Ad_Page.indd 1 12315 859 PM 2 TOTI.COM JANFEB 2016 1_TOTI_JF16.indd 830 3 38 Our Ding Darling A documentary profiling Iowa volunteers salvaging a dying lake premieres Feb. 9 at the Sanibel wildlife refuge named in honor of films central figure, Jay Norwood Darling. SPECIAL SECTIONS 46 CONCIERGE 50 AUDIO INTERVENTIONS Let Us Be Your Service GUIDE TO WHATS TRENDING IN OUTDOOR AND SPORTING FASHION GOODS 53 YAWL HAVE FUN DISCOVER MORE ABOUT THIS BONITA BUSINESS ITS REMARKABLE OWNER PART OF THE EXCITEMENT FORT LAUDERDALES INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW IS FINDING WAYS GET INVITED ABOARD MILLIONDOLLAR MEGA YACHTS 4 Sarasota Ballet is just short drive from Fort Myers, yet secret this exciting dance company reaching national audience. Principal dancers Ricardo Graziano and Victoria Hulland played title roles Sir Frederick Ashtons Marguerite Armand November. Turn to page 24 learn whats happening what critics are saying. Cover photo Frank Atura 12715 336 MILLIONS her big chance attend college. E V RY P L AY I S F O R D U C T N. When you play your favorite Florida Lottery games, portion ticket sales goes support education our state. In fact, youve helped us raise over 28 billion for money that helps K-12 programs funds Bright Futures scholarships, which have allowed more than 700,000 students realize their college dreams. So keep playing, because winning. Must be 18 or older play. Play responsibly. 2015 5 10 PUBLISHERS LETTER 12 MAKING WAVES 14 GULF COAST ZEITGEIST 16 PROFILE Sanibold Passion Island Fashion Feeling Composed Troupers Millennials Making Moves Burdening Shoulder Modern Guidebook Living Islanders on Move Celebrating Southwest Floridians 22 STAY TUNED ARTS CULTURALLY 32 YOUR HEALTH 34 DO YOU KNOW 44 BEAUTY TRENDS 56 OUTDOORS 60 TECHNOLOGY 62 HISTORY Berry Good Guide Dining SW The Bourbon Boom ... Where Go What Do Chasing Destiny Having Ball This Apps You Products Help Look Best 66 EPICURIOUS RECIPE 80 CHEERS 82 CALENDAR 97 BETWEEN LINES 98 STARGAZING With Elizabeth Joyce Heart Rabbits 100 ON RADAR 102 NATURES NOTEBOOK 104 COMMUNITY 110 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 112 ISLAND JOURNAL Times Islands ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year by TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. ocean, Gulf, rivers lakes--this where we long be, least near. We bring all things water-related, boating fishing seafood. plan curling up with MarchApril issue letting thoughts ocean breezes inspire you. 6 7 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger ASSISTANT Scarlett Redenius EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Craig Garrett Grimm SENIOR EDITOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL David Grant CONTRIBUTING Acevedo Rene Novelle Doug Gallogly CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund DESIGN CONSULTANT Andrew Cantor GRAPHIC DESIGNER Patrick Sanders PROOFREADER ONLINE Heather Gray EDITORIAL COORDINATORS Redenius, Klaudia Balogh WRITERS Balogh, Gina Birch, Debra K. Brinker, R.N., Ed Brotak, Cathy Chestnut, Nick Ciletti, William R. Cox, Erik Entwistle, Gallogly, Garrett, Ross Hauser, M.D., Joyce, Luberecki, Dana Mirman, Dr. Randall H. Niehoff, Ann Marie OPhelan, Tom Sharbaugh, Thompson PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Atura, Jo Eland, Dave Drotleff, Dayna Harpster, Horton, Jaeger, Scott MacFarland, Miville, Shelby Peters, Garry Rhodes, Jarod Rogers, Louis Venne SALES MARKETING Kyle Fisher 239-472-0205, ext. 103 ADVERTISING Friedrich Shelley L. Young Michael Ottman 107 Dru Anne Doyle 109 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Logic CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES toti.comcontactus Island, 33957 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Financial Administrator Jacqueline S. 8 Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those 12815 942 AM ometimes, even though signs right front us, fail get message. recently took an islander--maybe seen him. He often running alongside road my way home office, waving sign simply says Love. found out he calls himself anonymous runner, apparently has decided take it upon help spread little love. If ever driven down McGregor Boulevard most likely neon-lettered God Originally erected 1943, had deteriorated was need repair. But 2013, local philanthropic foundation generous got together make sure message love refurbished, so once again illuminates its simple but inspiring Although these two examples seem small, imagine power results if attempted pass around daily lives. Personally, some goals new Id like share readers Positive lead positive actions. Dont let negative situations people down. Cherish--and mean really time appreciate every minute--that able family close friends. Try 8-8-8 method managing day. Eight hours each work, sleep. Believe me, does always practical, Im going effort follow rule. run business, treat employees same respect dignity own family. Youll pleasantly surprised results. Theres no question todays world can full stress, frightening events uncertainty about future. Yet when awaken day, ability choose how see day ahead. It choice alone, Will Year whether embrace attitude peace, allow dark drama encounter dictate demeanor. fantastic here feel extremely grateful blessed good experienced. equally excited prospects awaiting year, as reach 20th publishing, hope same. Perhaps we, individuals, made mission face hearts real desire do something someone else, will harmonious joyous 2016. there--all them. Group Publisher PLEASE SHARE LOVE PHOTO AT FACEBOOK.COMTIMESOFTHEISLANDSMAGAZINE 831 11 Waves salute residents, businesses organizations Floridas island coast who community special WILDLIFES BEST FRIEND Ozzie memorable patient. Barron, hospital director CROW, Clinic Rehabilitation Wildlife treated thousands injured animals. bald eagle different. knew healed him since wild three months, she Ozzie, sadly died further injuries after his release. For days alike, thats keeps interesting. am come morning, started career 20 years ago, work veterinary medicine. CROW annually treats 4,000 patients, Barrons role much healing wings, tortoise armor raising orphans. She shares shes learned collaborates scientists advance protection habitat. also stays tuned patients. Lot times, says, first lets know environment, canaries coal mine scenario. --Klaudia DR. HEATHER BARRON NAPLES WINTER WINE FESTIVAL FEST PROCEEDS SUPPORT KIDS Helping underprivileged children Collier County, Naples Children Education Foundation raised 135 million 15 through Winter Wine Festival. Named top charity auction fun event, festival organizers great expectations gala Jan. 29 31. Check --K.B. Moreland retiring Shell Point Myers. leaves active retirement marketing VP. pioneered assisted living attracting locals Point, percent occupancy. wishes happy retirement. --Craig SHELL POINTS MORELAND RETIRING DAVID 844 TOP COURTESY MIDDLE BY LOUIS VENNE BOTTOM 13 Mother Earth playing field RANDALL NIEHOFF dont youre going, youll end someplace else. --Yogi Berra few weeks mark last NFL season. began outdoors practice ends explosive excitement watched game sport America Super Bowl. Meanwhile, islands beaches, greatest outdoor sporting event occurs anyone stand sit quietly shoreline gaze intently eastern horizon, crest hill sun moon appearance. perched leading edge largest ball hands lifegiving sphere call Earth. As occupy spot, moving grace Olympian multiple directions once, speeds infinitely faster super. Science discovered Earthball dances stars, demonstrating raw athleticism busts move. fellow riders twirled along following partners lead. Ours front-row seat terrestrial missile streaking space closest star 69,361 miles per hour. At diving horizon planet barrel-rolls toward east 1,037 And dizzy yet, effects solar system drifting, Milky Way galaxy swirling, whole universe expanding--all pace Nascar only dream about. Talk sports. justifiably proud intellectual recognize movement, still unique humanity old Yogi said well Were lost, were making time. Those live, visit recreate Gulf Coast embody response ancient query spirit demonstrates less concern destination focus journey. Encoded governmental laws embodied almost everyones personal behavior healthy styles travel Outdoor living--gratitude nature creatures joyful determination conserve care favored environment sportsmanship--inclusive housing, recreation government officials responsive citizens customers broad volunteerism civic, charitable, religious service widely supported commitment being neighbors example, sports one plays competitor drives bikes colleague. So, islands, ride--by whatever means prefer n Niehoff lived 1991. SPIRIT OUR TIMES DEMONSTRATES LESS CONCERN DESTINATION FOCUS JOURNEY. Small rise credited Mayor Kevin Ruane busy regionally water quality theme push involved. Locals say murky beach closings place unfavorable light. There tens millions dollars stake drawing tourists Captiva account sizable percentage visitor taxes Lee County. small town fewer 7,000 year-rounders, packing punch statewide issues. Many point Sanibels mayor signed state tourism boards, League Mayors, committees investing tax