Ad_Page.indd 1 73014 1131 AM FEATURES SEPTOCT 2014 48 Art Calusa Local artists works tell the story of Southwest Floridas Indians in a pictorial and visionary journey called Calusa. 54 Special Occasions From historic homes to country clubs, rustic ranches posh hotels, Florida has plethora venues perfect for your next wedding, meeting, fundraiser or social gathering. Check out our top picks. 2 TOTI.COM Pelican Roosting by Ikki Matsumoto, legendary artist known his philanthropic work. Story on page 32. 1_TOTI_SO14.indd 8214 806 PM 3 1157 14 8 10 12 16 PUBLISHERS LETTER Celebrating Floridians MAKING WAVES GULF COAST ZEITGEIST The Beholder--an Exercise Beauty Truth PROFILE Such Great Heights DOLLARS SENSE FASHION Fashion is Breeze 18 Ultimate Rainy Day Fund 20 24 28 32 36 40 COASTAL COMMERCE Blending Styles GETAWAYS Charmed Eccentricity EXPLORER THE ARTS Enchanted Philanthropist Behind Canvas DESIGN SPECIAL SECTION Breezy Island Design A Place Peace GALLERIES An Retreat 44 60 62 76 86 WINE WHISPERER How Wine EPICURIOUS CALENDAR Guide Dining SW Where Go What Do STARGAZING with Elizabeth Joyce 92 94 96 IN COMMUNITY Hometown Heroes SERVICES PROFESSIONALS ISLAND JOURNAL Times Islands ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. 4 Eat well travel often. If you think this good idea, then NovDec issue definitely you. Well give lowdown some most interesting local restaurants food trends. Plus, if youre planning that getaway, great ideas about places visit here abroad. 8414 1017 5 73114 135 PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Patricia Letakis SENIOR CONSULTING EDITOR Susan Holly ASSOCIATE Scott Edwards CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund PROOFREADERS Doug Gallogly, Heather Gray, ASSIGNMENT Melanie Pagan EDITORIAL COORDINATORS Scarlett Redenius, CUISINE TRAVEL David Grant CONTRIBUTING Acevedo WRITERS Nick Ciletti, Jerry Greenfield, S. Albert D. Hanser, Joyce, Beth Luberecki, Dr. Randall Niehoff, Renee Novelle, Ann Marie OPhelan, Pagan, Liz Sieberkrob, Roberta Sotonoff PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Acevedo, Adams, Darren Arena, Burnell Caldwell, Lisa Crone, Dave Drotleff, Edward Farley, J. Harris, Jaeger, Jack Massing, Cameron Michael, Sean Miller, Mauricio Paiz, OF SALES MARKETING Kyle Fisher 239-472-0205, ext. 103 ADVERTISING Friedrich N. 102 Dru Anne Doyle 109 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Redenius 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia FOR E-MAIL INQUIRIES toti.comcontactus Island, 33957 T F 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Financial Administrator Jacqueline Gallogly 6 Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors are not necessarily those 746 7 You Find It he world recently became just little smaller through World Cup soccer matches Brazil. More compelling than play itself was way so many countries were, only short time, truly engrossed fever sport, vibrant colors expressive revelry were spectacle behold. started me thinking how beautiful pageantry major sporting events become--almost like work art within competition. proud display each countrys dance-like magic players athleticism, event captivated masterpiece painting an iconic sculpture. thing beauty behold, artistic endeavor every front. I struck unbridled passion shown athlete their efforts secure team country. Their job leave nothing field--to go do at very peak ability best what they do. That focus drive reminded we Media approach delivery magazines you, loyal readers. Our mission above beyond ordinary, seek create stories images pale Florida. During more 19 years publishing four unique magazine titles specialty publications, have learned readers expect high caliber content, design quality found any other publication. As leading publisher Lee County, award-winning editorial specifically developed never rest successes OUR MISSION IS TO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND ORDINARY, SEEK OUT CREATE STORIES IMAGES THAT ARE PALE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA. last issue. We strive day bring sophisticated highly targeted content designed meet needs tastes. Much teams playing Cup, one can emerge victor. when creating artful publications enjoy. In issue, celebrate artistically topics. 44, Maureen Watson, owner curator Watson MacRae Gallery who shares us her joy she experiences finds totally unexpected piece. Readers wanting refresh will find 36. guest contributor interior designer Norris Home Furnishings, tells home tropical style adding organic materials, brighter elements. read hope something brings inner heat summer draws close prepares traditionally busier--and thankfully slightly cooler--season, invite send photos celebrated summer. Whether its ball rooting during matches, showing off latest creation even photo reading under beach umbrella, want see up to. Visit Facebook upload photos. look forward hearing from Publisher, TOP PHOTO COURTESY DANIELA JAEGER BOTTOM LEFT BY NICK CILETTI RIGHT NORRIS HOME FURNISHINGS 9 Making Waves honor roll residents island coast who, everyday lives, make community special. SCOT CONGRESS Scot Congress, serving board Sanibels BIG organization almost given. My family supported since beginning, says. wife spent board, as did my father early years. Its kind tradition involved. Congress grew surrounded arts, thanks parents, helped demonstrate instill importance. Now, Sanibel-based Jewelers, oversees company creates adornments body, supports communitys cultural core sponsoring performers holding fundraisers gatherings Periwinkle store. Since inception, theme Jewelers always been support back ways, natural sort forth. begins second three-year term looks working City new growing organization. This public-private partnership embarking exciting thing, And it really rosy future. 888-960-5645, ARTS, 239-395-0900, --Beth Luberecki STYLE GALLERY TOUCH TROPICS Step foot inside Style gallery boutique youll immediately stores name perfectly suited. Nearly inch space adorned variety brightly colored items, painted furniture beach-inspired artwork fashions. Sissi Janku regularly featured, matte-glazed ceramics Double Creek Pottery missed. 239-472-6657, --Melanie SIGHTS SEA Previously voted islands, Chadwicks Square Captiva features abundant collection over artists. To searching realistic portraits native wildlife dreamy paintings mermaids, leisurely order. Be sure peruse artisan jewelry accessories while inside. 239-472-7633, --M.P. CEDAR CHEST FINE JEWELRY ISLANDS STRIKING GOLD With gold sterling Sealife collections handcrafted accessories, Cedar Chest Fine Jewelry Tahitian Gardens made easy customers keep piece them wherever go. 22-karat leaf Sea Floral teardrop earrings designs featured 2015 catalog, October. 