Ad_Page.indd 1 12617 802 PM Tucked off the Georgia Coast, St. Simons Island is one of Golden Isles. Rich with Southern charm, history and nature, its a place where exploring on foot, by boat or bicycle becomes an adventure. ANOTHER SIDE OF THE PEACH STATE 26 9 FLORIDA STAYCATIONS FOR OUTDOORS LOVERS Get out discover Sunshine State fresh-air escape to any these easy-to-reach destinations. Climb historic fort in Augustine, golf greats play Ponte Vedra feel wind airboat ride down Kissimmee River. 32 ON WHEELS 42 Your Next Vehicle Whos Driving 46 The Wheel Deal Dining 48 Southwest Florida Mobile Services 50 Its Jeep Thing 2 TOTI.COM JANFEB 2018 Visitors Everglades join guided photo safari at nature photographer Clyde Butchers Big Cypress Gallery. Turn page 14 find more about vast swamp tip Floridas peninsula. Cover photograph courtesy 1_TOTI_JF18.indd 12817 711 3 12 8 PUBLISHERS LETTER 10 DOLLARS SENSE Riches Rags GULF COAST ZEITGEIST EXPLORER Savoring--and Saving--Planet Earth A Weekend Swamp 18 Colorado Outdoors Adventures for Families 22 CULTURE 24 PETS Thinking Outside Box Getting Out With Dogs Products Help You Look Best Whats Hot Extreme Family Fun Explore Cayman Islands Not Just Mai-Tais Guide SW Need Know 36 BEAUTY 38 WHATS IN STORE 54 KIDS 56 GETAWAYS 60 CHEERS 62 EPICURIOUS RECIPES 84 BETWEEN LINES 86 OUT ABOUT Beautiful Boca 88 CALENDAR Where Go What Do Norma R. Hagan Scarlet Kingsnake Over-50 Fitness 100 STARGAZING 102 NATURES NOTEBOOK 104 TO YOUR HEALTH 106 CROSSWORD 107 108 109 110 112 COMMUNITY Art Affair ArtFest Fort Myers Keeping Faith And Band Plays On SERVICES PROFESSIONALS STAY TUNED Universal Language Inspires Unity 113 ISLAND JOURNAL ocean, Gulf, rivers lakes--this we long be, least be near. Well bring you all things water-related, from boating fishing seafood. So plan curling up4 our MarchApril issue letting thoughts ocean breezes inspire you. Times ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. 4 712 5 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elizabeth Grimm MANAGING EDITOR Mandy Carter OUTREACH MANAGER Melanie Heisinger DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT CONTRIBUTOR Kevin Haslam SENIOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL Patricia Letakis ARTS CONTRIBUTING David Acevedo Doug Gallogly VIDEO JOURNALIST, FITNESS WRITER Klaudia Balogh CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund PROOFREADER WRITERS Balogh, Leah Biery, Gina Birch, Carter, William Cox, Tony DiCosta, Erik Entwistle, Douglas Gallogly, Steve Greenstein, Hagan, Holaway, Letakis, Luberecki, Myles Mellor, Randall Niehoff, Glenn Ostle, Ann Marie OPhelan, Alison Faye Roberts-Tse, Sandy Teger, Joe Yapello PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Nick Adams, Dave Drotleff, Roberts-Tse ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205, ext. Michael Rawers Kristoffer Stewart 103 Kathy Samson OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Marannano WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network CONNECT WITH US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comtimesoftheislandsmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus Island, 33957 T F 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Financial Administrator Jacqueline S. Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part this publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors are not necessarily those 6 7 R LIGHTENING OUR LOAD eflecting past year, will realize that quite lot had lifted 2017, Im talking lifting weights fitness studio. Maybe deal overwhelming matters environmental personal issues. But lets honest, should allow ourselves thrown balance. When I think dealing challenges as way get stronger, much easier move forward positive light. In fact, trip Health Club good workout helps immensely keep me balanced. march into 2018, already so focused getting work done trying help others often forget recharge own batteries. like everyone else when it comes setting goals--or making Years resolutions. Except resisting calling resolution, call my key objectives coming , accept sometimes, OK say no, especially if just dont can give something your best effort professional lives PHOTO BY NICK ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY Ive made simple, them too imposing. My belief toward being present each moment, treating around us respect kindness, ridding unnecessary baggage weighs down, lighten load 2018. looking seeing community here Media wishes nothing but enriching, rewarding fulfilling Year. Group Publisher, Be thankful honest balanced adventurous involved day you, people care about, awaken new opportunities yourself do outside usual comfort level worthy organization volunteering lift sense purpose STEVEN V. GREENSTEIN RICHES RAGS Have sound preserving fortune leave behind W eve met entrepreneurs who have built successful businesses then sold left their children. intention was families would reap rewards lifetime hard work. doubt, visions leaving legacy heirs--one last several generations. throughout history, far back biblical times, tale riches rags three generations shows how difficult make money last. Usually, business most productive while founder still alive involved. However, neglects share information business, heirs understanding appreciation values thrift, which thrive. addition, flawed estate plans fail adequately define exactly inherit wealth protected controlled. Throughout very issues extinguished great short periods time. Today, sobering statistics show children grandchildren fortune-building parents lose 65 percent next generation 90 following generation. Contributing factors include taxation, marital claims, misappropriation, mismanagement family strife. often, boils negative effects inherited wealth. By mean second third critical prior guidance regarding objective money. They seldom take time understand created inheritance first place, essential maintaining healthy relationship newly obtained doesnt happen. An estate-planning attorney vital member high net-worth owners advisory team. It attorneys responsibility create documents protect taxation destruction other inside influences, such creditors, spendthrift heirs, matrimonial future legal assertions. Of equal importance assisting siblings creating governance, means regulating involvement entire structure, highlights vision original aims benefit future. Ultimately, must ensure protected, properly managed, members lead healthy, happy meaningful come. planning tool utilized today networth use group. These team cumulative expertise assist founders establishing executing proper succession planning, investment management, tax foundations, philanthropic designs heirs. History has taught wealth, harder it, hardest away prudently. As King Solomon warned, gained hastily beginning, blessed end. LEGAL, INVESTMENT AND TAX NOTICE This intended treated advice, advice advice. Readers, including professionals, under no circumstances rely upon substitute research obtaining specific counsel. Steven Greenstein Executive President, Wealth Services, Captiva Trust Company. Statistics 11 DR. RANDALL H. NIEHOFF Savoring-- Saving-- Planet were outsiders. outside, There contact between men earth seen heard felt smelled tasted there renewal wisdom knowing clearly pain pleasure risk world. --Wendell Berry American novelist, poet, activist, cultural critic farmer n 16th century Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus theorized revolved sun. Galileo 1564-1642 later demonstrated truth theory his telescope, modern astronomy began--but resistance wanted believe human beings planet called ours home office cosmic enterprise. Copernican thinking, however, removed center space physicist Chet Raymo puts Until Scientific Revolution 17th century, meaning flowed world afterward, ourselves. Each January 1, begin another sun-circling life-giving spaceship whose existence shared journey. Mother Nature greets start Year old friend welcomed every guest stepped aboard sailboat ship passengers, only crew We come closed doors anticipated pleasures wide-open sea, sky realized enjoyable cruise werent along ride, also jobs do. Reflecting both roles, E.B. White exclaimed arise morning torn desire improve save enjoy savor makes day. passengers world, heed embodied ethics tradition--the Rule. Applied scientific enlightenment perspective, reads Love love yourself. oldest Hebraic insight underlying tradition Our role vis dominion stewardship. journey, repair tikkun olam, hoping celebrating Olam Ha-Ba. Meanwhile, gift enjoyed latest expression savingsavoring Japanese Ministry Agriculture, Forestry Fisheries, advises careful green habits conservation regular forays outdoors experience Shinrin-yoku coined phrase forest-bathing. same echoed country example, Department Environmental Conservation released results studies showing five minutes surrounded plants health. proved breathing fresh air midst trees exposes phytoncides organic compounds emitted protection against bacteria, fungi insects. bolstering immune system lowering blood pressure. Taking forest sharpens ability focus even ADHD, increases energy level, improves sleep awake triggers daydreaming psychologists task-unrelated capacity working memory. Think walk prescription side thats free For millennia couple consented marry ready go communal home, groom carries bride over threshold. Since Galileo, consent decide step threshold outdoors, scene what Americas best-selling Mary Oliver, describes well-lived life over, want married amazement. bridegroom taking arms. Ran Niehoff been stepping islands since 1991. From TV commercial L.L. Bean. 13 LEAH BIERY ecosystem hours