mentioned, alternate twice, once. around. explain final set, total. DiCosta Certified Personal Trainer CPT writer. competitive physique athlete Masters Divisions, Over-60 state champion regional titles. 83 WHERE DO Day Parade Nov.11, Honoring heroes members, 75th Pearl Harbor. Hosted Parks Recreation supporters. route eastbound Eighth Court 15th Southeast 47th Terrace 239-246-1157, 30th Sculpting Championship 18-27, 10am competitions, demonstrations, attracts visitors, sculptors Wyndham Garden Hotel, 6890 239-454-7500, Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, B. Mann Performing Arts 19, 8pm Favorite Grammy winner, Chip Davis dazzling multimedia effects setting. Hall, 13350 FSW Parkway, 239-481-4849, 28th Boat 6pm Last participated promises exciting, establishments Bootleggers Waterfront Barbeque, Key Caribbean Grill, Matanzas Nervous Nellies, Bills. chamber. Laud Nativity 7pm Renaissance-style pageant, Ottorino Respighi, Ceremony Carols Benjamin Britten. Christ, 2050 239529-3925, 9, Sidney Berne Art 2301 Shell Village Dec.12, 730pm Nir Kabaretti conducts Symphony Orchestra favorites. Church, 15100 239-418-0996, 239-4180996, presents Deck Halls 18, Includes Symphonic Mastersingers, Kellyn Irish Dancers, carol sing-along Santa. Angela Pierre Motown 22-23, backup singers Motown-style classics. Foulds Theatre, Alliance Arts, 10091 239-939-2787, Moscow Ballets Russian Nutcracker 3pm Direct Russia, props, 60foot tree, Russian-made costumes sets. 239-4814849, Salute Vienna 30, Stunning waltzes sweeping melodies operettas orchestra, acclaimed singers, ballet ballroom dancers. Odd Squad 2pm Team brand-new agents Owen Ophelia interactive adventure. Ms. HQ, STEM decode, decipher unravel clues stop villains Father Lady Terrible. Featuring script creators songs Soundcheck. Artists Series Sketching Leo 1-3pm Third Saturdays Claires Mall, disciplines palm-frond painting mixedmedia. Novembers artist discussing demonstrating points painting. sketching basics drawing, anatomy, abstracts. 4125 Octonauts Deep Sea Volcano Adventure 1, Features fan-favorite crew explorers, intrepid Captain Barnacles, Lieutenant Kwazii Medic Peso. Join embark aquatic adventure, must-sea surprises. Peter McGrain Decembers McGrain, accordion musical saw player. percussion instruments sing tunes. Gavin DeGraw Grammer 7, Sing classics Wanna Chariot, smash Honey, Good. 239481-4849, Annie Moses 11, Save Schedule uninsured suffering cancer. 7th Bireley ROCKIN Ribbons Blues Marine Sponsorships Guests merchandise auction Systems Regional Cancer Center. 239-343-6059. 85 inspiring entertaining audiences decade, Carnegie Ole Opry. Masterworks 12, 2016-2017 I, conductor Kabaretti, pianist Fung. evenings Shostakovich Festive Overture, op.96 Rachmaninoff Rhapsody Theme Paganini, op.45 Saint Sans No. op.78 minor Organ Symphony. present pre-concert 7pm., Walk 16, pm Fridays, dozen venues talent. 855732-3836, Bluegrass Theatre acoustic lovers beyond. Presented partnership palmgrass.orgthe Acoustic Society SWFL. First-come Doors 1pm. Bob Dylan Band, remained influential musicians. Inscrutable unpredictable, deified denounced shifts interest, ideas. lyrics 86 rock seriously regarded literaturebecame politicians Carter Vaclav Havel cited influence. soaring desperate oppression--and finally triumph spirit-- brilliantly captures conflicting moods Also Prokofievs Romeo Juliet Ballet world-premiere orchestral composer Martina McBride 8, awards, wins female vocalist Country Association, rarefied Boys 14, birthed torrent singles sold albums millions, greater significance lies changed profoundly