revenue worker pensions. appeared before federal lawmakers hold flood insurance rates down, example. His private success furthers credibility--many agree Gov. Rick listens saying, mayors high visibility, oddly, cost Sanibel. candidate County Board Commissioners, pulled race suddenly Sept. 1. expected CRAIG GARRETT generations, leadership deliberately off Countys political social radar. snowbirds stormed resorts shops--and washed back tide-- islanders jolly isolation. remote amending foreign policy. relishing detachment--Fort regarded overseas--is grabbing quality, rule, insurance, pedestrian bicycle safety, vitality tourism, planning other matters Sunshine State. citys elected corps spent compounded Tallahassee Washington, cajoling prodding, while staffers advise communities natural resources urban planning. Sanibel-Captiva Chamber Commerce SMALL TOWN FEWER THAN YEAR-ROUNDERS, SANIBEL PACKING BIG PUNCH STATEWIDE ISSUES. poll First District race. did decision lightly, wrote letter suspending candidacy, many know, primary responsibility continue be. Also, please returning campaign contributions. Despite pulling commissioners race, ahead steam affecting adopted hometown. think vision better live says. leveraging relationships. voice isnt fluke, became issues Hurricane Charley clean-up volunteer 2004. moved Charleys arrival, having sold business landing soft age 44. later repurchased today daughter. joined city council 2007 become second-longest-serving mayor. Others involved advancing city, course, including vice mayor, Mick Denham, dozens public jobs. figurehead. City politics past, Councilman Jim Jennings MAYOR KEVIN RUANE DANIELA JAEGER pretty divided Ruane, bitterly. highly thought now, lot that. Hes very likable knows stuff. Larry Schopp board member Committee Islands, formed 1975 functioned both advocate preservation committee, start. recalls spoken, shy, Ruanes early term. drawback heightened influence scheduling Ruane-- arranged, keeping checking text messages huge wristwatch directing self-evaluation instead. comfortable talking Ruane--until topics wife kids, father integrity surface. These hot buttons. proposed Council members receive salaries. dropped idea complaints surfaced. especially angered media postings paytravel Questioning character unwarranted attack taught observed child, never relationships clients, father, John. handshake, clients friends clients. Its learned. Editor-in-Chief Media. 17 Solitude define couture Peach Republic fashion. Open and, especially, isolation shape unmistakably distinct. residents bohemian--pastel shorts, colorful tee, bangles flip-flops women men casual. elegant--Naot Michele sandals Etienne Marcel jeans, Unlike Naples, Lauderdale Boca Raton, apparel cleanly offbeat--and upbeat. Republics Sue Bobak boutique, laid back. else go theres stoplight Clothes-wise, feet sand, wear cottons linens, upscalecasual style. PEACH REPUBLIC Bella Isola Boutique LEFT BELLA ISOLA BOUTIQUE RIGHT RENE MIVILLE Absolutes describe subtropical weather, sand lighter fabrics--certainly them--brighter colors nautical-beachy fit geography festive Caribbean-style Mexico. But, seems, fashion reaches deeper perhaps isolation, rules limit encroachment chain stores. regulations stop boutiques carrying Parisian fashion, shops offer lifestyle choices Sanibel-Captiva. Claudine Wells, describes shabby chic, sort hippie-beach look, it. store entering closet. STORE LIKE ENTERING DREAM CLOSET. HOW WERE DIFFERENT. --BELLA ISOLAS CLAUDINE WELLS 19 943 originated distinct sensibility. Chicos Aqua Beachwear, correlate important, Valentino, founder Pursuit. Beach-inspired typify living. relaxed look coastal nautical, Valentino couture. Strong colors, too navy, white, reds yellow. Happy important. Of sunglasses, shorts pair culture--it defines wear. visitors buying they want piece Pursuit HAPPY COLORS ARE IMPORTANT. COURSE, SUNGLASSES, SHORTS PAIR FLIP-FLOPS REALLY BEACH CULTURE --IT DEFINES WEAR. --MICHAEL VALENTINO, CEO PURSUIT 21 From ragtime Rachmaninoff, song offers comfort, experiences linked musical memories W ERIK ENT WISTLE hile presence sporadic ubiquitous, music accompanies lifes encounters music, intentional inadvertent, lives ways sometimes difficult quantify appreciate. gains imagination. mind, consider questions reading searing melodramatics Les Mis might otherwise been. doubt Ill experience level catharsis during performance. second image, entirely different potent, grandmother sitting piano rendition Hoagy Carmichaels Stardust. On Years Eve would gather hear improvise standards, Stardust signature tune. Twenty-five later, gone, melody emerges fingers, gilded improvised arpeggios cascading effortlessly keyboard. definitive version Stardust, comforting strains exist inside head. Moving reluctantly stay longer, answer number 2, wouldnt Bachs Prelude Major famous Gounod enhanced adding set Ave Maria. instructor, find ideal students. profoundly beautiful behind apparent simplicity arpeggiated chords. unparalleled serenity revisit course lifetime. there already cant without, reinforces musics promise continuous inexhaustible resource open ears inquisitive minds. invites explore surrounding various plays, individual lives, society large. me youd addressed discussed future columns. meantime, enriched life loved ones, steps . Recall vivid memories. 2. without--and why 3. Given enjoy, looking forward exploring discovering answers sprang quickly required thought, hopefully exercise stimulated minds ear contemplate reveal present potential experiences. considering question, denying crucial inhabits memories, replay them alive. brings images immediately mind. daughter standing alone onstage seven ago young Cosette Miserables. Broom hand dressed rags, singing Castle Cloud. show month sold-out crowds ultimate proud-parent experience. Seeing stage far susceptible ILLUSTRATION DAVE HORTON ENCOUNTERS MUSIC, WHETHER INTENTIONAL OR INADVERTENT, INFLUENCE LIVES THAT SOMETIMES DIFFICULT QUANTIFY APPRECIATE. flowing. Whether seek happen serendipitously, awaits discovery, poised creation. Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle received undergraduate degree Dartmouth College. earned post-graduate performance Washington University St. Louis. doctorate musicology California, Santa Barbara. teaches reached toti.comcontactus. 23 Danielle Brown performing Alex Harrisons Blue Hour. challenges worlds finest ballet productions CATHY CHESTNUT aking resounding acclaim past years, jetd aplomb into 25th anniversary season features several premieres, staging Enigma Variations been performed outside England. cast dancers, Mike Marraccini gigantic. To understand makes world-class located culturally rich jewel two-hour Ashton passion Iain Webb wife, assistant Margaret Barbieri, former principal Sadlers Wells Royal Ballet. Both uniquely sublime art. results, accounts, dazzling. Theyre doing nobody country, islander ballet-goer Lisa Heidrick. performances worth to. par, better, theyre York, San Francisco Chicago. Indeed, theyve heralded journeys beyond D.C., Berkshires Massachusetts. debuted ice-skating themed Patineurs Kennedy Centers annual 2013 Across America, Post critic Sarah Kaufman proclaimed theirs fresh, bighearted ensured festival. troupe 2014. Jacobs Pillow Becket, Mass. achievement choreography cause warmest congratulation British American based Mexico extraordinary, noted Alastair Macaulay. audiences wide-ranging repertoire, led choreographic masterpieces contemporary, George Balanchine, addition others present. include Agnes de Mille, Dame Ninette Valois, Michel Fokine, Kenneth MacMillan, Twyla Tharp, Christopher Wheeldon more. decades revered figure world. creative genius influenced classical modern dance, opera. well. choreographing 1931 Vic-Wells until 1970. now called PHOTOS OPPOSITE PAGE FRANK ATURA SARASOTA BALLET CHALLENGES AUDIENCES WIDE-RANGING REPERTOIRE. GLANCE Balanchines Emeralds Valois Rakes Progress Grazianos State Weightlessness FSU Center Performing Arts 26 Presents Smuin Bay Area April Stars Stripes Van Wezel Hall Orchestra 30 Wheeldons Jazz Calendar Wedding Bouquet Opera House 941-359-0099, above John Ringlings Circus Nutcracker. below 25 337 nearly ballets landmarks, Cinderella, continued working contemporary such Mikhail Baryshnikov, 1988. Weve touring renown receiving reviving ballet, Marraccini. Director Webb, Englishman, taken heights tapped Barbieri. Since then, staged 124 divertissements, 35 premieres. resident professional dancer Marsha Wagner Illuminations ballerina thrilled it, hadnt done years. arrived bit wary. totally blown away company. Not brilliant honoring Ashton, nuances worked him--they letter, Ryoko Sadoshima American. Wagner, multi-stage career, impressed Balanchine ballet. That brilliantly done, difference between choreographers vast. dynamics. December, innovative stages holiday classic, Nutcracker, Tchaikovskys timeless score Orchestra. magnificent performance, is, integrating strongly about--our history community, gift Florida. Heidrick fan Theatre Dreams, choreograph pieces choreographer Graziano. nearest company, encourage aficionados trip includes dinner visits cultural gems. close--closer