feels different G lance map notice extensive patch stretches Naples Lauderdale, south farthest reaches state. few roads passing through, 1.5 million-plus untamed, acres up ecosystem, live visiting mistake. Captiva, U.S. Route 41 Miami until reach rolling fields sawgrass towering cypress trees, rewarded breathtaking views, exceptional wildlife watching authentic peek Old Florida. state incredibly diverse biologically unique, absolutely worth closer look, says Lisa Andrews, outreach education coordinator National Preserve. weekend jaunt perfect introduce region offer beyond touristy rides alligator farms. wildlife-watching months through March, possible observe animals year-round. First, Chokoloskee population 359, might wondering is. stop Ted Smallwood Store, early 1900s trading post turned museum, provide glimpse South inhabitants, Calusa Indians fur traders, farmers archaeologists arrived end 19th century. Reopened Teds granddaughter, store nearly contents fascinating capsule explore. Heading north there, pull Gulf Coast Visitor Center peruse educational displays views surrounding Ten Thousand Islands. If youre feeling adventurous, rent canoe tour network mangrove accessible boat. visit City complete Rod Gun Club--stop cocktail gawk impressive collection taxidermy specimens historical photos. charming dining options town, Sweet Mayberrys Cafe Camellia Street Grill. Return plenty places explore venture farther wilderness. Pull smallest operating United States op, head parks. First pass Collier-Seminole Park, Royal Palm Hammock Trail meanders tropical hardwood hammock, preferred habitat endangered Liguus tree snail, winds low wetlands dense ferns white mangroves. Bend Boardwalk, located Fakahatchee Strand Preserve leads visitors stand primary outstanding location birdwatching. Preserve, protects than 729,000 offers abundance learning recreation. Beginning late fall running Easter, ranger-led talks programs various locations park. During wet walks, rangers participants discussing ecology prairies stands. wet, pair closed-toe shoes change clothes. Self- ranger-guided trips Turner River favorite offer, Andrews. Paddlers forest, pinelands, prairie, pond apple tunnels. see wildlife, youll diversity area. Common sightings alligators, turtles, birds endemic orchid species. observation platforms Paddling chance multiple habitats COURTESY JUDITH Renowned Butcher top exhibits Gallery left. safaris property. PHOTOS BIG CYPRESS GALLERY 15 Preserves two visitor centers, alligators manatees appearance recommendations boardwalks marked hiking trails scattered park, Scenic Trail, Gator Hook Fire Prairie Trail. Most register advance, upcoming listed parks website. Thanks status designated International Dark Sky able host four during guests stargazing high-power telescopes, darkness swamp. vehicle, Birdon Road Loop County 841 17-mile gravel road bears spring Brazilian pepper berries ripe, otters, birds, deer, fox squirrels occasional panther. longer, 23-mile option similar scenery. Both safe slow local flora fauna. Also 41, renowned filled large-format, black-and-white, silver gelatin photographs Everglades. spent 25 years documenting fragile distinctive style, close moving experience. Heirloom-quality prints, posters, postcards, books souvenirs available purchase gallery shop, mementos visit. private walks rare, on-property dwarf prairie. tours tailored groups individual interests abilities. lodging Bungalow Cottage huge windows sweeping scenery, Jackie Obendorf, daughter. How asleep--and wake up--to sounds before outskirts rise landscape, arrive Parks Shark Valley Center. Here, Bobcat Boardwalk Otter Cave spot deer crocodile. Guided tram scheduled regularly centers 15-mile loop road. approximately interesting habitats. hatchlings numerous canals road, bitterns limpkins. Bicycling up-close 16 bottom squirrel. wood stork spotted Drive. rental bikes on-site. Check website schedule sunset rides. return sure wonder gratitude wilderness lies Miami, many adventures land swaying grass frogs. Some areas suffered damage Hurricane Irma September public facilities repairs. reopening dates traveling areas. Biery director communications Sea School. 17 ALISON ROBERTS-TSE BOTTOM MIDDLE RIGHT NATHAN SCOTT BIKE PIKES PEAK TOURS OTHER serene adrenaline-pumping, activities ages Bike hen swampy summertime rolls around, why Rocky Mountain whole climate scenery conducive adventures, Coloradoans, obese country, according Denver Post, fit bunch. Olympian states magnificent landscapes. family, grandparents, easily participate alfresco biking, rafting zip lining. So, gather clan west unforgettable intergenerational vacation. While some outdoor adventurers doggedly clamber Colorados mountains, whizzing bicycles miles per hour fun. Pikes Peak Tours provides full logistical support ride. van transports mountain equipped disc brakes 14,115-foot summit, riders thrilling descent, providing water extra layers needed. Participants opt short, arduous, uphill slogs. Founder Dylan Scott takes pride personable staff commitment helping mountain. Trip leaders check rider photos switchbacks ensures does become beautiful blur. equally memorable ascent, book Ride-N-Rail combination worlds highest cog railway awe-inspiring vistas stirred Katharine Lee Bates pen America Beautiful. Left, winding Highway, series switchbacks, ascends above treeline. inset follows mountain, carrying supplies. Riders wear high-visibility vests because they highway cars. ALL Kayakers paddle freshwater reservoir known Lake Dillon, nestled among mountains. COMFORTS HOME. Kayak RAFT MASTERS TOP LUXURIES RESORT. Raft atop glasslike Dillon placid daring. Spotting natural adds bit excitement watersport. Adventure Paddle Tours, Frisco, Colorado, Naples, Florida, variety kayak adventures. island circuit shorter route conducted tandem kayaks. Kyle McKenzie, master naturalist degree fisheries sciences identifies mountains recommends hike Buffalo avoid crowds bag 14er peaks exceeding 14,000 feet. ospreys, bald eagles rare Canadian goose, McKenzie jokes. Other native sometimes beavers black bears. person, guide peaceful cove golden challenge, outings stand-up paddleboards. Closer branch open winter. Whitewater Coloradoan pastime, suitable family. Masters Caon outfits participant helmet, flotation device river boots. Make grab dry jacket 80-degree chilly temperature shock Floridian senses. Those stay front, splash seats are. navigating swirling rapids inflatable rubber vessel intimidates, relatively calm Bighorn Sheep Water splashes rapids, dousing rafters front vessel. f prefers space, privacy flexibility vacation condo -- loves luxuries resort Tween Waters Vacation Rentals both. quality rentals free, VIP access discounts legendary dining, recreation, sports, shopping, spa Beach Resorts. Cool Thats comforts Book now 844.TWI-Vacay 19 Bat-a-Pult sends Williams Canyon speeds approaching 40 mph. Right, brave soul ventures Wind Walker Challenge Course. Below, sturdy navigate steep rocky Gorge. Canyon. Class III scale half-hour float session finish trip, expedition young children--especially paddling optional. Extremely extremely levels difficulty, explains veteran Emma. daring altogether, raft birds-eye view Springs, Winds. aerial three-story Course, bravehearted traverse precarious obstacles 600 feet directly To slightly relaxed way, seat Bat-aPult zip-line glide 1,200 soft barrier reeled backwards strong dose adrenaline, plummet 150 canyon Terrordactyl, falling hour. Buckle bumpy rugged Tours. half-day Gorge begins Drive haphazardly scribbling journals she small-town small fry. She degrees dance University Wisconsin, Madison. London, spends obsessively getaways, near far. IF YOU GO 306 25th Street, Springs 719-337-5311 2320 Main 719-275-6339 2315 719-275-6645 267 Marina Road, Frisco 844-372-3353 adventure Winds Manitou 719-685-5444 20 LEFT Soar overview West Cemetery landmarks. kicks dust, lurching Fremont via special roads, learn burn scar fire 2013 ancient sedimentary rock, well Highlights perilously thin Skyline dinosaur tracks rattling across wooden suspension bridge Bridge 1,000 Arkansas Whether air, water, summer holiday challenge excite 21 900 CULTURALLY GLENN OSTLE exciting afterlife, consider sleeping fishes tied ocean. sea ... going whence came. L --President John F. Kennedy ike society, attitudes death burials changing. prefer traditional funeral, theres growing trend cremation, which, Cremation Association North America, accounted half 2016. cremated remains--or cremains-- assigning shelf closet One Sarasota-based company innovative immortalize loved ones, generations, combining cremains artificial reefs placed permitted life. pioneering social memorialization, George Frankel, CEO owner Eternal Reefs, roots dating years. 80s, college roommates came idea sinking environmentally friendly hollow structures holes rehabilitate rebuild deteriorating reefs. Their reef balls replicated marine environment attracted microorganisms, little buds floating currents home. Fish began soon set depending conditions, coral sponge growth weeks. Reef Ball Development born. ball brilliant idea, Frankel. stable Nature. answer rounded friends process memorial reef, dedication site one. design composed pH-neutral concrete formula. 1992, Foundation completed project Lauderdale. then, 4,000 projects 70 countries 700,000 floor. Today standard programs, restoration development projects. 