act debt. Junie Jones, Musical 1-18, matinee Adaptation stage comedy Jones first-grade adventures. Broadway Childrens Theater, 1380 Colonial 239-278-4422, 87 Nerd 1-12, Tuesdays-Sundays, Comedy Willum, Rick, fellow-ex-GI hes saved Vietnam. Rick hopeless nerd bumbling oaf sense, intelligence less tact. delight fades overstays presence Willum uproarious incident Evita 1-19, Andrew Lloyd Webber Tim Rices dynamic masterpiece Argentinas controversial lady. driven ambition charisma, Eva Peron saint class, reviled aristocracy mistrusted military. 239-2784422, Erma Bombeck Wits 1-6, Allison Margaret Engel, writers Hot Patriot KickAss Wit Molly Ivins, comic voices. captured frustrations asking, cherries, ArtStage Studio Rep, 2268 239-332-4488, Woods 2-16, Joe DiPietro, You, Perfect, Change happens Nick, Italian-American, doting grandparents Historic Arcade Les Stroud, aka Survivorman Evening Music, Conversation 88 Video producer, creator Survivorman, Strouds passions outdoors filmmaking. amazed Sweeney Todd 4-6, matinees infamous tale, Todd, unjustly exiled barber, 19thcentury London vengeance against lecherous framed ravaged unforgettable chilling stage. Tempest 400th Shakespeares death, Barry Cavin. Long lyrical plays, Prosperoa magician enchanted islandpunishes enemies, happiness terms use supernatural power. Tobe Recital Building, University, 10501 239-590-1000, Enemies Germain 15-Dec. 15, electrifying tense follows relationship hate-filled leader KKK pioneering AfricanAmerican civil activist. Night 17-Dec. 25, F. Rizzo Public Accountant Attorney-At-Law Master Law Taxation 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2014, Tax Return Preparation Individual Partnership Corporate Comprehensive Counsel Accounting Islander 1974 Estate Administration Planning Returns Condominium JD., LL.M., CPA 1101 110 hiring lawyer decision soley advertisements. decide, attorney send qualifications 239-395-0400 Fax 239-579-0547 89 Twas burglar twinkled dimples merry. cynical worker humbug attitude upside charming amusing comedy. Off-Broadway 239278-4422, Bobby Bones Raging Idiots silly tunes TV, stages snowballed Idiots. event, syndicated entertainers Nashvillemoved 3,000 tickets. shows, raising million. Irving Berlins 24-Dec. TuesdaysSundays, Army buddies-turnedshowbiz-partners sisters Vermont inn. commanding officer jeopardy inn, save business--and bargain. Mousetrap, Agatha Christie 29-Dec. suspect thrilling whodunit Festival. venue Brit guitar sensation Matt Schofield, Stokes Optimist grounds Way. 90 Christie. Still Mousetrap strangers trapped snowstorm murderer 2267 Myers., Conspiracy Wife 1-17, ThursdaysSundays, Wycherley Hes fool marries, marry fool. bawdy, hilarious, subversive wickedly satirical pokes humorless, jealous adulterous alike. Famous Reindeer 2-24, Funfilled reindeer wishing Along encounters Sammy Snowflake Ike Elf, Evilla Ice Witch. Yeston Kopits Phantom 31, 9pm Award-winning Maury Arthur Kopit Gaston Lerouxs disfigured muse, Christine. Their affair unfolds catacombs opera finds salvation Christines breathtaking voice. attending 91 ELIZABETH JOYCE 14th moon Taurus fifth supermoon intense previous. rough, higher tides usual, darkness light. wake-up call. 29th Sagittarius thriller. Connected Neptune, way, uncovers immoral disreputable acts news. 13th Gemini supermoon. endings, two. unmistakable grand finale, curtain. harmonious way. Capricorn stock decide 2017. Mercury retrogrades ARIES MARCH APRIL adore, seen awhile, pays visit. new, accent, catching fancy. weekend arrives. love, warmth sharing. overuse plastic happy. Remember, paper bills