800-749-1987, MIDDLE MELANIE PAGAN STEADFAST SUPPORTER 11 136 Embracing art, science religion DR. RANDALL H. NIEHOFF Beholder--An alike teach everything thats true, happens pretty. --Timothy Ferris b. 1944 Physicist, lawyer, Pulitzer Prizewinning writer W e try take granted gulf coast. After all, talk-stopping scenery, traffic-stopping wildlife, schedule-stopping shops, appetite-stopping and--in late weather--a chance heart-stopping hurricanes. result, time pay attention lovely surroundings. Even wake three storms hit 1960, habit strengthened deprived electricity ones daily program gets put pause snow north. too often, though, get spoiled string weather days and, Americans, caught schedules--we move fast beauty. literary naturalist John Burroughs nailed said, outrun wind storm but cannot demon hurry. So, spirit geist zeit lesson stormy past help live calm present slow down around. breathtaking sights out. maxi-marvels universal cosmology, visualized alive, dancing b illusion, series energy carrying reality mighty river flowing into ever elegant complexity. Ours cosmos where wasted, everywhere, all there presence influence free-willed mindfulness. . Contrary false view main goal complete agenda--checking boxes list makes money meets physical needs--is vision art. visual, musical word, invites rapt attentiveness. leads introspection, which weak, self-centered act assertion ethical strength. Through mind observes fresh perspective, moods swung sound imagines lives own. 2. Contradicting superficial observation basically machine, lurching ahead dead empty one-way tunnel moments marching lockstep, mysterious undeniable insights science. Modern physics, peering unafraid mini-puzzles subatomic quanta 3. Clarifying blurred, dark depiction purpose life survival species self-preservation, simply avoidance pain enhancement pleasure, bright, penetrating projections healthy religion. Throughout history around planet bursts reassuring light shimmered steadily stars illuminate human existence. These beams enlightenment show ultimate value eternal personal growth mutual service. When busy, wearing dull, scratched-up pair forgotten glasses nose. Slowing learning mentors taking old specs, rubbing eyes again. Art, encourage exercise imagination, heighten awareness together rhythm pulsating evolution, trust warmth dignity caring. refocus minds eye, train senses poet Keats affirmed truth, truth beauty... whether comes nature, artist, fashioned decorator, composed musician, author, perceived scientist, contrived engineer, speculated philosopher, willed power compassion rustled cook n Retired after 41 parish ministry, Niehoff degrees philosophy theology, wife, Marilyn, resident 1991. 1158 13 252 filmmaker discovers muse Captivas grandeur MEL ANIE Comcast OnDemand, Awaken stunned audiences stretched typical on-island sightings. He captured creatures vulnerable states--baby sea turtles determined reach ocean, birds morning meals tens intimate scenes between land, sky, sunrise sunset--with previously unseen clarity. five-minute 4K video viewed IMAX, crystallike definition, perspective continue respond Michael says drew inspiration mother, passed away few ago. She reason moved Florida, wanted her. thought Michaels mother likely kept him going intensive hours invested frame. also possessed immovable belief own ability, though hed created projects prior Awaken. confidence extended County Visitor Convention Bureau, had commissioned it. His film career began Intrigued mechanics time-lapsing, medium meeting friend watching grow life. met teens. Now 27, Ive privileged witness ascent cinematographer, photographer motion time-lapser. years, received likes Vimeo, Hulu, USA TODAY Huffington Post. film, Awaken, visual ecological calendar Beaches Captiva, won Best Travel Adventure category 18th annual Webby Awards-- calls Internets highest honor. Before heads York, now, sit couple craft beers discuss trying sell project people already lived could impress here, would didnt Apparently, million views on-and-off Web appeared commercial Hulu clicked him. completely obsessed it, remembers. whim, making Manhattan Project--with no sponsors, nor prospect payment. broke life, admits, mentioning sold bed necessities. threw hands hoped itd out, felt crazy being guy thought, need finish OK, same doubt Id done something. proved better OK. Seemingly overnight, Project went viral, national journalists bloggers dedicate shot Mother Nature action still, captures fierce lightning strike thunderstorm Blind Pass. There landmarks allows seldom-seen views, Pass illuminated sky fading night behind tree entangled branches Cayo Costa State Park bottom. SEE WHAT EVERYONES TALKING ABOUT fortmyers-sanibel.comawaken For cameronmichael descended man mid-twenties took Internet storm. days, problems, negative balance eat again divides testing stateof-the-art, sponsored equipment envy cinematographers. But hes surprisingly unaffected all. Most least. newfound appreciation regular meals. blown ethic, Max Soto, former assistant. focuses ... turns whole being. blinders on. That, determination himself, allowed skip stops conventional trajectory, Soto Though studied School Institute Chicago, obtained internship. Instead, discovered time-lapse trial-and-error. spend empire, helping someone build theirs, preparing sequel soon PHOTOS ON THIS OPPOSITE PAGE CAMERON MICHAEL returning York. But, phone, attentions tied elsewhere. Hes looking bath mats Central apartment. Sounds pleasant departure sleeping floor ago, say. responds rather street doing love fine getting paid. Spoken true artist. assignment editor media coordinator Follow Facebook, Twitter Pinterest pages 15 plan cost long-term care before undoes O ALBERT HANSER ne largest threats financial stability independence potential care. 50 percent Americans require form care, according counts, should for. several different ways Ultimately, reflect capacity, preference familys resources. Start weighing selffunding. Examine liquid assets then, order youd liquidate them, determine enough cover such costs. Consider Non-skilled, health easily exceed 25 hour. Insurance defray expenses. Terms vary widely, benefits begin long last, maximum payout services policy covers. traditional coverage, premium, car insurance. combination insurance coverage rider. Work agent provides comprehensive afford. sooner later. policies underwriting requirements, younger are, health, lower premium be. wants impose family, healthier spouse children provide equate sizable savings. Still, neither answer, one. Outside still needed. become ill, prepared costs increase sharply. Similarly, moving assisted living facility stressful decisions face, lessening updated, improved infrastructures. Many, set tiered communities, cares increased needed, independent hospice, removes much stigma eliminates another, better-equipped deteriorates. Most, turn, maintain medical qualifications, dont researching facilities upon moment need. Another hold cost. imagine, theres broad range hinges ameni- ties. earlier target fit lifestyle now roughly future, larger window budget accordingly. Planning combines goals estate concerns protecting preserving inevitable substantial strategy along familys. Hanser founder co-chairman Trust Company, wealth management firm divisions Naples, Tampa Chicago. Learn 8314 1151 17 BREEZE HIM TOMMY BAHAMA STRIPE LINEN SHIRT HER FLORAL-PRINT COTTON WRAP DRESS P quest resort wear Pursuit acking vacation struggle landlocked whose wardrobes readily include clothes. Valentino knows this, why plans trip wise room suitcase later fill items breezy day-to-night dresses sun-proof tees, covered, literally. carry casual authentic island-lifestyle brands worn day, Valentino. Providing access traditional, timeless preppy fashions Valentinos opened first Marthas Vineyard 1983. continues supply clothing five stores, including Way 1997. Popular store St. James, nautically inspired pioneered quintessential navy-and-white stripe pattern contemporary Vines, American retailer, selling classic shirts shorts, two brothers remembers, often stroll shop teenagers. recalls head companies merchandise carries, apparent carefully selects brand. backstories passionate charitable retail. carries TOMS, shoe line donates shoes per child happy know thousands shoes, canvas flats wedges sandals ballet flats, profit company. Customers embrace certainly well, phenomenal product affiliated with. Oftentimes retailers expand, difficult various