1998, father-in-law Don Brawley, developers ball, passed away. wish remains saying, better having action after am gone. Brawley mixed father-in-laws added group Silvertooth Sarasota. popularity led founding Reefs date 1,800 coasts Carolina, Maryland, Jersey, Texas Virginia. recreational diving development, federal, governments. largest Sarasota, hundred dedicated. became not-for-profit name Genesis Project dba doing Reefs. Memorial sizes, accommodate sets frequently used spouses together. pets charge, popular option, actually included single Reef. casting final placement days. encourages process. relies lots volunteers, Sarasota Parrot Head Club. one, mold Pearl, cures overnight. layer itself, encouraged adorn hand messages mementos. day, Pearl preparations. bronze plaque ones mounted ball. Day finished photos, rubbings write goodbyes tributes out. military service veterans held requested. Parents tell concept child loss, arts crafts funeral. individuals read. Then given opportunity dedicate executor receives exact longitude latitude memorial. interested partnered insurance followed, paid for, death. Military veterans, environmentalists, fishermen, sailors, divers comforted thought them. People back, that, contribution benefits Ostle Charlotte, frequent contributor publications. View photography Made facility, personalized decorations brass plate underwater. 888-423-7333 MORE INFO 23 ANN MARIE OPHEL AN four-legged e know beaches, preserves exercise maybe meet two. way. beach aside Dog Beach, Lovers Key Estero. allows dogs waters, unleashed, sunrise sunset. Leashed Sanibels beaches. beaches pets, except County-owned Blind Pass. Because logistics, operated Sanibel. leashed Causeway Galt James Pine Island. really enjoys dog definitely likes go, too, Janet Wilson, specialist government. her pooch Charley regulars Beach. course always outdoors. off-leash experience, K-9 Corral Estero Barkingham Park Myers. Homer hike, Buddy Patches preserve, important follow rules Remember bags cleaning dog, perhaps flying Itll real treat OPhelan resident Media. Wilsons rescue Charley, waves Countyowned Recreation 3410 Blvd, 239-461-7400, leegov.comparks parksdog20friendly DOG PARKS FENCED, OFF-LEASH 9800 Buckingham og 8800 Blvd., D oggy Heaven Shell Factory, 2787 Tamiami -9 Corral, 9200 Corkscrew K Palms aws Duty, 55 Homestead S., P Lehigh Acres Pooch 1297 Parkview Court, agging Tails Rotary 5505 Rose Garden Cape Coral Registration, annual fee proof vaccinations required. Woof-A-Hatchee, 16760 Bass DOG-FRIENDLY ON-LEASH Caloosahatchee Creeks 17100 McDowell 10130 Bayshore LEE COUNTY RECREATION Islands, 19931 3661 Stringfellow City, Yarbrough Linear Six Mile Parkway Crystal Drive, ehigh Trailhead 213 Ave., rairie Pines 18400 addition Atlantic shoreline, marshlands easy fun kayak. J GOLDENISLES.COM ust Florida-Georgia line, Interstate 95, exit warriors I-95 miss it--and shame. hugging Georgias coast Little Jekyll Although stories sand, marsh getaway, charms most. Mornings particularly Simons, risers hit rhythms Oceans roar, firmness hard-packed sands underfoot, fiery peeking wispy clouds. Complementing idyllic lovely hotel Prince Golf Resort. Mediterranean-style main building turret detail red barrel tile roof gems, door room footsteps lawn, Adirondack chairs old-fashioned swings invite sit sip cup joe begins--or flute Champagne dusk. Built 1935, property named II England, monarch Oglethorpe established colony Georgia, kings eldest son, Frederick, Wales. elegant club, fashionable parlors, ballroom, cardroom beachfront boardwalk, 1941 opened hotel. Resort played major allure mystique island, Curt Smith, historian Coastal Historical Society. countrys post-World War prosperity helped catapult times. 1960s, go--the jump pool, he recalls fondly, adding clubs big bands destination 1950s 60s era. grew causeway, continued evolve. Three-story buildings, dog-friendly units, homes, pool complex, massage restaurant Echo 1980 2014--blending full-fledged resort. PATRICIA LETAKIS 27 Rooms Resorts retain dcor yesteryear. Salt marshes right frame Course northeast Oceanside cycling below pastime. Parts Frederica right, magazine, marshes. EXPLORING salty hop cruiser pedal shoreline. corner resort, Ocean Motion rents comfy baskets. sidewalks wide enough bikers walkers, Nikki Lash, shops manager, pointing 18-mile-long traverses south, sands. outing, Monument. area, homes shopping plazas hidden woods reaching roundabout. travel shady tunnel granddaddy oaks cascading Spanish moss signature. Eventually church. Episcopal Christ Church constructed 1880 shipbuilders. nails pine interior joints pinned Enter marvel double planking beams resemble hull ship. Adorning walls stained-glass saints, German Meyer Sons, Louis Comfort Tiffany. presidents H.W. Bush Jimmy attended services here. Continue riding fort, perched breezy wetland shore colonial served hub British operations frontier 1736 1749, Service Rachel Boyd tells tales days ruled. escorts once Broad points brick foundations reminders candlemakers house shop stood, surgeons apothecary, flesh market butcher shop. Alcohol allowed, explains, quartermaster Patrick Houstoun hide bottles wife burying ground. excavating 1950s, found backyard. 28 KING PRINCE BEACH RESORT ALONG 18-MILELONG FREDERICA ROAD THAT TRAVERSES ST. SIMONS FROM NORTH SOUTH, AS WELL SANDS. 1880, docents visitors. Fishing sightseeing boats middle depart Morningstar Marinas. below. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Besides oceanfront, kayak, dolphin cruise. turn surprising moments. Believe not, shrimp jumped me, delight. Motions paddlers tall grasses waters east neighboring Isles considered exclusive playground rich. 2004, W. hosted G8 Summit five-star resorts security. lovers, brackish oyster beds, dolphins, guides spots spy Another Cap Fendig. native, Fendig Lighthouse Trolleys umbrella fishing, dolphin, sunset, ghost trolley tours, hes commissioner. Theres doubt knows locals. tour, kick relax pontoon glides driftwood-scattered shores entertains lowdown tidbits 19th-century millionaires--the Morgans Vanderbilts--who formed elite club southernmost Isle. spies fin vies op positioning approaches dolphins frolicking about. WATER 29 NAVIGATING WATERS IS NOT DIFFICULT--YOU JUST HAVE COMMON SENSE. --Morningstar Marinas manager Alfred Battie renown elegance. Sidney Lanier Visit websites INFORMATION Convention Bureau SLEEP PLAY SIGHTSEEING Monument nps.govfofr cruises EAT Grill fine Gnats Landing sports bar Sandcastle Caf breakfast 30 Courses 13th hole plays marsh. typically GOLF PLAYED MAJOR ROLE ALLURE MYSTIQUE ISLAND. --Curt Smith Society At point cruise, mate toss net. hands deck, baby creatures--squid, cannonball jellyfish, pompano, star drum hogfish. Passengers touch examine bounty river. independent adventurer, 20-foot deck According Battie, marinas difficult. common sense, charts boats, 30-minute orientation familiarize safety navigation. cant Only system. PLAYING SALT MARSHES INSET avid golfer, challenging playing scenic island. Carved Hampton Plantation 18th cotton, indigo rice coastal fairways tees designed architect Jones. Accompanying Jones transformed cluster Rick Mattox, 1988. Holes 12, 13, marshland. Nowadays, know, wetlands, Mattox says, referring laws development. Connected cart-size bridges tidal creek, standout. highlight fourth Isle Owned former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson wife, boat, cottages. editor, writer 31 MANDY CARTER ET READY SHAKE UP WEEKEND checking hotels nearby city. number fans back. far, suggestions outdoors-focused staycation within driving distance UNPLUG CENTRAL GLAMPING Westgate Ranch Rodeo unplug technology nightly campfires more. dude ranch Orlando activities--from dinner hayrides lining round miniature golf. activity options, need 1,700-acre rodeo Saturday night. westgateresorts.comhotelsfloridariverranchwestgate-river-ranch-resort HISTORY BUFFS LOVE AUGUSTINE Casa Monica Spa walking sites Augustine. elaborately decorated 1888 Historic Hotels check-in. year-round mild weather Augustine exploring. Walk bike brick-paved streets easy-to-get-to Lightner Museum, Castillo de San Marcos noteworthy attractions. WESTGATE RIVER RANCH HOLLYWOOD TRENDY ATHLETIC Hollywood, Lauderdale East active. Margaritaville Hollywood oceanfront. lovers appreciate Atlantic, pools, surf simulator. Rent paddleboard oClock Somewhere Bar street spend gentle Intracoastal Waterway. Grab wheels Broadwalk. Yellow Green Farmers Market extraordinary 33 PARADISE ENTIRE FAMILY JW Marriott Marco luxury sand Mexico. sea-life viewing opportunities. Kids waterslide area adults cabanas. Nightly wonderful firedancer remember. kids goals relaxing soaking sun waves. marriott.comhotelstravelmrkfl-jwmarriott-marco-island-beach-resort PONTE VEDRA GREAT GOLFERS Sawgrass enthusiasts, offering championship golf, ways active spa, yard games, on-site mini-golf course. recently large renovation. Plan romantic excellent ever needing hotelstraveljaxsw-sawgrass-marriottgolf-resort-and-spa ORLANDO PERFECT FARM-TO-TABLE FOODIES Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes surprises moment arrive. luxurious themepark mecca, yet could never atmosphere, offerings service. Many features lover farm-to-table eco-tour, farm, dine restaurants food grown concierge full-service restaurants, taste farming. ritzcarlton.comen hotelsfloridaorlando 34 NATURAL RELAXATION LONGBOAT KEY Longboat piece paradise Zota getaway clear mind. upscale boutique tranquil daily worries. sweat center, yoga class kayaking uncrowded unwinding. SLICE OLD Hidden moss-draped pines, Steinhatchee none cottages homelike seems secret spot. fingertips, boating. shuttle upriver Falls, kayakers hours. scallop season, scalloping beds unique departure norm steinhatchee CHARMING NATURE GETAWAY PINE Tarpon Lodge landmark environment, taken 1900s. Spend birdwatching, Great Blueway hitting Waterfront four-star restaurant. Though drive Myers, thousands enjoying beauty mom passion travel, blogger, blog, Managing Editor 35 BETH LUBERECKI Are lipstick face cream fanatic place. Every issue, fabulous fragrances, lotions, must-have makeup everything in-between. whether laid-back surfer babe total product junkie, thing look feel. LIP SERVICE Put power pucker Doctor Lip Bangs Freak Tinted Buzzing Balms 7.99. ingredients beeswax, vitamin E, rosemary oil extract sweet almond, peppermint cinnamon oils, balms lightweight, buildable colors suit mood. Try Nude Attitude Pinky Swear flirty, Villain berry hue Bleeding Heart classic tint. Swipe nourishing richly pigmented formulation low-key color pop. shade lip Ulta Bell Tower Shops 239-334-0659,, Coconut Point 239-992-0361 Coralwood 239-458-3522. GIVE YOURSELF CUSHION Still cat-eye technique Ditch pencil try Catrice Cosmetics Liquid Gel Cushion Eyeliner 6.99. believes stops evolving, approach must-haves. eyeliner, cushion pot soaked highly pigmented, featherlight, jet-black liquid users rich, long-lasting color. 