think, Chestnut writer editor explores places special. FIND IT AN AMERICAN COMPANY BASED CITY PERCHED MEXICO BEYOND EXTRAORDINARY. --NEW YORK DANCE CRITIC ALASTAIR MACAULAY 832 27 professionals groups provide venues growth KLAUDIA BALOGH move positions. generation seeks office gatherings late-night bar scene congregate like-minded networking ideas formal basis, goal growing personally professionally. Professionals Myers Estero Cape Coral Association opportunities monthly. Laura Richardson, group, realizing cannot wait actively engaged illennials swapping cards ever. They go-to experts parents grandparents stuck iPhones iPads. Millennials-- known Generation Y Net, born 1980s 2000s--are figuring careers building successful futures. realized rather importantly, spot Dream plan, increasingly seeing M AS YOUNG FINISHING SCHOOL JOINING WORKFORCE, WE LOOKING ORGANIZATIONS BECOME AFFILIATED WITH, IF THEY NOT EXIST CURRENT MEETING NEEDS, REALIZED CAN BUILD OWN. --LAURA RICHARDSON Melissa Shannon checks participants Business Social After Five Coral. network, build connections development. finishing school joining workforce, affiliated with, current meeting needs, own, 30, group June 2015, newest inspiration starting job January noticing wasnt Millennial islands. met came attract large there. professionals. June, Richardson participation month. attendance, next Each 857 Top left Trent Peake, Lathrop, Darrin Grotrian, Rebecca Grotrian Robin Roberts network Captiva. Attendees Tyler Leleux, Jonathan Martin Dan Sinclair, bottom Rodriguez Favorite Shiden Kafei Stephanie Tinoco. meets restaurant however, plans participate variety events, fundraisers gatherings. Kasey Albright, estate agent Naumann Associates, Network Realtors needed organization promoted generation. My mom 20s 30s getting age, wanted experiences, Coral, founded 2002 Sinclair. Sinclair gathering. ran couple friends, recent graduates, chamber function, Editorial Assistant SHELBY PETERS OTHER area, Everyone except 60s, age. result, born, then established reputation attendance excess participants. groups, generations didnt Amber Maines Paige Wood, 25, attended Five, September. trainers Sit Means South Florida, dog-training franchise Estero. Wood explains, sounded opportunity business. Mission accomplished. 31 Is shoulder pain putting damper ROSS HAUSER, DEBRA BRINKER, R.N. Allow ligaments tighten. Aggressive, repetitive use elongate. remodel swimmer pain, swimming training reduced altered proper rest workouts. faced injury, lessen aid healing. Stop extra activities increase joint looseness. Discontinue passive stretching shoulder. tendency instability. TIPS HELPING SHOULDER PAIN FIGURE Wear tear loosen supporting shoulder, creating instability joint. rotator cuff muscles stabilize eventually fatigued. CARING MEDICAL REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CLINICS sland embodies pleasures climate conducive enjoying tennis, golf, swimming, cycling, fishing, kayaking Some creativity improvements gardening. require mobile flexible joints. joints body, socket, range motion. mobility flexibility usually beneficial engaging revel in. movements previous ring loose, allowing excessive movement thus causing susceptibility injury Ligaments connective tissue act hinge cabinet door. becomes door wobbly. unstable. Subsequently, muscles, try stable. chronically tight, sore spasm overuse, fatiguing possibly tears structures. Add appropriate strength training. Incorporate exercises within pain-free range, scapula stabilizers. Strength causes tighten, protective effect Assess technique. enthusiast painful certain techniques should evaluated ensure stress placed swing stroke. Address contributing factors activity. Sleeping bad aggravate Computer usage dominant side, switch opposite control computer mouse. Note any clunking. unstable, start clunking clicking noise. stroke motion, indicate severe, multidirectional Symptoms loss increased muscle spasms. Stabilize poor blood supply damaged, treatment restarts repair cascade. successfully regenerative-medicine prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma stem-cell therapy Repair damaged aided injection therapies long-term strengthening stimulate joint, relief. Make chronic thing medical Caring Medical Regenerative Medicine Clinics Chicagoland. registered nurse writer. TIMES, WEAR TEAR FROM REPETITIVE MOVEMENTS PREVIOUS INJURIES CAUSE SUPPORTING RING LIGAMENTS TOO LOOSE. 33 Most everyone resolution list. Wed help. Media providing suggested life-skill tips Included possible contacts started--or rescued. Please Know guidebooks. SOCIAL MEDIAMOBILE APPS application software Health, self-improvement, location searches, entertainment, AndroidGoogle Play, AppleApp Store. HEIMLICH MANEUVER Sadly, Americans choke death. Training recommended. SEW BUTTON STITCH SEAM CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION CPR Considering Needles sharp, repairs slowly. Spare buttons affixed clothing. Alterations Rita. SWIM Why risk Take Red Cross swim class--immediately. exercise. Rec instruction. takes minutes die heart stops, skill other. classes Recreation Center, Fire Department Memorial Health System. serious. best tires unusual needing replacement. Center. CHANGE TIRE Practice JUMP START CAR BATTERY battery juices engine. Stow jumper cables trunk. corrosion loose terminals posts. Baileys True Value, Ace Hardware. ESCAPE RIP inevitably pile another. while, practice--but review bike safety videos.,, Bicycle Club, Finnimores Billys Bikes. Fun part. cities counties environmental divisions. Also check SCCF Native Plant Nursery. GROW ORGANIC VEGGIESCOMPOST RIDE BIKE SAFELY Seasonal fast-moving channel outward, powerful sucking drags strong swimmers. Sea School Break Grip Rip online video NOAA National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. FIX COMMODE Toilet tank parts 20. difficult. Hardware, Value. TIE KNOTS necessary, critical arises. Experts learning eight basic knots. important anglers. Bait Box, scouting websites. DRIVE STICK SHIFT Few sexy manual trannie. BMW MercedesBenz SINKING VEHICLE Canals bodies threats. tool punching vehicle windows available MIX CLASSIC BEVERAGE cocktails know. margarita big. planters punch, cosmo martinis Jacaranda, Doc Fords Seas Resort. hazardous plants insects. intoxicating cleverly strangler fig. Museum Natural History, SanibelCaptiva Conservation SCCF, J. Refuge. IDENTIFY PLANTS CRITTERS CAMPFIRE SCRATCH Picture Hanks Cast Away. Stuff happens. PARALLEL PARK impolite dismantle another curbed vehicle. driving schools. SAIL Absolutely invigorating. requires others. Colgate Offshore Sailing School. AVOID SCAMS insert name relationship accident wont cover emergency costs. Send cash. suspicious swindle. Federal Trade Commission excellent resource, police agencies. Save path self-reliance. Air Electric. MAINTAIN AIR CONDITIONER 36 WRAP PRESENT Very romantic exquisitely wrapped package. documents, information Microsoft instructions. ERASE HARD BACK UP shred editor-in-chief SEA SHELLS Sells Shells, Bailey-Matthews Museum, 37 notebook, paintbrushes art materials used Sketch drawn cartoonist environmentalist Darling, titled Season Flirtation. desk. Cartoonists contributions highlighted February film ongoing premiere tells story restoring health Iowa. 9,600-acre Lake Darlings honors whose impact Back Restoration shows Thursday, 9, J.N. creator, Sam Koltinsky, very, interesting man. honored legacy. fades. Only select relevant. legacy, partly newspaper cartoons biting opinion, protecting wetlands. Part land Refuge instance, developed intervened. Bureau Biological Survey, forerunner U.S. Fish Service, oversees 600 acres wetlands marine monuments. DarlingDing MARVO ENTERTAINMENT 39 Curtiss Oriole biplane. right, residence, stands today. Birds abound 40 DING DARLING NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Words pollution particular marshes, drainage ditches, put formerly pleasant picture landscape, restore bottoms, divert streams hurried river, impound North Central areas. 41 Out West seafood canned. canned fresh friendships 1936, Federation. program sell duck hunting stamps proceeds purchase protect artwork Duck Stamp. traveled widely, penciling beautifully illustrated diaries. winters, converted fish house icon Robert Rauschenberg purchased buzz saw curiosity motion--visiting Soviet leader Joseph Stalin capturing Mexican peasants observed, 1962, leaving trove drawings, diaries writings. displayed exhibits showing rawness character, Koltinsky. Koltinsky documented Americas Story 2012. portrayed contraction name--Ding via grandson, Koss. Koss donated grandfathers books, tools uses Brush Excellence awards stewards. Collin OMara, president Federation, stated Federation famously said, must speak themselves. nursed ardent locals. premiering portrays work. Pulitzer winner 42 JAROD ROGERS JO ELAND GARRY RHODES truly man, sketches, logs journals. producing book collection never-before-seen treasures. --Andrea Koss, widow Kip comprises 9,600 acres. traveling exhibit famed environmentalist. waves gate 1950. Michigan 1900, lampooning Midwestern sensibility abusing harsh What, 1919 essay, folks wake morning bursting impulse Hello somebody uncontrollable sociable comes on, write telephone, week Tuesday meet avowed purpose delivering erstwhile spontaneous outbursts greetings. opening bottle sparkling burgundy drink next. Koltinskys recounts restoration Brighton, Iowa, due south City. oblique tribute Darling--its legacy cartoonist. visionary times. public. 