clientele, confident ultimately end right hands, suitcase, matter. international all-over, beach-ready style. Pursuit, 2075 Way, Suite 42, 239-472-4600, pages, SOUTHERN TIDE MENS SKIPJACK POLO TIDEWATER BLUE BUTTON-FRONT CARDIGAN NAVY PAIRED CLASSIC OXFORD BLOUSE DARK WASH SKINNY JEANS SAINT JAMES MINQUIERS NAVYNEIGE, FLAT-FRONT KHAKI POPLIN PANT, TOMS AVIATOR SUNGLASSES PROPRIANO SUNPROOF SPF FABRIC, COLOR NEIGEGITANE PURSUIT design, mixing styles unity ANN MARIE OPHEL AN Dwayne Bergmann individual bold colors, woods metals. contemporary, prefers traditional. Just couple, actually meet, blend harmoniously together. While result crowning, sometimes effort. everything, things first. discover important parties decision, Bergmann, principal LLC, Fort Myers decade. stylistic differences, priorities different, explains, establishing party, designers figure each. One recent example involved parts country, expertise. style, large metropolitan area. other, South, appreciated background, explains step individual. quickly meant area cleaner, open, environment. combined styles. coming cabinet, door fronts lighting, maintaining minimalist plan, Bergmann. achieved using warmer, color palette stark white environment, keeping straight lines, flat front cabinet doors streamlined hardware lighting. DWAYNE BERGMANN, LLC say harmonious textures lines successfully blended style--pleasing both ROBB STUCKY INTERNATIONAL, Laura Keyes ARTWORK GREAT WAY BLEND BECAUSE USUALLY BOTH PARTIES HAVE AGREED IT. --LAURA KEYES, INTERIOR DESIGNER, Two number ways--through artwork, patterns shapes lines. Artwork because usually agreed Keyes, Robb Stucky, Myers. incorporating existing treasured pieces helps blend. Colors blended, cool yellows grays, says, pointing popular fabrics, geometrics transitional patterns. themselves mixed matched, scale must blend, adds Keyes. Sometimes decision-making involves people, case, genres taken consideration. genre format considered, type materials choose, 21 Stucky blending camelback sofa cocktail tables Asian-infused lamps. WHILE ENTIRE OR OFFICE--BOTH EXTERIOR SPACES--CAN INCORPORATE SAME BLENDING TWO STYLES, SOMETIMES ROOM, SPACE, SET ASIDE ONE INDIVIDUALS TASTE. wood mahogany cherry, applying horizontal slat pattern, look. furniture, might use frame antique details, apply current, modern fabric, resulting entire office--both exterior spaces--can incorporate styles, room, space, aside individuals taste. den dedicated husband, wants, least favorite recliner desk, incorporated. clients visualize solution, setting built showroom, 65,000-square-foot Stucky. showroom gives eyes, renovation, times, base Updating older, heavier, Mediterranean-style structure uncommon current feel--without breaking budget, explains. Bergmanns designer, builder, business manager consultants, collaborate ensure results produced budget. proof satisfaction conflicting tastes occupy newly rooms. hear weeks months completion enjoy sitting rooms home, job, OPhelan loves write design. Information 239-344-7455, International, 239-415-2800, 22 23 Ocean Springs, Mississippi, quaint southern town, lots wouldnt, arts E ROBERTA SOTONOFF largely responsible that. contents tiny transplanted Walter Anderson Museum Washington Avenue 1991 pottery brother, Peter Anderson, James McConnell Anderson. wooden chest bulges Walters Impressionistic paintings, murals span walls. Andersons depictions life--its animals plants--put Springs map. bit offkilter. goes, rowed miles Horn stay weeks, boat shelter. white-hot tinged mental illness. institutionalized skewed. strong, once, escaped rope tied-together sheets, institutions south, eccentrics, Miller 1934 mural, Past Present, stretches across mbedded Biloxi-Ocean Bridge walkway Mississippi reproductions famous permeates do, guide, Margaret Miller. teeming chic, one-of-a-kind indulgent spas down-home cooking reflects surrounding influences, Cajun French Gulf Coast seafood barbeque, Biloxi Bayside towns driving force. prolific 1903 1965, Legend Elvis used hang soda fountain Lovelace Drugs. SURVEYING OTHER THROUGHOUT OCEAN SPRINGS ACT BEST SAVORED THROUGH LEISURELY STROLL. CATHERINE Clockwise, middle early-20th century Jubilee Boutique segment mural museum named auditorium school. Today, Mary C. OKeefe Cultural Center Arts Education, houses studios performing classes, caf manned aspiring chefs. Surveying galleries throughout savored stroll. Old, leafy oaks quiet streets amount shade. Here, creativity extends confines. stop Red Lily Spa Naturelle pedicure learn Shelly Dennis, manicurist, mint lime soap, exfoliates raw sugar, extra-virgin olive oil pure glycerin. neon sign announces Drugs portal fifties. came town girlfriend, legend. Nothing milkshakes changed decades since. Over Government Street, F.A.B. America stands aid loud vintage sign. exteriors decorated red, blue. Inside, inventory comprised products America. owner, however, South African. Boutique, Avenue, less explicit patriotism. There, Im drawn earlyTOTI.COM dapper greeters Shed Barbeque Blues Joint. Must-See Stops Around Chamber Commerce here. Grab map downtown special events, farmers market held Saturday LN Depot Plaza. 228-875-4424, oceansprings Beauvoir Jefferson Davis presidential library. 228-388-4400, Beau Rivage Resort Casino 80-minute treatment left face younger. 228-386-7111, Anywhere vantage point sun Mexico, preferably cocktails served. TEEMING CHIC, ONE-OFA-KIND SHOPS, INDULGENT SPAS DOWN-HOME COOKING REFLECTS ALL SURROUNDING INFLUENCES, FROM CAJUN FRENCH SEAFOOD BARBEQUE, BUT ART BILOXI BAYSIDE TOWNS DRIVING FORCE. 20th-century baubles French-crafted molds. Theyre outfits bought Bayou Belle Tracy. shopping art-hunting required sustenance, Phoenicia Gourmet Restaurant fueled mornings, eggs benedict, crawfish omelette served hollandaise sauce crepe-style pancakes. patio Maison de Lu, beneath canopy oak trees, ideal lunch spot, Frenchtown Inn salad, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bacon goat cheese fluffy pile greens, topped piping-hot apple beignets. Itd criminal bypass sought Joint, well-dressed, elderly gentlemen greeters. juxtaposition funny. See, housed actual shed. juke joint atmosphere, Brooke Lewis, owners. Hanging rafters reads, mood, enter. Diners picnic tables, gnawing ribs chicken, sucking scratchmade sticky fingers. At point, everyone, appetites over, dispensed among dozen dirty paper napkins. qualities small moments, camaraderie. freelance Glenview, Illinois. 26 27 stepping onto dance far outnumber fears safe distance B danced cha-cha Jacksons Billy Jean, Scott, partnered Steve Wilkie, Fred Astaire Franchised Dance Studios, Stuart. Afterward, Wilkie asked obliged. awards studio followed. Shes Ballroom, Bonita run professional ballroom dancer Stephan Zhivkov, whom competes. Anyone dance, Many gain footing, speak, wedding event. come change pace. Pun intended. Coordinating ack 2010, idea Dancing Stars, competition garner scores ultimately, swing direction. shes accomplished Sanibel. Competitive dancers Zhivkov. 