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Merbabe swimsuit adjustable knot top, seamless Itsy Fit curves. 60, SHOWER WITHOUT SMOKING BOX Create flavorful meats veggies grilling cast Wood Chip Smoking Outset. ventilated box sits neatly grill grates, chips cleanup smoking heating. 17.99 outsetinc.comitemQ177 regardless work, situation Purequosa. quick-fix shower replacement, cleansing spray works body. hydrates, refreshes, sensitive carry purse backpack. 4.95-16.95 SANDY TEGER readies driverless cars erhaps self-driving car future, sooner think. Ford, BMW, Google, Lyft Tesla companies saying 2021. complex technologies needed cars, sensors intelligence software. success depends technology. Areas policy, regulations, cyber security, insurance, licensing human-vehicle interface modified cope environment. MANY LEVELS SELF-DRIVING CARS Self-driving assisted autonomous vehicles. Automotive Engineers, SAE, Highway Traffic Safety Administration developed 0-to-5 categorize automation. Level 0 conditions--the vehicle operates driver occupants. Levels Autonomy sidebar SAE scale. WILL SAVE LIVES TIME argument underpinning potential auto-related fatalities. accidents 33,000 annually States. result distracted driving. Automation systems distracted. promise utilization busy roadways. vehicles together, allowing improving traffic conditions JANFEB2018 congestion. Autosteering, auto lane changing, traffic-aware control blind-spot detection comfortable. asked car, report would. Distrust initial reaction cellphones PCs Internet introduced, envision Familiarity difference. THIS HAPPENING QUICKLY capabilities, proximity warnings indicating object. automation automated systems, limited self-driving. Nissans all-electric Leaf systems. ProPilot Assist adaptive maintain centered position brake Semiconductor chip Nvidia Intel brains AUTOMATED VEHICLES SUMMIT 43 AUTONOMY Engineers defined six-level autonomy driver-assistance Automatic Emergency Braking Lane Assist. functionalities tandem. functions certain circumstances. fully disengage requires intervention. autonomous--in situations environments--the moved passenger. controls, human-operated controls. mobility physical disabilities. mapping program aids Teslas technologies. temporary resume moves. implies--it me. Infiniti, Mercedes-Benz, Ford promoting progress required build prompted BMW Fiat Chrysler, chipmaker camera software manufacturer Mobileye platform chipmakers investing billions dollars promises enormous market. NEED LEGAL FRAMEWORK computers impaired drugs alcohol, incidence happen widely publicized. absence national framework varies Washington, D.C., legislation, database collected legislation promising actively develop appropriate SOUTHWEST ATTRACTIVE MARKET attractiveness retirement winter season older proportion population. Medical advances previously enjoyed. seniors forced solution living. advent everyone, buy increased 44 motor accidents, greatest cause non-disease-related deaths. Decreased congestion volume seasonal residents tourists increases. Automated Vehicles conference favorable implementing deploying connected summits organizers Urban Transportation Research Transportation, Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority. summit November Tampa, subject matter experts government, industry academia. university students Expect Teger part-time consultant System Dynamics Shes grandmother four, organizes garden enthusiast. Sen. Jeff Brandes R-St. Petersburg checks Ubers 45 SWFL trucks attract patrons tastes Below Red Roc Cravings truck England-style subs fare Sizzle Truck line event piping-hot pizza Nonnies Pizza Spudz RED ROC CRAVINGS SIZZLE TRUCK NONNIES PIZZA SPUDZ ood intersection wheels. cuisine cities alike, kinds fans. four-wheeled outlets signature dishes mostly associated ethnic type conceivable, grilled cheese crepes gourmet lunchboxes. Food integrated events, festivals fundraisers attendees cater bud, everyday breakfast, lunch dinner. stories. Mina Larocca Strobel battling ovarian cancer husband, Ray Strobel, overtime pay all-natural treatments covered insurance. ran pizzeria years, decided starting venture--a moms recipe grandkids Nonnie, her, explains. adds, together Coasting Doughnuts Mini donuts, churros, fried Oreos Curries Smokin BBQ Award-winning barbecue Currywurst Germanys famous Flavour Burgers, wings, pork, fries facebook.comchefvirgil Gretchens Country Kitchen Biscuits gravy, burgers, sandwiches gretchenscountrykitchen Petes Italian foods Mumsys Caribbean Ribs, jerk chicken, rice, beans, plantains MumsysCaribbean Pizza, jumbo-size baked stuffed potatoes Organically Twisted Soups, salads, wraps freshest Tacos, nachos, bowls, Mexi-burgers facebook.comRedRocCravings steak subs, chicken souvlaki, po boys Reasons Trucks fantastic. reason one--the delicious. fusion burger decadent desserts, prepare tasty foods. Eating frustrating everyones tastes--but novel appease particular, hosting affordable. items hefty tags fancy Yet menus mark meal, despite fact high-quality fast-food atmosphere. Freshly menus. inspiration hits. menu likely pop frequently. daily. Face-to-face interaction chef. owned driven nice handed person prepared it. introduction go-to dishes. worry expensive risk, occur picking dreams true. enter industry, Nonnies, spinoff brick-and-mortar operations. launching revenue-generating extension business. blogger digital content engagement editor 47 KL AUDIA BALOGH pet veterinary detailing, t service, doorstep. convenience priorities-- Psychologists researchers behavior brain hard-wired discomfort, uncertain. Hence, todays choice ordering taxi finding date, click, dial simply swipe--without couch. cozy, adjusted well. selection youd detailed, teeth whitened vet--but home--count driveway. horse bovine in-home wellness examinations low-cost vaccinations, parasite treatment, prevention Affordable Pet Vet Area 239-834-0322, SENIORS HELPING CARE tasks, transportation, assistance companionship interaction, caregivers Seniors Helping brighter. senior providers trained living assistance, routines eating drinking, bathing dressing, challenges. 24-hour care, necessary. Collier 239-243-8555, AFFORDABLE MOBILE PET VET hospital furry companion, checkup vaccinations. cat, LUCKY DETAILING detailed errand put burner. Between workweek plans, wash seem schedule. detailing Lucky Detailing convenience--to spotless. list motorcycles, RVs, 941-830-5336, Museum Village... invites SEE SANIBEL ONCE WAS. village tribute delight alike. 1880s 1940s. Settled decades agricultural production, reflected museum nine buildings. buildings long-time locations. pioneer cottage, Post Office, C AL M USE RI U Schoolhouse, Baileys General Miss Charlottas Tea Room, Morning Glories Packing House replica, Shore Haven Caretakers Cottage, Bailey Model truck. Come us. CHECK TOTAL gym memberships boom country. tend shortly afterward. Turns out, excuse skip there. Justin Stephanie, workouts effective techniques nutrition, motivation attain higher individual- group-training available, Total Estero, 239-209-7878, H VIL S N BE LAGE Sin c sa Village 950 Dunlop ib elm se um. o u rg Hours Open May July a.m. p.m. Tuesday mid-October April Closed Holidays Admission adult admitted information, Email PREMIERE AESTHETICS Feeling comfortable spoiled SanibelHistoricalMuseumVillage_JF18.indd bodys cells rejuvenate goal treatment. sculpt younger appearance. whats cozier Premiere Aesthetics counties medspa pampering 239-910-7763, Board-certified aesthetics nurse practitioner Angella B-BRONZED B-BRIGHT Benson specializes non-invasive medical aesthetics. discreet, year-round, women-- tan baking rejuvenation Botox Plus, vampire facials, procedure uses burned up. B-Bronzed 112817 lobster tanning tanning, whitening party--for teeth. B-Bright 239-248-5504, tanningparties Video Journalist, Writer 610 49 anywher Jeep, culture. Compared vehicles, Jeeps off-road surprise majority crave spontaneity--but reliable long-lasting. aficionados, brands models drive, excited Jeep. are, transportation B. LEGENDARY CAPABILITIES models, Wrangler Cherokee, creates unparalleled match brands. Wrangler, beast customized handle practically terrain, attracts adventurers, thrillseekers driver. testing limits climbed, limit hold value well, Emiliano Brenni tackling seemingly impossible Jeeps. 