43 Are lipstick lover cream fanatic Then place. Every issue, give lowdown fabulous fragrances, luxurious lotions, must-have makeup everything between. Because laid-back surfer babe total product junkie, feel. BETH LUBERECKI RED OUT Suffering dry, red, irritated winter skin Yes, Repchage Hydra Red-Out Calming Cleanser 49.50 Serum 85 calm skin-care United States micro silver forms invisible layer skin, acting anti-inflammatory reducing skin-irritating microbes. products nutrient-rich seaweed hydrate moisturize supplies antioxidants, weather skin. Find locally MassageLuXe 239-332-5893, 239-254-5893 La-Te-Da Salon Spa 239-337-1772, TRANSFORMING TIRED EYES mornings exactly bright-eyed bushy-tailed, Bobbi Browns Intensive Skin Corrector Concealer 40. company-described wakeup ingredients skin-plumping Indian mukul myrrh tree extract energizing cordyceps mushroom extracts firm brighten conceal circles caused aging, pigmentation irritation. Available corrector concealer shades, rested--even not. Give duo heading Saks Fifth Avenue Bell Tower Shops 239-489-0980, SOU-947 ISHLIST GR NTED. Just Escape. breath basics enjoy white-sand lapped turquoise tides Share treasured moments create lasting experiencing pleasures. incomparable array amenities, unforgettable. Book Getaway Package resort credits, coupon 250 savings Resort outlets kids eat meals free. RATES Guaranteed 855.549.1721 SouthSeas o u t h Se l d e VA ISL N D, IDA ESCA PE TO... WATERFRONT GUESTROOMS, CONDOS PRIVATE HOMES POOLS WATER SLIDES 9-HOLE BEACHFRONT GOLF COURSE FAMILY CENTER CART, BICYCLE RENTALS KAY CASPERSON SPA TENNIS COURTS DINING OPTIONS WORLD-CLASS SHELLING KAYAKING PADDLE BOARDING PARASAILING WAVERUNNER TOURS COLGATE OFFSHORE SAILING FISHING CHARTERS SUNSET, LUNCH NATURE CRUISES Offer valid November - night minimum. Visit complete package details. 45 112515 856 SOU-9475-G TOITFullPageWinterAd.indd Special Section BYE-BYE BUGS Outdoors Sports shopping q FINNIMORES CYCLE SHOP p TUNES GO Hawaiian Essentials allnatural oil blends itch sting bites preventing occurring. Insect Bite Relief Spray non-aerosol, alcoholfree potent essential oils globe. Developed Frances Hodges. 9.99 45.95 Travel Gift Set ElliptiGO designed replicate save impact. Rent excursion Call pricing Nixon Blaster billed bigger, louder is. durable box wireless, Bluetooth connectivity smartphones, notebooks computers. Made neutral sporty colors. 125 Bunulu boutique Coconut Mall, andor affiliates held responsible changes, writing mistakes stock. STRIPED STATEMENT statement Hayden Reis Limited Edition Ditty Tote. Created beach-loving blogger Rebekah Steen Goldfish Kiss, carry-all fashionable, functional durable. zipper closure desirable snap hook perfect keys wristlet. 158 CASUAL COZY Microsuede Classic Weatherproof ideal. suede, lightweight smooth satin lining. 89.50 47 COMPACT COOKER CARRY-ALL Grill mighty, high-performance Coyote iBurners heat 40,000 BTU. 304-grade stainless steel cooker interior hood lights, grids 640 square inches cooking 1,199 Ferguson Showroom dealing wet swimsuits sweaty clothing, Matador Droplet bag solution. Cute compact, pack lot. convenient, fits keychain 14.99 48 ADVENTURES PARADISE Exclusive Graham, super slick chevron-embossed brown suede vest, fully lined multicolored plaid print, Egyptian cotton shirt, featuring vibrant stripes Mini Cooper jacquard print. Vest 898 Shirt 248 YOLO WATERSPORTS Meet challenge onthe-water adventures flyboards. Certified staff master hovering water. 129 participant, 30-minute session 49 SOUND SOLUTIONS CREATES CUSTOM SYSTEMS DANA MIRMAN ant exceptional audio car An sound How installed golf cart Wherever listening Mario Castro, owner Audio Interventions, team Tamiami Trail Bonita Springs, miss fire-engine red exterior Interventions. enter doors welcomed proprietor, clear Castro committed nothing personalized solution specific needs. Interventions centered customization. cars system, stereo, CD player, subwoofer amplifier, provides services seeking GPS radar detectors iPod integration, integration backseat DVD installations kids. While focal install systems broader. solutions homes, theater audio, hightech phones everything. services, ambient businesses, carts. iPad mini dashboard source Dodge Ram 3500 Mega Cab Dually. Basically, anywhere music. challenge. overcoming challenges. 16, struck Trail, meant rely wheelchair mobility. basketball player prior accident, trauma Barracudas, not-for-profit organizes competitive team. Now helping overcome physical frequent speaker Hodges related person disabilities. relied solving problems obstacles launched 2008. Ive interested cars, gap specialty installation, Castro. Springs area serve clientele cater customers. People opened undeterred economic downturn. market crashed hard, concedes, growth. expand bigger market, remaining serving attributes rebound economy loyal customer base built focusing products, service. aspect listen needs exceed expectations. wanting back, Customers expect satisfaction step process, beginning initial consultation. client devise BASICALLY, TEAM INSTALL ANYWHERE YOUD WANT MUSIC. --MARIO CASTRO 51 INFO 239-495-0586 hard bright Springs. focuses automotive systems. 52 solutions, process technician Domanski embraces. enjoys taking mind turning reality consumers interact Once determined self-described perfectionist, professionalism brands JL Audio, Focal Dynaudio. complete, spends operate educate consumer, cutting trends. Domanski, job. researching date latest changes technology. educated technology laserfocused phase fulfills owners exceeding expectations, coming Mirman freelance television producer. SELL LAUDERDALE RIPPLE INTO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA DOUG THOMPSON ou International Boat Show reason circuses--to exotic, lions, tigers bears. Two-hundred-foot yachts chockablock Intracoastal, casting shadows mere 150-footers, nattily attired crew discerning eye, discreetly lowering passerelles buyers board. workout, thinking, adjusting Fitbit count show, preparing Northern Star, 248-foot Lrssen motor yacht cool 114 million. Moored Bahia Mar Yachting headquarters Star 44-foot-wide transom yacht. deem amazing could 137 display longer feet, setting foot fleet. easy follow--the a.m. p.m. day--and visiting nine hours. trickier invitation clearly buy. I, employ Secret Weapon. SCOTT MACFARLAND Sunset rare quiet Show. 833 boat watercraft, accessories toys size. priced competition 100,000 looky-loos tirekickers. admit straight players. high-net-worth hide plain sight--and shoes. Saudi prince, Silicon Valley tech start-up giant, candlemaker Kittredge Yankee Candle Company, 197-foot mega Paraffin Dutch shipyard Feadship. buy boat. Atlantic coast. 54 MANAGEMENT docks, desperately discuss wit vaunted critic. Shes pleasing senses none seaworthy, overheard, fact spend Lauderdale, chattering millions. Thats five larger 200 Lauderdale--each Efrem Skip Zimbalist III, Management, produces throng boys here, too. Bowl shows, Lauderdale. Sweeping arms water, feet. impacts entire world, acutely benefits success. grab headlines, 3,500 builders occur Show, expensive center-console boats waters. Cigarettes, Nor-Techs, Fountains, generic go-fast nonstop nice weekends Grande. heard them, rode annoyed stay. visits--and went show--to part, owner. Put fill half Germain Arena hockey game. teeming multitude connected yachts--and Beach--is astounding. builders, crews, fuel-dock workers, salespeople, brokers, dutiful scribes ooh ahh graceful curve sharp anchor. list denoting earns existence pride stake. Weapon owner--whether 20-foot runabout 200-foot yacht-- LOVES talk Boats, yachts, dinghies, one, fun. cool. Tell Even fails. executive ShowBoats International, luxury magazine, currently reports yachting industry. EVERY OWNER--WHETHER 20-FOOT RUNABOUT 200-FOOT YACHT--LOVES TALK HIS HER BOAT. Guests boarding Springtime dusk settles Intracoastal. 