902 DEPRESSION ANXIETY KNOWN BE REDUCED DANCING, MOVEMENT SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT. uncooperative hips legs awkward beginners bonding quickly. glossed burns calories, too. Lots them. moderate-intensity cardio workout, Mentally, gains deep. Any exercise, concentration, movement, learning, integrating listening music having contact improving mental, physical, spiritual neurological Stacey Brown, MA, LMHC, NCC, CCBT, dancing, particular, simultaneous brain functions benefit reaching. Depression anxiety reduced movement engagement. experience effect fullest, consistency key, exercise. once month, wont results, Brown wholeheartedly, thoughts turn competing Students Ballroom. ENCHANTED BALLROOM 29 naturally, placing. Competitions arent hard by. staged virtually everywhere scale, worldwide, amateur professional. place start search Promotions website, Cindy Starnes, Myers, National Council Americaregistered emcee eight dancer. March, competed StarStruck 2014, Cross Springs. hosts competitions, equal coordinating judges energizing audience. Think Tom Bergeron. level being-- emotional, intellect, creative, Starnes appreciates performed tandem height, absolute synchronicity. Though, purest steps. People left, sharing right, Gator Classic 2004 Bruce Akioka. PEOPLE WHO NEVER DANCED THEN TRY DANCE, MANY FIND THEY CAN LEARN DANCE LOVE -- CINDY STARNES, EMCEE, NATIONAL COUNCIL AMERICA Parks Recreation 239-533-7275, Cape Coral 239-573-3128, COMPETITIONS 941-758-8381, DANCING COSTUMES Dore Designs, 239-542-7708, enjoys things. 30 HEATHER HARRIS EDWARD FARLEY blood. Her father, Honorable Hugh retired senior circuit judge, longtime competitive owns Janet discovering to, offers following advice weekend dances. Also, group lessons week. partner rotate male female students lesson. Dont afraid private lessons. sorry tons friends fabulous hobby. mastering steps puts majority, fact upbeat wedding. So Can LESSONS Akis Ballroom Studio 239-275-9252, 239-579-0468, theenchanted Studios 239-939-1517, fredastaire 31 Matsumoto himself remember generosity RENEE NOVELLE died Years Eve, 79th birthday. couldnt no, Polly husbands inclination donate enjoyed Were joined Ikkis daughter, Amy Amys Framing, exhibits Pollys painting, unfinished portrait owl stashed room. Aside donating causes Myers--he wasnt selective charity--where remains today, ts ambition impression conscience. whatever reason--the message abstract abrasive, eccentric. rare through, treated deference Matsumotos muses, Left young Katsuji, Japan United States. AMY MATSUMOTO IKKI WAS RARE ARTIST BROKE THROUGH, LARGELY HE TREATED HIS DEFERENCE DID WORK. game designing posters flyers Rotary Club Sanibel-Captiva, ArtFest Clinic Rehabilitation Wildlife. busy enough, another nonprofit, Barrier Group Arts. public personas disparate, shy, wouldve Once, got shingles. nervous. Prior big presentation Seas Resort, hiccups Finally, before, Mom cancelled, away. Ikki, course, endeared too, gestures intimate. house chef, miss Japanese 1977. Above, anhinga, gracing 2001 sailboat, featuring Amy. 33 1055 paintings. grandson, Christopher. And, Matsumoto. dishes, flashes sweet smile accompanied memories dates. fifties, favored jazz clubs. avoiding spotlight. Then First Lady Nancy Reagan paint Easter egg White House, which, permanent Smithsonian. 1975, illustrated edition seminal Joy Cooking. recently, CS Bank They remain bank fact, exhibition None easier. embarrassed deal Understandably, stem outpouring February memorial service Alliance Arts, overwhelmed Amy, braced these men weeping, tearing memory. since, daughter worked accessed. acquired particularly sentimental. fond child. originals prints exhibited available sale, oversee on, rich legacy. Arguably, portion nonprofits countless benefited support, Novelle author journalist resides work, MORE INFO 13040 Livingston Road, 15, Naples 239-598-9699 34 35 Section BREEZY Furnishings LIZ SIEBERKROB tend dcor selections relaxed, carefree vibe. experience, getaway feel, previous furnishing accessories. assist transition. exactly achieve Overall, organic. direct connection nature incorporates references outside environment bird prints, foliage reminders hose feel fortunate call paradise year. wonderful aspects area--warm sun, swaying palms, sandy beaches, refreshing breezes shimmering blue waters--in can. Living inspire Sunshine homes. Dark heavy, large-scale well-suited northern seem heavy coastal setting. Blue pairing homes, seen Tommy Bahama Royal Kahala Collection reminding tranquil seaside hues. Shades yellow add sunny pop neutral basics, toss pillows matching ottoman paired CR Laine Transitional track arm sectional, Furnishings. ROOM DONE WHITE ALWAYS CLASSIC, CORAL YELLOW ACCENTS ADD FRESH UNEXPECTED FEEL. dramatically British West Indies finishes laid-back look, touch Asian influence. falls categories cottage. Each distinct characteristics, share certain Overall schemes vary, blues coral groups. Pairing turquoise, bright fun energetic ambience. soothing spa, opposite side spectrum combine soft, subtle warm taupes whites tones. Mix fabric wood, accent containing glass mirrors sun-on-the-water shimmer. Window treatments especially plantation shutters blinds. includes bamboo teak dressers chairs. Other jute grass appear rugs, beautifully fabrics. Dramatically outcomes achieved. On hand, cottage grown popularity Reminiscent Nantucket Hamptons, conveys timeless, beachy mix-matched finishes. Different elements driftwood, surfaces fabrics eclectic, simple versatile appearance. further enhance comfortable, relaxed setting, cotton slipcovers sofas Color palettes navy beginning common. classic, accents feel. Flooring feature regardless material preference, porcelain tile resembles popularity. durable, standing sand shells tracked outdoors. tiles wide house. Add rug, slipcovered sofa, driftwood table colorful throw lets forget outdoor factor. Todays smooth transition 37 TROPICAL FLORIDA, OFTEN INCLUDES USE ORGANIC MATERIALS SUCH AS BAMBOO TEAK TABLES, DRESSERS ACCENT CHAIRS. lanai. garden carried comfort, elegance durability Look curved sectionals, buffets, bars, dining bistro more, gorgeous customizable Whichever preferred, identify furnishings suit lifestyle. photos, home. Sieberkrob graduate College Interior Design. interiors escape ordinary. Ivory Key Collection, makings 38 39 PLACE PEACE director revives Rauschenberg extensive contributed industry, accurate conclusion. Following lengthy Dellinger closely notables Contemporary University anywhere, laughs. plenty projects. impending retirement Ron Bishop, decided pursue opportunity. situation unique. saw really, wasted exploring potential. Not overhaul logo succeeding Bishop September, pointed brave direction Robert Rauschenbergs Renewed resulted gallerys revamp, bringing closer, perhaps, original namesake. heres Bob in. Nestled heart sprawling SouthWestern campus formerly Edison College, clean reflection. expand speculate playful curiosity deeper Upon appointed Jade Dellinger, understand mind. approaches bigger picture stimulate valid discussions increasingly global society. drives move--from chooses with, lengths hell successful exhibition. demeanor belies zeal exists surface, minute speaking subject, alive enthusiasm. Erickson JEMA 10-Year Retrospective showed SEAN MILLER decision seems paying year-long appreciation--not community, well. excellent high-profile exhibitions, entitled ELEVEN Retrospective, Collaborating internationally exhibiting JEMA, partly Dellingers desire cutting-edge, world-renowned creators demonstrated contracting conceptual Yoko Ono, friendly relationship Lennon impacted career. saying gracious, admiration toward voice lightening relives conversation. pleased context. Ono Imagine Peace, participatory exhibition, nearly thousand opening. pre-Grammy party prevented attending opening festivities Beatles honored lifetime achievement award, constant staff event, installation process thrill, believes Onos philosophical extension peace, reflected acclaimed exhibit Overseas Interchange ROCI. ROCI embodied language, stimulating conversations bridge communication gaps oceans way, brought gallery. JADE DELLINGER JACK MASSING APPROACHES LIKE PHILOSOPHER, SEARCHING BIGGER PICTURE MIGHT STIMULATE VALID DISCUSSIONS INCREASINGLY GLOBAL SOCIETY. By commissioning globally established locals appreciate, travelers Unconventional installations chronicled decade Retrospective. information 120 W. Gasparilla Plaza, 813-274-8130, 42 1048 hasnt passing underway related celebration birthday, October 22. managed obtain pieces. else does future selectively words legacy lot us. celebrating history. interest world. Surely, pleased. --JADE DELLINGER, DIRECTOR, BOB RAUSCHENBERG IF YOU 8099 Pkwy., 239-489-9313, 3821 USF Dr., 813-974-4133, 6th Constitution Ave. NW, 202-737-4215, JUST FELT SITUATION HERE SO UNIQUE. SAW MUCH POTENTIAL IT, REALLY. 