4x4 SUV configured basically need, projects, trips. wanted, Laura Richardson. flexible, OPPOSITE PAGE instance, wave Yup, drivers wave. reliable, functional desired hauling Cherokee tackle obstacles. BRAND CREATES UNITY Very generate loyalty, does. extended another--acknowledging wave, honor bestowed superior intelligence, taste, discomfort tolerance vehicle--the Generally consists vigorous side-to-side motion hands, accepted etiquette. Well, hashtags app, Honor Badge. app companion online name, Chris drives Markham Sunrise, 51 trail drivers. Google Play Apple App stores. hand--with listings based difficulty. off-roaders celebrate less traveled. REASONS DRIVERS CHOOSE JEEPS Owners explain reasons maintenance, exceed 200,000 miles. Secondly, Jeepers. Lastly, value. Decades proven durability, combined passionate following, average depreciation occurs. --Emiliano Richardson 52 EMILIANO BRENNI 53 Test GET EXTREMELY MESSY Take clay pottery kids. Learning art mess new. Studio Englewood classes ages. Sign Color Run. happiest 5K plan- TAKE EXTREME RISK Jumping extreme flips Styrofoam SkyZone guaranteed laughing Action max go-cart speed compete excess energy, paddleboarding jumping. Left Run messy obstacle dirty classes. Biking fails entertain. TOP, FLICKR COMMONS E xtremes thing. Testing talent possess. reel tests, joining experiences et speed. untimed participants, Runners, doused toe colored powders kilometer. indoor ropes fear heights TreeUmph. Exploring possible. ENERGY DRAIN jumping energy. neighborhood, bike. playgrounds pavement creek paddleboarding. Within worked muscles pushing balance Acupful .com, 380 Zone 14181 140, 239-666-7818 skyzone.comfortmyers 5300 Powerline 954-491-6265 TreeUmph 21805 70, Bradenton 944-322-2130 YOLO Board Port Marina, 14341 239-249-4701 239-947-6377 flight rand populous territory alluring no-hassle getaway. EASY EXPLORE Tons drop anchor chest-high stingrays gliding shadows. Planes, automobiles. two-hour catch direct Airlines quickly paradise. Andys, simple hang maneuvering roundabouts. inland. itself car. Snorkel Stingray Rum Point. southern flocked sandbar, land. charter excursion catamaran Sail Sports did, treat. sailboat, Spirit Poseidon, City. friendly, knowledgeable helpful. passenger stingrays. took fantastic snorkeling Point, saw fish, starfish turtles. pick starfish, water. them, suffocate. Grand shore--for Cove. mingling rays Hike Caves. Located Caves underground cave Previously caves privately inaccessible public, pristine condition. guide, stalactites stalagmites, lakes. Boat bioluminescence. experienced electric leaves gas diesel killing bioluminescence, electric-boat tourist footprint minimum. WaveRunning Seven shore, gorgeous WaveRunners Dive Shop beginner expert riders. break RELAX STEPHEN CHRISANTHUS Seafire Spa. 266-room Caymans decade, Kimpton Hotel Groups international accommodations world-famous warmly arrival bellman, greeted offered champagne desk. rooms spacious amenities, USB hookups, thoughtful umbrellas mats. Outside, cozy creatively spacious, nooks forms seating bean-bag sofas. positioned Above left, turquoise 57 Tanager Way, Andys Car Rental 325 Owen Roberts Town, 69 Northside Man Bay Five 31473 Seafood Restaurant Governors Creek, Yacht Club, Cracked Conch 857 Bay, Brewery 366 Shamrock Patricks cib.kycib Tourism Cayman, Shelf Mudslide Wreck libation. beach, lounge chairs, cabanas volleyball court. restaurants. evening invited complimentary lobby, featuring snack. RECHARGE drinking. bite balcony cronut item picnic-style touring. Ave true mixologist. Calico Jacks, loud music in. beers, tasting tour. Caybrew, sunny snorkel trip. ocean-to-table waterfront table breeze meal. ending premier oceanfront Bay. meal perfectly crispy calamari homemade chili jam generous portion spicy octopus course, Caesar salad romaine arugula, followed flavored herb panko mahi-mahi smoked mashed potato. DIFFICULT LEAVE Digital Content Engagement 58 Extend days, sister islands--Cayman Brac Cayman--for completely extend one-third enthusiast, bum adventurer am, immediately flights 59 Savvy sophisticated, rum transcends mixing ith cooler temperatures warmer drinks, many. ONeal, account beverage Rmy Cointreau, number-two-selling spirit vodka. high-fructose cocktails, booze parties, again. faces, near-permanent party people, discerning palates refined taste. craftsmanship made, connoisseurs high-end rums on, ONeal says. indeed case Doc Fords Grille premium selections list. Kim McGonnell, general location, Someone brandy cognac instead, snifter rum. QUICK DIRTY RUM GUIDE distilled sugar cane molasses production mixers Barrel aging gives warm mature vanilla, smoke Mount Gay documented distillery 1703, evidence 1600s. Barbados, molasses, apart production. limestone beneath acts filter, producing pure, delicious distilling. Tom Bocchino, Republic Distributing Company, Barbados faster, age. He fan XO, amber toffee. Warm comforting, aged 8-15 Bocchino climate. Gays 1703 full-bodied winter, maple syrup, cinnamon, pepper, smoke, vanilla bacon. steak. Caribbean, denying Dos Maderas PX made. Spain, rums, separately, again sherry cask, clean, licorice, McGonnell. neat rocks. Store shelves lined selections, confusing choosing suited mixing--or satisfy flight, pours sampling. spirit. aficionados McGonnell Fords. Above, cocktails rum, shine. difference cane, amount attributes. specialize small-batch spirits flights, included. flourishes climates, producers. Papas Pilar brand, inspired Ernest Hemingway. blonde dark varieties, mixing. Wicked Dolphin distillery. Over award-winning operation portfolio, tastings. lends mixers. flip side, attribute top. unpleasant tarnished reputation marry. commitment. mature, barrel-aged sweetness depth flavor savored coddled--much bourbon brandy--after solving problems friend. Cheers. SAILOR JERRY GINGER APPLE WINTER MIX parts Sailor Jerry Spiced sour mix juice ginger syrup Pinch ground Add glass. ice, shake strain ice rocks Garnish slice sprinkle Birch contributor, drink, well-known media personality 61 Cooking MidiCi Neapolitan Company PURPLE KALE RICOTTA SALAD Serves 1.8 ounces purple kale 1.6 spinach ounce sliced .8 shaved Parmigiano ricotta strokes lemon zest HOW PREPARE Mix plate. Sprinkle add Parmigiano. Spoon dollops zest. Drizzle dressing. mustard vinaigrette. Serve bread. 8076 Mediterranean Suite 107, 239-949-2422, Recipes CEDAR PLANK ATLANTIC SALMON salmon Lemon lime tablespoons olive teaspoon shallots minced garlic artichokes roasted tomatoes squirt butter heavy cooked pasta Parmesan Preheat oven 375 degrees. plank zest, salt cook minutes. fish cooking, heat saut shallots, garlic, tomatoes. sauted, wine, juice, butter, pasta. Bring boil reduce. cheese. 5785 Harbour No. 106, Coral. 239-542-0123, MIDICI NEAPOLITAN COMPANY FATHOMS RESTAURANT BAR Fathoms CAULI-POLONAISE CHEF TODD ERICKSONS MODERN TWIST FRENCH CLASSIC Cauliflower cut virgin sticks small-diced grated Gruyere kosher slices pumpernickel toast whole-grain cayenne eggs teaspoons truffle parsley leaves, stems Shaved radish SOCIETY CHARLES HARBOUR YACHT CLUB Brush cauliflower halves oil. Place stem roasting pan -inch Roast heads deep brown. Remove cool. roasts, pulse crumbs processor. Pour medium-size bowl, pepper. onto cookie sheet bake dried cooled room-temperature Gruyere, rest oil, processor smooth. Liberally smear cauliflower, reheat melt butter. reheats, sunny-side egg set. oven, eggs. radish. immediately. 13499 239-334-0900, TUNA POKE Charles tuna grade cubes finely scallions diced yellow mirin tablespoon soy sauce brown vinegar sesame togarashi cilantro seaweed Toss ginger, separate whisk mirin, sauce, vinegar, cilantro. mixture dressing let Divide martini glasses. Evenly divide poke serve. 15900 239-466-2007, 63 CARAMEL BLONDIE PIE fewer size Graham Crust pound graham cracker melted DAmicos Continental Combine crumbs, cinnamon. Press sides 10-inch pie Bake 350 Blondie Filling yolks granulated unsalted whipping all-purpose flour cups caramelized peanuts, Note Store-bought honey peanuts substituted. caramelizes syrup--equal water--heated dissolves. Whisk aside. Melt mixture. cream. Fold flour, peanuts. crust. set, temperature. caramel 1205 Third South, Naples. 239-65-0007, 64 DAMICOS CONTINENTAL date. encourage readers ahead reservations establishments. 66 B Breakfast Lunch Dinner SB Sunday Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Wine Vegetarian BLUE GIRAFFE Casual Excellence. After browsing shops, delicious, islandinspired food. Sit hand-painted tables inside, atmosphere Periwinkle sample Cuban Sandwich lunch--its menu, Signature Giraffe Cake Dinner, pan-seared crab cakes topped mango salsa, chipotle glaze. tempting omelets pancakes, Fishermans Benedict English muffins poached eggs, salmon, hollandaise sauce. locals 2075 DOC FORDS GRILLE Novel Cuisine. Local folk joined novelist Randy Wayne fictional character, best-seller sandwiches, salads entres. Dont mojito. 2500 Inn 239-472-8311, DUNES Member Problem twist. lump bisque, Eastern, Western Burger, crisp empanadas pulled beef seared cowboy 949 Sand Castle 239-472-3355, COW Bovine Bounty. massive pasta, joint, cow references. dinners choice, unless Loaded Omelet. bar, Mango Sangria 2163 239-472-0606, 67 Slice Paradise. Crusty Curl Crust. Pasta, calzone popular. bruschetta appetizer, 1619 239-472-1581, LAZY FLAMINGO Cold Beer, Raw Bar. plumpest raw oysters, steaming hot-spiced peel-and-eat shrimp, grouper incendiary Dead Wings. hot buffalo wings bet. Four 6520-C 239472-5353 1036 239-4726939 12951 McGregor 239476-9000 16501-B Bokeelia, 239-283-5959, LIGHTHOUSE CAF Breakfast. Residents decades, why. Frittata seasoned scallops crabmeat, sauted broccoli mushrooms artichoke heart creamy Alfredo Grouper Platter dinner, pictures lighthouse walls. Call-ahead available. 