55 852 Subtracting bucket ED BROTAK ho knows, imaginary teams Kosher Dills Hubba Bubbas someday compete blue ribbons. Anything explosion niche bubble soccer pickleball. leagues tournaments. Bubble soccer, players shimmy air suit bounce another, demand parties team-building functions. Pickleball trendy up. Pickleballers center Wednesday Saturday games. waiting Anyone pickleball, Char Durand, 80s 1960s. crossed boundaries. tennis using wiffle giant ping-pong paddle. Soccer, zorb football, introduced States. Players suits orbs offbash opponents chasing human dodgeball. tourneys. hurt, Valorie Pari, SWFL Soccer USA boasts countrys fastest sport, 400,000 nationally. sanctions rankings. games inventors lazy 1965. lowered badminton net PICKLEBALL ASSOCIATION BOASTS COUNTRYS FASTEST GROWING SPORT, OVER ACTIVE PLAYERS NATIONALLY. courtlike popular spots 338 THERE NO REAL RULES BUBBLE SOCCER. POSITIONS. GOALIES. RUNNING ONE ANOTHER APPEARS BE GOAL, BUMPER CARS. court two-thirds size court. hand, newer Norway. donning legs. rules. goalies. Running appears chief goal, bumper media. couldnt league play, firm. Pari Alico Family Golf mostly birthdays, corporate quizzing 300 device. reaction wow, this, Sometimes spectators vain attempts help, relatively field, workout. Air-filled weigh Jason Graham foreground Bongiorno dive bubbles DAYNA HARPSTER 57 marked either side arent volley. itself high. Serves underhanded. Points quickly. typical points win Durand less. athletic activities, footwear case hard-surfaced necessary. Eye Warming cooling afterward advised. smaller pickleball athletes. notes average competitors 60. slower, pace. If, nature, pick pace, term pickleball--legend inventors, Congressman Joel Pritchard, dog Pickles. Joan quashed speculation, disclosing Pickles pet devised. was, game, Freelance Brotak retired meteorology professor turned stay-at-home dad. western Carolina vacation get. 58 pounds, ventilation roll turtling position, bashing injury. teenagers equipment Like singles doubles. courts. 239-472-0345, SOCCER 239-810-6286, HOCKEY WITHOUT GETTING HURT. --VALORIE PARI, MYERS fuses badminton, ping-pong. Brothers Zach action Golf. 59 Mobile-device inspires, reveals possibilities NICK CILETTI heres excuse anymore cooped indoors, plopped couch bowl chips. technologydriven mobile-device application, app, everything, outside, becoming green-lighting fitness lifestyle. apps investigate Google explore. Discover destinations. fingertips. app download refuge, users hours, head sightseeing. component, refuge. real-time sightings explains supervisory ranger Toni Westland. photographer, sharing photos animals snapped smartphone tablet. immediate posting, gives interfacing action. Lots people, Westland lots something, tips. Search Nature App Store option. SkyView Parks Field clouds-- phonetablet aimed sky identifies constellations, galaxies satellites frame. feature sets alerts astronomical supermoon eclipses. grandeur sky. stories parks palm Guide. Acadia Zion, covered U.S.A. offer. Start selecting park heading. One tab encountered, species poisonous dangerous. lists endangered plants. limited mandatory internet connectivity. MyFitnessPal food answered app. free foods database, calories, protein, fat, sugar bar-code scan labels. track calories burned walking. Slacker Radio Hit note Nature. implies, access songs hundreds stations. custom stations individualized SworkIt Billed trainer, workouts schedule. routines guide personal-trainer demonstration Got SworkIts Users library 160 exercises. glutes biceps, covered. Ciletti TV journalist ABC affiliate Phoenix. Previously, wonderful 61 Strawberry Festival celebrated spring harvest 1930 ANN MARIE OPHEL harlotte Rosenberg queen City, Nearly celebrating strawberry runs March 13. Half expected. Samantha Sun inherited crown worn 1930. Selection gets announced pageant Technically 81st b ecause halted WWII era. towns bread butter, relations Lauren McNair celebration, top-ranked Southeastern Citys Festival, two-mile gated radius, oriented concerts, midway carnival rides livestock Neighborhood Village baked goods arts crafts. plenty vendors selling strawberry-related goodies shortcakes, cookies, pies, fried strawberries, milkshakes, pizza, hamburgers, lemonade, cheesecake, tarts, chocolate-dipped strawberries. attraction shortcake contest challenging gobble pounds less, unofficial Capital World. model Miami agency. bona fide lover, strawberries dipped chocolate picking fresh-picked ones flavor, Suns duties included festivals ambassador, participating throughout appearing parades, appearances. imagined hometown way, royalty tenure, position wearing crown, others, Fresh vital agricultural economy. Festival-goers entertainment 11-day run. Midway friendly. Other attractions middle left, festival, goodies. 140 STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRIES average, seeds strawberry. Strawberries rose vitamin C, contain fiber folate. production, topped California. 2014 produced 11,000 acres, crop value 306 63 reigning queen. Shortcake-eating contestants pounds. Robinsons Racing Pigs cookies. Lions Club celebrate harvest. Charlotte EVENT WHICH TAKES GREAT PRIDE. --LAUREN MCNAIR, MEDIA PUBLIC RELATIONS Sun, particularly interacting royal duties. harvested April, March, peak sample harvest, strawberry, family, immensely popular. farmers produce annually--30 production--and popularity preceded banana, apple, watermelon grape. Festivals lies sheer numbers pitching full-time staff. About 2,500 individuals areas McNair. youth steer, beef breed, dairy cattle, swine, lambs, chickens rabbits, contests Future Farmers youth, welcoming 500,000 strawberry-loving guests arriving pride, OPhelan loves state, 3-13, 813-752-9194, Gate admission Adults ages 6-12 under Free 64 65 121615 910 KEYLIME BISTROSTYLE BOUILLABAISSE Soup cup olive onion, chopped ribs celery, cloves garlic, crushed basil, tablespoon Italian seasoning quarts white wine optional pound tomatoes, Orange peel, 2-3 pith 6-8 sprigs parsley bay leaf Thyme, teaspoon Fennel bulb dried fennel seed optional, Saffron pinch teaspoons salt peppercorns carrots, salmon, tuna, grouper, cut inch squares shrimp scallops Key lime juice lobster tails mussels garlic clams ounces Worcestershire sauce Garlic butter creamy Whats Cooking Keylime Bistro KEY B Breakfast Lunch Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Vegetarian DOC FORDS RUM BAR GRILLE Novel Cuisine. band folk novelist Randy Wayne White develop restaurant, best-seller menu sandwiches, salads entrees. skip mojito. French bread, sliced toasted, pot oven, medium flame. listed soup shrimp, scallops, lobster. add items rubbery overcooked. Saut slowly onions wilted translucent. simmer. Simmer minutes. Place toasted bowl. types bowl, spoon broth all. BISTRO 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, 975 Rabbit Road, 239-472-8311, DUNES Member Problem classic inspired twist. lump crab bisque, Eastern, Western Southern Burger, crisp empanadas seared cowboy steak. 949 Sand 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. massive omelets pasta, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, omelets. 2163 Periwinkle Way, 239-472-0606, PIZZA Slice Paradise. tasty tradition Pizza crust options. Pasta, calzone salad 67 calamari bruschetta appetizer, 1619 239-472-1581, JACARANDA Local Legend. romantic, intimate relaxed, open-air gathering energetic nightspot one. Food ranges splendid burgers sandwiches lounge, nightly. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. Come plumpest oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat grouper incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. regular buffalo wings bet. Four locations 6520-C Pine Ave., 239-472-5353 1036 239-472-6939 12951 Blvd., 239-476-9000 waterfront 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach artichoke wood-fired pizzas. pastas, chicken, veal round menu. 1200 239-472-1998, PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS FOODIES Institution. ice institution Pinocchios serves repertoire 130 homemade flavors daily, creams Krunch Dirty Dollar. Enjoy gelato, sorbets, sherbets yogurts well, served portions. Geppettos Beach Foodies gourmet shop, Pinocchios, surprises croissants, baguettes, souffls, pastries, breads, panini, focaccias 362 239-472-6566, SANDBAR Welcoming. stone-crab claws, unsurpassed. 68 69 steaks grilled perfection palates. velvet cake creme brulee dessert. 2761 Drive, 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entrees all-day baskets specialties, tuna rice cakes salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. Three 1523 239-472-7770 4685 239-495-5770 7225 Beach, 239-765-6766, GRILL Color. pub fare--juicy burgers, crusty pizza--and seasoned bartenders often-sought-but-neverfound neighborhood feel, spot. 703 Tarpon 239-472-4453, STAR CAF Culinary Luminary. options bagel breakfast burritos diet steak cook. --Julia Child 70 toast caramelized bananas mango syrup. lunch, salad, burger panini. 937 East 239-579-0195, STARFISH Beach. Grab table overlooking tree-studded beach. citrus mahi black cherry pork chop meat lovers. Casual fare flame-grilled Burger Angus aged cheddar. Holiday Inn, 1231 Middle 239-472-7827, SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. chicken Caesar wrap. Morning eggs Santiva Captiva, variations Benedict smoked cake. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Packages. Chef Talmage prepares petite portions, giving diners option dishes, breast oven roasted cobia. 1625 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative cuisine oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack yellowtail snapper mojo adds allure trappings, glorious views table. Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-3145, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Yourself. Favorites calamari, platters lump. 239-472-2722, 71 834 TRADERS Shopping Experience. Traders emporium Thursday evenings. gumbo, pan-seared macadamia-encrusted grouper. CAPTIVA Continues. Building success, Whites fictional Docs Bread Oriental panko crusted dry-rubbed ribeye. 