43 RETREAT derives overall space. quality, unusual, feeling creativity. Otherwise, dead. Artist Gross out-of-the-ordinary debuted guests. real excited studio, assume anyone interested thing. Boca Raton, instantly work--like fiber sculptures depicting fantasy--would addition given for, Gross. rt spot masterpieces waves wash against shore, aging, yet whimsical structures trademark Lighthouse. indoors close. believes. Village Shops appreciators alike. welcome, customers. comfortable like, Wow different. description whats prides herself showcasing unfamiliar. deviating norms tremendous saying, seeing. boost encouragement, door. displayed respected gallery, easier more. seriously. shows, Watsons beginnings, born creative mind, until greater. Growing Long exposed forms right-brained expression. owned restaurant, remembers sleeves whenever REALLY WANT CUSTOMERS COME TAKE LOOK AROUND ENJOY THEM FEEL COMFORTABLE LIKE, WOW DIFFERENT. --MAUREEN WATSON, OWNER, WATSON MACRAE artwork. Eccentric alongside 45 Light hardwood floors, walls ceilings fluid inviting guests venture Gallery--be funky jewelry. hairstylist, transcended immediate family. grandmother relatives heavily influenced right. talent partially time. Initially, course. landed Bonaventure University, math--a subject farther anything artsy. there, computer programmer ended owning consulting firm. quite seemed able silence creativity, eventually change. did, open operates today. Sure, income fluctuated bit, shift path ways. gratifying contribution, good. contributing community. satisfying. Professional reporter Ciletti frequent 2340 239-472-3386, 46 82214 1124 Gallery, Kathryn Craig, thank introducing types fresh, stuff, collected Watson. Theres depth places. 47 137 Calusa, Meo, peaceful DAVID ACEVEDO 49 November 2013, Pier Building tribe year, invited machine DeLorean, windows sole introduce gone, nevertheless fascinating. Documented archeological findings provided preservation initiative. Exhibition curators Theresa Schober Barbara Hill gleamed welcomed throngs attended Reflections Representation reception. reclaimed identity lodging headquarters extinct Olympians November, impressive collection. 500 walls, represented artists, said thanked attendees. interpreted scholars visually explained conquistadors looked concluded Hill. lover, renowned archeologist research shaped HISTORY CALUSA greeted Juan Ponce Len landing 1521. unfortunate demise, caused disease, war, slavery displacement, land. 1763, 80 families Keys. relocated Cuba Calusas traditions survived non-related tribes Seminole Miccosukee. anthropologist, educator Merald Clark seven ago Mound House Beach. Archeology bones forensic reconstruction, cumulative knowledge rewritten light, Schober, conundrum colleagues thus broadening project. added Schober. admired encompassed Flashbacks acrylic mediums intermingled positioned three-dimensional provoked senses. marriage destiny led disappearance beloved mounds, ridges, water courts canals. However, footprints forever stamped lands showcased careers portray detail, origins vivid representations scenery historical passages. Using media, understanding significant accounts defines World. documentation proposes simple, coordinated serene snug sense consistently portrayed depictions. Testimony encounters European explorers suggests calm, welcoming people. contrast, majestically imposing visitors flagships grandeur. contributes Every detail meticulously documentation. am impressed amazing Mayor Randy Henderson showcase Building. city. culture inches inches, Canal Pineland Shoreline, extraordinary times. vast, river, soft pastel-blue dunes, dominates intricate scene. Staring image, viewer subtropical ARTISTS Meo 104-page catalog Historic Preservation. Raised slope Browns Randell Research feels land played village grounds feet trod. warned dare bother mounds spirits deserved respect, recalled crafted catalog. Artists self-imposed study, interpret illustrate Floridian educate dwellers. 51 Guests intrigued told overwhelming serenity. fish canoe shallow waters. distance, swim worry. Life perfect. Wanting avoid dramatic scenes, ordinary afternoon--hunters deer east, potters provisions caciques dwelling cargo transported directions, understands resources natives. Networks waterways east Lake Okeechobee unifying connectivity inland villages. Estero Charles Dauray emissary Medallion, composition rosary peas acrylics, exhibitions catalogue. Dauray, artistry talent, proven artifacts recovered painfully meticulous pretends unite common invasive plant seed Indonesia means utilized existence, aware this. intention production mingling outstanding, extravagantly textured representation symbols characters documented studies tribal organization, archeology paleontology research. limit arts. Music, legend Kat Epple, documentary aspect past. itself, prodigious instruments flutes indigenous replicas. William 52 musician Epple music. flute, bone feathers, Epples play. BURNELL CALDWELL Marquardt developing sounds Calusas. Spaniard available, enchant attendees nights notes flute. proposal element 20th promoting stewardship advocacy, acquisition properties Pamela Miner stressed importance relevant, generation modern, fast-paced GOING FORWARD We, residents, indebted souls cared loved wonders peninsula cradled living. duty responsibility advocate history, heritage. continue, uncovered generations. today curator, Union Campus. degree Puerto Rico, Mayaguez 53 Casa Ybel ADAMS resorts equipped ample oasis inspiring retreats romantic ceremonies. hundred weddings Jessica Pasek, sales catering 23-acre accommodates indoor venues. Wedding vows exchanged beach, lakeside gazebo covered veranda. water, overlooks Olympic-sized swimming pool, Pasek understated deck reminiscent Old fancy ceremonies receptions. Indoor areas air conditioning, Victorian-style Thistle Lodge overlooking Gulf, allow aquamarine ocean minus heat. hen aesthetics everything. planned backdrop-- out--can evoke feelings sophistication, nostalgia seclusion boasts uniquely function enjoying Gulf-front elite club lush countryside villa Here consider hosting Paradise Found Gentle waters idyllic shell-filled beaches draw islands Captiva. Oftentimes, host celebrations. 55 Southern Charm Chris MacArthur, owners Cypress M Ranch, agree beachside settings theyve renting ranch Punta Gorda taste Agritourism utilizing rural world, so, Ranch trees shade 80-acre pasture ranch-style barn, kitchen cozy two-bedroom describes shabby-chic. farms encompassing West. members decked cowboy suits, MacArthurs horses cameo appearances usher bridesto-be. brides grand entry horseback, beautiful, Receptions barn harvest whiskey barrels, History buffs neednt Street filled yesteryear. Once referred Millionaires Row, preserved mansions Thomas Edison, Henry Ford Harvey Firestone. Gardens, inhabited wealthy businessman Nelson public. Built 1901, Georgian Colonial Revival. Pine floors complement fully furnished interior, brick-lined fireplace, winding staircase dated entertainment devices, sepiatoned photographs memorabilia. 