362 239-472-0303, MATZALUNA Well-Smoked Italian. Cheese Gorgonzola, ricotta, hearts wood-fired pizzas. pastas, seafood veal menu. 1200 239-472-1998, eat people. Julia Child 68 NORMANDIE SEASIDE AT WEST WIND Indulge Yourself. Bananaberry Toast Omelet more, fruit bowl Veggie Omelet, Columbian coffee artisan whole-leaf teas. Relax old-world Curry Chicken Pressed lunch, paired 3345 239-472-1541, westwindinn.comnormandie-restaurant-sanibel PINOCCHIOS ICE CREAM GEPPETTOS Institution. 1980, Pinocchios handcrafts frozen confections batches. mecca foodies please cream, gelato, sorbet, sherbet, yogurts custards 130 repertoire, portions. Stop Krunch Dirty Dollar. Geppettos Foodies, Pinocchios, croissant baking. 239-472-6566, SANDBAR Welcoming. Trio, bronzed grouper, cake, favorite. steaks perfection palates. 2761 239-472-0305, FISH HOUSE Tried True. entres all-day range baskets specialties, salad. ordered broiled, grilled, blackened Jamaican jerked. Three 1523 239-472-7770 4685 239-495-5770 320 Carlos 239-765-6766, GRILL Color. serves typical pub fare--juicy wings--and Youll bartenders often-sought-but-never-found neighborhood feel, 703 239-472-4453, SPROUT Goodness. vegan vegetarian take-out delightful meals, smoothies juices Chef Rood organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, farm-fresh creation, Smoked Paprika Hummus Sprouts. bestseller Vegan Lasagna. Sprout Let thy medicine food, quoting Hippocrates delectable dish offer. Center, 2463 239-472-4499 SUNSET Floribbean Gourmet. wrap. choose Santiva variations either cake. 6536 239-472-2333, Good --Anthony Bourdain 71 SWEET MELISSAS CAFE Thing, Small Packages. Melissa Talmage prepares petite portions, giving diners dishes, Grilled Octopus Mullet Fritter. 1625 239-472-1956, THISTLE LODGE Victorian Rendezvous. Creative oven-roasted coquelet herb-crusted lamb rack yellowtail snapper mojo trappings, glorious table. Ybel Resort, 2255 239-472-9200, TIMBERS Dine Favorites calamari, platters lump. adjacent 239-472-2722, Eat dessert first. --Ernestine Ulmer More Than Ride Knowledgeable Friendly Staff Luxury Sedans Large Vans Event Transport AIRPORT LOCAL 239-472-4888 72 TRADERS Shopping Experience. Traders emporium restaurant, entertainment Thursday evenings. gumbo, macadamiaencrusted grouper. 1551 239-472-7242, CANTINA CAPTIVA Nacho Madres Mexican. Enjoy bright serape colors, piatas, terra-tiled floors adobe-style subtly suggest weve gone border. 14970 239-472-0248, FloridaNew American. Jason Millers changing fish. Wines eclectic complement presentations, Sunset Room breath 15951 239-472-5161 4, CROWS NEST Food, fun, appetizers, flatbreads, alwayspopular goat dip, savory Saltimbocca, sage prosciutto-wrapped linguine. Crab Races, Monday Thursday, hopping 239-472-5161, Story Continues. Building success, chain Whites character Seas Docs Bread dry-rubbed ribeye. 5400 239-312-4275, 73 714 GREEN FLASH Rare Treasure. browse delightfully Paris specialty, Worcestershire, buttery topping. Or Venetian Platter, swordfish, tiger prawn polenta. Savory pork landlubbers, positively 15183 239-472-3337, KEYLIME BISTRO Changes Fooditude. picket fence cheery blue canopies setting, Buffett beat. walnut-crusted snapper, sausage peppers escargots tomato. 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, 239-395-4000, LATTE DA COFFEE SHOP Once Upon Time coffees, extra-strong Eye Coffee, cappuccinos lattes tooth indulge scoops Queenies milkshakes sundaes. 11508 239-472-0234, diet hand. --Barbara Johnson 74 MUCKY DUCK Quack Up. pint beers brewed pond. grub. beachside patio gazing. 11546 239-4723434, RC OTTERS Otterly multitude choices daunting. Steamed clams, baskets, quesadillas meatloaf cravings. Diners seven week 239-3951142, SUNSHINE SEAFOOD WINE Inspired Bistro. charming, caf European touch. wood-grilled pecan-crusted Outdoor 14900 239-472-6200, BLANC Epicurean. Jenga, toasted bread tower modelled game entre Robata grill, Lamb Lollipops reduction, SS, habanero Blancs Almost Entres, contemporary ambience creations Whitaker Jean Claude Roge, talents Blanc peers. Sundays. 13451 Ste. 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible sushi outrageous chicken. 239-4891500 2262 St., 239-362-2843, 75 COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE Beefed Refined wood, brass, leaded subtle theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. 17260 Pointe 239466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. Modern order Breakfast, 4pm, omelet variation Benedict. noon, bacon-wrapped cedar plus hungry diners. brunch crowd packs house, wait--but 12901 239-4664663, DARUMA Wish teppan-style, chef favorites tempura offered, combinations Nippon filet mignon teriyaki. Cleveland 239344-0037 241 North, 239-591-1200 5459 Fruitville 941-342-6600, FIRESTONE Brick tires remind Firestone. paella tapas Bar, Martini Friday Saturday. Days Week Now Off Boat, Freshest seasons, crabbers trusted partners assure customers round. Specialty lobster, snow crab, stone shell king frog legs order. 2224 239-334-3473, GARAGE details. 1920s, walked parts, burgers Low Carb-uretor. arugula mouth craft names Kona Wave Goose 312. 15820 SKIP ONE SEAFOODS 239482-0433 IN, OR SHIP 2207 239-332-3673, SkipOneSeafood_Ver2_MJ17.indd 76 32917 1047 AM 77 EDISON Illuminati. honors namesake genius, Thomas Edison, display steeped culinary tradition, receiving raves 3583 239-936-9348, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. tried Salads, pleasing 1982. Soup accompany dinners, Early deals 4-7pm. booths, nautical details seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239489-2226, UNIVERSITY Class. gets theatergoers 941 505-8400 7790 239-4374377, happiness leisurely breakfast. --John Gunther Bamboo Farm 25370 Zemel Punta Gorda, 33955 78 FORT MYERS Sequel. story--a sequel. Matanzas leaf baby-back ribs. 708 Wharf, 239-765-9660, TAVERN Tackle Taste Buds. amazing waffles zesty mustard, Tens juicy build-your-own backfield toppings cheeses, yummy melts steak, ham, bacon etc., cod, Philly cheesesteak, triple BLTs, stacked Reubens, pastrami, delish stromboli veggiemeat, appetizers Capes choices, pita Icy beverages, package til 2am, friends. 4703 Place, 239-257-1081, CENO History. spanakopita-- spinach, herbs feta, wrapped phyllo dough baked--or Marsala, drove Lukas Ceno Order gyro souvlaki feast Parmesan, disappointed resist cannoli Happy Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. 1715 W., Coral, 239-549-2366, Carburetor. Serious lIVe eNTERTAINMENT nights Hour cape Prime Steaks Pasta YEARS 1428 Lafayette 239.549.8800 Mon.-Sun. 12p.m.-10p.m. VI ORA O V 1719 East, 239540-3673, LOBSTER LADY Eclectic Shrimp Grits Le Bouf Bacon Wrapped Lobster Tail landlubbers. Parkway, Units 3, 239-471-0136, MARKER 92 Nautically Nice. woodfired draw boundaries. flatbread pizzas waterside terrace. 5951 Silver 239-5415600, MONARCAS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN Authentically Delicious. Rich, carved surrounds finest Mexican Sample Monarcas Mexico, tequila appetizer. tortillas in-house, salsas pico gallo. Monarchas Aztec Cocktail favorite, Huarache Michoacano, specialty Michoacan thick oval corn tortilla chopped onions, tomatillo 1604 SE 46th 239-540-9533, MONKEY STEAK Silly Name, Food. Nico Bogert palate, Monkey, chop relish Pepper Painted Grouper, orange Ahi Tuna Salad. earned eatery title Steakhouse Indoor nightly. 239-549-8800, NEVERMIND AWESOME EATERY Share Crispy Truffle Wings Volcano Spring Roll 80 start. Hugo hand-selected Steak Blue popular, fries, Kennebec potatoes. 927 239-471-0295, POINT Casually Sophisticated. Pulled Pork Rolls, Gouda cheese, slaw, Carolina dippin palate. Scallops entre, charred onion, fennel sausage, Marconi almonds, cider reduction. Proprietor Matt Arnold Choose tiramisu. 3522 Del Prado Blvd. 239-471-7785, DELI Heavenly Taste. better. Greek Reuben Too take-out, catering array 2378 Surfside 239-292-2378, inside. --Mark Twain 81 Like Home Especially Philly. corned-beef hash, pancakes freshly bananas strawberries Carbons malted accompanied freshground Colombian Pop down. 25091 Bernwood 239-948-4123, PINCHERS CRAB SHACK Table. Fresh, cut-to-order made-fromscratch slaw decadently dip full-on fruity, coast. Multiple 28580 Crossings 239-948-1313 18100 239-415-8973 6890 239463-2909 2360 239-245-7049 10029 239-415-4040 5991 33914, 239-5407939 Fifth Ave. 239-434-6616, 10801 519, 239-495-3673, RODIZIO Steakhouse. Experience Brazil, dozen rotisserie meats, tableside Rodizio Gauchos Feijoada, black-bean stew, Abacaxi, glazed pineapple. Friday-Sunday. 8017 Plaza del Lago 101, 239-498-0018, RUTHS CHRIS Always Sizzling Success. Vaulted tray ceilings meticulously linen-covered filets cowboy-size ribeyes, tender creamed potato casserole. 23151 239-948-8888, TARPON BAY New-Fashioned Classic. Hyatt RegencyCoconut homage fishhouse. ceviche eight types marinades. entres, Divers Spear, Asian ponzu cilantro-ginger rice. 5001 239- 444-1234, CRAZY Crazy best, favorites, blackened, crazy Firecracker Shrimp, Cakes, everpopular Sandwich. Even better, Blu Sushi franchise sushi. just-picked produce, just-squeezed juices, regional goodies Crazys pie, Randys recipe. here, bocce court, 14700 N., 239-260-1070, 83 DOUG GALLOGLY ivian Miller CIA analyst task locate Russian sleeper agents. fateful gains suspects computer finds file labeled Friends, contains photographs. husband. Know, Karen Ballantine Books, 26, story woman dangerous path. expects denial excuses, Vivian confronts Matt, picture Russians computer, quietly admits guilt. ramifications unbearable arrested, job--and arrested--and sucked foster Panicking, deletes hopes noticed. Later, coworkers rumors mole department. tries act normal desperately searching convincingly shes question everything. started shadowed path pressures commit treason Can worse Yes. analyst, counterterrorism. knowledge aura authenticity story. reader narrow, exists hope somehow, survive suspense bedtime, Jackie. BALLANTINE BOOKS 85 Truly Grande. Gasparilla portal. northern Charlotte County. Johann Fust Library seaside destination. 