1551 239-472-7242, 5400 Plantation 239-312-4275, Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies setting, Jimmy Buffett beat. eclectic walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers escargots cheese tomato. CANTINA Nacho Madres Mexican. lunch garden inside, serape piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style walls subtly suggest weve gone border. 14970 239-472-0248, Old FloridaNew Millers always-changing centers bounty fish. Wines complement presentations, view Room away. LATTE DA COFFEE Upon Time wide coffees, extra-strong Coffee, cappuccinos lattes cozy sweet tooth indulge scoops Queenies cream, milkshakes sundaes. 15951 239-472-5161 4, 11508 239-472-0234, 72 MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers brewed pond. combination English grub. beachside patio sunset gazing. 11546 239-472-3434, RC OTTERS Otterly daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. Diners dinner. 239-395-1142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD Inspired Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted goat seating available. 14900 239-472-6200, BEACHED WHALE Captain Ahabs Spot. beachs barbecue, selection offerings, bar. Lookout Lounge, savor Mermaid Chicken Sandwich watching Square. Live nightly, Deck Bar 1249 239-463-5505, Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas Pass banana Texas baby-back ribs. Wednesday, Friday nights afternoons. 708 Fishermans Wharf, 239-765-9660, 73 12415 1006 MATANZAS BAY Bayside Savor perfectly filet mignon gazing Bay, pizza upstairs Peteys Upper nightly sourced stone crab. join 1984. hour draw, Fridays showcases sounds performers. butchers breed Black steaks. opt buffet aboard elegant Princess 17260 Harbour Pointe 239-466-2138, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. cuisine, prepared order Breakfast, p.m., omelet variation Benedict. noon, dishes baconwrapped cedar plank plus hungry diners. brunch crowd packs house, wait--but 416 Crescent St., 239-463-3838, NERVOUS NELLIES Neurotically Time. gator zesty Thai Oscar, crab, tender baby asparagus, please. Uglys Waterside Bar, upstairs, prettier, forget 12901 239-466-4663, CRISTOFS MCGREGOR Old-Florida Charm. Designed resemble delightful, Floridastyle surrounded tropical landscaping, Cristofs hotspot. rib-eye southern bouillabaisse, portions ingredients. 1131 1st 239-463-8077, PINCHERS CRAB SHACK Table. Fresh, cut-to-order fries madefrom-scratch slaw decadently rich, cheese-and-crab dip full-on fruity, freshest 10231 239-791-8473 DARUMA Wish traditional teppan-style, chef Japanese favorites tempura offered, combinations Nippon teriyaki. Multiple 28580 Crossings 239-948-1313 18100 Carlos 239-415-8973 6890 239-463-2909 2360 239-2457049 10029 239-415-4040 5991 Silver King 33914, 239-540-7939 Ave. South, 239-434-6616, 13499 Cleveland 239-344-0037 241 Street North, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville Sarasota, 941-342-6600, FIRESTONE levels Brick wood warm atmosphere, remind Firestone. paella Grille tapas Sky Martini Saturday. BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible sushi outrageous highlights menu, chicken. 13451 239-489-1500 10045 239-334-BLU3, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded glass subtle theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest 2224 Street, 239-334-3473, GARAGE taste dcor 1920s, Henry Ford walked parts, 74 835 Model Low Carburetor. arugula egg mouth craft beer names Kona Big Wave Goose 312. 2207 239-332-3673, 239-283-5959 239-476-9000, made-from-scratch EDISON Illuminati. legendary namesake genius, Thomas Edison, historic photos. steeped culinary tradition, pie raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried-and-true. Salads fish, pasta palates 1982. accompany dinners, days. Early catch deals 530 p.m.. booths, 75 La Mottas Restaurant Pizzeria Est. 1979 nautical details seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239-489-2226, UNIVERSITY Head Class. theatergoers club atmosphere balance 7790 Cypress 239-437-4377, Pasta Desserts Kids Menu Dine-In Carry Delivery Cater Monday-Thursday 11am pm 12pm 10pm 4pm 9pm 15660-225 Blvd. 33908 239.482.5505 Carb-uretor. 1719 Parkway East, OLD Home Especially Philly. corned-beef hash, pancakes freshly Carbons malted Belgian waffles accompanied fresh-ground Colombian coffee breakfast. Pop Philly cheesesteak 25091 Bernwood Parkway, 239-948-4123, 239-245-7049 76 Award-Winning Dining. ultimately tantalizing dining Late lounge. daily. Daily 8AM 10PM jazz Lane 239-395-4000 Fine flames savory southwestern icily refreshing margaritas. 1130AM Drive 239-472-0248 Village. Outside 11506 239-395-1142 Voted Gulfshore Life Magazine Kept Secret. 9PM 239-472-6200 CaptivaIslandInn.comCaptiva-Island-Dining Seafood, Cajun Cookin Under 35. Hour 3pm-6pm Daily. 239-466-5377 Located Bridge 77 Bootlegger. Belgium Fat Tire. 10801 Corkscrew Suite 519, Estero, TARPON New-Fashioned Classic. Hyatt Regency pay homage house. ceviche cooked marinades. entrees, crispy-fried snapper. 5001 239-390-4295, made-fromscratch 239540-7939 5th people. Julia 78 79 Boom... GINA BIRCH By Indiana University, legal Discovering whiskey too, Reed bourbon, rye bourbon primarily corn, sweeter flavor. f looked cocktail offerings bar, noticed whiskey, specifically bourbon. midst so-called renaissance. 1964 Congress declared native spirit. production 170 1999, according Kentucky Distillers Association, largely premium small-batch single-barrel brands. capital intriguing roots Barrels brainchild FGCU student Reed. grew freshman Canterbury finish graduation, Canada whiskey. drinking 19, remembers, drink-- sours. Canada. desired, affordable. LIGHT SNOW PHOTOGRAPHY laments, problem drink, afford basis. tasted gasoline. entrepreneurial concept brand. gun barrels, explains. iconic ideals gritty has, capture packaging name. resembles shotgun shell, embossed rattlesnake wraps glass, military-style tag hanging neck. distiller marry desired price. crafting recipe, drew Indiana. ryes bourbons synthesized two. barley, smells butterscotch grain forward. High alcohol, long, oak. teammates enjoy. slow burn drinkable, 29.99 attainable Myersbased Cigar steadily expanded, athletics pursuing degree. hub drinkers distill spirit, Lenny Roberts, Spirit Bourbon. developing spirits, son behind, Titos Vodka. Based elder copyright 2012 sons picked reasons, mainly hottest category industry now. distills Indiana, similar Kentucky, wheat grown round. Wheat matures quicker distilling barley. meaning component stateside. blend mash profile rye, sweeter, smoother 86 proof, vanilla spice. Going hatch smooth, cinnamon tobacco finish. released fall donates Hope Warriors, nonprofit aiding wounded families. AMERICA BOURBON distilled brand ties. Florida-connected distinctively taste, affordable, shelf exemplify Birch contributor, well-known personality 81 WHERE WHAT LIVE Salute Vienna Concert 8pm Viennese 19th Concert. Strauss waltzes sweeping melodies Die Fledermaus Merry Widow, singers orchestra. Fall Danube waltz. Barbara B. Mann Hall, 13350 FSW 239481-4849, Bronx Wanderers Motortown All-Stars 3, 7pm romp rock songbook oldies roll--from Dion Frankie Valli spine-tingling Queens Bohemian Rhapsody. assembled ranks Capitols, Miracles Temptations. 239-481-4849, Joe Cohn 6, 6pm 830pm Son tenor saxophonist Al vocalist Marilyn Moore, inventive guitarist. ArtisNaples, 5833 Pelican Naples. 239-597-1900, Zoso-The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience 7, 730pm. Zosos notes, aura feeling, harkening created. Symphony-POPS Grand Night Rodgers Hammerstein 8-9, seasons Pops Series composers. Theatrical storytelling Hammerstein, Broadway tunes contemporaries. Featuring soloist Vroman, conducted Daniel Meyer. Amernet String Quartet 8, Praised intelligence satisfying garnered recognition string quartets Ensemble-inResidence Miami. Misha Vitenson, violin Tomas Cotik, Klotz, viola Calloway, cello. 7pm. Music sponsored Rob Ruth Diefenbach. Atrium, Sidney Berne Davis Art 2301 239333-1933, Bluegrass 10, 2pm Join acoustic lovers Foulds Alliance bands beyond. Presented partnership Acoustic Society SWFL. Doors 130. Seating first-come, first-served. 239-939-2787, Kristin Chenoweth Philharmonic Emmy- Tony Award-winning actress singer Chenoweths spans film, TV, voiceover stage. acclaimed best-known standards classics Broadway, Hollywood Hayes Artis-Naples, Styx gained fame 1970s guitar-driven pop. songwriting talents Dennis De Young, Tommy Shaw James racked hits Babe, Mr. Roboto River. broken reunited incarnation solo artist, Styx. 12-16, 8pm, Conductor Jack Everly devised advantage trio Threes diverse repertoire. high-energy pulls classical, pop, 239597-1900, 83 us. wonder ceases. Day Fish, birds, shells, sea stars horseshoe crabs imagine, 239-472-8585. Walk Downtown River third More dozen regional talent. 855732-3836, Ladybugs 15, vocal intricate harmonies experimental arrangements. Martina DaSilva, sing ukulele, guitar, trombone, bass drums. 40s, infused old-school swing, country blues. Fleming soprano generation, opera returns Philharmonic. 