56 SOUTH SEAS RESORT LISA CRONE WATERS BURROUGHS GARDENS DARREN ARENA 330 acres worth flexible reception reception, Daniel Smock, marketing communications resort. want. wouldnt marry unspoiled refuge, walking Along spaces, designated spots. prime choices celebrations Kings Crown Lawn. 1880s landmark maintains charm surroundings fireplace. either hors doeuvres meal Lawn ceremonies, towering royal palms Sound. band fiddle cowboys girls twangy tunes. Campfires lit crackle softly strewn lights twinkle mimicking stretch above. differently laid serenity peacefulness. Waters, located Daughtreys Road North specializes events. Originally functioning Christian retreat, Hoolihan purchased rents venue weddings, baby showers, gatherings. renovations, Waters tranquility property. Essentially, solitude, cars intended Live waterside surround estate, paved pavilion, hot tub Southern-style lodge. flatlands property entrance, in, amazes Arlene Roth, executive Uncommon Friends Foundation, manages stunning era 1920s. Parties grounds, Roth gardening daughters. wrap-around porch, constructed pavilion size-- corporate brunches, reunions vintagethemed bridal showers. Heitman 1908 Gilbert engagement gift bride, spouses-to-be wed mansion founded romance. circular driveway replete sophistication welcomes valet-parking attendants graciously doors. 57 1159 Fifth steep rooftop arches hint sky-high Victorian ceilings, inside, overlook Caloosahatchee River. Events mostly outdoors, Jose Baserva, objection Everybodys part--including myself--is backyard, landscaped wraparound river. feature, notes, 200-foot-long brick porch oversize dock, newlyweds vows. backdrop bride groom, Baserva sunset. Perfectly Posh Bellasera Hotel mansion-lined neighborhoods flashy sports zipping streets, seemingly Countys epicenter surprise elegance. Fifth--centrally Naples--boasts spacious terraces, ballrooms lavishly decks. hotel radiates swanky city meetings amounts class. walk lobby chic sophisticated, Cathy Christopher, director. Warm woodwork, crystal chandeliers venues, Palm crme-colored pops red furnishings. Of rentable Club-Level Rooftop Deck, exclusively club-level guests, typically reserved receptions view. huge appeal outside, Christopher roof, cooler there. sweltering encountered ground level. breeze, on-site relaxing, cools down. 3,600-square-foot courtyard gatherings, differs lushly landscaped, lighted twinkly candles, experience--very romantic. option tent decorative literally limit. Down go-to hotel, Tuscan-inspired atmosphere 4,000 square Italian architecture. 58 INN FIFTH BELLASERA HOTEL PLANNING EVENT gathering, checking Plantation Golf Country ballroom, Venetian, encompasses Tuscan full forest deep reds regal gold. Outdoor elevated rounded Veranda, terrace cabanas bougainvillea. nice, fountains side, Sanders, manager, points nice backdrop. clubs hand-in-hand culture. acreage, desirable otherwise members-only Equipped sleek television sets boarded pool amenities center building accommodate parties, veranda fireplaces. gettogethers sectioned couches Whats neat elegant, Angi Eberhard, beverage manager. warmed hole. Eberhard continues. west sunsets. amazing. scheme, welcomed. Hotel, 239-649-7333, 239-337-0706, 800-276-4753, 239-872-4726, Winter Estates, 239-334-7419, 239-850-1171, facebook.comtheheitmanhouse Fifth, 888-403-8778, Club, 239-561-8650, Oats Luxury Estate, 800-787-5829, Sidney Berne Center, 239-333-1933, 866-565-5089, 239-851-1552 Sunstream Hotels Resorts, 800-897-1322, sunstream.comyours Sundial Beach Spa, 877-736-4320, Tween 800-223-5865, Wind Inn, 800-824-0476, Part PLANTATION GOLF COUNTRY CLUB 59 Sometimes, bottle counts JERRY GREENFIELD fter spending advertising mention, gained clever winemakers appealing consumer. stuff shelf wine familiar particular varietal producer, decide plunk mystery cabernet sauvignon, general supposed fondling sauvignon blanc Zealand, flavors grapefruit, pineapple, scents new-mown hay maybe lychee finish. Fine. is, consumer reveals package wine. producer brand name, label possibly shape bottle. Thats falling all-important impression. cute Yellow Tail class libations critter wines, hand-painting labels, inventing outrageous names bottles decidedly nontraditional shape. standard PerrierJout Fleur Champagne painstakingly hand-painted flowers. dear drank magnum night. collectors items. wines bottles. Kenwood perhaps artsy labels belong unquestionably Mouton-Rothschild, talking Mir, Chagall, Braque, Andy Warhol others ilk. 1973, finally first-growth status Bordeaux, Picasso. terms sheer genius, winery Sine Qua Non. Manfred Krankl, teeth-purpling grenache, syrah reds, weirdly sells upwards 300 Eleven Confessions, Dangerous Birds, Out Nineteenth Nail Cranium. test extraction cork. bad good, pull shelf. Greenfield Whisperer. serves Florida-based agency Food Festival. Read 1152 61 226 DINING GUIDE KEY Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Vegetarian JACARANDA Legend. romantic, dinner open-air gathering nightspot ranges splendid tasty burgers sandwiches lounge, nightly. 1223 239-472-1771, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. Come plumpest oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat shrimp, grouper incendiary Dead Parrot Wings. buffalo wings bet. DOC FORDS SANIBEL RUM BAR GRILLE Novel Cuisine. restaurant folk novelist Wayne develop best-seller menu sandwiches, salads entrees. mojito. 975 Rabbit 239-472-8311, DUNES Member Problem twist. Try signature lump crab bisque, Eastern, Western Burger, crisp empanadas pulled beef seared steak. Four locations 6520-C Ave., 239-472-5353 1036 239-472-6939 12951 McGregor Blvd., 239-476-9000 waterfront 16501-B Stringfellow Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Five Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, spinach artichoke hearts wood-fired pizzas. Fresh pastas, veal round menu. 949 Sand Castle 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. massive omelets pasta, joint, despite cow references. dinners choice, unless breakfast, omelets. 1200 239-472-1998, PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS BEACH FOODIES Institution. ice cream institution Pinocchios repertoire 130 homemade daily, creams Krunch Dirty Dollar. Enjoy gelato, sorbets, sherbets yogurts generous portions. Geppettos Foodies gourmet shop, Pinocchios, surprises croissants, baguettes, souffls, pastries, breads, panini, focaccias 2163 239-472-0606, PIZZA Slice Paradise. Pizza choice crust options. Pasta, calzone salad popular. calamari bruschetta appetizer, 362 239-472-6566, ROSIES CAF GRILL Goodness. blueberry pancakes plantain crusted mahi sandwich pineapple salsa disappointed. everyone relax, 1619 239-472-1581, 63 Scoop encourages longer 2330 Ridge Rd, 239-579-0807 SANDBAR Welcoming. stone-crab claws, unsurpassed. steaks grilled perfection please palates. velvet cake creme brulee dessert. 2761 Drive, 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entrees all-day fried baskets specialties, tuna rice cakes seaweed salad. salmon ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. Three 1523 239-472-7770 4685 239-495-5770 7225 Beach, 239-765-6766, Color. Grill pub fare--juicy burgers, crusty pizza--and Youll seasoned bartenders often-sought-but-neverfound neighborhood bar spot. 703 Tarpon Bay 239-472-4453, SPROUT vegan vegetarian take-out delightful meals, smoothies juices daily. Chef Nikki Rood uses 100 organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, farm-fresh ingredients creation, 99 Vegan Lasagna Mexican Salad Walnut Taco Meat, Cashew Queso Bell Peppers Arugula. Turmeric Ginger DetoxImmune Boost Elixir, reports Sprout Let thy medicine quoting Hippocrates, delectable dish offer. 