1949 funding Roger Louise shipping port 1970s. Amory Boston. Phosphate discovered Peace ECO-TOUR donated barge library steps 1800s 1907 transporting BRIAN HOLAWAY doors. Among collections phosphate deepwater Gutenberg Bible printed 1454, railroad. tablet cuneiform script, railroad copied papyrus amenities Amorys Papyrus, train booming town. brought sportsmen visiting. king. insight. lit Dec. 31, 1890, ships Cuba. today, forefathers did HERE ARE FEW MY FAVORITE PLACES BOCA GRANDE phone, cattle Temptation institution. changed boarded Cuba loadin fishermen kitchen ing Papyrus Captiva. slide lunch. Captain Holaway brief moment. booth facing shelling eco-tour 1995. swinging porthole window. His charters Sound, Cayo fresh, desserts tradition. Costa Cabbage Key, Pulling screen GrandeGasparilla pirates tarpon generational old. CAPT. 87 Crafters Mondays, 10am Mondays 10am-3pm watch crafting, attend class. Lessons Space season. Adults encouraged, crafting. Community House, 2173 239472-2155, Paint Escape painting TuesdaysSaturdays, 10am-6pm ladies Friday, 6-9pm Ceramic adults, decorative gift. music, artistic 808 47th 239-945-2006, SoCo Second Jan. Feb. 6pm SoCo--south Colonial Boulevard--is geographical lines venues representing arts. receptions, vendors, Districts welcome events artist demonstrations talks, musical theater performances, exhibit receptions Proximity selfguided parking Alliance Arts Square. Broadway Theater, 10pm. 1400 84, 239-590-8645, Fired Up 530pm Sip art. alone creative folks fused Advanced 26100 Springs. 239495-8989, Night 5pm proud motorcycle enthusiasts music. Slow Race. balance, biker gear rock-n-rollcountry style 846 Terrace, 239-573-3128, Annual Sanibel-Captiva Crafts Show 17-18, two-day fair--its celebration stunning juried artists craftsmen, intriguing charity supported Proceeds fair needs, fund scholarships worldwide. 239-472-2155, Music 16, Fridays, participating feature talent. 855-7323836, Bluegrass Theatre 21, 2pm sensational Irish, Scottish ballads music--with heaping jazz influence--makes bluegrass concerts toe-tapping, knee-slapping Join fellow acoustic Presented partnership Acoustic SWFL. Arts, 10091 239-9392787, Barbara Mann Presents Diana Krall Quiet World Tour 730pm pianist world-renowned singer returns leg 89 Tour. Featuring album, Quiet, performances bringing audiences one-night performance Performing Hall, 13350 FSW 239-481-4849, Jay Americans Brooklyn Classics IV stars return, demand. Step hits Magic Moment, Cara Mia Enchanted Evening, rhythm section section. Joining headliners Worst Could Happen, Welcome Me Love, Blessed Is Rain Traces, Spooky, Stormy. 239481-4849, Rain--A Tribute Beatles 7, Celebrate 50th anniversary release Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts foursome delivering note-for-note theatrical event., Artis-Naples Gypsy Stevie Nicks Fleetwood Mac 830pm Naples-native Casey Weston finalist NBCs Voice. Now, 24-year-old rising performs Macs songs, Landslide Gold Dust Woman Tell Lies. Daniels Pavilion, ArtisNaples, 5833 Pelican 239-597-1900, Day, Robert Cacioppo 2-Feb. 25, Tuesdays-Sundays, matinee Lost Found Through Eyes Cole Porter glamorous revue, film, Broadway, recording career spanned decades. penned most-sung songs 20th journey De-Lovely, Kick You, Lets Fall ArtStage 2268 239332-4488, Chicago Musical 3-Feb. longest-running Set 1920s murders trials, Roxie Hart, aspiring vaudevillian arrested. jail, hero, double-murderess nightclub entertainer Velma Kelly. fame dancing show-stopping song another. Theatre, 1380 239-2784422, Half Loves, Alan Ayckbourn 9-31, TuesdaysSundays, affair, disastrous couples heading trouble mayhem expertly farce. Two entangle themselves mixed-up triangle caught fidelity test. Social graces window love, lust--and manners--take stage. Arcade 239-332-4488, Finding Neverland 9-14, 91 beloved characters--Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles brothers widowed mother. Spellbound enchanting make-believe astound London theatergoers. Casablanca, Film Orchestra, 9-13, 8pm See Oscar-winning film Max Steiners score performed Philharmonic. Part Pops Series. Hayes Artis-Naples, 239-5971900, Cultural Theater Pajama Game 12-21, Fridays Saturdays, Sundays, 3pm Conditions Sleep-Tite Factory sparks fly superintendent, Sid Sorokin, Babe Williams, leader union grievance committee. stormy workers strike. Brims dances standards, Steam Heat Hernandos Hideaway. 528 239-7725862, Hart Irresponsible 7pm Actor, comedian bestselling author longtime gaining ones. brand humor, reveals insecurities experiences, resonates everywhere packed Germain Arena, 11000 Everblades 239948-7825, Films Teacher 2016 Czech 5, comfortably furnished foreign films. opinions lively discussion chairman member. Wine, non-alcoholic beverage, snacks popcorn Moe Auditorium, 10150 Southeast, 239-495-8989, Jessica Lang Dance, Philharmonic Making Hall debut, Dances sleek, choreography joins Bach, Beethoven Chopin. knack conceiving universe dance--distinctive mood, Los Angeles Times. Garrison Keillor Passing 6, captivates blend charisma shares becoming storytellers. regaled Companion, continues radios Writers Almanac. Steps 9-18, Hitchcock masterpiece novel, dash Monty Python intriguing, thrilling, riotous unmissable comedy. actors characters fast-paced ordinary man extraordinarily entertaining 93 Hunt 2012 Denmark nonalcoholic Miracle Worker, Gibson 13-March timeless inspiring determined teacher Helen Keller isolated silence. starring Anne Bancroft Patty Duke, Worker moving, inspirational electrifying perseverance, friendship hope. 239-3324488, Travis Walls SHAPING SOUND, Curtain 14, Emmy Wall himself choreographers. SOUND brand-new show. visual musicians continue dazzle fighting voice love. Mamma 15-April comical Sophie, bride-to-be, search birth father laughter, ABBA classics, Dancing Queen, Chance Me, SOS song. 239-278-4422, Rizzo Certified Public Accountant Attorney-At-Law Master Law Taxation Voted 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015 Tax Preparation Individual Partnership Corporate Comprehensive Business Counsel Accounting Islander 1974 Estate Planning Returns Condominium JD., LL.M., CPA 1101 hiring lawyer decision soley advertisements. Before decide, ask send qualifications 239-395-0400 Fax 239-579-0547 94 95 Stars Live--Light TVs hottest Fans ballroom dancers perform hometowns. all-new showcases dances. Chefs Special 19, Rhythm Dance twohour extravaganza epic, reliving Irish Celts history. Using costumed marries ancient. 23, uncle. impressions relatives zany roaring laughter. Mothers Italian, Fathers Jewish Therapy compilation bits Steves hilarious Symphony Oklahoma 96 75th Rodgers Hammersteins collaboration Curly, cowboy, Laurey, farm girl, musical. Howie Mandel Got Talent Deal, got comedian. wild enthusiasm, debut. Animal - Dale Ocasio, Lily Hatchett, Felipe Maldonado Terry Lynn Spry Animals wandering Working mediums, transform paper, canvas, masking tape rampaging herd wonder. Opening reception 5-7pm. Gallery, 239-939-2787, 28, admission Baker Wednesday month 6-9pm. band galleries. 12th Festival 18, Fine art, fill fun-filled fest life-size sculptures, spectacular paintings, one-of-a-kind jewels, photography, ceramics 23106 561-746-6615, 2, 11am 6-10pm Saturdays 11am-4pm, galleries Downtown District core Gardners 239-337-5050, GreenMarket 9am 10-acre campus grown, cultivated purchase. kids, gardening cooking chefs. Namaste Music, Wellness, Education, riverfront basin Hendry Street. 1-855-732-3836, Fourth median. Pets souvenirs. Free, registration 855-732-3836, 98 Salute Vienna Concert spirited romance operetta, glamour dance, delicate ballet waltz triumphant Viennas Concert, acclaimed singers symphonies Centers 25-28 BIFF compelling films genres welcome-- documentary, animation, narrative, experimental short. official ancillary weekend--parties, lectures, workshops, awards, filmmakers promote accomplishments Valentine Opera melodies opera scenes Shangri-La 27750 239529-3925, calendar attending events. moons 2nd 31st, moon. affect life, careful. moon Capricorn February oddity. Aquarius unusual unexpected news. strange Astrological Forecast NORMA HAGAN, ASTROLOGER PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION THESE DATES ARIES MARCH APRIL Major changes year. Ideas have, mail receive news hear apt good. Uranus suddenly information. decision, happens next. TAURUS MAY begins, Venus, ruler, Saturn Pluto sign Capricorn, forming beneficial trines aspect planets 120 apart, harmony planets. job seriously advance whatever Opportunities grow, invest occurs 18. Personal Signs GEMINI JUNE Mercury, February, super initiate things. intricate active, mind speaker around. CANCER JULY Recent probably thinking travel. sea. Cruises beneficial. harmonious sounds. months. thrive calm, caring souls. LEO AUGUST strong, stubborn. captures interest. shining. sun, entering Aquarius, mood minute. VIRGO SEPTEMBER resolution Virgos eternal worrying. Zodiac--which silly sign. astrologers worrying Worrying mental telepathy reversing Envision trine Virgo, astrologys aspect, enormously LIBRA OCTOBER devoted partner smoothly, Venus liking. new, zone, agree SCORPIO NOVEMBER beginning Jupiter Mars Scorpio Neptune. fore. Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces or, interest Aries places, Sagittarius romantic, awesome. carefully. SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER starts Aries. beginnings ideas brighten Foreign friends, theater, weddings manner Buy clothes Finances improved, CAPRICORN JANUARY 2-year Capricorn. organized plans. require disciplined steady favored. study stock portfolio rock-solid dividend-paying stocks. pleased determination through. AQUARIUS FEBRUARY excitement. Uranus, turns propelling faster expected. youve requested special, abound. aware someone say, Yes caveat, bachelor PISCES January. peace quiet seaside. Resting, reading mystery lay hammock appeal. stress break. reservations, crowd. astrologer Federation Astrologers PMAFA. articles astrology magazines television appearances Maury Povich . 1972 Puerto Rico Navy Air Force Aquadilla. 1976 Virginia Virginia, horoscopes, read tarot cards pro bono Homicide Division. horoscopes telephone card readings. reached 239-4726925. 101 WILLIAM COX Jack mistaken identity threaten snake. Despite contrary, snakes harmless useful, killed scarlet kingsnake Lampropeltis elapsoides nonvenomous mimics venomous eastern snake Micrurus fulvius. traffic-light warning alert encounter yellow, separated black, kingsnake. nose, nose. distinguish remembering ditty rhyme, Jack, kill fellow. identifying species, range, pattern preference. species snakes. covers 58,560 square grouped terrestrial, mesic aquatic. climate, influences geological ecologically important, histories. Unfortunately, reptiles threatened persecution. peninsular lower keys. ranges Tennessee Louisiana. well-drained flatwoods woodlands reside stumps, snags fallen trees. Shane Johnson, herpetologist frequents trash junk piles, partial stands exotic Australian pine. generally inches long, though length. crossing unimproved highways observed floor ascending roughbarked ethic harming snakes, kingsnake, suffers predominantly docile pose raised shape striking threatened. sated. preys smaller lizards, skinks mice. coachwhip, racers, eyesight hunt prey objects 328 yards field vision, clarity poor. primarily smell. flicking forked tongue picks chemical particles pulls mouth, surface rubs sensory tissue Jacobsons organ, auxiliary olfactory organ. mate. Snakes external ears eardrums vibrations substrate, jawbones. egg-layers oviparous bearers ovoviviparous. lays moisture-retaining needles sawdust decomposing logs stumps. Hatchlings hatch incubation. awareness fore 1960s 1970s mainly pollution extinction mammals. reptiles, Snake populations reduced pollution, overcollecting trade, contemptuous piles unlawful dumping supporting local, land, survival Cox ecologist him TONY DICOSTA, CPT focusing flexibility, cardiopulmonary health, strength ne wrote Ursula K. Guin utopian science fiction Dispossessed. inevitably stamps passage selves. exercise, carefully eat, supplements try, fatalistic, nonproactive bodies. everything, training clients age 40, gracefully encompasses elements strength. pursue discuss specifics existing fitness. 50- 60-year-olds consistently exercised watched weight havent. capabilities well-trained athletes sedentary contemporaries. muscles, cardio capacity, muscular endurance enable younger. out-of-shape over-50 woman, different. ladder fitness, climb commences Strength form stretching intensity--slowly capacity. WHAT SHOULD OVER-50 FITNESS-SEEKERS financial strategies young, risky investments seek return. age, savings. investments. progress, have. concerned safety. Heres welltrained exercises comparable effectiveness, safest. example press machine rather riskier squat barbell weights. Likewise, impact knees ankle injury uneven terrain. biking in-gym elliptical zero difficulty pace. Either backward injury. afford it--leave high-risk, take-no-prisoners DiCosta Trainer C.P.T. writer. competitive physique athlete Divisions, Over-60 champion holds titles. contacted 105 OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Word Reading Pleasure Bag exp. 33118 Online rates apply orders only. Web TOLL FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions SubPage_JF18.indd106 12517 908PM eander Town 21st Biannual Show. 7. Sponsored nonprofit Institute sculptures artists. America. ongoing project, Works secure assemblage pieces professionals sale. guarantee artwork show, Narozny, producer executive Works. buyers invaluable rapport gleam methods. exciting, office, remain collectors, selected categories ranges. civilization, biggest investment, Narozny Youth Competition, sponsored grades K-5 5-13. displayed judged professional. further sweeten pot, awards 250 presentation Sunday, Saturday, a.m.-7 a.m.-5 ESTERO FINE ART SHOW 908 JEANNE SEEHAVER Jeanne Seehaver associate membership costs 125 supports ARTFEST opening 2. Unique jewelry, sculpture metalwork entries exhibited. 200 planned hands-on activities, school competition, bites. Publix race ends festival. reserved unlimited tent treats, beverages weekend. Membership yearround JOE YAPELLO Saint Andrew funraiser lights Catholic School August 1989 leadership then-Pastor Father Timothy Murphy, Principal Sister Dunn dedicated Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, mission Faith, Minds. initially enrolled kindergarten grade. Nearly later, bedrock faith flourished. expanded eighth 1991 classrooms, administrative offices, cafeteria lab. student 389. 500 recent milestones studio Refuge presented Tiit Baquero, open-air pavilion basketball inaugural fundraiser festival church grounds 1992 raise funds mission, extracurricular families. received countless festival, Gordon Zanetti, parish administrator, proudly states. profit, benefits. enhances Illuminating city since. directions Boulevard, neighborhoods Veterans overpass intersection, citys focal point. carnival rides, entertainment, food-- anticipation 10,000 raffle silent auction--all communitys uplifting continuing mission. Schools principal, Dr. Judi Hughes, integral schools method teaching, STREAM. Initiated schoolwide Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Math. STREAM integration religion STEM concept, inquire, think, investigate innovate. acquisition lifelong skills preparing careers academic achievement, standardized tests. community, understated. heartfelt invitation 27th Festival--to honoring contributing 11, Monday, 15, 2628 239-772-3922, SAINT ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL 6-10 6-11 noon-11 noon-10 Celebrating 132 consecutive concert seasons 1979 current director. notes, strive play. possibly be. Rayman charge publicity. understands teamwork direction gratifying produce audience truly appreciates. talented director, terrific emcee capable appreciates loyal support. Concerts donations welcome. Information --J.Y orman Jones, president 1885. town band, convinced 340 instruments, fledgling rehearsals, noise bear. pier practice. practice finally started. Seminole Edison. rest, history--all amateur, entertain iconic legacy. Richard Bradstreet March High 2300 Santa ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Kelly Rd, 211 Quality Call Appointment Mon-Fri 239.433.2038 Serving ANTS BUGS PEST CONTROL Servicing Environmentally Responsible Same Evening Available CSC AUTO REPAIR 16131-1 Ridge Auto Repair Mower Engine Exceptional Timely Experts BAND 239.472.4888 SanibelCaptiva TAXI Airport Passenger Events 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Name Termite Treatment Pest Control RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 College Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom Central Vac Much ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Cost Recovery Management MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Blvd Thru Dry Cleaning Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises 239.472.6188 2330 Unit PHARMACY Locally Faces Count Needs 239.472.0700 4301 SAN-CAP MEDICAL CENTER Practice Walk-In Clinic 111 ERIK ENT WISTLE disaster relief, compassion 2017 seemed plagued disasters man-made tragedies. Hurricanes Harvey, Maria caused widespread devastating wildfires, mass shootings terror attacks inflicted horrific tolls. truism crucial strengthen communities. achieving universal language year--both small. high-profile hurricane relief Deep Appeal, Oct. Station. featured Lady Gaga, Lyle Lovett others. Political divisions refreshingly irrelevant stage unifying message resolve. Gaga tweeted, Nothing putting differences humanity catastrophe. Here citizens remarkable generosity capital Tallahassee, tickets Trying Reason..., artists, minutes, record Civic victims aftermath storms. Symphonic Mastersingers patriotic tunes classics finale Ode Joy Beethovens Ninth Symphony. Members titled Heals, 7,000 Way Countys Relief Fund. realm ought note encouragement. gathering force, entertain, common, causes, greater compassion. dare barriers heal divisions. Shortly shooting Aldean Harvest Las Vegas, appeared Lives open, performing words tough bond spirit, unbreakable. Pianist, instructor musicologist Entwistle undergraduate Dartmouth College. post-graduate piano Washington Louis. doctorate musicology Barbara. teaches --Tweet partys over. serious beach. bicycling Ding. dream. True word, biked Wildlife awesome flock pelicans arts-and-crafts adorable print pelican sighting refuge wasnt lucky ginormous bird. talked Pickleball, anyone parts. OK, admit kinda dinner--blackened redfish root vegetables. Yikes slammed Oh yeah, up, England Massachusetts after-holiday lull appears today. beautiful, lime-green afternoon. considerate Must air. Crafts-show matching print. Wow, genuine headed fuzzy fall. Girls tiki stays bar. girls tennis afternoon-- freezing fleece cover-up, anyway rec center. Hard going, Namaste. arriving KC puppy. Looking weeks fetch Driftwood toy. ILLUSTRATION DAVE DROTLEFF VOL. NO. 4.95 TIMES ISLANDS Published Display TOTI_Cover_JF18.indd 902 121917 1000

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