239-597431 Chris MacDonalds Memories Elvis Rockin Birthday Bash 21, 730pm dynamic kings career. Symphony Masterworks II Thousand Nights 23, Symphonic Storybook Maestro Kabarettis selections literary component-- poetry, novels, scripts, fairy tales Features excerpts Wagners dramatic Meistersinger, RimskyKorsakovs ethereal Scheherazade fantastical percussion concerto Der Gerettete Alberich composer Rouse. non-profit 13-SQ.indd 112315 84 Bruce T. Gora Davina Vagabonds 31, 5pm Highenergy sharp-dressed Sowerss commanding presence. Arts, 10091 239-9392787, 1pm Non-competitive walk, benefit Association. pet-friendly. Corner Inn roads, 239495-4901, Whos Bad-The Jackson Tribute Bad celebration Pop. Jacksons catalog ignited described must-see. Lovin Spoonful Gary Puckett Tufano Between mid-1965 1967, astonishingly successful, issuing Magic, Nashville Cats Six OClock. Union Gap, guest Classics ArtFest 5-7, 10am-5pm juried fine festivals. visual states downtown admission, VIP upgrades. Lights, Camera, Hollywoods Greatest Hits 5-6, screen Oscars, Dirk Brosse. firstcome, Yanni performs audience newly reworked arrangements classics. true global ambassador compassion understanding, recognizable composers performers Men 10-12, word hits, artists original records. Gerry Polci, Seasonss Oh Night, Valli, Carly Simon, Cat Stevens Elton Daniels Pavilion Tango Piazzolla Darkness Angel 12, Through seamless interweaving multi-media, narrative Astor perspective tries terms unlikely extraordinary life. Musicians pianist Brandt Fredriksen, violinist Cotik Bandoneon JP Jofre. Narration Lesley Dinicola. 239-333-1933, III Love Triangle 13, component--poetry, Schumanns Manfred Overture, Clara Piano Concerto, Jillian Prescott scholarship award prodigy, 12-year-old Noah Waddell, Brahms No. Carmen Lundy 17, composer. Over four artistry innovation. composer, Lundys songs, vocalists accomplish distinction, Songbook. Shotgun 18-19, Raw, honest heart, life, reimagining Merle Haggard, Earl Scruggs, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams Loretta Lynn. 239-5971900, Edison Light parade 20, Parade party prime fireworks kick Fun, food, crafts District. SCA Band Rat Pack 530pm Dean--Were Back, Baby passed appetizers, 630 seated dinner, 730 dancing. Community Sinatras 100th birthday. House, 2173 239-4722155, 87 series musician, architect longtime Gora. TBA. Fischer Baton 2526, Grammy-winning RB artist backup singer. STAGE Sweet Venom 1-7, MondaySaturday, 630pm Sunday, 530pm. 10-Feb. 28, battle brewing scenes Great Broadways Venom, wages war. discover guilty party, attention clues discover. prize awarded sleuth car. Price fivecourse murder mystery train ride. Seminole Railway, 2805 Colonial 239275-8487, Showboat 2-Feb. 14, WednesdaysSundays, evening matinee Original masterpiece combines unforgettable dazzling moves humanity. 1890 1927, follows Mississippi riverboat performers, illuminating racial shaping country. Palm Theatre, 1380 239-2784422, Improv Tonight improv comedy. perform short- long-form suggestions 88 538 Wine, beer, sodas light snacks Moe Auditorium, 10150 239-495-8989, Cocktail A.R. Gurney 5-27, Tuesdays-Sundays, John, playwright, familys bringing obtain proceed wealthy, cautious outset. evident closer truth willing admit. Historic Arcade Repertory 2267 239-332-4488, Kayak Jordan 7-23, Thursday-Saturday, Alone vast stretch Iversen strange stranded kayak. Haunted Death 8-March Saturdays, ghosts solve train. Hammersteins Sound 12-17, Music, directed Awardwinning OBrien. spirited, beloved Maria Von Trapp thrills audiences. 89 335 Chicago Limits incubator biggest See comedy Bob Newhart legend, comedians century. Laugh hilariously ridiculousness Motown Musical 26-31, Gordys journey featherweight boxer heavyweight mogul Diana Ross, Jackson, Smokey Robinson 42nd novel Bradford Ropes Busby Berkeleys 1933 movie, Peggy Sawyers Allentown audition Pretty Lady. 239-4814849, Magic Nate Staniforth 5, Host Discoverys Breaking direct, no-frills approach magic draws street magic, mystics theory equal parts. Bluest Lydia Diamond 5-20, Eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove despises prays eyes, follow. 90 language bold vision, examines beauty, girls devastating endures. Twelve Angry Reginald Rose 9-March jurys deciding 19-year-old defendant charged deserving death penalty--or Matilda-The 16-21, girl who, armed imagination dares change destiny. Roald Dahls novel. Sister Act 18-April TuesdaysSundays, disco diva witnesses crime cops convent. Masquerading nun, breathes church, blows cover. 239-278-4422, Letters 23-28, Makepeace Ladd Gardner tell lost princess--when old. triumphs despair, wars marriages careers, poured secrets Starring Ali MacGraw Ryan ONeal, Gregory Mosher playwright Gurney. 91 Jeff Dunhams Perfectly Unbalanced Tour 26, argued purer form ventriloquism, Dunham crop. Dallas entertained school. since, personas, voices shared Arena, 11000 Everblades 239-9487825, VIEW Linehan-A Line Hand 1-26 Linehans works line drawings textures depth mesmerize viewer. cityscapes won exhibitions graced streets Gallery, Steve Pennisi-Both Sides Paint exhibition Pennisis utilizing ground-breaking technique retrospective focused evolution created pouring paint myriad squeegees, metal strips, cans air, alcohol affect hidden paint. Weekend 2-3, 10am art, fun-filled admission-free event. Stroll amidst life-size sculptures, spectacular paintings, one-of-a-kind jewels, photography, ceramics 561-746-6615, Hoffman Tammra Sigler Exhibit 9-Jan. Opening reception 5pm, walk 10am. 92 339 22nd Pete Corey Craft 9-10, artisans jewelry, pottery, ceramics, painting, clothing more, handmade display. expansive green complements plants, orchids, exotic flora, soaps, spices popped kettle blending nurture. 595 Fla. 561-7466615, 28th Las Olas Fair LauderdaleJan. Lifesize SE 6th 11th Dunedin upscale Main Dunedin, suburb Tampa north Clearwater. Browse one-ofa-kind jewelry 1517, showcasing oil, acrylic watercolor, pastels, 2D 3D mixed-media collages, photography digital woodworking, sculpture, jewelry. 239-472-2155, Punta Gorda Sullivan 16-17, inception, grow highlight crafters, enjoyable traditions. nations crafters charming Gorda. 331 SAT, FEBRUARY UPCOMING GAMES JANUARY 113 115 116 122 210 212 213 224 227 228 ORLANDO BRAMPTON VS. GREENVILLE WEDNESDAY 700 500 FRIDAY ELMIRA S.CAROLINA SATURDAY 239.948.PUCK 93 9th Venice 23-24, Ceramics, stained sauces. 220 West, Venice. Cityscapes 5-23 Quilters fashioned observations feelings places. Unlimited guild cloth, thread techniques. Antique Car Estates celebrates Edisons birthday 11, 1847 hosting Edison-Ford antique vehicles home. Owners questions. tour lecture owners, informal tours vendors. restorations Estates. 239-334-7419, Antonio Guerrero 6-27 10th 20-21, Life-size artists, commission piece, ask techniques, sources 23106 561746-6615, Walks Runway 25-27, collide. 94 looks. watch haute artful creations designers. 6-10 galleries invite selfguided walking Gardners Park area. Date Blanc debuts Jean Claude Roge, restaurateur CafCaptiva, BrasseriesFort Kaitlin Whitaker, Blu Sushi Group, Starfish opens soon Oyster Shell, delicious transition Workshop Epicurean, looks integral tuned. Roge 95 galleries, live-art demonstrations. 239-337-5050, Green Market 9am grown, caught cultivated sampling purchase. gardening demos chefs. Fest 23-25, Bring sun, automobiles. Taps Tunes award-winning breweries. Purchase trucks bands, Johnnyswim, Los Angeles-based composed Amanda Sudano Donna Summer Abner Ramirez. Rotary Crafts 13-14, presents premier arts-and-crafts fair Presidents weekend, lawn House. craftsmen wearable working, painted furniture, Proceeds fund scholarships worldwide Way. calendar date. However, detailed attending events. ROBERT CACIOPPO, FOUNDER PRODUCING ARTISTIC HISTORIC ARCADE THEATRE ARTSTAGE STUDIO YOULL SHAKEN STIRRED LAUGHTER TAP TOES SNAP FINGERS SONGBIRD SAVANNAH SAVA te alu MARVELOUS WORDS HNN CACIOPPO Conceived, Written, Directed JEROME KERN, HENRY MANCINI, DUKE ELLINGTON, HAROLD ARLEN, PLAYING NG JAN 8-27 DISCOUNTED PREVIEWS PREVIEW VIEWS 5-7 AYIN AYING YING YIN G J 22-MAR COUN OUNTED PREV EV 19-21 RIVER DISTRICT STREET JACKSON HENDRY 239.332.4488 877.787.8053 FLORIDAREP.ORG SINGLE TICKETS 96 ER Prequel 1950s Gold GALLOGLY JOHN PARKER m kid grade, Quenton Cassidy declares. loses holds firmly running, imagined. Long school, pick-up basketball, squirming church-- Cassidys Coast. Rain Parker Jr. Scribner, dreams greatness, manage qualify Parkers prequel Runner. Trapper Nelson, man alligator draped town, suggests enough endurance distance running. friendship develops, Nelson begins Following regimen Nelsons friend Archie Romani, champion miler, develops. obstacles, Coach Bickerson, stubbornly outdated methods, kidnapping judge arrest. Greatness doesnt easy. chapter snapshot innocence after-school fierce basketball. Distance demands commitment, Jr.s runner page. Jackie ELIZABETH JOYCE Mercury retrogrades 25. Capricorn pause. begin anything Jupiter retrograde. good, most. 23rd Leo money. laughs 8th Aquarius Chinese Monkey. project start, begin. Virgo reminds worry misuse ARIES MARCH APRIL adventure. lovely admirer terrific accent, single, out. Expect months end. luck air. gamble, conservative bet ranch. Leap 29th opportunity--truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. TAURUS