239-472-4499, 64 STAR Culinary Luminary. options bagel breakfast burritos, toast caramelized bananas apples. lunch, burger panini. 937 East 239-579-0195, STARFISH palm tree-studded beach. citrus-grilled braised meat lovers. Casual fare flame-grilled Burger Angus aged cheddar. Holiday 1231 Middle 239-472-7827, SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. green tomato BLT wrap. Morning choose Santiva variations Benedict smoked Key-lime sauce. 6536 239-472-2333, SWEET MELISSAS Good Thing, Small Packages. Melissa Talmage courses appetizer half-portions, giving diners sample multiple duck breast cured yellowtail. 1625 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Rendezvous. Creative cuisine Oscar, lobster crab-crusted scallops snapper mojo allure trappings, glorious table. 2255 239-472-3145, TIMBERS RESTAURANT MARKET Dine Yourself. Favorites vegetables, platters lump. market, 239-472-2722, 65 TRADERS Shopping Experience. Traders emporium Tuesday Thursday evenings. gumbo, pan-seared macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. serape piatas, terra-tiled adobe-style subtly suggest weve gone south border. 14970 239-472-0248, FloridaNew American. Jason Millers always-changing centers bounty season fish. Wines eclectic presentations, Sunset Room takes breath 15951 239-472-5161 4, Continues. continued success, Whites third Resort. Docs bread Achiote dry-rubbed rib-eye. Wednesday nights. 5400 S 239-312-4275, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery canopies Jimmy Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers escargots baked tomato. 11509 Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE SHOP Time coffees, extra-strong Eye 66 67 Coffee, cappuccinos lattes Those tooth indulge scoops Queenies locally cream, sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint brewed pond. English grub. sunset gazing. 11546 239-472-3434, RC OTTERS Otterly multitude daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf satisfy cravings. week dinner. 239-395-1142, SUNSHINE Inspired Bistro. charming, touch. wood-grilled spring lamb chops mahimahi, pecan-crusted seating available. 14900 239-472-6200, FORT MYERS Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas banana Texas ribs. Friday 708 Fishermans Wharf, 239-765-9660, NERVOUS NELLIES Neurotically Time. gator bites Thai dynamite shrimp crab, wild tender asparagus, please. Uglys Waterside Bar, upstairs, 68 456 prettier, 1st St., 239-463-8077, PINCHERS CRAB SHACK Table. Fresh, cut-to-order fries madefrom-scratch slaw decadently rich, cheese-and-crab dip full-on fruity, freshest Multiple 28580 Crossings 239-948-1313 18100 San Carlos 239-415-8973 6890 239-463-2909 15271 239-415-4009 10029 239-4154040 5501 Palmer Crossing Circle, Sarasota, 941-922-1515 5th 239-434-6616, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible sushi highlights menu, prefer steak chicken. 13451 239-489-1500 10045 239-334-BLU3, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE AT HARBOUR Beefed Refined brass, leaded theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Black steaks. opt buffet aboard Princess yacht. 17260 Harbour Pointe 239-466-2138, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. cuisine, Breakfast, pm, omelet variation Benedict. noon, dishes bacon-wrapped jambalaya, plus attract hungry diners. brunch crowd packs house, wait--but 12901 239-466-4663, 69 CRISTOFS MCGREGOR Old-Florida Charm. Designed resemble delightful, Floridastyle landscaping, Cristofs hotspot. rib-eye bouillabaisse, receive portions ingredients. 10231 239-791-8473 GARAGE details. 1920s, walked parts, Model Bootlegger. arugula mouth beer Kona Big Wave Belgium Fat Tire. 2207 239-332-3673, FIRESTONE levels fun. Brick tires remind filet mignon paella Grille tapas Sky Martini Bar Saturday. 2224 239-334-3473, Blvd, 70 71 239-4158973 239-415-4040 941-9221515 Sunny Delight. specialties seafood, roasted corn portobello mushroom relish, panseared piccata. 8700 Gladiolus 239-489-2233, EDISON Illuminati. honors namesake steeped culinary tradition, chicken pot pie receiving raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried-and-true. Salads fish, pasta pleasing palates 1982. Soup accompany dinners, days. Early catch deals 530pm. booths, nautical details seafaring 13451-16 239-489-2226, UNIVERSITY Head Class. theatergoers 7790 239-437-4377, 72 73 1719 Parkway East, Coral, OLD Like Especially Philly. corned-beef hash, caramel pecans, Carbons malted Belgian waffles pudding fresh-ground Colombian coffee breakfast. Pop Philly cheesesteak 25091 Bernwood Parkway, 239-948-4190, believed food, eating risk. unpasteurized Stilton, oysters organized crime associates, me, adventure. --Anthony Bourdain 74 10801 Corkscrew 519, Estero, PAGELLIS RUSTIC TUSCAN Bring Shoes inspired, lake bars cocktails. Coconut Point, 239-226-4242, TARPON BAY New-Fashioned Classic. Hyatt RegencyCoconut Point homage ceviche cooked marinades. entrees, crispy-fried snapper. 5001 239-390-4295, made-fromscratch guide up-to-date. detailed andor reservations visiting establishments. 75 WHERE DO SAVE DATE SERVING UP STARDOM Womens Pro tennis tournament fullswing, inaugural marks USTA Circuit Calendar, Nov. 2-9, watch world-class professionals compete recognition. finale, performer awarded singles Australian Open. Prepare levels. MAURICIO PAIZ SWFL LIVE Music Walk September 17, 7pm River District month. participating regional talent. 1-855-7323836, STAGE Trained Deception 3-November 2, Sunday, 530pm, Thursday, 630pm formed Allied Forces thwart spy ring onset Second War Murder Mystery Train, Railway. 239-275-8487, Noir 5-27, Saturday, gritty gumshoe intersects society 77 239275-8487, Doors Down, Acoustic-Songs Basement 6, 8pm forming 1995, rock quintet albums garnered Grammy nominations, Awards BMI songwriting, BMIs coveted Songwriter Year award. acoustic Jamie Commons. 239-4814849, Gotsby 22, Trains tribute Century novel jealousy, wealth, friendship Roaring 20s. 239-2758487, Ringo Starr Band 19, hitting road Band, Totos Lukather, Mr. Misters Richard Page, Santana singer Gregg Rolie, Todd Rundgren drummer Bissonette. opportunity perform hits B. Mann Performing Hall. 239-481-4849, Anjelah Johnson 25, splash successful, viral comedy videos Salon, rise fame included commercials, films stand-up 78 performances devoted online colleges churches OUTDOORS Farmers Market 3, 8am produce goodies market. Riverside Park, 239-9922556, Guided Wednesday, 930am Join Interpretive Naturalist cypress accessible boardwalk trail. See firsthand plants Meet entrance Six Mile Slough. 239-533-7556, Historical Walking Tours 1030am 90 79 tour entertain founding fathers Franklin Shops, 2200 239-9450405, Haunted Tour 90-minute darker residential buildings reputed paranormal activity. 239-945-0405, Bicycle 730am cycling Community ride destinations 239-4722155, Greenmarket 9am 10-acre vendors grown, cultivated foods sampling purchase. entertainment, activities kids, classes demos chefs 239-939-2787, Sail Power Squadron 21, 5pm SanibelCaptiva boating safety. education overnight cruises - participate boat. monthly required. 239-472-2155, VIEW Annual Downtown Venice Craft Festival 7, 10am Usher fall festival. winds Miami Venice, favorite. Admission free. 561-7466615, 17th Sullivan Rich culture, heritage crowds, delicious eateries shopping, location. 