TAURUS MAY Signs 11th, force reckoned authority, surprised long-distance knocks decisions months end. heart-warming Prepare month expenses GEMINI JUNE definitely rest November, Gemini, universe store. Watch finances, mid-month. change lover, relationship. socially, pleases places. shortage hugs yous. CANCER JULY minute distance. fling turning cash. distracted lose loose change. Also, schemes. usually month. celebration, Eve, LEO AUGUST Leo. not, plans experiences. Expect types. rule admirer different. earn cash, mid-month, presents. paperwork redone. GPS, planning VIRGO SEPTEMBER Virgo. wants fine, except level, funds urgent situation, child. relaxes matters arranges significant raise promotion. ring already. LIBRA OCTOBER party, Libra. sweetie getaway. 93 destination unknown. Luck awaited win lottery. Get ticket mystery needed. turkey trying. Put you. remembered. hugs, gifts. Ringing bet, SCORPIO NOVEMBER desire meditate, intuition sweets, treats goodies abundance. splurge scheduled stellar Scorp. Pass fondly ones, feelings mistletoe. Finances tight, mid-month fortunate bonus favor cautious safely, can. SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER Sag. Could ocean. distance, miss. finances opens, substantial 94 raise, freedom. plans. favor. cheer Might door. spoil partner, succeed, warmly Lovers, playmates CAPRICORN JANUARY Capricorn. rekindle heart. practical, ground. Have credit cards spark possibly arms, tempted. treasured parties. drop-ins youd Oh, yesone bigger paycheck. holidays. AQUARIUS FEBRUARY travel. Passports ready Good, packing. specialize friendships, passionate, like-minded grows buy ticket. 95 gatherings relatives tendency overspend now, pull reins. Gifts nice, most. retrograde 19th, wheel, PISCES prime expand horizons. youve visited, sign Romantically, settle whos friend. money, Pisces. Sometimes forget restraint. strain well-deserved matters. increase Someone help, ask. whats Born identical twins, psychic birth. Bergen County, Jersey, housewife mother, internationally respected healer. personally divine teachers. During darkest carry burden pain abusive traumatic childhood, invisible appeared. caring, guidance, slowly heal rebuild accurate successes media. 96 familys journey death ROBERT CACIOPPO, FOUNDER PRODUCING ARTISTIC ARTSTAGE STUDIO THEATRE HISTORIC ARCADE DOUG GALLOGLY ELIN HILDERBRAND curse. convoluted painful Deacon Thorpe. Heres Us, Elin Hilderbrand Little, Brown Co., June 2016, struggle accept Nantucket scatter ashes. Thorpe celebrity fame classy, highpriced adoration erase abandoned old, drug abuse marriages rocky dies unexpectedly, contacts request goodbye. Unfortunately, ex-wives widow hate adult harbor secrets. strangers, secrets hidden. persons perspective, reader bears witness Thorpe, demons lives. conflicts escalate Deacons ashes, Is best-selling novels, Us Alternately sad, paints touching celebritys cut punches, captivating page. Jackie ENEMIES BESTOF MARK GERMAIN MOUSETRAP SINGLE TICKETS PLAYING NOV 15-DEC 29-DEC FORT MYERS RIVER DISTRICT BAY JACKSON HENDRY 239.332.4488 877.787.8053 FLORIDAREP.ORG 347 gopher tortoises burrows animals peril WILLIAM COX tortoise Gopherus polyphemus terrestrial River. covers Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Carolina, Georgia eastern listed threatened western federally listed. population decline range, review species. permitting Fish Conservation Commission. rounded, oblong carapace gray tan, inches weigh pounds. hind rounded elephant like, spade-like toenails broad. burrow digs specialized habitat oak hammocks, xeric scrub, longleaf