MAY Personal Signs Year, Taurus, blue--an romance Youre forget. refusing. unbelievable luck. Possible flowers, Champagne, overnight five-star hotel--with tub, course. finances problem, advice long. GEMINI JUNE rest, Gemini. Fortunately, yawning finances, guidance, off. tricky mixed improve profession. Computers involved, yourself. missing away, soon. CANCER JULY opens, looking. Dealing toes. ready necessary readjustments. Someone dear better. financial matter, careful overspending. LEO AUGUST Leo, party. playful mood January. havent jingle send text. retrograde circumstances apart Valentines reconnect pal. 9. Communication confusion frustrated walk. Calm perspective. VIRGO SEPTEMBER Around return asking chance. Better hard. Have lottery ticket, use. Who 27. relax February, certainly amused entertained. windfall doorstep discussions happened. LIBRA OCTOBER quite turbulent Libras opens. break 12th. Prepare mid-month, Libra. sight. Finances confusing month, purchases binding. leap 29th. easier you, memorable. SCORPIO NOVEMBER battles actually argue, lively passionate. mad twice, after-venting Watch money, pocketbook allows. escape somewhere. Water element soothed thinking room enlarging redecorating SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER January, Sag, promises full. yes, probably accents negotiating loan trying inheritance, till complications. turn ultra-sexy, March. reach, CAPRICORN Urgent family-oriented Cap. leave. debt, sense so. why. pictured attached schedule mid-month. issues, facts, maam settle AQUARIUS Aquarius. traveling, bags packed. lonely. surprising news 25th. surprises, fond unpredictable, attracted coast, feels fast. little, PISCES fun, far-away horizon. lucky promoting yourself Bonuses raises shines matter problematic late. likely, admirers adventures. charge situation. Everything psychics Haitian Philippines earthquakes Twin Towers tragedy Thousands witnessed psychic powers Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance Psychic Detectives, CNN News. radio across Her books online. website services. appointment, 215-996-0646. 99 undergo modernization scheduled TOM SHARBAUGH 1958. historical structure Cordie Nutt facility ago. ts familiar sight quaint, cottage-style civic 1927. Creation project, land, labor reality. communitys principle site history. Today, there, 50,000 year. landmark major makeover. renovation preserve historically significant Room, renovate facility, out, updated generations. Construction slated summer owned operated operating provided contributions, membership dues user fees. receives funding. underwrite effort, conducting Sharbaugh directors. predecessors given service, finally rebuild islanders, overall reflects style projects explored facilities Life, parking facilities, pavilions. solidly Civic Core concept, entities sits Periwinkle, plan. possibility holding pavilions ample traffic. 101 cottontail marsh rabbit territories WILLIAM COX buds, smallest stems bark shrubs trees. droppings pellets clusters. darker shorter rust-colored tail. measures cottontail, feeds herbaceous vegetation buds woody vegetation. deposited logs. hop predominantly walks muddy trails wetlands, trail well-defined, four-toed prints cottontail. fast swimmer. nocturnal coprophagy, eating feces. Sylvilagus floridanus palustris rabbits habitat requirements, cottontails dry habitats habitats. property upland wetland although occasional reported. freshwater saltwater marshes swamps, whereas occupies pastures, prairies, palmetto prairie, thickets, woodlands suburban environments. graybrown rusty nape. tail frightened grasses, clovers, ragweed, dock plantain. feed Marsh Eastern heavy cellulose, digest, ruminant, multichambered, fermenting gut cellulose. Their digestive short, feces digesting material twice. second-state pellets, Courtship mating sometime October. female bear litter single offspring Litter sizes compared northern latitudes. averages litter. seven-day estrous cycle culminates receptive mating. Gestation lasts length breeding excavates depression cavity nest, hair rabbit. builds nests surface ground. tends reproduce abandoned burrows gopher tortoises armadillos dense thickets. birth eyes closed crawl nest. nest weeks. leave willingly forced mother. territorial. male 2.3 6.9 3.0 Therefore, overlap broadly. fighting, associated courtship males fighting females estrous, Females aggressive Cottontails prey mammalian carnivores. pursued raptors, reptiles humans. onslaught predators, evolved wary elusive litters Cox photographer ecologist william Mardi Gras, Island-style housing agency combine Attend Gras Dunes Tennis Club. Housing Resources CHR, affordable 1983. sponsor Catering Company Baileys. CHR aspects co-chair Arlene Dillon. families backbone CHRS MISSION PROVIDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING WORKERS LONG-TIME RESIDENTS WHO DISABLED RETIRED. government. Aside CHRs fund-raising Orleans dollop flair. stroll dine genuine cheer sponsors competing relay. workers long-time disabled retired. main completely 20-plus units updating, Rice. Lena Brenda Harrity, organizing that--everything ceiling kitchen floor. details, sanibelchr.orgMardi-Gras-2016. Sponsorships calling 239-472-4932 239-398-0404. Resources. SANIBELS RESOURCES 105 Ahead mix rt Monthly Phillips Gallery Founders San-Cap invitational programs. ending Opposites Attract Buy Off Wall showings Klutch, Heidi Schmitz, Francesco Gillia exhibited Gallery. German Schmitz shown beauty rulebook Munich threw window Looking viewers notice materials, coffee, metal, tar wax--sometimes canvas. see, Can canvas 900 Dunlop, Details 239-3950900, 2015-2016 VISUAL EXHIBITS October 2015-November 27, --Art 3-D --Pauline Healey Works December 2015-January --Opposites Gillia, Klutch --Buy 2016-January --San-Cap Space --Its 2016-February --Artists --Light Leaf Nancy Sperte Lattof 2016-March --Sea-levelSee-level --Re-visions Dale Weber 2016-April --Journeys --Fantastic Plastics Stephen Hayford studio. Gale Bennetts featured IASI PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, ROMANIA benefiting prominent obtainable Cello Bennett Paul Nadler Afternoon Ms. Opera, Bennett, widow. Operas conductor Metropolitan spearhead locate region, glimpse works, shown. ArtStudy Giverny, Monets village. Abstract Expressionism, Impressionism Cubism, earning lifetime Angels appreciation reviews, dividing France. refreshments, gift, sale. Opera. surprise planned, favorites. companys artistic director, Steffanie Pearce, joins Nadler, fans, 239-529-3925. --C.G. AFTERNOON MUSIC ART OFFERS RARE GLIMPSE GALE BENNETTS WORKS, SOME BEEN SHOWN. Juried ne February. Clear 16th 215 artists. Friday, 5. considered variety, communitybased ranked fairs riverfront artwork, Sharon McAllister, director. Publix Run 5K represent best, carefully accepted apply acceptance. 90,000 viewing purchasing paintings decorative Henderson plate top. draw visitors. ceramics. vary, patron budget. attend. talented exhibit. Yard Youth Stage performances. opportunities. 108 ARTFEST MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Blvd Thru Dry Cleaning Laundry Bedspreads Draperies Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises ACCENT PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 Serving CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS PEST Claudio Treviso Name Trust Termite Treatment Pest Control RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Intercom System Vac Much ANNIES COLLISION 239.482.1446 2293 S.E. Bruner Sean Snyder 1977 Trusted Depend 239.482.2213 239.574.8511 CULLIGAN Bottled Taste Cents costs Culligan Aqua-Cleer system. sink, JULYAUGUST 2009 239.472.0700 4301 Road SAN-CAP Walk-In 239.472.6188 2330 Ridge Unit PHARMACY Locally Owned Friendly Faces Count Needs Order 239.395.1220 239.395.0958 PAK SHIP Scheduled Pick-up Fax 1Page, In-Out 830am-5pm 830am-330pm Appointment SERVICE 239.472.2125 1015 Towing Complete Mechanical Repairs ASE Wash Wax Rental 239.472.4160 888.527.7806 MyersSanibelCaptiva TAXI Greater Prompt Courteous Airport Luggage Handled ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Kelly Rd, 211 World Quality Mon-Fri 111 myself wishing magical lights longer. Sweater Yippee Sorry oh me. Chevys .... Celebrity again. Johansson juicy rumor Mic Wendys packed Kind believe island. Heard Jensen laughter shore sailed remains sounds. chilled changed Cantaloupe self Eat fruit Neighbors Nemo ecstatic wish dollar logo Seriously. Here organize turns Wow. snow England speechless. here. invited somehow opulent heaven. Craving coconut shrimp. Gramma Dots, come. Fair. Found finds Still skate casings. weird Batmanshaped maracas. sail tomorrow night. flash. flash sea, docked, pilings Win Watched Weather Channel Oh, Wisconsin, official cart. good. meteor shower JANFEB2016 DROTLEFF 858 S7.25 X5 800-799-4791 T10.875 S9.875 DONT NEED CROWD STAND OUT. X5. third-row seating, somewhere before. Panoramic Moonroof, OnlineTM Real Traffic Information Internet, Premium Interior, outclass destination. 15421 LLC. name, trademarks. 951 VOL. NO. 4.95 YACHT HOPPING ISLANDS READYING SILVER SEASON DAZZLING Published TOTI_Cover_JF16.indd 1045