561-746-6615, Villages Colony Plaza 28, busiest centers, 466A, thoroughfare, golf carts ensuring active Sarasota 5, enthusiasts converge Sarasotas Main 81 crafters states. first-rate affordable prices, admission 15th Stuart 12, Osceola firstrate Delray Atlantic Avenue. crowds crafters, considered must-go-to 25th Anniversary Hyde Fair 26, Tampa, glittering fountains, courtyards tree-lined location fine-art 16th Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Located intersection A1A Commercial Blvd Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Lauderdale, ages 82 83 FAMILY FUN Shell Crafters Monday, Monday seashells crafts. Free 10am, charge supplies. Bluegrass Theatre 2pm., fellow lovers Foulds 10091 Ft. bands beyond. 130. Seating come, Cirque Du Soleil Varekai 730pm, 400pm 130pm Deep forest, summit volcano, possible. Varekai. solitary man, begins. Parachuted shadows magical kaleidoscopic populated fantastical creatures, adventure absurd extraordinary. edge possibilities, 84 incantation rediscovered. word Romany language gypsies-the wanderers. pays nomadic soul, circus infinite 239-948-7825, CLUBS Zonta 1987, providing handson assistance, advocacy funding strengthen womens International. House. Lions 530pm organizing fundraising organizations. ABWA 14, Sanibel-Captiva Chapter Business Association meeting. Please listings. 85 ELIZABETH JOYCE 8th moon Pisces standby. Expect emotional tides projects, resolutions relationships dreams emotions hidden closet. foray circumstances through. 24th Libra equinox. push button state balance. publishing, legal affairs. Aries lunar eclipse. restless duel forward, quo. eclipse completes cycle 23rd Scorpio partial solar jealousy possessive behaviors. intense considerable depth. Also indicates tides, flooding, Mercury retrogrades 4th 25th, 2014. ARIES MARCH APRIL Relationships Aries, pleasant. higher-up September. Remain reasonable positive manner. romance marriage. contacted long-distance lover TAURUS MAY isnt sync ideas, better. equinox, alone sweetheart. phones kids. 4th, shot. problems GEMINI JUNE opens, issues, willing compromise. single, equinox communicator listener. end. balanced. decisions. flame, rethink Personal Signs relationship. partnership, regrouping. CANCER JULY Politics tip Cancer, involve elders, kids animals. news drama disputes arise, manage practically efficiently. October, member. Plan talk over. let slide. LEO AUGUST trips, encounters. Youre star Jupiter Leo are. lions mane Love stage asks Leo, youve Hang tough mood date, sailing unknown. cautious retrograde. sorry. VIRGO SEPTEMBER fixing things, Virgo, OK cooperate 87 guided helped. skills Romance deepening relationships. stronger someone, plans. Remember lasting yourself LIBRA OCTOBER urge changes presentation. Diets quitting habits starting favored. Mid-month solid, reliable person mediate battle. extra motivation self-improvement closure permanence primary relationships, matters demand attention. SCORPIO NOVEMBER decisionmaking Take somewhere brand-new course action. doubts friend, boss honesty fidelity, honest heart-to-heart clear air. offered owe investigate. stalling about. worry lonely. love, decks, break, 88 SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER calendar, cant invitations, priorities. picky dress eat, habits, off. Listen heart, statements. chances, Sag, optimistic reckless now. risk pocketbook safety quick thrill retrograde vibes, unsettling circumstances. CAPRICORN JANUARY fairly Cap. Youve impossible refuse oozing persuasion. integrity. deals, Capricorn, ready, cards typos freshener. angry ready suffering silence. em. AQUARIUS FEBRUARY freedom insatiable appetite information. conversations. 89 admirer show. becomes remotely possessive, freewheeling yourself. causes. leader left-- careful them--at first, anyway. homework checkbook. PISCES pleasure. Without trying, admirers--one Commitments partners acquaintances question. rose-colored emergency arises, qualified drags matter unwilling resolved. Resist expense. unfairly advantage of. feelings, low settlements, Pisces. Born identical twins, psychic birth. Named Worlds Greatest Psychics Citadel Press, Top healer readings worldwide. astrologer, counselor, healer, clairvoyant interprets teaches energies Dimension. TV Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance, Psychic Detectives cable Get Psyched. new-visions. com rates services. appointment, 215-996-0646. 91 arresting law enforcement publicly honoring committee members, jumped cause. respect women protected Connie Ramos-Williams, Rotarian chairperson evening. gala uniformed officers attend free, covering ticket silent auctions amid cocktails, ositive seldom matched recognition, Mark Loren, Loren changing 10, Law Order Ball Harborside Event pedestal basis, longstanding ties officials wifes THERES LOT RESPECT WE OWE THESE MEN WOMEN MAKE SURE WERE PROTECTED EACH EVERY DAY. --CONNIE RAMOS-WILLIAMS, ROTARIAN MEDIA CHAIRPERSON Captain Joe Poppalardo Clubs liaison police agencies, visits Designs. MARK LOREN assistant attorney Douglas Molloy. nominee Officer Year, earn custom-designed Loren. agencies-- Police Department, Port Authority Police, Sheriffs Department--to celebration, rarely case. karate instructors policeman killed him, funeral, witnessed banded recalls. together, supportive uniting roof red-and-blue squad police-related promising books. Proceeds Foundation youth programs. 93 MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Publix Drive Thru Service Dry Cleaning Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Done Premises BUSINESS PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 Serving CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS PEST MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Name Know Termite Treatment Pest Control RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Vac ANNIES COLLISION CENTER 239.482.1446 2293 S.E. Bruner Lane Snyder 1977 Trusted Depend E-mail Marina Call Text 239-691-3474 CAPTAIN RANDYS FISHY Fishing, Shelling, Dolphin Watch, Sight-Seeing, Snorkeling, Charters Customize Your Excursion Kid Friendly Cabbage Key, Grande, Costa, Useppa, Sound Privateer wlots Shade JULYAUGUST 2009 239.472.0700 4301 SAN-CAP MEDICAL Family Practice Walk-In 239.472.6188 Unit PHARMACY Locally Owned Faces Count Needs Are 239.395.1220 239.395.0958 2402 PAK N SHIP Scheduled Pick-up Fax 1Page, In-Out 830am-5pm 830am-330pm Sun Appointment Only SERVICE 239.472.2125 PeriwinkleWay Hour Towing Complete Mechanical Repairs ASE Certified CarWash Wax Car Rental 239.472.4160 888.527.7806 MyersSanibelCaptiva TAXI Based Greater Area Prompt Courteous Airport Luggage Handled 239.437.7482 16681 206 ALTERATIONS RITA Quality Experience Mon-Fri 95 Soooo islands. Several closed Perfect check movie selection Popped hadnt seen. CBS editors Nemo thinks chillaxing ac Looked tennis. Got Rosemary Totally curious--never Cool fake-out surely imminent. Happens ZA circled tipped hi. Cant believe Cap plane. Francis Sam Bailey. Took T. laugh Oct. enough-- stone Met JB Flash. whopper MM. bonafide character. Causeway packed kitesurfers morning. flips Unusual sail instead croissants figs Lovely Hearing rumors panther hood. alert Had dream rode bike PJs night, soul. 1989 Downton Abbey lookalike turned stalker. LOL TGIF Still heading greatest. celeb ate til Rome ILLUSTRATION DAVE DROTLEFF Gramma Dots MS celebrate. Thinking Does exist MacIntosh Christmas presents. Autographed books winner. 96TOTI.COM 1133 1132 TIMES FLORIDAS MAGAZINE VOL. NO. U.S. 4.95 ARTISTIC PORTRAYAL VENUES HOSTING YOUR NEXT LEGENDARY WORKS Published TOTI_Cover_SO14_V2.indd 439

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