pine-turkey oak, pine flatwoods palmetto prairie. underground depths feet. moist ends den. length tortoise, enabling 300 invertebrates approximately vertebrate commensal depend survive, keystone predators, extreme cold, drought. spends percent nearby foraging nonwoody grasses basking sun. lays spherical, hard-shelled burrow. Incubation lasts Depending individual, reproducing age. male sexually mature nests May July. THESE BURROWS IMPORTANT SPECIES INVERTEBRATES APPROXIMATELY VERTEBRATE hatchlings preyed raccoons Procyon lotor, skunks Spilogale putorius Mephitis mephitis snakes. Mortality percent. estimated females nest hatchling juvenile hardened survival, optimum habitat. Optimum acre, acre. Adults susceptible highly contagious respiratory tract disease, fatal infected individuals. Current densities numbers. Habitat loss fragmentation primary threat Tortoise lost practices prescribed burning. Without perpetual evolves closed herbaceous vegetation. Exotic invasive vegetation replaces plants. Eradicating Brazilian Schinus terebinthifolius, melaleuca Melaleuca quinquenervia cogongrass Imperata cylindrica important. degrades, excluded. Gopher upland Favorable treeless scattered 30-40 canopy. shrub clearing necessary, burning treatment adequate forage wiregrass Aristida beyrichiana, butterfly pea Clitoria mariana, sensitive briar Schrankia microphylla Likania michauxii. notably animal indigo snake Drymarchon corais couperi, species-of-special-concern frog Rana capito invertebrate burrows. negative ecology southeastern States. Cox ecologist 99 M aybe audience. filmmaker inland flushed ocean bays Fouled beaches hurt tourism, reports. 30- 60-minute versions. broadcast affiliates, action. films Emmy Awards stake millions user taxes. tourism industry. old-Florida beverages friends. Apple Butter cracker-style BBQ, mullet, grits associated fare. Esperanza Woodring Cast Net Rodeo 5, Solutions Avoid Tide, START. tide advocates biodegradable products, farming. START monitoring network Own Bag, CRACKER FEST HOSTED CHAPTER SOLUTIONS AVOID RED TIDE, Entertainment, net-tossing competitions Rodeo, 4-5. JEFF LYSIAKISLAND SUN NEWSPAPER Chapter restoration improve ages youngsters net-casting skills. CAST NET RODEO Few represent cast-net fishing. anglers cast nets bait larger net lasso, edges swimming Boxs 23rd confirmation artistry netting, full-time Ralph Woodring, owns rodeo held. Children net-toss tournament. 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RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 Sales Installation Security Alarm AudioVideo Home Theaters Radio Intercom Central Vac Much 239.472.4160 888.527.7806 MyersSanibelCaptiva Based Greater Area Prompt Courteous Luggage Handled cocktail Think Ill jerky appetizers. Tennis lesson morning. laugh. Got November. Broke Gotta shelling expert buddy Asking arriving snook closes. Took tour drop-jawed told. Running Gulfport having. town. Cant known, waterfront. Js afternoon. Downton Abbey tonight lemurs Need this. Decided advantage breezy rocking chairs porch Library. Had aboard. simpler houseboats rode PJs Sarasota Wynwood District. Actually YouTube video stone claws Monday Getting Brothers Futurist January Heard girl Dang Darlin Jerrys ha ha. Too Accent Week. Post office France England, clerks. dreamed residents protested NBA Four-hour GR DM. Why happen anyone briefcase beach. Ha sort trying relax. walk, DROTLEFF desireous alike, vaction plate. Ft. Rd. 239-472-8311 708 Fishermans 239-765-9660 239-312-4275 Winning Flavors Rim 1034 VOL. NO. 4.95 TIMES ISLANDS Published TOTI_Cover_ND16.indd 93016 403 1032